Lose your limited thinking


Just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean it can’t be done

Often we stop ourselves from thinking big because we immediately jump to the practicality of the idea. If it’s not something we can do ourselves, we tend to dismiss it.

Over time, we train ourselves to think small.

That’s the opposite of what we should be doing. At least at the start, we should allow ourselves to have what authors James Collins and Jerry Porras call ‘Big Hairy Audacious Goals’ – BHAGs for short.

If there are aspects of the project you can’t do yourself, these days it’s easy to find others to do it (you’ll find more details in the ‘Outsource’ section in Part 3).

Here’s a better way to think when you have your next big idea: ‘I know this can be done; my challenge will be finding the easiest and best way to do it.’

From now on, keep an ideas notebook, folder or box file. Every time you have an idea, especially a Big Hairy Audacious Goal, jot it down without judgement and put it away. The more ideas you honour by recording them, the more will flow.

Website bonus

At www.CreativityNowOnline.com, click on the ‘Creativity Now!’ button. Bonus 4 is a couple of pages from my BHAG journal.


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