Moving On

In this chapter, we’ve introduced a lot of key GraphQL concepts and talked about how GraphQL compares to REST. We’ve talked about how clients communicate with servers using GraphQL documents, and how servers use a schema to validate and retrieve the data requested. You’ve learned how this approach makes client requests more flexible, and how the schema simplifies the concerns that your server business logic needs to handle manually.

Here are a couple of challenges for you before we move on:

  1. Think of a domain familiar to you and write down the types that belong to that domain. Draw in relationships between those types. Remember, these relationships are often what we think of as properties on an entity.
  2. Add a root object, and think about how you might want to connect it with your graph. From there, write down some GraphQL queries that would be possible to handle from that point. What kinds of responses might come back for these?

Once you’ve thought through these problems, get ready to jump into defining your first GraphQL schema with Elixir using Absinthe.

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