About the Author
Keith Allman is the Manager of Analytics and Modeling at Pearl Street Capital Group, where he focuses on private equity fund of funds and venture debt funds. He has been involved in quantitative analytics for nearly 10 years. His first position was with MBIA in their quantitative analytics group, where he modeled corporate securitizations and infrastructure projects. After four years in that role, he moved to Citigroup to model structured products for their conduits and eventually emerging market transactions for their Principal Finance group.
During his tenure in the Principal Finance group, Allman was responsible for valuing large-scale infrastructure projects and whole businesses in order to determine the optimal investment structure. Besides being able to apply standard corporate finance modeling, his background in structured finance allowed him to create unique analyses for companies and projects that exhibited qualities from both sectors. In addition, this framework was developed for specialized work with development banks.
After nearly three years at Citigroup, and upon the publication of his book, Modeling Structured Finance Cash Flows in Excel: A Step-by-Step Guide (February 2007, John Wiley & Sons), he formed his own consulting and training firm, named Enstruct. Enstruct has serviced clients worldwide in capital markets and equity valuation, distressed valuation, and quantitative-based training. Enstruct continues to operate worldwide and has a strong client base in emerging markets. Concurrently with consulting and training, Allman produced a second text, Reverse Engineering Deals on Wall Street: A Step-by-Step Guide (December 2008, John Wiley & Sons).
Aside from for-profit work, Allman volunteers with Relief International, providing pro bono credit-risk training to microfinance initiatives in the Middle East and assisting in structuring microfinance fund transactions.
Allman received bachelor degrees from UCLA and a master’s degree from Columbia University.
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