Chapter 8. Reuse Items to Save Time

Think of the Assets tab in the Files panel group as Dreamweaver’s grand central timesaver. It automatically lists which images, color swatches, and external links you have used on your site. If you want to use those items again, the Assets tab makes it easy to quickly find what you need. For example, you can use the tab to build a list of favorite images, colors, or links. The Assets tab also includes library items, another major timesaver.

Reuse Items to Save Time

Create a Favorite

By creating favorites from the lists generated by the Assets tab, you always have your most-used items handy.

Create a Favorite
Create a Favorite

Create a Favorite The first time you add a favorite, Dreamweaver displays a reminder dialog telling you how to see your favorites. To keep it from appearing each and every time you add a favorite, check Don’t show me this message again and click OK. The image you marked is added to the list of favorite images.

Use a Favorite

With a favorites list, you save yourself from constantly digging through your Files tab.

Use a Favorite

Create a Library Item

Make library items of anything you use repeatedly. It can be something simple like a 2 x 400-pixel rule. Or it can be as elaborate as the contents of a header. Short or long, the real benefit of a library item comes when you need to make a change—change it once and all pages using it automatically update.

Create a Library Item

Create a Library Item Click OK when Dreamweaver warns that the library item cannot include the styling from the original page. However, leave Don’t warn me again unchecked because you want to be reminded that this library item always needs to be reconnected to the original style sheet. (See the first “create library itemextra bit on page 120.)

Create a Library Item
Create a Library Item
Create a Library Item

Edit Library Item

In this example, we want to change the copyright notice. However, you can use this same process to update any library item—and all the pages using that item.

Edit Library Item
Edit Library Item
Edit Library Item
Edit Library Item

Insert Library Item

Inserting a library item works similarly to adding a favorite to a page.

Insert Library Item
Insert Library Item
Insert Library Item

Extra Bits

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