OTHER TITLEs IN our Business Law and Corporate Risk Management COLLECTION

John Wood, Econautics Sustainability Institute, Editor

Preventing Litigation: An Early Warning System to Get Big Value out of Big Data by Nelson E. Brestoff and William H. Inmon

Understanding Consumer Bankruptcy: A Guide for Businesses, Managers, and Creditors by Scott B. Kuperberg

The History of Economic Thought: A Concise Treatise for Business, Law, and Public Policy, Volume I: From the Ancients Through Keynes by Robert Ashford and Stefan Padfield

Buyer Beware: The Hidden Cost of Labor in an International Merger and Acquisition by Elvira Medici and Linda J. Spievack

The History of Economic Thought: A Concise Treatise for Business, Law, and Public Policy, Volume II: After Keynes, Through the Great Recession and Beyond by Robert Ashford and Stefan Padfield

European Employment Law: A Brief Guide to the Essential Elements by Claire-Michelle Smyth

Corporate Maturity and the “Authentic Company” by David Jackman

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