Making a copy of a web page

Sometimes it happens that you need to have an exact copy of an article of a page that you already have in your project. This can be when you want to have several similar pages, differing in some details. Then, instead of manually copying elements one by one, it would be useful to copy the source page, modify the details, and make the next one.

Unfortunately, you can't just select the content of the page with the mouse and then press Ctrl + C to copy the content, as that won't work. You can do it within just one cell of content.

The solution is quite simple:

  1. Click anywhere within the content area in the page you want to copy from.
  2. Click on the Edit pane on the ribbon, and then on the HTML button in the Source group.
  3. Check the Edit whole Article HTML field.
    Making a copy of a web page

    Check Edit while Article HTML option

  4. You will get a warning message that reads After editing, the content will be combined into one cell; click on OK.
  5. Now in the HTML editor you will see all the contents of your page (article). Select the whole text with the mouse (or press Ctrl + A), press the right mouse button, and from the content menu choose Copy (or just press Ctrl + C) to copy the text into the clipboard.
  6. Click on the OK button to close the HTML editor.
  7. Create a new page and click anywhere in the content area.
  8. Click on the HTML button on the ribbon.
  9. Delete everything in the HTML editor and paste the code from the clipboard (press Ctrl + V, or press the right mouse button and choose Paste from the content menu).
  10. Click on the OK button to close the HTML editor.

    You will notice that the entire content of your source article has been copied.

..................Content has been hidden....................

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