Chapter 2. Evolution of Java Development

Since the introduction of Java in 1995, much has changed, and in this chapter you will learn about how this affects your role as a Java developer. Your journey begins with a brief look back in time in order to understand how Java applications and deployment platforms have evolved, with a key focus on the impact this has had on the ability to rapidly and safely deliver new software to production environments. Finally, you will explore the human and “soft skills” aspect of continuous delivery, which focuses on increasing the shared responsibility for the creation and operation of software, such as the approaches of DevOps and Site Reliability Engineering (SRE).

Requirements of Modern Java Applications

Many Java developers have been practicing continuous integration and some form of continuous delivery for the past decade. Innovative books including Java Power Tools (O’Reilly) by John Smart provided the guidelines and frameworks to make this possible. Technologies have obviously changed within the last 10 years, and so have associated programming and architectural styles. In particular, business teams within organizations have increasingly demanded that IT teams become more flexible and be capable of rapidly responding to changes in customer preferences and market conditions.

The emergence of dynamic and programmable compute resources and deployment platforms, combined with teams and organizations exposing application programming interfaces (APIs) as products, has resulted in the architectures that Java developers are creating to converge toward component/service/function-based architectures. All of these factors have led to (and, in turn, have been driven by) the emergence of popular movements such as Agile, Lean, DevOps, cloud computing, programmable infrastructure, microservices, and serverless or FaaS.

Need for Business Speed and Stability

During his time as a cloud architect at Netflix, Adrian Cockcroft talked a lot about “time to market” being a competitive advantage, and in many modern markets “speed kills.” Uwe Friedrichsen, CTO at codecentric, has also talked extensively about this trend beginning in the 1980s: globalization, market saturation, and the internet led to highly competitive and dynamic ecosystems. The markets became highly demand-driven, and the new biggest challenge of the companies was to adapt to the changing demands of the customers quickly enough. The key driver changed from cost-efficient scaling to responsiveness.

Over the same time period, the move to public commodity infrastructure (the cloud) in combination with increasing transaction value flowing through global computer systems has meant that new failure modes are being discovered, and new attackers are emerging from the shadows. This has caused the need to balance stability and security against the requirement for speed. Often this isn’t an easy balance to maintain.

Continuous delivery is achieved when stability and speed can satisfy business demand.

Discontinuous delivery occurs when stability and speed are insufficient.

Steve Smith (@AgileSteveSmith)

Accordingly, you now need to create applications that support rapid, safe, and stable change, and continually ensure that you are meeting these requirements through automated testing and validation.

Rise of the API Economy

APIs are at the core of the internet and a modern developer’s daily life. RESTful services are the de facto way to expose and consume third-party online business services. However, as stated by Jennifer Riggins when attending the 2017 APIDays conference, what people might not realize is how much the API will be at the center of the future technology and part of every connected person’s daily life. APIs will continue to play a central role in trends like chatbots and virtual assistants, the Internet of Things (IoT), mobile services, and so much more.

APIs are also being increasingly consumed as “shadow IT” by departments that were traditionally less “tech-savvy,” like marketing, sales, finance, and human resources. Mediated APIs—APIs that act as bridges between new and old applications—are becoming increasingly popular, as they provide adaptations and opportunities for innovation in businesses that have considerable investment locked within legacy infrastructure. Gartner, the US-based research and advisory firm, suggests that concepts such as the API marketplace and the API economy are becoming increasingly important within the global economy.

As the API marketplace becomes more sophisticated and widespread, the risks for failure and security issues become more apparent. APIs have made technology more accessible than ever, which means that enterprise architects, the traditional bastions of technology adoption, are no longer the gatekeepers for technical decision-making. Accordingly, this empowers every developer in an organization to innovate, but at the same time can lead to unintended consequences. It is essential to codify not only functional requirements for an API—for example, using BDD and automated testing—but also nonfunctional (or cross-functional) requirements and service-level agreements (SLAs) related to security, performance,  and expected cost. These must be continually tested and validated, as this has a direct impact on the product being offered to customers.

Opportunities and Costs of the Cloud

It can be argued that the cloud computing revolution began when Amazon Web Services (AWS) was officially launched in March 2006. Now the cloud computing market includes other big players like Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform, and generates $200+ billion in revenue annually. Cloud computing technologies have brought many advantages—on-demand hardware, rapid scalability and provisioning, and flexible pricing—but have also provided many challenges for developers and architects. These include the requirements to design for the ephemeral nature of cloud computing resources, the need to understand the underlying characteristics of a cloud system (including mechanical sympathy and fault tolerance), and the requirement for an increase in operational and sysadmin knowledge (such as operating systems, configuration management, and networking).

Developers unfamiliar with cloud technologies must be able to experiment and implement continuous testing with these deployment fabrics and platforms, and this must be done in a repeatable and reliable way. Early testing within a build pipeline using applications deployed on infrastructure and platforms that are as like production as possible is essential to ensure that assumptions on performance, fault tolerance, and security are valid.

Modularity Redux: Embracing Small Services

The combination of the need for speed from the business, the adoption of REST-like APIs, and the emergence of cloud computing has provided new opportunities and challenges to software architecture. Core topics in this space include the scaling of both the organizational aspects of developing software (e.g., Conway’s law) and the technical aspects (e.g., modularization), as well as the requirement to deploy and operate parts of the codebase independently of each other. Much of this has been incorporated within the emerging architectural pattern known as the microservices.

This book discusses the drivers and core concepts of microservices in Chapter 3 and explores how this helps and hinders the implementation of CD. A further introduction to microservices can be found in Christian Posta’s Microservices for Java Developers (O’Reilly), and a more thorough treatment can be found in Sam Newman’s Building Microservices (O’Reilly) and Irakli Nadareishvili et al.’s Microservice Architecture (O’Reilly). At a high level, the building of Java-based microservices impacts the implementation of CD in several ways:

  • Multiple build pipelines (or branches within a single pipeline) must be created and managed.

  • Deployment of multiple services to an environment have to be orchestrated, managed, and tracked.

  • Component testing may have to mock, stub, or virtualize dependent services.

  • End-to-end testing must orchestrate multiple services (and associated state) before and after executing tests.

  • Process must be implemented to manage service version control (e.g., the enforcement of allowing the deployment of only compatible, interdependent services).

  • Monitoring, metrics, and application performance management (APM) tooling must be adapted to handle multiple services.

Decomposing an existing monolithic application, or creating a new application that provides functionality through a composite of microservices, is a nontrivial task. Techniques such as context mapping, from domain-driven design, can help developers (working alongside stakeholders and the QA team) understand how application/business functionality should be composed as a series of bounded contexts or focused services. Regardless of how applications are composed, it is still vitally important that both individual components and the system as a whole are continually being integrated and validated. The need for continuous delivery only increases as more and more components are combined, as it becomes nearly impossible to manually reason about their combined interactions and functionality.

Impact on Continuous Delivery

Hopefully, this exploration of the requirements of modern Java applications has highlighted the benefits—and in some cases, the essential need—of continuous delivery to ensure that software systems provide the required functionality. The changing requirements, infrastructure, and architectural styles are just parts of the puzzle, though. At the same time, new platforms have emerged that have either codified several of the architectural best practices or have attempted to help address some of the same problems. 

Evolution of Java Deployment Platforms

Java has an amazing history, and not many languages that are still relevant today can claim to have been used for more than 20 years. Obviously, during this time, the language has evolved itself, partly to continually drive improvement and developer productivity, and partly to meet the requirements imposed by new hardware and architectural practices. Because of this long history, there are now a multitude of ways to deploy Java applications into production.

WARs and EARs: The Era of Application Server Dominance

The native packaging format for Java is the Java Application Archive (JAR) file, which can contain library code or a runnable artifact. The initial best-practice approach to deploying Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications was to package code into a series of JARs, often consisting of modules that contain Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) class files and EJB deployment descriptors. These were further bundled up into another specific type of JAR with a defined directory and structure and required metadata file.

The bundling resulted  in either a Web Application Archive (WAR)—which consisted of servlet class files, JSP files, and supporting files—or an Enterprise Application Archive (EAR) file—which contained all the required mix of JAR and WAR files for the deployment of a full J2EE application. As shown in Figure 2-1, this artifact was then deployed into a heavyweight application server (commonly referred to at the time as a “container”) such as WebLogic, WebSphere, or JBoss EAP. These application servers offered container-managed enterprise features such as logging, persistence, transaction management, and security.

Figure 2-1. The initial configuration of Java applications used WAR and EAR artifacts deployed into an application server that defined access to external platform services via JNDI

Several lightweight application servers also emerged in response to changing developer and operational requirements, such as Apache Tomcat, TomEE, and Red Hat’s Wildfly.  Classic Java Enterprise applications and service-oriented architecture (SOA) were also typically supported at runtime by the deployment of messaging middleware, such as enterprise service buses (ESBs) and heavyweight message queue (MQ) technologies.

Executable Fat JARs: Emergence of Twelve-Factor Apps

With the emergence of the next generation of cloud-friendly service-based architectures and the introduction of open source and commercial platform-as-a-service (PaaS) platforms like Google App Engine and Cloud Foundry, deploying Java applications by using lightweight and embedded application servers became popular, as shown in Figure 2-2. Technologies that emerged to support this included the in-memory Jetty web server and later editions of Tomcat. Application frameworks such as DropWizard and Spring Boot soon began providing mechanisms through Maven and Gradle to package (for example, using Apache Shade) and embed these application servers into a single deployable unit that can run as a standalone process—the executable fat JAR was born.

Figure 2-2. The second generation of Java application deployment utilized executable fat JARs and followed the principles of the Twelve-Factor App, such as storing configuration within the environment

The best practices for developing, deploying, and operating this new generation of applications was codified by the team at Heroku as the Twelve-Factor App.

Container Images: Increasing Portability (and Complexity)

Although Linux container technology had been around for quite some time, the creation of Docker in March 2013 brought this technology to the masses. At the core of containers is Linux technologies like cgroups, namespaces, and a (pivot) root filesystem. If fat JARs extended the scope of traditional Java packaging and deployment mechanisms, containers have taken this to the next level. Now, in addition to packaging your Java application as a fat JAR, you must include an operating system (OS) within your container image.

Because of the complexity and dynamic nature of running containers at scale, the resulting image is typically run on a container orchestration and scheduling platform like Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, or Amazon ECS, as shown in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3. Deploying Java applications as fat JARs running within their own namespaced container (or pod) requires developers to be responsible for packaging an OS within container images

Function as a Service: The Emergence of “Serverless”

In November 2014, Amazon Web Services launched a preview of AWS Lambda at its global re:Invent conference, held annually in Las Vegas.  Other vendors followed suit, and in 2016 Azure Functions and Google Cloud Functions were released in preview. As shown in Figure 2-4, these platforms lets developers run code without provisioning or managing servers; this is commonly referred to as “serverless,” although FaaS is a more correct term, as serverless offerings are actually a superset of FaaS, which also includes other backend as a service (BaaS) offerings like blob storage and NoSQL data stores. With FaaS, servers are still required to run the functions that make up an application, but the focus is typically on reducing the operational burden of running and maintaining the function’s underlying runtime and infrastructure. The development and billing model is also unique in that functions are triggered by external events—which can include a timer, a user request via an attached API gateway, or an object being uploaded into a blobstore—and you pay for only the time your function runs and the memory consumed.

Figure 2-4. Deploying Java applications via the FaaS model. Code is packaged within a JAR or ZIP, which is then deployed and managed via the underlying platform (that typically utilizes containers).

Both AWS Lambda and Azure Functions offer support for Java, and you now return back to the deployment requirement for a JAR or ZIP file containing Java code to be uploaded to the corresponding service. 

Impact of Platforms on Continuous Delivery

Developers often ask whether the required platform packaging format of the application artifacts affect the implementation of continuous delivery. Our answer to this question, as with any truly interesting question, is, “It depends.” The answer is yes, because the packaging format clearly has an impact on the way an artifact is built, tested, and executed: both from the moving parts involved and the technological implementation of a build pipeline (and potential integration with the target platform). However, the answer is also no, because the core concepts, principles, and assertions of continuously delivering a valid artifact remain unchanged.

Throughout this book, we demonstrate core concepts at an abstract level, but will also provide concrete examples, where appropriate, for each of the three most relevant packaging styles: fat JARs, container images, and FaaS functions.

DevOps, SRE, and Release Engineering

Over the last 10 years, we have seen roles within software development evolve and change, with a particular focus on shared responsibility. We’ll now discuss the new approaches and philosophies that have emerged, and share our understanding of how this has impacted continuous delivery, and vice versa.

Development and Operations

At the 2008 Agile Toronto conference, Andrew Shafer and Patrick Debois introduced the term DevOps in their talk on Agile infrastructure. From 2009, the term has been steadily promoted and brought into more mainstream usage through a series of “devopsdays” events, which started in Belgium and have now spread globally. It can be argued that the compound of “development” and “operations”—DevOps no longer truly captures the spirit of the associated movement or philosophy; potentially, the term “Businss-Development-QA-Security-Operations” (BizDevQaSecOps) captures the components better, but this is far too much of a mouthful. 

DevOps at its core is a software development and delivery philosophy that emphasizes communication and collaboration between product management, software development, and operations/sysadmins teams, and close alignment with business objectives. It supports this by automating and monitoring the process of software integration, testing, deployment, and infrastructure changes by establishing a culture (with associated practices) where building, testing, and releasing software can happen rapidly, frequently, and more reliably.

We are sure many of you reading will think this sounds a lot like the principles of continuous delivery—and you would be right! However, continuous delivery is just one tool in the DevOps toolbox. It is an essential and valuable tool, but to truly have success with designing, implementing, and operating a continuous delivery build pipeline, there typically needs to be a certain level of buy-in throughout the organization, and this is where the practices associated with DevOps shine.

Figure 2-5. DevOps is a combination of development and operations (and more). Image taken from

Site Reliability Engineering

The term Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) was made popular by the book of the same name that was written by the SRE team at Google. In an interview with Niall Richard Murphy and Benjamin Treynor Sloss, both of whom worked within the engineering division at Google, they stated that fundamentally SRE is what happens when you ask a software engineer to design an operations function: “using engineers with software expertise, and banking on the fact that these engineers are inherently both predisposed to, and have the ability to, substitute automation for human labor.”

In general, an SRE team is responsible for availability, latency, performance, efficiency, change management, monitoring, emergency response, and capacity planning. This overlap with DevOps and pure operational concerns can be seen in Figure 2-6. However, a key characteristic of SRE teams at Google is that each engineer should be doing only a maximum of 50% operations work, or “toil” as they refer to it, and the rest of their time should be spent designing and building systems and the supporting tooling. At Google, this split between workloads is continually measured and reviewed regularly. SRE teams at Google are a scarce and valuable resource, and development teams typically have to create a case for SRE support on their projects, particularly in the early proof-of-concept stage with a product.

Google has institutionalized responses to providing SRE support, with processes like the Production Readiness Review (PRR). The PRR helps to avoid getting into a bad situation where the development teams are not incentivized to create production-ready software with a low operational load by examining both the system and its characteristics before taking it on, and also by having shared responsibility.

Figure 2-6. SRE and DevOps. Image taken from

The Google SRE team has also talked extensively about the way it monitors systems. A classic approach to monitoring is to watch a value or a condition, and when the monitoring system observes something interesting, it sends an email. However, email is not the right approach for this; if you are requiring a human to read the email and decide whether something needs to be done, the Google team SRE believes you are making a mistake. Ideally, a human never interprets anything in the alerting domain. Interpretation is done by the software you write. You just get notified when you need to take action. Accordingly, the SRE book states that there are only three kinds of valid monitoring output:


These indicate that a human must take action right now. Something is happening or about to happen, and a human needs to take action immediately to improve the situation.


A human needs to take action but not immediately. You have maybe hours, typically, days, but some human action is required.


No one ever needs to look at this information, but it is available for diagnostic or forensic purposes. The expectation is that no one reads it.

This information is important, because as developers, we must implement appropriate logging and metrics within our systems. This also must be tested as part of a continuous delivery pipeline.

Release Engineering

Release engineering is a relatively new and fast-growing discipline of software engineering that can be described as building and delivering software. Release engineers focus on building a continuous delivery pipeline and have expert understanding of source code management, compilers, automated build tools, package managers, installation, and configuration management. According to the Google SRE book, a release engineer’s skill set includes deep knowledge of multiple domains: development, configuration management, test integration, system administration, and customer support.

The Google SRE workbook builds on the required skillset, and presents the basic principles of release engineering as follows:

  • Reproducible builds

  • Automated builds

  • Automated tests

  • Automated deployments

  • Small deployments

We’re sure you can see the similarity between these principles and those of continuous delivery. Even the additional operator-focused principles discussed are understandable to developers: reducing operational load on engineers by removing manual and repetitive tasks; enforcing peer review and version control; and establishing consistent, repeatable, automated processes to minimize mistakes.

The success of release engineering within an organization is highly correlated with the successful implementation of a build pipeline, and typically consists of metrics focused on time taken for a code change to be deployed to production, the number of open bugs, the percentage of successful releases, and the percentage of releases that were abandoned or aborted after they began. Steve Smith has also talked extensively in his book Measuring Continuous Delivery (Leanpub) about the need to collect, analyze, and take action based on these metrics.

Shared Responsibility, Metrics, and Observability

If you work within a team at a large enterprise company, the concepts of DevOps, SRE, and release engineering may appear alien at first glance. A common pushback from such teams is that these approaches work for only the “unicorn” companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon, but in reality these organizations are blazing a trail that many of us are now following. For example, Google was the first to embrace containerization to facilitate rapid deployment and flexible orchestration of services; Facebook promoted the use of a monorepo to store code, and released associated open source build tooling that is now used extensively; and Amazon drove the acceptance of exposing internal service functionality only via well-defined APIs.

Although you should never “cargo cult,” or blindly copy only the things or results you can, you can learn much from their approaches and processes. The key trends discussed in the previous sections also have a direct impact on the implementation of continuous delivery:

  • Increasing shared responsibility across development, QA, and operations (and arguably the entire organization) is essential for the successful adoption of continuous delivery.

  • The definition, capture, and analysis of software build, deployment, and operation metrics are vital to continuous delivery. They help the organization understand where it currently is and what success will look like, and assist in charting and monitoring the journey toward this.

  • Automation is essential for reliably building, testing, and deploying software.


In this chapter, you have explored the evolution of Java architecture, deployment platforms, and the associated organizational and role changes within IT:

  • Modern software architecture must adapt to meet the changing requirements from the business of speed and stability, and implementing an effective continuous delivery pipeline is a core part of delivering and verifying this.

  • Java deployment packages and platforms have changed over the years, from WARs and EARs deployed onto application servers, through to fat (runnable) JARs deployed in the cloud or PaaS, and ultimately to container images deployed into container orchestration or FaaS platforms. A continuous delivery pipeline must be built to support your specific platform.

  • The focus on shared responsibility over the last 10 years—through DevOps, SRE, and release engineering—has increased your responsibilities as a developer implementing continuous delivery. You must now implement continual testing and observability within the software you write.

In the next chapter, you will explore how to design and implement an effective software architecture that supports the implementation of continuous delivery.

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