Further Reading

It's about success

Creativity's effect on business

Andrews, J. and Smith, D. (1996), ‘In Search of the Marketing Imagination: Factors Affecting the Creativity of Marketing Programs for Mature Products’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 33, May, 174–187.

Balachander, S. and Ghose, S. (2003), ‘Reciprocal Spillover Effects: A Strategic Benefit of Brand Extensions’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 67, January, 4–13.

Buzzel, R. and Gale, B. (1987), The PIMS Principles: Linking Strategy to Performance, The Free Press.

Chandy, R. K., Prabhu, J. C. and Antia, K. D. (2003), ‘What Will the Future Bring? Dominance, Technology Expectations and Radical Innovation’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 67, No. 2.

Chaudhuri, A. and Holbrook, M. B. (2002), ‘Product Class-Effects on Brand Commitment and Brand Outcomes: The Role of Brand Trust and Brand Affect’, Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 10, No. 1, 33–58.

Dahlén, M., Lange, F. and Smith, T. (2008), Marketing Communications, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester.

Dahlén, M., Rosengren, S. and Törn, F. (2008), ‘The Waste in Advertising Creativity is the Part that Matters’, Journal of Advertising Research.

McAlister, L., Srinivasan, R. and Kim, M. (2007), ‘Advertising Research and Development, and the Systematic Risk of the Firm’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 71, January, 35–48.

Pauwels, K., Silva-Risso, J., Srinivasan, S. and Hanssens, D. M. (2004), ‘New Products, Sales Promotions, and Firm Value: The Case of the Automobile Industry’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 68, October, 142–156.

‘Profit Impact of Market Strategy’ [database], www.pimsonline.com.

Robinson, W. T. (1990), ‘Product Innovation and Start-Up Business Market Share Performance’, Management Science, Vol. 36, No. 10, 1279–1289.

Sorescu, A. B., Chandy, R. K. and Prabhu, J. C. (2003), ‘Sources and Financial Consequences of Radical Innovation: Insights from Pharmaceuticals’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 67, October, 82–102.

Srinivasan, R., Lilien, G. and Rangaswami, A. (2006), ‘The Emergence of Dominant Designs’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 70, No. 2, 1–17.

Van Heerde, H. J., Mela, C. F. and Manchanda, P. (2004), ‘The Dynamic Effect of Innovation on Market Structure’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 41, May, 166–183.

Vedin, B.-A. (1993), Innovationer för Sverige – Betänkande av innovationsutredningen, SOU 1993: 84.

Vedin, B.-A. (2000), Innovation och kreativitet, Alhambra.

Vishwanath, V. and Mark, J. (1997), ‘Your Brand's Best Strategy’, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 75, No. 3, 123–129.

Zhou, K. Z., Yim, C. K. and Tse, D. K. (2005), ‘The Effects of Strategic Orientations on Technology- and Market-Based Breakthrough Innovations’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 69, April, 42–60.

Creativity's effect on the person

Burroughs, J. E. and Mick, D. G. (2004), ‘Exploring Antecedents and Consequences of Consumer Creativity in a Problem-Solving Context’, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 31, September, 402–411.

Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990), Flow. The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Nightingale-Conant Corporation.

Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1996), Creativity. Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention, HarperCollins Publishers.

Gell-Mann, M. (1995), The Quark and the Jaguariver, Henry Holt & Co.

Examples of advantages with ‘mistakes’

Bharat, A. and Shachar, R. (2004), ‘Brands as Beacons: A New Source of Loyalty to Multiproduct Firms’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 41, No. 2, 135–150.

Dahlén, M. (2003), Marknadsförarens nya regelbok. Varumärken, reklam och media i nytt ljus, Liber.

Meyvis, T. and Janiszewski, C. (2004), ‘When are Broader Brands Stronger Brands? An Accessibility Perspective on the Success of Brand Extensions’, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 31, No. 2, 346–357.

Ringold, D. (1988), ‘Consumer Response to Product Withdrawal’, Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 5, No. 3, 189–210.

Sjödin, H. (2005), ‘Dirt! – An Interpretive Study of Negative Opinions About a Brand Extension’, European Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 7.

Yeung, C. and Wyer, R. (2005), ‘Does Loving a Brand Mean Loving Its Products? The Role of Brand-Elicited Affect in Brand Extension Evaluations’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 42, November, 495–506.

Think inside the box

The creative result

Andrews, J. and Smith, D. (1996), ‘In Search of the Marketing Imagination: Factors Affecting the Creativity of Marketing Programs for Mature Products’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 33, May, 174–187.

Avnet, T. and Higgins, E. (2006), ‘How Regulatory Fit Affects Value in Consumer Choices and Opinions’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 43, No. 1, 1–10.

Boulding, W., Lee, E. and Staelin, R. (1994), ‘Mastering the Mix: Do Advertising, Promotion, and Sales Force Activities Lead to Differentiation?’ Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 31, May, 159–172.

Hoeffler, S. (2003), ‘Measuring Preference for Really New Products’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 40, No. 4.

Moreau, C., Lehmann, D. and Markman, A. (2001), ‘Entrenched Knowledge Structures and Consumer Response to New Products’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 38, February, 14–29.

Narayanan, S., Manchanda, P. and Chintagunta, P. (2005), ‘Temporal Differences in the Role of Marketing Communication in New Product Categories’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 42, No. 3, 278–290.

Rao, V., Agarwal, M. and Dahlhoff, D. (2004), ‘How is Manifest Branding Strategy Related to the Intangible Value of a Corporation?’ Journal of Marketing, Vol. 68, October, 126–141.

Singh, V., Hansen, K. and Gupta, S. (2005), ‘Modeling Preferences for Common Attributes in Multicategory Brand Choice’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 42, No. 2, 195–209.

Thompson, D., Hamilton, R. and Rust, R. (2005), ‘Feature Fatigue: When Product Capabilities Become Too Much of a Good Thing’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 42, No. 4, 431–442.

The creative process

Atuahene-Gima, K. (2005), ‘Resolving the Capability-Rigidity Paradox in New Product Innovation’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 69, October, 61–83.

Biyalogorsky, E., Boulding, W. and Staelin, R. (2006), ‘Stuck in the Past: Why Managers Persist with New Product Failures’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 70, April, 108–121.

Chandy, R. K. and Tellis, G. J. (2000), ‘The Incumbent's Curse? Incumbency, Size, and Radical Product Innovation’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 64, July, 1–17.

Chandy, R., Hopstaken, B., Narasimhan, O. and Prabhu, J. (2006), ‘From Invention to Innovation: Conversion Ability in Product Development’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 43, August, 494–508.

Coyne, K. P., Gorman Clifford, P. and Dye, R. (2007), ‘Breakthrough Thinking from Inside the Box’, Harvard Business Review, December, 70–78.

Dahl, D. W. and Moreau, C. P. (2007), ‘Thinking Inside the Box: Why Consumer Enjoy Constrained Creative Experiences’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 44, August, 357–369.

Dahl, D. W. and Moreau, C. P. (2002), ‘The Influence and Value of Analogical Thinking During New Product Ideation’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 39, February, 47–60.

De Luca, L. M. and Atuahene-Gima, K. (2007), ‘Market Knowledge Dimensions and Cross-Functional Collaboration: Examining the Different Routes to Product Innovation Performance’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 71, January, 95–112.

Fillis, I. (2002), ‘An Andalusian Dog or a Rising Star? Creativity and the Marketing/Entrepreneurship Interface’, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 18, 379–395.

Fillis, I. and McAuley, A. (2000), ‘Modeling and Measuring Creativity at the Interface’, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Spring, 8–17.

Fleming, L., Mingo, S. and Chen, D. (2007), ‘Collaborative Brokerage, Generative Creativity, and Creative Success’, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 52, 443–475.

Goldenberg, J., Lehmann, D. R. and Mazursky, D. (2001), ‘The Idea Itself and the Circumstances of Its Emergence as Predictors of New Product Success’, Management Science, Vol. 47, No. 1, 69–84.

Klein, R. (1990), ‘Organizational Barriers to Creativity … and How to Knock Them Down’, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 7, No. 1, 65–66.

Knox, S. (1990), ‘Creativity in Marketing Management – A Unified Approach’, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 3, No. 3, 245–257.

McGlynn, R. P., Gibbs, M. E. and Roberts, S. J. (1982), ‘The Effect of Cooperative Versus Competitive Set and Coaction on Creative Responding’, Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 118, 181–182.

McIntyre, R. (1993), ‘An Approach to Fostering Creativity in Marketing’, Marketing Education Review, Vol. 3, 33–36.

Min, S., Kalwani, M. U. and Robinson, W. T. (2006), ‘Market Pioneer and Early Follower Survival Risks: A Contingency Analysis of Really New Versus Incrementally New Product-Markets’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 70, January, 15–33.

Moreau, C. P. and Dahl, D. W. (2005), ‘Designing the Solution: The Impact of Constraints on Consumers' Creativity’, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 32, June, 13–22.

Nielsén, T. (2003), Styrning av kreativitet. En studie av reklambranschen, Paper, Stockholm School of Economics.

O'Sullivan, D. and Abela, A. V. (2007), ‘Marketing Performance Measurement Ability and Firm Performance’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 71, April, 79–93.

Prabhu, J. C., Chandy, R. K. and Ellis, M. E. (2005), ‘The Impact of Acquisitions on Innovation: Poison Pill, Placebo, or Tonic?’ Journal of Marketing, Vol. 69, January, 114–130.

Ray, M. (2002), ‘Strategies for Stimulating Personal Creativity’, Human Resource Planning, Vol. 10, No. 4, 185–193.

Voss, H. G. (1977), ‘The Effect of Experimentally Induced Activation on Creativity’, Journal of Psychology, Vol. 96, 3–9.

Wernerfelt, B. (2005), ‘Product Development Resources and the Scope of the Firm’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 69, No. 2, 15–23.

The creative person

Bouchard, Jr. T. J., Lykken, D. T., Tellegen, A., Blacker, D. M. and Waller, N. G. (1993), ‘Creativity, Heritability, Familiarity: Which Word Does Not Belong?’ Psychological Inquiry, Vol. 4, No. 3, 235–237.

Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1996), Creativity. Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention, HarperCollins Publishers.

Eysenck, H. J. (1993), ‘Creativity and Personality: Suggestions for a Theory’, Psychological Inquiry, Vol. 4, No. 3, 147–178.

Gardner, H. (1993), Creating Minds: An Anatomy of Creativity Seen Through the Lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and Gandhi, Basic Books.

Johnsson-Smaragdi, U. and Jönsson, A. (2001) ‘Tidsanda eller mediearv? Föräldrars och barns inställning till och användning av TV’, Barn, nr 4. Norsk senter for barneforskning, Trondheim.

King, B. J. and Pope, B. (1999), ‘Creativity as a Factor in Psychological Assessment and Healthy Psychological Functioning’, Journal of Personality Assessment, Vol. 72, No. 2, 200–207.

Vedin, B.-A. (2000), Innovation och kreativitet, Alhambra.

Thinking inside the box

Ansburg, P. I. (2000), ‘Individual Differences in Problem Solving via Insight’, Current Psychology, Vol. 19, No. 2, 143–146.

Frauenfelder, K. (1980), ‘Creativity and the Experience of Duration’, Journal of Psychology, 106, 27–35.

McFarlin, D. and Blascovich, J. (1984), ‘On the Remote Associates Test (RAT) as an Alternative to Illusory Performance Feedback: A Methodological Note’, Basic and Applied Social Psychology, Vol. 5, No. 3, 223–229.

Noppe, L. D. and Gallagher, J. M. (1977), ‘A Cognitive Style Approach to Creative Thought’, Journal of Personality Assessment, Vol. 41, No. 1, 85–90.

Wansink, B. and Gilmore, M. J. (1999), ‘New Uses That Revitalize Old Brands’, Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 39, No. 2, 90–98.

Expanding the box

Conventions and rules, common sense and various exercises

Adams, J. L. (2001), Conceptual Blockbusting. A Guide to Better Ideas, Perseus Books.

Biyalogorsky, E., Boulding, W. and Staelin, R. (2006), ‘Stuck in the Past: Why Managers Persist With New Product Failures’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 70, No. 2, 108–121.

Buzan, T. (2001), The Power of Creative Intelligence, HarperCollins.

Cameron, J. (1992), The Artist's Way, G. P. Putnam's Sons.

Clegg, B. and Birch, P. (2002), Crash Course in Creativity, Kogan Page.

Dahl, D. W. and Moreau, C. P. (2002), ‘The Influence and Value of Analogical Thinking During New Product Ideation’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 39, February, 47–60.

De Bono, E. (1970), Lateral Thinking, Penguin Books.

Gell-Mann, M. (1995), The Quark and the Jaguariver, Henry Holt & Co.

Härén, F. (2003), Idébok, Interterras.

Johansson, F. (2004), The Medici Effect. Breakthrough Insights at the Intersection of Ideas, Concepts and Cultures, Harvard Press.

Vedin, B.-A. (2000), Innovation och kreativitet, Alhambra.


Eichenbaum, H. (1997), ‘Declarative Memory: Insights from Cognitive Neurobiology’, Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 48, 547–572.

Golman, D., Boyatzis, R. and McKee, A. (2001), ‘Primal Leadership’, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 79, No. 11, 42–50.

Rossiter, J. R. and Silberstein, R. B. (2001), ‘Brain-Imaging Detection of Visual Scene Encoding in Long-term Memory for TV Commercials’, Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 41(2), 13–21.

Srinivasan, N. S. and Balasubramanian, G. (2003), ‘Strategic Thinking: A Neuronal Architectural View’, Journal for Decision-Makers, Vol. 28, No. 4, 1–7.

Vernon, P. E. (1984), ‘Intelligence, Styles, and Brain Lateralization’, International Journal of Psychology, Vol. 19, 435–455.


Bechara, A., Damasio, H., Tranel, D. and Damasio, A. (1997), ‘Deciding Advantageously Before Knowing the Advantageous Strategy’, Science, Vol. 275, 1293–1295.

Dubin, M. W. (2002), How the Brain Works, Blackwell Science.

El-Murad, J. and West, D. (2004), ‘The Definition and Measurement of Creativity: What Do We Know?’ Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 44, No. 3, 188–201.

Goldenberg, J., Mazursky, D. and Solomon, S. (1999), ‘Toward Identifying the Inventive Templates of New Products: A Channeled Ideation Approach’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, May, 200–210.

Mishra, S. P. (1983), ‘Cognitive Processes: Implications for Assessing Intelligence’, Theory Into Practice, Vol. 22, No. 2, 145–150.

Thompson, D. N. and Clark, P. M. (1981), ‘Differentiation-Integration and Creativity’, Journal of General Psychology, Vol. 104, 153–154.

Filling the box

Conceptual fluency

Alba, J. W. and Chattopadhyay, A. (1986), ‘Salience Effects in Brand Recall’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 23, No. 4, 363–369.

Chaudhuri, A. (2002), ‘How Brand Reputation Affects the Advertising-Brand Equity Link’, Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 42, No. 3, 33–43.

Lee, A. Y. and Labroo, A. A. (2004), ‘The Effect of Conceptual and Perceptual Fluency on Brand Evaluation’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 41, No. 2, 141–155.

Menon, G. and Raghubir, P. (2003), ‘Ease-of-Retrieval as an Automatic Input on Judgments: A Mere-Accessibility Framework?’ Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 30, September, 230–243.

Öhman, N. and Dahlén, M. (2005), Brand Salience vs. Brand Attitude, CCM Working Paper, Handelshögskolan i Stockholm.

Schwarz, N. (2004), ‘Metacognitive Experiences in Consumer Judgment and Decision Making’, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 14, No. 4, 332–348.

Ye, G. and Van Raaij, W. (2004), ‘Brand Equity: Extending Brand Awareness and Liking With Signal Detection Theory’, Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol. 10, No. 2, 95–114.

Ziamou, P. and Ratneshwar, S. (2003), ‘Innovations in Product Functionality: When and Why Are Explicit Comparisons Effective?’ Journal of Marketing, Vol. 67, April, 49–61.

Brand gravity

Braun-Latour. K. A. and Latour, M. S. (2004), ‘Assessing the Long-Term Impact of a Consistent Advertising Campaign on Consumer Memory’, Journal of Advertising, Vol. 33, No. 2, 49–61.

Dahlén, M., Lange, F., Sjödin, H. and Törn, F. (2005), ‘Effects of Ad-Brand Incongruency’, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, No. 2.

Dahlén, M. and Rosengren, S. (2005), ‘Brands Affect Slogans Affect Brands? Brand Equity, Competitive Interference, and the Brand-Slogan Link’, Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 12, No. 3, 151–164.

Kumar, P. (2005), ‘Brand Counterextensions: The Impact of Brand Extension Success Versus Failure’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 42, No. 2, 183–194.

Kumar, P. (2005), ‘The Impact of Cobranding on Customer Evaluation of Brand Counterextensions’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 69, No. 3, 1–18.

Rosengren, S. and Dahlén, M. (2006), ‘Brand-Slogan Matching in a Cluttered Environment’, Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol. 12.

Associative networks

Boush, D. M. and Loken, B. (1991), ‘A Process-Tracing Study of Brand Extension Evaluation’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 27, Februrary, 16–28.

Bridges, S., Keller, K. and Sood, S. (2000), ‘Communication Strategies for Brand Extensions: Enhancing Perceived Fit by Establishing Explanatory Links’, Journal of Advertising, Vol. 29, No. 4, 1–11.

Keller, K. L. (1993), ‘Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 57, January, 1–22.

Lane, V. R. (2000), ‘The Impact of Ad Repetition and Ad Content on Consumer Perceptions of Incongruent Extensions’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 64, April, 80–91.

Pryor, K. and Brodie, R. J. (1998), ‘How Advertising Slogans Can Prime Evaluations of Brand Extensions: Further Empirical Results’, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol. 7, No. 6, 497–508.

The context rules – contextual effects

Dahlén, M. (2003), Marknadsförarens nya regelbok. Varumärken, reklam och media i nytt ljus, Liber.

Dahlén, M. (2005), ‘The Medium as a Contextual Cue: Effects of Creative Media Choice’, Journal of Advertising, Vol. 34, No. 3.

Moreau, C., Markman, A. and Lehmann, D. (2001). ‘What Is It? Categorization Flexibility and Consumers' Responses to Really New Products’, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 27, March, 489–498.

Ratneshwar, S., Barsalou, L., Pechmann, C. and Moore, M. (2001), ‘Goal-Derived Categories: The Role of Personal and Situational Goals in Category Representations’, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 10, No 3, 147–157.

Schocker, A., Bayus, B. and Kim, N. (2004). ‘Product Complements and Substitutes in the Real World: The Relevance of “Other Products”’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 68, January, 28–40.

Van Heerde, H., Mela, C. and Manachande, P. (2004), ‘The Dynamic Effect of Innovation on Market Structure’, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 41, May, 166–183.

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