
There’s been broad agreement in the Continuous Delivery community that tools don’t matter ever since Dave Farley and Jez Humble wrote Continuous Delivery. There are plenty of good programming languages out there, and plenty of good tools for building, testing, and deploying your code to production. The wisdom of the crowd has been: it doesn’t matter which tools you use, as long as you avoid the really terrible tools.

This year, that wisdom has been augmented by the work of Dr. Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim. Their book Accelerate summarises multiple years of research into Continuous Delivery and IT performance. One of their conclusions is the ability for teams to choose their own tools has a strong, statistical impact on Continuous Delivery. So, now the wisdom of the crowd is: it doesn’t matter which tools you use, as long as you’re able to choose them yourself and you avoid the really terrible tools.

Take me, for example. The first time I did Continuous Delivery on a team was at Elsevier in 2007. We built a journal website in Java 6, Spring 2, and Tomcat 6 using XP practices like TDD and CI. The pipeline was Ant and Cruise Control. The codebase was always releasable, and once a week we deployed to production.

The first time I did Continuous Delivery across an entire company was at LMAX in 2008. We built a state of the art financial exchange in Java 6, Spring 3, and Resin 3 using XP practices and Domain Driven Design. The pipeline was Ant and Cruise Control, with a lot of custom dashboards. The codebase was always releasable, and once a fortnight we deployed to production.

I’m sure you can see the similarities there. Groups of smart people worked closely together. XP practices and sound design principles were essential. The tools used were deliberately chosen for the task at hand. And in the case of LMAX, it helped that the Head of Development was writing the inaugural book on Continuous Delivery at the time. I think his name was Dafydd, or Dev, or something.

What this all means is you can use Java, or PHP, or .NET, and successfully implement Continuous Delivery. You can use Solaris Zones, or Docker. You can use AWS, Azure, or that on-premises data centre your Head Of Platform keeps saying is cheaper than AWS. Just make sure you choose your tools yourself, for the particular problems you face. And don’t use MKS for version control, QTP for testing, or any commercial release management tool. They’re terrible.

So, if tools don’t matter for Continuous Delivery as long as you choose them yourself and they’re not terrible choices, why am I writing this foreword?

There’s actually a nuanced answer in here, if we look hard enough. Tools don’t matter as much as the principles and practices of Continuous Delivery, but they still matter a great deal. Programming languages can help people to quickly create new features and defect fixes, which reduces the Cost of Delay associated with product development. Programming languages can also encourage a testable, releasable application architecture, which are key enablers of Continuous Delivery. Build, test, and deploy tooling can nudge people in the right direction, towards practices such as TDD and Trunk Based Development.

I was reminded of that nuance recently, when I cleared out my childhood bedroom and found my university copy of Ivor Horton’s Understanding Java 2. Java and I married each other in 1999, and now it’s been so long we’ve both forgotten it’s our 20 year anniversary very soon. In my opinion, it’s a great programming language. Over the years Java, JUnit, Gradle, Spring and many other tools have helped me to build well-tested, releasable applications, and encourage people to adopt Continuous Delivery.

With Cloud, containerization, and Serverless leading our inexorable march towards Skynet, we all need guidance from experienced practitioners on how to use the latest tools and work towards Continuous Delivery. In this book, Daniel and Abraham explain how to use Java and popular tools such as Spring Boot, Kubernetes, and AWS EKS to deliver modern web applications frequently enough to meet market demand. IT practitioners working with Java and any of the other tools mentioned in this book can rely on Daniel and Abraham to explain how to implement a Continuous Delivery toolchain for their applications.

Continuous delivery is one of the key practices that should be at the heart of any engineering team. We have often been asked what are some of the key enablers of success at jClarity and new build farm for OpenJDK/Java at The answer is that we can deploy daily with the greatest of confidence, and do this with minimal engineering teams. Ever since Dave Farley’s and Jez Humble’s seminal Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation (Addison-Wesley Signature) came out in 2010, folks have started adopting continuous delivery practices, but there has not been a comprehensive guide on how to do this for the ~10 million Java developers out there. Well, now there is!

Daniel and Abraham are both real-world practitioners and their book contains everything you need as a Java developer on this topic, with in-depth explanations as to “why” you want to follow the practices of continuous delivery; how to architect your application in a way that is amenable to this; how to put together build, test, and deploy pipelines; and also the intricacies of deploying to cloud and container environments.

The impact of “cloud native” technologies on Java cannot be understated—modern applications must now contend with such concerns as connectivity to a larger number of external components (both JVM and not), and a very different approach to handling resources (such as I/O) that had traditionally been provided by the local operating system. Even the life cycle of applications, and their locality to specific machines, is changing, with approaches such as immutable infrastructure and serverless requiring Java developers to shift their thinking to take full advantage of the capabilities of these new ways of delivering applications.

Within this brave new world, techniques such as continuous deployment, the tooling and architectural thinking required to support it, and the requirements of a cloud-centric local development environment, are of paramount importance. Until now, there has been no text that specifically caters to Java developers to guide them on their journey into full adoption of continuous delivery and the benefits it offers.

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