To see how this all fits together, let’s circle back to Maria. Let’s assume she’s retraced her Path to Action and separated the facts from the stories. Doing this has helped her realize that the story she told was incomplete, defensive, and hurtful. When she watched for the three clever stories, she saw them with painful clarity. Now she’s ready to tell the rest of the story. So she asks herself:

• Am I pretending not to notice my role in the problem?

“When I found out that Louis was holding project meetings without me, I felt like I should ask him about why I wasn’t included. I believed that if I did, I could open a dialogue that would help us work better together. But then I didn’t, and as my resentment grew, I was even less interested in broaching the subject.”

• Why would a reasonable, rational, and decent person do what Louis is doing?

“He really cares about producing good-quality work. Maybe he doesn’t realize that I’m as committed to the success of the project as he is.”

• What do I really want?

“I want a respectful relationship with Louis. And I want recognition for the work I do.”

• What would I do right now if I really wanted these results?

“I’d make an appointment to sit down with Louis and talk about how we work together.”

As we tell the rest of the story, we free ourselves from the poisoning effects of unhealthy emotions. Best of all, as we regain control and move back to dialogue, we become masters of our own emotions rather than hostages.

And what about Maria? What did she actually do? She scheduled a meeting with Louis. As she prepared for the meeting, she refused to feed her ugly and incomplete stories, admitted her own role in the problem, and entered the conversation with an open mind. Perhaps Louis wasn’t trying to make her appear bad or fill in for her incompetence.

As Maria sat down with Louis, she found a way to tentatively share what she had observed. (We’ll look at exactly how to do this in the next chapter.) Fortunately, not only did Maria master her story, but she knew how to talk about it as well. While engaging in healthy dialogue, Louis apologized for not including her in meetings with the boss. He explained that he was trying to give the boss a heads-up on some controversial parts of the presentation—and realized in retrospect that he shouldn’t have done this without her. He also apologized for dominating during the presentation. Maria learned from the conversation that Louis tends to talk more when he gets nervous. He suggested that they each be responsible for either the first or second half of the presentation and stick to their assignments so he would be less likely to crowd her out. The discussion ended with both of them understanding the other’s perspective and Louis promising to be more sensitive in the future.

My Crucial Conversation: Cathy W.

My first husband was abusive. As a result, my three children grew up in an extremely violent home. They never saw me physically abused, but they saw the aftermath and experienced emotional and mental abuse.

After sixteen years and eight attempts to leave, I finally broke free. My physical wounds are now healed, but I still struggle with the long-term psychological effects the abuse caused me and my children.

When emotions run high, I tend to go to silence or sarcasm. And after hearing so many unhealthy conversations, my (now adult) children simply mirror behavior they saw as children, fall into old patterns of disrespect, and expect me to respond the same way I responded in the past.

I have used Crucial Conversations and Crucial Confrontations skills in many situations and know through firsthand experience that I can not only master the stories that kept me locked in old behaviors, but I can also reduce stress and gain renewed confidence in my day-to-day conversations and decisions.

I recently used these skills to increase safety in conversations with my daughter who, because of drug abuse, lost custody of her children. In previous conversations, I became silent when she displayed her father’s hot temper, but I wanted to help her regain the ability to care for herself and ultimately visitation rights with her children.

My goal is to be my daughter’s friend and to speak honestly and directly without making her feel threatened. I try to make it safe for her to share her story by watching her body language. As soon as she shows signs of frustration, I stop and remind her that I am on her side.

I use Contrasting statements such as “I know this is difficult and I don’t want to upset you; I just want to make sure we consider everything we are dealing with.” Next, I ask for permission to explore those areas, and if she is willing, we continue. If not, I apologize for upsetting her and ask her to tell me when she is ready to talk about it.

I have also found tentative statements to be effective. Instead of saying, “Are you upset with me? What did I do?” I now say, “I’m beginning to feel that you are upset with me. Did I do something to make you angry?” Her response to this question opens the door to the real issue at hand.

In the past, the first five minutes of a visit with my daughter were agonizing. I found myself fighting my old tendency to go to silence or be sarcastic. I was afraid to open my mouth, because no matter what I said I always seemed to upset her.

I have now mastered my emotions and rethought the story I told myself that convinced me I would never be able to hold this crucial conversation with my daughter. I state my views factually and with confidence because I know my intentions are good and I know she wants to get better. As a result, we now have longer discussions, and she is usually able to leave the conversation without having an outburst. This is amazing progress and gives me hope for the future!

—Cathy W.

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