Content editing – Artisteer or CMS

We have automatically imported all the content from our Artisteer project into Joomla! and WordPress. All that we have prepared in Artisteer—that is, pages (with text and pictures), menus, menu items, and the footer—exists now and works correctly in our CMS site. While the entire process is easy and very fast, you may wonder what the best way of working is: should you prepare all the content in Artisteer and then import it into CMS, or should you install the empty template and enter the content directly in CMS?

The answer to this question is not so obvious. Both methods work and it's up to you to choose any one. But you should consider the advantages and disadvantages of each method. The following are the advantages and disadvantages of preparing content directly in Artisteer:

Advantages of preparing content in Artisteer

Disadvantages of preparing content in Artisteer

Can be done very fast, without the need of switching to CMS or even installing it. You can do it before having a hosting account.

The content is imported according to the rules imposed by Artisteer. You have no choice but to accept them. For example, in WordPress, all the posts will be put into one category called Uncategorized.

As long as content remains within the Artisteer project, it remains platform-independent (omitting, of course, platform-specific features). You can prepare the entire website before making the decision of using a particular CMS.

You can't set up some important properties, for example, aliases for articles and menu items in Joomla!. They are set automatically. This has a direct influence to SEO addresses. If you want to fix them, you have to correct it by hand, in the CMS. This takes time.

If you prepare a website for someone else, you can prepare the whole site with content, without even touching his system. You can just export the entire site as one installable ZIP package.

You cannot use functionality provided by any third-party extension that you have installed in your CMS, or use images that you have already been uploaded. You are outside the destination system.

You can prepare sample content for your template.


And the following are the advantages and disadvantages of preparing content directly in CMS:

Advantages of preparing content directly in CMS

Disadvantages of preparing content directly in CMS

You can use all the power of your CMS, including all installed extensions and uploaded images.

Web applications are less responsive than desktop applications. You will probably need a little less time to write a simple article using Artisteer than with CMS.

You have complete control over the content and CMS features. You can set proper aliases for articles and menu items, assign various articles with various categories, set category names, location for uploaded images, and so on.


Content can be inserted by a team of people simultaneously.


The conclusion that we can draw from the above analysis is that if you make a simple website, or have to do something very fast, you can prepare the content in Artisteer and then import it into CMS system. In case you build a rather complicated website and you have already decided about which CMS you want to use, entering the content directly in the CMS is a better option. You will have full control over your work.

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