AIM. See Artificial Intelligence Meditations

Amateur literature Doctors and companions, 128

Analog Science Fiction and Fact, 108

The Andromeda Strain (film), 22, 23

dichotomy, 149

ARDA. See Association of Religion Data Archives

Artificial General Intelligence, 190

Artificial intelligence, 75, 166–170, 174, 181

Artificial Intelligence Meditations (AIM), 167, 171–191

Artificial language, 4

Artificial social intelligence, 2, 4, 15

Artificial stupidity, 174

Asimov, Isaac, 112, 120

Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA), 53, 56

Associations as friendships, 79

Astounding Science Fiction, 108

Astounding Stories of Super-Science, 108

Audience-generated culture, 29–38

co-occurrence of characters, fan fiction stories, 37

game mission descriptors, correlation structure, 35–36

player-created game missions, 31

unit of analysis, 32, 34

Austen, Jane, 106

Automation, 184

Axelrod, Robert, 75


Balance theory, 86

Bandcamp music listings, 50

Bandcamp’s search engine, 50–52

Barry, Keith, 175

Baum, L. Frank, 125

The Behavior of Organisms
(Skinner), 80

Bellion, Jon, 125

Benedict, Ruth, 149

Berg, David, 54

Berger, Peter, 61

Berkeley, Edmund C., 102

Bester, Alfred, 103

Brontë, Emily, 106

Brynjolfsson, Erik, 183

Buddhism, 100


Campbell, John W., 108

Čapek, Karel, 125

Cartesian Meditations: An Introduction to Phenomenology (Husserl), 61

Castillo, Carlos, 123

Catullus, Gaius Valerius, 146, 148

Children of God (CoG), 53–56

Children of the Apocalypse (CHOTA), 96–97

CHOTA. See Children of the Apocalypse

Christian Beliefs and Anti-Semitism (Glock and Stark), 77

Clement, Hal, 112

CoG. See Children of God

Cognitive science, 2

Cohen, Dan, 105

Collison, Patrick, 186

Commercial success, 153–162

Commission of crimes, 78–79

Comparative surveys across subcultures, 52–57

Compensators, 84

Computer-assisted Survey Methods (CSM) Program, 42

Computer games, simulated complex cultures, 89

Computer-generated graphics, 16

Conan stories (Howard), 106

Confirmatory analysis, 19

Convergence-divergence cycle, 7

Corbett, Tom, 122

Cult movement, 84

Cults, 5, 85

Cultural anthropology, 58

Cultural genetics, 5

Cultural relativism, 8, 24, 137

Cultural structure statistically through interlocks, 66–72

Cultural success, 153–162

Culture, definition of, 3


The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon), 113

Deep neural networks, 75

The Demolished Man (Bester), 103

Descriptive use of language, 136

Dianetics, 112

Diaz, Fernando, 123

Differential associations, 80

Differential association theory, 78

Dionysianism, 149

Discourse on the Method (Descartes), 58

Divergence, 7

Doctor Who (British tv series), 127–130

Doggett, Laurence, 100

Dollard, John, 80

Durkheim, Emile, 52


East African ecosystem, 123

Ellison, Harlan, 121

Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction (Rajlich), 14

Eroom’s Law, 185

Ethnography, phenomenological approach, 58–66

Ethnomethodology, 58, 60

The Evolution of Cooperation (Axelrod), 75

Explanations, 84

Exploratory analysis, 19

Expressive use of language, 136


Facebook groups, 70–72, 117, 119, 166–170


gross structure of, 94

reputations, 95

Factor analysis

confirmatory analysis, 19

definition of, 18

exploratory analysis, 19

modern machine learning, 18–19

of old but popular movies, 20

Factor analysis of data

classic science fiction, 18

cluster of types, 18

hard-science science fiction, 17

new-wave science fiction, 18

Fallout principle, 92

Family History Digital Libraries (Bainbridge), 167

Fanatics, 115

Fandom, 115, 130–131

Fan fiction online publications, thematic descriptions of, 132

Fantastic Voyage (film), 22, 23

Folk music, 51

Forbus, Kenneth, 2

Forrester, Jay, 75

“A Four-letter Word in ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover,’”(McIntosh), 142

The Freudian Calling (Rose), 14

Frustration and Aggression (Dollard, Miller), 80


A Game of Thrones (Martin), 12

Garfinkel, Harold, 61

General compensators, 84

General Semantics, 136

General Social Survey (GSS), 42–45, 53–56, 133

Gibbon, Edward, 113

Glock, Charles, 57, 77

God from the Machine: Artificial Intelligence Models of Religious Cognition (Bainbridge), 86

Graves, Robert, 105

GSS. See General Social Survey

Gulick, Luther Halsey Jr., 99, 100

Handbook of Science and Technology Convergence (Roco), 7

Heider, Fritz, 86

Heinlein, Robert A., 109, 121

Herbert, Frank, 110

Hobbes, Thomas, 8

Homans, George, 80

Horgan, John, 165

Horse opera, 111

Howard, Robert E., 106

Hubbard, L. Ron, 112, 119

The Human Group (Homans), 81

Humanistic scholarship, 8–13

Human societies, 45

Human translation, 147

Husserl, Edmund, 61


I Am Legend (Matheson), 23

IMDb. See Internet Movie Database

Information science, 4

Information society, 6

Intellectual property rights, 69

Interlingua, 4

Internet Movie Database (IMDb), 17, 23–26

Ishiguro, Hiroshi, 173


James, William, 82–83

The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 75

The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 76


K9 robots, 127

Kanazawa, Satoshi, 123

Kenzaki, Hikari, 64

Kiciman, Emre, 123

Knight, Will, 175

Korzybski, Alfred, 12, 13, 136


The Land That Time Forgot (film), 22, 23

Langer, Susanne K., 137


descriptive use of, 136

expressive use of, 136

for social relationships, 146

subculture in wikis, 160

Lannister, Tyrion, 10

Larsen, Otto, 177

Laws of robotics, 114

Linguistics encyclopedia, 141

Linnaean taxonomy, 141–142

Literature creation and cultivation, 106–115

Lofland, John, 77

Lofland–Stark model, 88

Lofland–Stark theory, 78

Logan’s Run (film), 22, 23, 24

Lovecraft, H. P., 60

Luckman, Thomas, 61


MacDonald, Anson, 109

Machine learning, 75

Machine translation, 135

Magic, 84

Malinowski, Bronislaw, 58

Map-territory relation, 13

Martin, George R.R., 12, 137

Matheson, Richard, 23

McAfee, Andrew, 183

McIntosh, Angus, 142–143

Meme, definition of, 5

“Memetics: A Potential New Science” (Strong), 6

Merton, Robert K., 78, 172

Micromotives and Macrobehavior (Schelling), 75

Milestones and Millstones: Social Science at the National Science Foundation, 1945-1991 (Larsen), 178

Miller, Neal, 80

MIND. See Minimum Intelligent Neural Device

Minimum Intelligent Neural Device (MIND), 76–77

Moore’s Law, 185

Mori, Masahiro, 172

MovieLens database, 26–27

Multiple realities, 61

Music preferences, online surveys, 47


The National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan, 191

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 182

National Nanotechnology Initiative, 2, 3

Natural language processing, 135

NESFA. See New England Science Fiction Association

Netflix movie database, 28

New England Science Fiction Association (NESFA), 115–119, 121

Nielsen, Michael, 186

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 149

Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell), 67

NIST. See National Institute of Standards and Technology


O’Donnell, Lawrence, 110

Olteanu, Alexandra, 123

The Omega Man (film), 22, 23

Omnivore theory, 48

Online fan fiction, 124–133

Online social media, 124

Online surveys, music
preferences, 47

Orwell, George, 67


Padgett, Lewis, 110

Parsons, Talcott, 178

Participant observation, 107

Particularism, 8

Patterns of Culture (Benedict), 149

Personal science, 60–61

Peterson, Richard A., 48

Phantasms, 62

Phenomenology, 58, 60

Philosophy in a New Key (Langer), 137, 138

“Pluralism and Responsibility in Post-Modern Science” (Toulmin), 179

Political conservatives, 178

The Prisoner (TV series), 66

Propositions, 81–82

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (Weber), 52–53

The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations (Heider), 86

Quantitative research methods, 124

Questionnaire research, 49


Race against the Machine (Brynjolfsson and McAfee), 183

Radical religious group, 77

Rajlich, Václav, 14

Religion, 84, 85

Religion, Deviance and Social Control (Stark), 53

Religious organizations, 84

ReverbNation website, 51–52

Robotics, laws of, 114

Roco, Mihail, 3, 7

Rose, Louis, 14

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 9

Rowling, J.K., 106

Rule-based reasoning, 76

Ryan, John, 48


Sapkowski, Andrzej, 155–159

Schelling, Thomas, 75

Schmidt, Benjamin, 176

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 149

Schulman, Ari, 172

Schutz, Alfred, 61

Schwartz, Barry, 186

Science fiction fandom, 115–124

SDA. See Survey Documentation and Analysis

Sect movement, 84

Set of axioms, 83

Shakespeare, William, 139–140

Shelly, Mary, 94, 98


of religious culture, 75–85

of societal ideologies, 88–103

of sociocultural influences, 86–88

Skinner, B.F., 80

Skinnerian Behaviorist theory, 82

Smelser, Neil, 78

Smith, E.E., 111, 116

Soap opera, 111

Social Behavior: Its Elementary Forms (Homans), 81

Social contract theory, 9

Social implosion, 80

Social science, 4

The Social Structure of Online Communities (Bainbridge), 6, 166

Sociology Laboratory (Bainbridge), 86

Sorokin, Pitirim, 94, 102, 113, 126

Soylent Green (film), 22, 23

Space opera, 111

Spearman, Charles, 18

Specific compensators, 84

Spengler, Oswald, 94, 102, 113

Spohrer, Jim, 4

Stark, Rodney, 53, 57, 77

Strain theory, 78

Strong, Gary, 6

Studies in Ethnomethodology (Garfinkel), 61

Suicide (Durkheim), 52

Supernatural, 84

Survey Documentation and Analysis (SDA), 42

Survey research, 49

Sutherland–Heider theory, 86


Technocracy, 173

A Theory of Religion, 83

The Phenomenology of the Social World (Schutz), 61

The Social Construction of Reality (Berger and Luckman), 61

Thrasher, Frederic, 92

Tolkien, J.R.R., 12

Toulmin, Stephen, 179

Translations, 137–139, 144, 147

Turner, Frederick Jackson, 185


Unit of analysis, 10, 32, 34

Universalism, 8

Usher, William, 98


Value, 9

van Vogt, A. E., 12, 111, 115

Variety, 9

Virtual Local Manufacturing Communities (Bainbridge), 66, 184

Virtual reality, parallel explorations of, 63

WAM. See Wiki Activity Monitor

Weber, Max, 52, 172

Westworld (film), 22, 23

Wiki Activity Monitor (WAM), 161

Wikipedia, 21, 23, 49, 50, 54, 91, 110, 153, 155–162

Witte, James, 46

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Baum), 125

Wood, Patrick, 173

The World as Will and Idea (Schopenhauer), 149

World Cultures (journal), 41

World Dynamics (Forrester), 75


YMCA. See Young Men’s Christian Association

Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), 100

Index :

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