Sarah Cook is the Managing Director of The Stairway Consultancy Ltd. She has 15 years’ consulting experience specialising in leadership and management development. Prior to this, Sarah worked for Unilever and as Head of Customer Care for a retail marketing consultancy.

Sarah has practical experience of helping managers to manage absenteeism and create high levels of employee engagement. Sarah is a business author and has written widely on the topic of leadership, management development, team building and coaching. She also speaks regularly at conferences and seminars on these topics.

Sarah is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and is a Chartered Marketer. She has an MA from Cambridge University and an MBA. Sarah is an accredited user of a wide range of psychometric and team diagnostic tools.

For more information about The Stairway Consultancy, please see www.thestairway.co.uk or contact [email protected].

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