1.2. Common Ways Drupal Gets Cracked

This section is a review of some of the most common vulnerabilities found in Drupal.

The Drupal API provides protection against most of these common security vulnerabilities, but in order for that protection to work, themers and module developers must actually use that API. Unfortunately it is often the case that new developers to Drupal are unaware of how to properly use the API.

Vulnerabilities within the code of a site are the biggest category of weaknesses. However, as you'll see in Chapter 2, they are only one kind of potential weakness in your site.

This chapter introduces the Vulnerable module. Drupal's functionality can be extended with the use of modules. Modules are a common source of security weaknesses on sites. You can download the Vulnerable module from http://crackingdrupal.com/content/drupal-vulnerable-module.


This URL is formatted with the full http:// on the front of it because you are expected to actually visit it. Either example.com or the short-hand notation for a URL that shows just the information after the Drupal root is used throughout the rest of the book for URLs that are important less for their content than how the data is used in the URL. For example, the URL for the login page in an example can be expressed either as http://example.com/user or simply /user.

The purpose of the Vulnerable module is to provide easy-to-understand examples of the different vulnerabilities covered in this book and how to fix them. These examples are fake, but the vulnerabilities they represent are real, and you only have to look at past security announcements to see real-world examples of the flaws. This module is useful as an example for the book and for your own study, but it should never be installed on a real site.


The entire set of vulnerabilities attackers use is enormous and growing all the time. Covering all of them would be a waste of your time. Instead, this book covers just the most common and most important vulnerabilities so that you can focus on what really matters.

1.2.1. Authentication, Authorization, and Sessions

The three interrelated concepts of authentication, authorization, and sessions govern users and permissions. Together, they form a key part of a site's attack surface, because vulnerability here allows the attacker to pretend to be another user on the site or do something that's not allowed. In a system like Drupal, where the administration interface is merged with the regular interface, this area is even more critical. Finding a weakness here may allow an attacker to assume the role of an administrative user or view private content.


The attack surface of a site is like a map of the ways to crack into the site. Certain parts of the attack surface are more likely to yield valuable results. Authentication: Prove Your Identity

When you go to a bank and withdraw money from your account, the bank has security processes to make sure that you are really the person who has the permission to take this action. If you use an ATM, your ATM card and PIN act as proof of your identity. If you go to an agent of the bank, your driver's license or passport may be your proof. Similarly, different websites use various mechanisms to prove your identity.

By default Drupal uses the common username and password combination to authenticate users (see Figure 1-2). Numerous other contributed modules can be used to enable alternate authentication mechanisms.

Figure 1.2. The login form. Weaknesses in Authentication

There are several potential weaknesses related to authentication. The two biggest are that users may choose a weak password and that on most sites passwords are sent in plain text over communication methods that can be intercepted—notably, unencrypted HTTP over unencrypted WiFi. Weak passwords are vulnerable to a dictionary or brute force attack in which a script attempts to log in to a site using common passwords and eventually uses every possible combination of characters until it successfully logs in.

A less-common but still important concept is that of insufficient authentication (Figure 1-3). Authentication is insufficient if, for the kinds of transactions to be carried out, the proof of identity of the user is not strong enough to provide sufficient certainty for the site. The sample Vulnerable module has a feature that allows anyone to log in as any user simply by providing the user ID of whatever user she wishes to be. Especially in Drupal where user IDs are sequential integers and where the user ID 1 is all-powerful, this is probably a bad idea outside of an extremely controlled environment (such as a development computer that is never connected to a network). But it could be that the default username/password combination that Drupal uses is insufficient if your site is a financial website or contains valuable secret information. In that case you may want to use a third-party identity verification system based on a stronger authentication mechanism, such as an RSA SecurID token, sometimes referred to as an RSA key fob.

Figure 1.3. Insufficient authentication from the Vulnerable module lets an attacker become user 1, or 3, or 30, without any proof.

In the example Vulnerable module, there is a dubious feature that lets any user impersonate any other user on the site simply by specifying the user ID number in the URL at vulnerable/insufficient-authentication/1. Specifying the 1 is especially dangerous because user 1 on a Drupal site is a special user who has been granted all roles. This may be handy on a development site but is obviously dangerous for any other site. Figure 1-3 shows an account right after someone used this feature to become user 1 on this site.

It is up to each site to determine an appropriate level of authentication for its users. Often username and password are enough. However, as the example Vulnerable module shows, it is possible for a contributed module to create a situation that bypasses the normal login process and allows an attacker to gain access of another user. Authorization: Permissions and Access

One thing that makes Drupal a great system to use is its rich system of roles and permissions. Permissions control actions that can be taken. Roles are groups of permissions that can be granted to users. A site can have an arbitrary number of roles, a role can have an arbitrary set of permissions, and a user can have an arbitrary number of roles. When a user has two roles, his or her total set of permissions is the union of the permissions for those two roles. Two special roles—anonymous and authenticated—are required on every site and define the permissions granted to any user based on whether the user is logged in or not.

In addition, Drupal has a system of specific object access, which allows third-party modules to define grants related to node and taxonomy objects. This allows a site to have private and public nodes depending on the taxonomy term applied to a node. This access system is covered in more detail in Chapter 7.

Going back to the bank example, once you have established your identity by an authentication means, you then may be limited in the actions you can carry out—that you are authorized to do—based on your permissions or on the level of authentication. For example, your ATM card and PIN are relatively easy to steal, so users who use this authentication mechanism are able to withdraw only a finite amount of money from the bank. On the other hand, if you go to an agent of the bank and present your passport and driver's license and then request to withdraw a much larger sum of money, the agent is likely to let you do so. You may be required to have a specific level of permission on the account to be able to withdraw all the money in the account or to close the account.

Weaknesses in authorization occur when a user is permitted to see data or perform an action that should not be allowed. For example, a module may show information that should be private, such as the email address shown in Figure 1-4, or allow a user to delete or modify content she should not be able to change.

The Vulnerable module contains an example that, even when used properly, bypasses these two types of authorization. It is available to all visitors of the site and shows user email address information for any users of the site based on characters found in their username. The style of the query bypasses several layers of what would normally be proper user authorization checks:

  • The list shows all users regardless of whether their accounts are active, though Drupal normally doesn't show profiles for inactive users.

  • Email addresses should be shown only to users with the "administer users" permission.

  • Only users with "access user profiles" permissions should be able to see this data.

Figure 1.4. Authorization bypass reveals users' email addresses.

This simple example shows how a module developer who wanted to share information could easily create a situation where data is easily available to site attackers. Later you will see how an attacker could combine this page with SQL injection to get virtually any data from a site. Session Management and Weaknesses

The Internet is based on HTTP protocol, which provides no system itself for keeping track of users. When a user requests a page, the web server sends it back and the interaction is complete. When a user requests the next page, it may be handled by a different web server process or even a completely different physical server.

Imagine if, in the bank example, you first proved your identity to one agent of the bank and then when you wanted to make the withdrawal, a different agent at the bank helped you. To keep track of who you are, the bank might issue you a unique number. When you make a request to do something, you also provide your number. The agent compares that number to a list the bank keeps, and then the bank can be sure of your identity. This is basically how session ID numbers work for web applications.

Web application developers typically store the session ID in a cookie. During every subsequent request to the web server, the user's browser sends this cookie to identify the user.

This process presents several opportunities for weaknesses. Because the session identifier is stored on the client computer, an attacker can send any session ID value with his requests. If he sends the session ID of a different user, he can impersonate that user. If the session IDs are easily predictable (for example, if they are just the user ID of the user or if they were based on the user ID and the time that the user logged onto the site), then an attacker can easily guess the session ID of a user to gain that user's permission. Fortunately, Drupal core handles the majority of session management for Drupal and does a good job of following industry best practices for session management.

However, if a normal site user is accessing a website over an unencrypted connection such as a shared WiFi network, then an attacker could monitor the traffic on the network, determine the session ID of the user, and then use it in his own requests to pretend to be the other user. Possible solutions to this problem include educating your users and using HTTPS for all authenticated sessions.

A more common problem in Drupal is code similar to that shown here:

global $user;
$original_user = $user;
$user = user_load(array('uid' => 1));
$user = $original_user;

This code allows a module to temporarily become another user, perform some action as that user, and then switch back to the original user. If there is a redirect or fatal error that stops the normal flow of code execution before the user object has been set back to the original user, the user session has been changed to a different user. Because this pattern is normally done to temporarily give the user more permissions than normal, it is an opportunity for privilege escalation.

1.2.2. Command Execution: SQL Injection and Friends

Command execution generally includes operating system commands and SQL injection. However, in general, this is a potential issue for all systems that your site interacts with, such as XMLRPC, REST, and SOAP. The basic problem is that data from the user (the content of your blog post) is mixed with control information (the query to insert that content into the database) and the combined string is executed against the database. This book focuses on SQL injection more than other types of command injection because it is the most common command-injection issue found in Drupal. However, the same concepts apply to interactions with any system.

SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is the name of the particular language used to interact with databases. SQL is meant to be the same for all databases, but in practice it varies widely from one database to another.

There are several common models for safely handling user data:

Rejecting known Bad Input:

Using blacklists to filter input is the process of refusing to accept data that contains items that are in a list of inappropriate characters. This is not particularly useful because it relies on the programmer to write code to handle an exhaustive list of bad inputs. That is a difficult task in the first place and impossible to do once you consider that new technologies with new vulnerabilities are constantly being invented.

Accepting known Good Input:

Using a whitelist to determine safe input is safer than rejecting known bad because a list of safe input should stay safe into the future.

Both rejecting known bad and accepting known good are extremely limited in their usefulness to store anything more than simple text without any special characters. Drupal deals with rich data sets from clients such as HTML, which makes these two strategies unsuitable. These methods are not used in Drupal and therefore are not discussed in the rest of the chapter. Some other options include:

Sanitizing Data

before it is stored works well in a simple system but fails when the input is later used in a variety of contexts; rules to sanitize the data for use in one context may not protect another context. For example, sanitizing text to prevent XSS when you display in the context of a browser will not protect a site from SQL injection when the data is used in the context of a database query. The extremely flexible nature of Drupal requires that you use data in different contexts, so this architecture does not work for Drupal.

Safe Data Handling

provides protection by using a means of interaction that separates the user data from the control statements. An example of this is using a parameterized query that contains no dynamic SQL. Parameterized queries were designed at a basic level to provide protection for mixing user data and command data. Safe data handling is useful where it is supported, but not all systems support it.

Boundary Validation

is the process of accepting all user input and then filtering it upon output depending on the nature of the boundary. Drupal relies primarily on the boundary validation pattern (see Figure 1-5).

Figure 1.5. Boundary validation.

In this diagram you can see the flow of a typical page-request cycle for creating a new blog entry on a site. The data flows are labeled 1 through 4 and described as follows:

  1. The user has posted the form to the web server, which hands the data to Drupal. Drupal first makes semantic checks on the form data to ensure that the user hasn't tampered with the drop-downs, check boxes, and radio buttons in the form to, for example, create a blog post with a taxonomy term that is not allowed.

  2. Drupal executes queries against the database to insert the user's blog entry for storage. At this phase Drupal is sending data beyond its boundary, so it must filter it to make sure that any characters inside the user data that may alter the impact of the SQL statements are "escaped." The escaping is done in a context-sensitive manner. Since this is a database, the filtering is appropriate to SQL.

    When interacting with other systems, certain characters have special meanings. In SQL, the single quote is used to separate string data from the rest of the statement. If a user has the last name O'Henry, then the single quote in the name could be misinterpreted. To handle these situations, SQL provides the slash escape character to allow the insertion of the single quote character into the database.

  3. This is where Drupal retrieves data from the database. In general there are no concerns here, except that the system must remember which fields in the database are generated by the system (for example, sequential ID columns) and which are user-provided values that must be filtered.

  4. The retrieved data is shown to the user. Because the data from step 3 includes some data from users, the data is filtered prior to being sent to the user's browser. Much like step 2, this filtering should be done in a context-sensitive manner that will work specifically for HTML data being sent via HTTP and rendered in the context of a browser.

These strategies for validating user data are used for different reasons in different areas. For example, Drupal rejects known bad data such as special characters in usernames because they are inappropriate for usernames. However, even after rejecting inappropriate characters, the query to insert that username into the database and the functions—which prepare the username for display to a browser—still perform boundary validation to filter the username in a way that is useful in that context. SQL Injection

The Vulnerable module provides several examples of SQL injection. A simple example is available at the URL vulnerable/show-me-the-data/' UNION SELECT uid, pass, init FROM users where 1=1 OR 1 ='

Using the SQL UNION keyword, you can append data from a totally separate query into this page. In this example, you get the user ID, the MD5 (Message-Digest algorithm 5) hashed version of the password, and the email that was used when the account was created (stored in the init field). You can see the result of this modification in Figure 1-6, where in addition to the normal results you also see sensitive data like the hashed version of the password and email address. With the hashed password and email addresses of a user, an attacker can prey on the fact that most users use a limited number of passwords and try to use that password and email combination on commonly used websites.

Instead of just storing your password, Drupal stores a unique string that is derived from your password using a function. This is a one-way function, which means that you can take a password, send it through the function, and get the calculated hash value, but you cannot take a hash, reverse it through the function, and get the password. That said, the MD5 function used by many systems, including Drupal, is becoming increasingly unsafe given modern computer-processing capabilities. Therefore, you should still protect the MD5 hash of the password as if it were the password itself. In Drupal 7, the MD5 hash has been replaced with a more secure hash.

Figure 1.6. SQL injection is being used to show any data an attacker might want.

In this example, the UNION query could be used to get information about what other databases are on this server, the tables they contain, and the data in those tables. If you have an e-commerce site, donations database, or any private information such as email addresses or secret plans for world domination, an attacker would be able to use a hole like this to see that information. Arbitrary File Upload

Another related problem is arbitrary file upload, which often leads to code execution. Drupal has many features and modules that allow users to upload a file. Within core alone, there are the Upload module, user avatars, the logo, and the favicon upload tool. Among contributed modules, there are dozens of ways to upload files: image, imagefield, filefield, embedded media field, video, and audio. Vulnerabilities in the code or configuration of any of these features could allow an attacker to upload an arbitrary file that contains PHP code, JavaScript, or another kind of code that can compromise the security of your site.

1.2.3. Cross-Site Scripting

The basic purpose of Drupal is to take data from users, store it, and display it back to other users. This can cause a problem when an attacker finds a way to add code of some sort into the site so that it executes when other users look at it. JavaScript is the most common vehicle for these attacks, but any language that is executable by the browser can be used. This code has the ability to take actions impersonating the user, and if the code runs on your Drupal site, it has access to your full session and can do anything that you as a user are able to do, like delete content or change your password.

Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks can be reflected, stored, or DOM based:

  • Reflected XSS is any situation where user-supplied data from a page request is immediately displayed back to the user.

  • Stored XSS is common in systems like Drupal, which store user-supplied data into a database.

  • XSS attacks on the DOM directly alter the code—again, typically JavaScript—rather than trying to inject code into the page itself.

The Vulnerable module has several examples of reflected and stored XSS based on injecting JavaScript into the page. On the "vulnerable/show-me-the-data" page it is possible to use the tag <IMG SRC=javascript:alert('XSS')> as the last part of the URL and have the Opera browser execute the JavaScript. Figure 1-7 shows the results of this attack.

Generating a JavaScript message window in a page is an easy way to determine if the page is vulnerable—if you see the message, the page is vulnerable. There are many more ways to execute more complex XSS, though they often depend on different parsing rules or vulnerabilities of the browser.

Cross-site scripting is another area where the concept of context-appropriate boundary validation is used. Drupal provides a system of HTML filters to remove malicious code from HTML before it is sent to the browser. Of course, it's up to the coder to actually use those HTML filters.

Figure 1.7. A browser alert showing us that this page is vulnerable to reflected XSS.

1.2.4. Cross-Site Request Forgery

The nature of a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) is that an attacker can make "you" do something without your knowledge. This is similar to stealing your session but limited to specific actions on a site. There are two basic types of CSRF: those based on GET requests and those based on POST requests.

The HTTP specification defines several types of server requests, among them GET and POST requests. A GET request is probably the most common; it happens every time you click a link or type an address into your browser. A POST is generally what happens when you submit a form to a site.

Drupal core provides protection against a POST CSRF using a token system. When a form is built using Drupal's Form API (FAPI), a token is added to the form based on the session ID and a private key from the site. When the form is submitted, the Form API confirms the presence and validity of the token. This requires that a POST to the site be based on a current session and makes it more difficult for an attacker to develop a generic attack on forms in Drupal.

The more common problem in Drupal comes from modules that take action based on a GET request. The Vulnerable module provides a feature that disables user accounts based on the URL. This feature is demonstrated in Figure 1-8.

Figure 1.8. Requesting this URL disables any user of the site.

This simple code can be exploited in a variety of ways, such as tricking a user who has the permission to access the page into clicking on a URL like http://example.com/vulnerable/csrf-disable/1 or, even easier, getting the user to look at a page with an "image" embedded into it with the source pointed at that URL: <img src="http://example.com/vulnerable/csrf-disable/1">.

CSRF is increasingly not a problem for Drupal because the few remaining modules that take actions like this are fixed to use a form of some sort. However, it is often tempting when building a rich AJAX feature to slip back into creating a CSRF vulnerability via GET requests. The security team is working on an API to make this much easier for module developers, but that API is not yet available. There are still methods that can be used to provide security for links. The system is based on the same token system used to protect Drupal forms. However, because this practice of taking action in response to GET requests is not as common or standard as the form system, there is no way to provide this protection automatically or easily.

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