Subject Index


AAPT, 319

ABC (Spanish newspaper), 644

Aborigines, 300301, 303, 307

Abstraction-concretion dilemma, 1073

A Capital (Portuguese newspaper), 606

Acaudillar (to rule), 672

Accident insurance, 406

Action, U.S. society and, 484

Action organizations, the Netherlands and, 245246

Action Oriented leadership, in Finland, 97

Act on the Works Council (Netherlands), 226

Actualidad Economica (Spanish magazine), 645

Adair, John, 341

Administrative Competency

Chinese leadership, 901

East German leadership, 174175

German leadership, 177

Irish industry leadership, 390

New Zealand leadership, 418419

Turkish leadership, 858, 867

U.S. leadership, 518

Adversarial leadership, in Australia, 316

AFB Banks, 554

Affirmative action, 480

African National Congress (ANC), 437, 438, 439

Afrocentric leadership, in South Africa, 464470

Agar, Michael, 6

Age, U.S. leaders and, 490


Chinese leadership and, 897

Colombia, 699

Greece, 782

Agricultural Bank (Greece), 776

AHA principle, 1083

Ahimsa (doctrine of nonviolence), 1045

Akbar, 979

Akerblom, Staffan, 6

Al Andalus, 623

Åland Islands, 75

ALCESTE program, 559

Alemanns, 253

Alexander of Macedon. See Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great, 770, 973

Alfonsín, Raúl, 662

Alger, Horatio, 482

Allemansrätten (Right of Public Access), 4243, 1035

Allen, Paul, 485

Alliance for Progress, 660

Alpha Credit Bank (Greece), 776

Alphonse XIII (king of Spain), 627

Amaral, Freitas do, 587

Ambiguity, Colombian society and, 697698

Ameritech, 432

Amphiktyonies, 769

Ancien Régime (Tocqueville), 550551

Anglo-Boer War, 437

Anglo cluster

Humane Oriented leadership, 10441045, 10551058

leadership profiles, 10551058

overview of, 297298

“Anglo-Indians,” 974

“Antihero,” 482

Anti-Semitism, 153

Anxiety, East Germans and, 166

The Anxiety of Influence (Bloom), 488

ANZACs, 304

Apartheid, 437438

Apprenticeships, 269

Arbitration, in New Zealand, 399


Australia and, 667

current situation in, 657, 663

demographics, 658

economy, 658

emigration and, 667

geography, 657658

GLOBE Research Project

cultural change and, 1074

limitations, 685

methodology, 665

Latin Americanization, 671672


buen jefe/good boss icon, 677678

dueño/owner icon, 677

ethnographic research results, 675680

figures señeras, 672673

gerente/manager icon, 678679

GLOBE dimensions, 673675

jefe/boss icon, 678

líder/maverick icon, 679680

media analysis of, 680682

Participative, 1043

profiles of, 672, 682683, 10601061

management studies, 663665

political and economic history, 658663

political system, 658

societal culture

Assertiveness, 667

Future Orientation, 667

Gender Egalitarianism, 668

GLOBE dimensions, 666

Humane Orientation, 668669

In-Group Collectivism, 670, 671

Institutional Collectivism, 667668, 671

Power Distance, 669670

Power Orientation, 666

profiles of, 671, 683684

Uncertainty Avoidance, 670671

suggestions for visitors, 683684

Argumenty I Fakty (Russian newspaper), 823

Arianism, 625

Arthasastra, 979

Artists, Finnish, 86

Arts leaders, in Turkey, 855

Asado (barbecue), 670


Australia and, 303, 304

See also Confucian Asia cluster; Southern Asia cluster

Asoka, 979

Assertiveness, 3, 4

Argentina, 667

Australian organizational culture, 322323, 327

Australian societal culture, 308

Austria, 127

Chinese leadership, 897

Chinese societal culture, 888889

Colombia, 696, 699

England, 344

Finland, 83, 84, 8586

French organizational culture, 565

French societal culture, 566567

Germany, 159, 162163, 164, 1046

Greece, 782

Hong Kong's organizational culture, 922

Hong Kong's societal culture, 915, 918

Irish leadership, 383

Irish societal culture, 374375, 376

Mexico, 747, 750

Netherlands, 229, 230

New Zealand, 405, 407408

Portugal, 599

Russia, 815

societal culture “As Is” and “Should Be” dimensions, 1094

South African race-based comparison in, 467

South African societal culture, 446, 451, 470

Spain, 638

Sweden, 40, 4748, 50

Switzerland, 270271

Turkish organizational culture, 865

Turkish societal culture, 840, 841, 842, 844845, 869

United States, 499, 503, 510

Asylum seekers, Australia and, 307

Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal, 836, 837, 858

Athens, 769

Athletes, Finnish, 86

“Atlas” software, 445

Atlee, Clement, 342

Atomo (person), 789


as an enigma, 300, 301, 311, 312, 329

Argentina and, 667

comparisons to New Zealand, 407408

demographics, 303

economy, 302

egalitarianism and, 299, 306, 308, 316, 323

finance industry, 318, 323328

GLOBE Research Project limitations, 330

government and politics, 301302, 317

historical overview, 300301, 302303, 304

immigration policies, 303


characterizations of, 299, 328330

CLT profile, 10551056

in contemporary politics, 317318

in the finance industry, 325, 328

GLOBE dimensions, 313315

Humane Oriented, 1045

media analysis of, 312313, 314318, 324, 325

political leaders, 311312

in the telecommunications industry, 323

themes from current research in, 309311

traditional cultural themes in, 316

transformational, 309310

work ethic and, 316317

relationships with other countries, 303304

societal culture

Assertiveness, 308

Collectivism, 307308

distinguishing characterizations, 309

Future Orientation, 306

Gender Egalitarianism, 308

GLOBE project results, 304309

Humane Orientation, 306307

overview of, 299, 329

Performance Orientation, 305306

pluralism in, 302303

Power Distance, 309

Uncertainty Avoidance, 306

telecommunications industry, 318323

The Australian (newspaper), 312

Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZACs), 304n10, 400

The Australian Financial Review (newspaper), 312

Australian Labour Party, 301302

Australian Telecommunications Authority, 318


codetermination in, 116

constitution and government, 144145

economy, 113115

education, 145

European Union and, 115

federal election of 1999, 139

German market economy and, 114

GLOBE Research Project

methodology, 116120

practical implications, 140

study limitations, 139140

historical overview, 110113

image in the world, 109


Autonomous, 130, 1048

business leadership patterns, 132139

characteristics of, 133136

CLT profile, 10531054

German terms related to, 128

historical leaders, 109n, 113

interviews on, 131132

“long leash,” 1048

media analysis of, 130131

Participative, 1043

preferred behavior, 136139

questionnaire-based data collection, 129130

location, 144

population, 144

social partnership model, 115116

societal culture

activity orientation, 127

Collectivism, 123, 126127

Gender Egalitarianism, 123, 125

Humane Orientation, 123, 125126

overview of, 120122

Power Distance, 123, 124125

relational orientation, 123127

time orientation, 122

Uncertainty Avoidance, 122123

stereotypical attributes, 144

Austrian State Treaty, 111


English society, 339

Turkish society, 844


leadership Argentina, 684

Finland, 99100

Mexico, 748749, 754

New Zealand, 423

Portugal, 607608

Autocratic leadership

Australia, 314

India, 996, 1000

Ireland, 385386

Mexico, 727, 733

Turkey, 853854

Autonomous leadership

Austria, 130, 1048

defined, 1039

disparity in perceptions of, 10481049

Eastern Europe cluster, 10621063

France, 573, 1049

Germanic cluster, 10531055

Germany, 171, 172, 175, 178, 1048

Greece, 794

Hong Kong, 928

India, 10661067

Latin America cluster, 10601062

Latin Europe cluster, 10581060

Mexico, 753, 754755, 757, 758

negative correlation with Institutional Collectivism, 1047

Netherlands, 235, 10481049

Nordic Europe cluster, 31, 1053

overall values for, 1101

overlap with other leadership types, 1070

Russia, 821, 822

South Africa, 456

South Africa (Black sample), 10671068

Switzerland, 1048

Turkey, 10631064

United States, 514, 523, 1049

Autonomy, Dutch society and, 241

Awards, U.S. society and, 508

Azevedo, Belmiro de, 589

Aznar, Jose Maria, 628

Aztecs, 725


Balkans Wars, 771772

Balsemão, Francisco, 589

Banco Comercial Português, 614

Bank Austria, 139

Banking industry

in France, 554555, 556, 563566

French management styles in, 557558, 559, 561

Greece, 776777

Hong Kong, 946

Sweden, 54n Turkey, 861, 862828

See also Financial services industry


Ireland, 379

New Zealand, 422

Bank of Piraeus, 776

Bantu, 435

Barcelona, 626

Barclays Bank (Greece), 776

Barco, Virgilio, 692

Barnard, Chris, 460

Barnato, Barney, 436

Barnevik, Percy, 99100

Barrio (neighborhood), 669

Bartholomew Night, 219

Basque people, 629

Bass, Bernard M., 633

Batavian Republic, 221

Batten, Jean, 406

Begrudgery, 379, 382

Beieren, Jacoba van, 218

Belgium, 218

Bell Atlantic, 432

Berlin, 150

Bernadotte, Jean Baptiste, 35

Bhagwati, P. N., 981

Bias, 21, 29

Bibracte, 253

Bild Zeitung (German newspaper), 157

Biographies, of Irish leaders, 376377

Births, outside marriage, 340

Black economic empowerment (South Africa), 439, 443

“Black economy,” in Spain, 629


in America, 478

Eurocentric vs. Afrocentric approaches to leadership in South Africa, 464470

Blick (Swiss newspaper), 262

Bloom, Harold, 488

Boer Republic of the Orange Free State, 436

Bogotá, 700

Bohemia, 151

Bok, Derek, 487488

Bolivar, Simon, 690

Bonaparte, Joseph. See Joseph I Bonaparte

Bonaparte, Louis (Lodewijk Napoleon), 221

Bonus pay, 508

Bosberade (strategic planning), 461

Botha, P. W., 438

Boundary-spanning societies, 10301031

leadership profiles and, 1070

Bourbon, Juan Carlos de, 627

See also Juan Carlos I

Bourbon dynasty, 626627

Bourdieu, Pierre, 576

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), 358

Bradman, Donald, 311

Brahmins, 974, 975

Brandt, Willy, 113, 187, 188, 189

Branson, Richard, 349, 382

Brasch, Charles, 406

“Breakthrough leadership,” 310

British Empire, India and, 973

Britten, John, 401

Broadcast media, Spain and, 643

Brodbeck, Felix C., 6

Buddha, 973

Buen jefe/good boss icon, 676, 677678

Bulgaria, 771772

Bullfighting, 651

Bundespräsident (Swiss president), 257, 277

Bundesrat (Swiss Federal Council), 257

Bundesrepublick Deutschland. See West Germany


(Swiss Federal Assembly), 257

Bureaucratic leadership

Germany, 178179

Ireland, 386

New Zealand, 421

Russia, 808

Bush, George H. W., 638

Bushmen, 434

Business India (magazine), 982, 983

Business Review Weekly

(Australian magazine), 312

Business Week (U.S. magazine), 522

Byzantine Empire, 770, 778


Cable Wireless (Hong Kong) Ltd., 945

Cacique (leader), 672

Cadre (manager), 552

Caesar, Julius, 149, 253

Caetano, Marcelo, 584, 585

Calles, Elias Plutarco, 728

Calvin, John, 254


Netherlands, 219, 220, 222

Switzerland, 268269

Cambio (Colombian newspaper), 705

Candessus, Michael, 808n3

Capital (Greek magazine), 790

Capitalism, in Dutch history, 219, 222

Cardin, Pierre, 562

Carlos IV (king of Spain), 626

Carlsson, Ingvar, 43

Carl XVI Gustaf, 34

Caste system, in India, 974975

Catholicism. See Roman Catholic Church

Catholic societies, Power Distance and, 598

Caudillos (leaders), 645, 659, 672

Caudillos (regional governors in Mexico), 726727, 734

Cavaco Silva, Aníbal, 586, 607, 608609

Cavallo, Domingo, 679, 681

Cédric (“fashion manager”), 562563

Cell phone industry. See Mobile phone industry

Central Europe, Germanic cultural cluster in, 151


Ireland, 370

Netherlands, 224

Central planning

Chinese economy and, 881

See also Planning

Ceremonies, Indian society and, 992

Chairman or Chief (Farrell), 376377

Chairmen, 377

Chairpersons, in France, 552

Chanakya, 979

Change orientation, Chinese leadership and, 898


Colombian leadership, 717, 718

Finnish leadership, 100

Irish leadership, 381, 382

Portuguese leadership, 607609, 610

Charismatic/Value Based leadership

Anglo cluster, 10551058

as a universal dimension, 1041

Austria, 130

China, 900901

Colombia, 717, 718

Confucian Asia cluster, 10641066

critical perception of, 1081

cultural values and, 1041

defined, 1039

Eastern Europe cluster, 10621063

Finland, 100

France, 560, 573, 574, 1041

Germanic cluster, 10531055

Germany, 171, 172, 177, 179, 180

Greece, 792, 794, 795, 798

historical consequences of, 650

Hong Kong, 927

India, 10661067

Ireland, 381, 382, 383, 384385, 388, 390391

Latin America cluster, 10601062

Latin Europe cluster, 10581060

Mexico, 736, 743, 751, 753, 755, 758

New Zealand, 417

Nordic Europe cluster, 31, 1053

overall values for, 1097

Portugal, 607609, 610

Russia, 819, 822

Singapore, 1041

South Africa, 454, 471, 472

South Africa (Black sample), 10671068

Switzerland, 277

Turkey, 866867, 10631064

United States, 514


Argentina, 669

Colombia, 700

Greece, 786

Ireland, 373

Russia, 818

United States, 505

Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor), 626

Chefskap (management), 57

Cheung Kong, 934

Chhokar, Jagdeep S., 6

Chiang Kai-shek, 880

Chief executive officers (CEOs), interviewed in the Netherlands, 233236

Chiefs, 376377

Child-care institutions, in Sweden, 47

Child labor, in Colombia, 701


Colombia, 701

Holland, 222


Confucianism and, 878879, 883885, 886, 904

Cultural Revolution, 881

economy, 881883, 905

geography, 879880

GLOBE Research Project limitations, 904

historical overview, 880881

Hong Kong and, 910, 911, 912, 935


adapting Western managerial philosophies, 899

balancing aggressive and conservative actions, 897

change orientation, 898

CLT profile, 10641065

Communist Party membership and, 1071

dual identity in, 902

face-saving, 1050

famous political leaders, 894896

focus groups on, 896900

GLOBE survey results, 900902

Humane Oriented, 898899, 900, 1045

humor and, 1071

market economy reform and, 893894

overview of, 903

paternalism in, 902903

self-improvement, 898

societal values and, 900

under state socialism, 893

visionary, 897898

modern transformations and, 904905

political system, 883

Singapore and, 948

societal culture

Assertiveness, 888889

characteristics of, 883884

Collectivism, 10331034

cultural evolution and, 1036

current state of, 886

Future Orientation, 888

Gender Egalitarianism, 890891

GLOBE dimensions summary, 887

guanxi, 884, 889

Humane Orientation, 892

individualism, 1036

In-Group Collectivism, 890

Institutional Collectivism, 889890

mianzi, 884885, 889

Performance Orientation, 886888

political morality, 885

Power Distance, 891892

renqing, 879, 884, 889, 892, 899

Uncertainty Avoidance, 891

Chinese Communist Party, 880882, 902

Chirac, Jacques, 550


Byzantine Empire and, 770

Spain and, 625

See also Calvinism; Greek Orthodox Church; Protestantism; Roman Catholic Church; Russian Orthodox Church

Chrysler Corporation, 486

Churchill, Winston, 772

CITIC Pacific, 935

Civil servants, in France, 552, 568

Civil War (U.S.), 477

Clan associations, in Singapore, 948949

Clarín (Argentine newspaper), 680681

Class/Class consciousness

Confucianism and, 879

England, 336

Hong Kong, 916

Ireland, 370

Classical music, Austria and, 109

Classified Post (Hong Kong newspaper), 936

Clinton, Bill, 490

Coaching, English leadership and, 349

Coalition model, of industrial relations, 226

Cocaine, 691


Austria, 116

German labor-management relations, 149

German leadership, 169

West Germany, 198

Cognitive consonance, 10761077

Cognitive dissonance theory, 1076

Cohabitation, in Finland, 89

Collaborative Team Oriented leadership

Finland, 9495

United States, 517, 523

Collective-achievement leadership, in Turkey, 857868

Collective bargaining, in New Zealand, 405406

Collective labor agreements, in the Netherlands, 244

Collective problem solving, Mexican leadership and, 743


Australian finance industry, 327, 328

Austria, 123, 126127

China, 10331034

Colombian leadership, 715

Colombian societal culture, 697, 715

cultural evolution and, 1036

England, 337, 339, 344

French organizational culture, 566

French societal culture, 568569

GLOBE dimensions of, 10321033

Greece, 783784

India, 991, 1005, 1034

Ireland, 375, 376, 391

Mexico, 736

Portugal, 598599

Russia, 813814

Singapore, 957

South African race-based comparison in, 468

South African societal culture, 446447, 450, 452, 462463, 471

Sweden, 1035

Swiss leadership, 276

Turkey, 845, 857, 10341035

See also In-Group Collectivism; Institutional Collectivism

Collectivist societies, 10321036

face-saving leadership, 10501051

hierarchic-paternalistic leadership, 10511052

“Collegiality,” 271

Collegial leadership, Austrians and, 136


demographics, 689

economy, 689, 695696

extradition controversy, 692

financial services industry, 690

GLOBE Research Project methodology, 692693, 707

historical overview, 690

instability in, 695696


GLOBE dimensions, 707709

interviews on, 711715

media analysis of, 705707

prior research on, 704

profiles of, 715717, 718, 1061

synthesis of case studies, 709711

narcotics mafia, 691692

organizational culture, 702703

political structure, 704

political system, 691

recommendations for foreign leaders, 717, 719

societal culture

Assertiveness, 696, 699

Collectivism, 697, 715

Future Orientation, 694n, 701702

Gender Egalitarianism, 696, 698699

GLOBE dimensions, 693697

Humane Orientation, 694n, 700701

Performance Orientation, 699700

Power Distance, 694, 697

profiles of, 696, 702

Uncertainty Avoidance, 694696, 697698

unobtrusive observations, 697702

spontaneity and, 702

telecommunications industry, 690691

War on Drugs, 692

Coloreds, in South Africa, 435

Common Agricultural Policy (European Union), 358

Common-source response bias, 21


Irish society and, 374375

Swiss leadership and, 276

Communication styles

Asian, 102, 103

Austrian, 144

Austrian leadership and, 138

Finnish, 102, 103

Communist Party

Chinese, 880882, 902

Russian, 814


Germany, 153

United States, 480, 481, 505506

Company newsletters, Turkish leadership reflected in, 857

Compassion, German leadership and, 175

Compassionate Visionary leadership, 350, 351

Conant, James Bryant, 488


Austrian leadership and, 137

Germans and, 162163

West Germans and, 166167

Conflict avoidance, in Sweden, 48, 50

Conflict resolution

Colombian leadership, 717

Turkish leadership, 871

Conformity, in New Zealand, 406

Confrontation, Germans and, 162163

Confucian Asia cluster, 875

Humane Oriented leadership, 1045

leadership profiles, 10641066

Singapore and, 10301031


Chinese societal culture and, 883885, 886, 904

Hong Kong's societal culture and, 913, 938939

overview of, 878879

Sima Guang and, 895

Singaporean leadership and, 963964

Singaporean middle managers and, 960961

Zhou Enlai and, 895

Confucius, 878, 885, 894, 899

Conscious motives, 5


Austrian leadership, 138139

Dutch leadership, 235

Finland, 86

French leadership, 553

Irish leadership, 381, 382

Netherlands, 224, 241

Sweden, 50, 65

Swiss leadership, 278

Swiss societal culture, 270271

Constantine the Great, 770

Constantinople, 770

Consultation economy, the Netherlands and, 224

Consultative leadership, in Turkey, 854855, 870

Context, Irish leadership and, 381382

Contingency studies, on U.S. leadership, 492

Contingent punishment behavior, 736

Contingent reward, in Hong Kong, 941

Contingent reward behavior, 736, 758

Control boards, in South Africa, 463

Convergence hypothesis, 10751076

Cook, James, 398

Cooperate industrial organization (CIO), 225n8

Cooperation, Finnish leadership and, 98

Cooperative banks, in France, 554, 555, 556

Cooperative organizations, in France, 554, 559560

Coop Group, 259

Corporate culture, “family,” 592

Corporativos (business organizations), 732

Correio da Manhã (Portuguese newspaper), 606

Corruption perception, in Portugal, 598

Cortés, Hernan, 725

Cosmote, 777

The Cost of Talent (Bok), 488

Country Co-Investigators (CCIs)

activities of, 6, 11

GLOBE qualitative methodology and, 24, 28, 29

GLOBE quantitative methodology and, 19, 20, 23

pilot studies and, 20

recruitment of, 6

The Courier Mail (Australian newspaper), 312

Creativity, U.S. society and, 483


Dutch leadership, 235

Swiss leadership, 277

Crédit Foncier, 554

Credit Suisse, 258

Crete, 771


South Africa, 462

United States, 503

Criminals, Swedish policy toward, 45

Cross-cultural encounters, 1083

Crusades, 770

Cullen, Bill, 377

Cultural change

convergence hypothesis, 10751076

deprivation hypothesis, 10761078

general problems of, 10741075

Cultural distance, 1084

Cultural diversity, within societies, 10781079

Culturally Endorsed Implicit Theories of Leadership (CLTs), 18

cultural context and, 10371038

measurement of, 10381039

overview of, 1037

quantitative scales, 2223

Cultural practices, 1027, 1028

“Cultural revolution” (1968), 225226

Cultural Revolution (China), 881

Cultural values, 1027, 1028


“as is” and “should be,” 4

attributes of, 4

definitions of, 3, 476, 1027

generalizability across, 10

links to leadership, 10411042

measured at societal and organizational levels, 4, 5

as the practices of entities, 4

quantitative dimensions, 34

Culture clusters, 10281030

In-Group and Institutional Collectivism, 1033

Cunhal, Álavaro, 587

Cycladic Civilization, 769

Cyclical time, 465467

Cyprus, 772773, 774

Czechoslovakia, 115


Dagens Industri (Swedish newspaper), 74

Dagens Nyheter (Swedish newspaper), 74

The Daily Mail (English newspaper), 355

Dalén, Nils Gustav, 36

Dan wei (organizations), 893

Davin, Dan, 406

Débrouillard, 566

Decision making, Austrian leaders and, 136137

Decisive leadership, 526

Australia, 314

Austria, 135

Finland, 95, 98

Turkey, 867

United States, 517, 521, 523

De Gaulle, Charles, 548

de Klerk, F. W., 438

de la Madrid, Miguel, 729


Austria, 123

Classical Greece, 769

Russia, 815

Switzerland, 256

Democratic relations, Austrian leadership and, 136

Denominational segregation, 221

Deprivation hypothesis, 1028, 10761078


Australia banking system and, 326, 327

in England, 338

“De-sanskritisation,” 976

Desarrollismo (developmentalism), 661

Deutsche Demokratische Republick. See East Germany

Deutsche Nation (German Nation), 149

Deutschland (German Nation), 149

de Valera, Eamon, 363, 377, 382

Diamond industry, 436

Diário de Noticias (Portuguese newspaper), 606, 607

Diário Económico (Portuguese newspaper), 606

Dias, Bartholomew, 435

Diaz, Porfirio, 727728

Dickson, Marcus, 6


New Zealand, 423

Portugal, 591

Diefthintis (director), 789

Die Zeit (German newspaper), 157, 158

Din-e-Illahi, 979

Dingaan, 436

Diplomatic leadership

Greece, 793

Ireland, 389

United States, 518, 521, 523

Directive leadership, in Mexico, 736, 737, 758

Dirigente (leader), 645

Disabled persons

in Colombia, 700701

Swedish attitudes toward, 4546

Discrimination. See Racism

Diutischin liute (German people), 149

Diversity, U.S. society and, 480


Argentina, 669

Australia, 307308

Doctrine of the mean, 879

“Dole bludgers,” 316

Dominion (New Zealand newspaper), 414

Dong Zhongsu, 878

Dorfman, Peter W., 6

Douglas, Roger, 401

Downsizing, in the United States, 506507

Dowry, 990

Drake, Sir Francis, 342

DTZ Zadelfhoff, 234

Dueño/owner icon, 676, 677

Dufour, Henri, 279

Dunant, Henri, 280

Dünya (Turkish newspaper), 839

Durchwurstein (muddling through), 144

Dutch East India Company, 435

Dynamism, English leadership and, 342, 347


Eanes, António Ramalho, 587, 608

Eastern Europe cluster, 765

leadership profiles, 10621063

East Germany

anxiety and, 166

creation of, 153

cultural change and, 1075

East vs. West polarization and, 201

economic system, 199

GLOBE Research Project

media analysis, 157, 202

questionnaire sample size and characteristics, 155157

issues of sampling, 1031, 1032


charismatic, 177

Communist Party membership and, 1071

comparative analysis of leadership scores, 213

comparative studies in, 170

factor analysis results, 204212

first-order dimension, 173175

the Humble Collaborator, 177178

individualistic, 178

mixed types, 179180

post-reunification research in, 169170

print media analysis of, 180182

procedural, 179

profiles of types, 175, 176

regression analysis of leadership scores, 214

self-protective, 172

“should be” qualities, 160

political system, 199

reunification and, 154155, 200201

societal culture

Assertiveness, 162163

Future Orientation, 163

overview of, 159, 160, 161

similarities with West Germany, 165166

Uncertainty Avoidance, 162

See also Germany

East India Company, 220, 973n

Echeverria, Luis, 729

Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA), 551

Economic Commission for Latin America, 660

Economicos Tachydromos (Greek magazine), 790

The Economic Times (Indian newspaper), 982, 983

The Economist (English newspaper), 355

Eczacibasi, Nejat, 851, 857858, 859

Edict of Nantes, 220


Austria, 134, 145

England, 337

Finland, 7879

France, 551, 569

Greece, 779

Hong Kong, 917918, 919

Ireland, 366

Mexico, 732

Netherlands, 234

South Africa, 460

Sweden, 4445

Switzerland, 264, 269

Turkey, 839, 842, 844

Efficiency, U.S. society and, 481

EFG Eurobank Ergasias, 776


Australia, 299, 306, 308, 316, 323

Greece, 787

Netherlands, 240241

New Zealand, 399400, 407, 410411, 424

Sweden, 50

United States, 508

See also Gender Egalitarianism

Ego Boss, 275, 282

Eisner, Michael, 489

Ekonomist (Turkish periodical), 839

El Cronista Comercial (Argentine newspaper), 680, 682

Electricidade de Portugal, 614

El Espectador (Colombian newspaper), 705

El Financiero (Mexican newspaper), 735

Elitism, in Colombia, 697

El Mundo (Spanish newspaper), 644

Eloquence, Swiss leadership and, 277

El Pais (Spanish newspaper), 644

Elsevier (Dutch magazine), 232

El Tiempo (Colombian newspaper), 705

Emancipation Proclamation, 477

Emigration, Argentina and, 667


English culture and, 337

Finns and, 99

Swedes and, 4748

Empirical thinking, U.S. society and, 483

Employment Contracts Act (New Zealand), 402

Employment Equity Act (South Africa), 440

Emporiki Bank, 776

Empresarios (entrepreneur/managers), 724n2, 740, 741, 744

Enarques, 551

Energy. See Dynamism


births outside marriage, 340

financial services industry, 345, 357

food processing industry, 346, 358

GLOBE Research Project

factor analysis of leadership variables, 349350, 359

limitations, 351352

media analysis of methodology, 355356

issues of sampling, 1032


characteristics in society, 347348

dimensions derived from factor analysis, 349350

future trends, 352353

historical figures, 341342

media analysis of, 342343

profiles of, 352, 1056

research on managers, 340

organizational culture, 345347, 352

professionalization of management, 341

recommendations for foreign managers, 350351

societal culture

factors affecting modern changes in, 335336

Future Orientation, 340

Gender Egalitarianism, 339340, 344

GLOBE questionnaire findings, 343344

Humane Orientation, 340

Individualism, 339

liberal, 337

Performance Orientation, 340

Power Distance, 338339

recent changes in, 337338

traditionalist, 336337

Enlightened pragmatic rulers, 979

Ensamhet (solitude), 47, 1035


Austria, 127

Greece, 779, 788

Hong Kong, 920, 921

India, 990

leadership and, 650

Russia, 806807

Singapore, 952954

Environmental sustainability, Finland and, 78

Epilogi (Greek magazine), 790

Equality Act (Switzerland), 266

Equality/Equal rights

Australian egalitarianism and, 300

existential, 482

Sweden, 50

Switzerland, 266

United States, 481, 507

Equal Opportunities Act (Sweden), 44

Erhard, Ludwig, 187, 188, 189

Ericsson, Lars Magnus, 36

Erlander, Tage, 37

Escobar, Pablo, 692

Escrache, 669670

Estate General (Holland), 219

Ethical statutes, 246

Ethnographic interviews

Argentina, 675680

Austria, 118119

in-depth, 2627

Mexico, 740741, 743745

Sweden, 5759, 7273

Switzerland, 261, 275281

Ethnographic semantics, 73

“Eureka Stockade,” 311n14

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), 808n2

European Monetary Union (EMU), Finland and, 77

European Union (EU)

Austria, 115

Finland, 77

Greece, 782

Sweden, 34

Turkey, 836

Event management model, 593

Evolution, of societal culture, 1036

Existential equality, 482

Expansion (Spanish newspaper), 644

Expansión (Mexican magazine), 735

Explicit motives, 5

Express (Greek newspaper), 790

Expressen (Swedish newspaper), 74

Expresso (Portuguese newspaper), 606, 607

Extradition, Colombia and, 692



China, 884885, 931

Indian culture, 996

Indian leadership, 1000

Face-saving leadership

Australia, 314

China, 900, 1050

India, 1000, 10501051

New Zealand, 419

overview of, 10501051

participative leadership and, 1052n

Singapore, 964, 1051

Factor analysis, within-society, 10031004

Faculty evaluations, in Colombia, 699


Argentina, 669, 670, 676

Australia, 307308

China, 890

Colombia, 697

Confucianism and, 879

France, 569

Greece, 778, 784

Hong Kong, 917, 938

India, 991

Ireland, 372373

Mexican leadership and, 743744, 758759

Mexican societal culture, 732, 749

New Zealand, 408

Singapore, 958

South Africa, 462463

Spain, 640

Turkey, 844, 846, 869870, 1034

United States, 506

Family capitalism, in France, 551

Family Collectivism

Argentina, 669

France, 569

“Family” corporate culture, 592

Family firms

Greece, 778, 784

Hong Kong, 920, 938

India, 992

Turkey, 846, 869870

Fatalism, Turkey and, 843

Fátima, 584

Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). See West Germany

Feelings. See Emotions/Feelings

Feraios, Regas, 771

Ferdinand II (king of Aragon), 626

Ferdinand VII (king of Spain), 627

Figo, Luis, 583584

Figures señeras (dominant leaders), 672673

“Filiki Etairia,” 771

Financial-industrial groups (FIG), 808n2

The Financial Mail (South African newspaper), 445

Financial services industry

Australia, 318, 323328

Colombia, 690

England, 345, 357

generalizability across cultures, 10

GLOBE Research Project and, 21

Hong Kong, 922, 945, 946

India, 10141015

leadership perceptions in Finland, 95, 96

New Zealand, 431

organizational culture in Ireland, 386390

Spain, 630, 641642

Sweden, 53, 54

Switzerland, 258259

Turkey, 861868

Financial Times (English newspaper), 342, 355

Finansies en Tegniek (South African newspaper), 445


climate, 80

current economic performance, 8182

economic history, 8081

educational system, 7879

GLOBE Research Project in, 8283

historical overview, 7577

language, 80


characteristics significant for foreign leaders, 102103

clarity and, 1071

CLT profile, 1053

GLOBE dimensions, 9395

historical factors affecting, 101102

Humane Oriented, 31, 1046

interviews and focus groups on, 98101

media analysis of, 9698

outstanding leaders, 9193

Participative, 10421043

as perceived in different industries, 95, 96

personal features of outstanding leaders, 101

previous research on, 9091

sensitivity and, 1071

migration from rural areas, 88, 89

Paasikivi-Kekkonen line, 93

religion, 79

social skills, 102

societal culture

Assertiveness, 8586

Future Orientation, 85

Gender Egalitarianism, 87

general observations regarding, 8990

Humane Orientation, 8788

In-Group Collectivism, 89

Institutional Collectivism, 8687

overview of, 8384

Performance Orientation, 8485

Power Distance, 88

Uncertainty Avoidance, 89

values and communication styles, 102, 103

welfare state and current economy, 7778

Finnish, 80


Dutch organizations and, 243246

U.S. society and, 483

Focus groups, 2426

Austria, 117

China, 896900

Germany, 158

Greece, 791792

India, 981, 983986, 1012

Ireland, 380382

Mexico, 740, 742743

Netherlands, 236237

New Zealand, 413416

Russia, 810, 818819

Singapore, 960961

South Africa, 444, 456459

Spain, 645647

Sweden, 5759, 7273

Switzerland, 260, 261, 275281

Turkey, 839

United States, 519522

West Germany, 184186

Folkhemmet, 36

Followers, German terms for, 128129

Food industry

Finland, 95, 96

Portugal, 613

Food processing industry

England, 346, 358

France, 555556, 563566

French management styles in, 558560, 561

generalizability across cultures, 10

GLOBE Research Project and, 21

India, 1016

New Zealand, 430431

organizational culture in Ireland, 386390

Spain, 631, 641642

Sweden, 53, 55

Switzerland, 259

Turkey, 862868

Football (American), 488, 503

“Forced consensus,” 270271

Ford Motor Company, 486

Förebild (leader), 58

Föredöme (manager), 58

Fortuyn, Wilhelmus “Pim,” 217

Fox, Vincente, 730, 731


banking system, 554555, 556, 563566

cooperative and mutual organizations, 554

culture-specificity concept, 548

economy and culture, 549, 581

education, 551, 569

family capitalism, 551

food processing industry, 555556, 563566

GLOBE Research Project

future research areas, 577578

limitations, 576

practical implications, 576577

Holland and, 221

industrial relations, 550

intellectual and elitist traditions, 550551


Autonomous, 1049

in banking, 557558, 559, 561

Charismatic/Value Based leadership, 1041

comparisons to other countries, 574576

education and, 1071

factor analysis results, 572574

in food processing, 558560, 561

Humane Oriented, 573, 575, 1047

interviews on, 556561

media analysis of, 561563, 575

Participative, 1043

principle styles, 552554

principle types, 548

profiles of, 574576, 10581059, 1069

social representation of, 569572

“whole systems” view, 1047

organizational culture, 563566

political background, 548549

recommendations for foreign managers, 576577

societal culture, GLOBE dimensions, 566569

state tradition in business, 551552

Universalism, 549550

Franco, Francisco, 627, 645

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (German newspaper), 157, 158

Franklin, Benjamin, 477

Franz Joseph I (Hapsburg emperor), 109n, 110, 113

Frauenvolksbegehren, 125

Frederick III (Holy Roman Emperor), 626

Freedom, U.S. culture and, 507

Freedom Party (Austria), 112, 139

Free-market system, U.S. individualism and, 507

Freie Presse Chemnitzer Zeitung (German newspaper), 157

French Association of Banks, 554

“French rationalism,” 567

French Revolution, 549, 550

Freud, Sigmund, 109n

Friar Klaus, 280281

Friendships, Argentina and, 670, 676

Fries, 216

Fuentes, Carlos, 627

Führer (leader), 128, 167168

Führerallergie, 168

Führung (leadership), 168

Führungskraft (manager), 128

Fung, Victor, 935936

Future Orientation, 3, 4

Argentina, 667

Australian societal culture, 306

Australian telecommunications industry, 321322

Austria, 122

China, 888

Colombian leadership, 716, 718

Colombian societal culture, 694n, 701702

English organizational culture, 345, 346

English societal culture, 340, 344

Finland, 84, 85, 89

French organizational culture, 565

French societal culture, 568

Germany, 153, 159, 161, 163, 165, 166

Greece, 781782

Hong Kong's organizational culture, 922

Hong Kong's societal culture, 918919, 921

India, 990

Irish organizational culture, 386387

Irish societal culture, 372, 376

Mexico, 747, 750, 760

Netherlands, 229, 230, 231

New Zealand leadership, 423

New Zealand societal culture, 405, 409410

Portugal, 595596

Russia, 816

Singapore, 956

societal culture “As Is” and “Should Be” dimensions, 1092

South African organizational culture, 461

South African race-based comparison in, 465467

South African societal culture, 447, 450, 451, 461, 471

Spain, 638

Sweden, 41, 4445, 49

Switzerland, 263264

Turkish organizational culture, 863864

Turkish societal culture, 840, 841, 843844, 869

U.S. leadership, 515

U.S. societal culture, 499, 502, 504, 510


Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand, 437, 979, 984, 1045

Gangs, in Colombia, 701

Gates, Bill, 485, 490

Gaucho, 677

Geführte (follower), 128

Gemeinschaft (community), 153

Gemütlich (sociable), 144

Gender differences, in leadership dimensions, 1079

Gender Egalitarianism, 3, 4

Argentina, 668

Australian finance industry, 327

Australian societal culture, 308

Australian telecommunications industry, 322

Austria, 123, 125

China, 890891

Colombia, 696, 698699

English organizational culture, 345, 346

English societal culture, 339340, 344

Finland, 84, 87

French organizational culture, 565

French societal culture, 567568

Germany, 159, 164

Greece, 784785

Hong Kong's organizational culture, 922

Hong Kong's societal culture, 915, 917918, 921

India, 990

Irish organizational culture, 38788

Irish societal culture, 370371, 376

Mexico, 748, 750, 760

Netherlands, 229, 230, 231

New Zealand, 405

Portugal, 596597

Russia, 814815, 818

Singapore, 956

societal culture “As Is” and “Should Be” dimensions, 1095

South African organizational culture, 462

South African race-based comparison in, 467

South African societal culture, 449, 451, 461

Spain, 639

Sweden, 40, 4344

Turkish organizational culture, 862, 864

Turkish societal culture, 840, 841, 847848

U.S. leadership, 515

U.S. societal culture, 499, 500, 502, 504505, 511

General Electric (GE), 485

Gerente excepcional (exceptional manager), 676

Gerente/manager icon, 676, 678679

German Democratic Republic (GDR). See East Germany German Empire, 149150, 152

Germanic Europe cluster

Autonomous leadership and, 10481049

leadership profiles, 10531055

overview of, 107

German Nation, 149


Austrian economy and, 114

current economic dilemma in, 148

demographics, 148

difficulty in describing, 147

East vs. West polarization in, 201

geo-cultural history, 149155

GLOBE Research Project

future study areas, 193194

interviews and focus groups, 158

job advertisement analysis, 158, 186, 188, 203

limitations, 193

media analysis, 157, 202

practical implications, 190193

questionnaire sample size and characteristics, 155157

summary of results, 189190

job requirements for executive positions, 186, 188


Autonomous, 171, 172, 175, 178, 1048

bureaucratic, 178179

charismatic, 177

comparative studies between East and West, 170

comparison of East vs. West leadership scores, 213

cultural differences and, 190192

education and, 1071

factor analysis results, 204212

first-order dimensions, 173175

focus groups on, 184186

future study areas, 193194

Humane Oriented, 171, 172, 182, 184, 10461047

the Humble Collaborator, 177178

individualistic, 178

interviews on managers vs. leaders, 182, 183

mixed types, 179180

oppressive, 179

Participative, 1043

as perceived in print media, 180182

perspective on changes in leadership approaches, 190

popular leaders, 158, 161

post-reunification research in, 169170

postwar period, 168

profiles of, 175, 176, 189, 1054

regression analysis of leadership scores, 214

second-order dimensions, 171, 172173

“should be” qualities, 160

societal cultural practices and, 173

specific business and political leaders, 187188, 188189

technical skills and, 1071

terminology, 167168

westernization of management principles, 168169

over regulation and, 167

paradox of social welfare and economic success in, 166167

reunification and, 200201

reunification costs and, 154155

sampling of subcultures, 1031, 1032

social market economy, 148149

social welfare in, 164165

societal culture

apparent trends in, 167

Assertiveness, 162163, 1046

change and, 189190, 192193

East/West comparisons, 165166

Future Orientation, 153, 159, 161, 163, 165, 166

Gender Egalitarianism, 164

Humane Orientation, 164165, 1046

In-Group Collectivism, 163

Institutional Collectivism, 163

leadership practices and, 173

overview of, 159, 160, 161

Performance Orientation, 163

Power Distance, 161162

Uncertainty Avoidance, 153, 155, 159, 161, 162, 165, 166, 167, 1078

Geuzen, 219

Gewestelijke Staten (Regional Estates), 218219

Gezelligheid, 242, 1073

Giddens, Anthony, 339

GINI index, 598

Globalization, 1082

U.S. leadership and, 494495

Global Leader concept, 284

Global leaders, United States and, 494495

Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Project. See GLOBE Research Project

Global leadership dimensions, 10381039

GLOBE Coordinating Team (GCT), 67

GLOBE questionnaires

development and validation of scales, 1820

measurement of organizational practices and values, 20

psychometric properties, 9

Swiss GLOBE project and, 260

within-society factor analysis of scales, 24

GLOBE Research Project

approaches to societal culture, 10271037

assumptions concerning leadership, 252

awards received, 1025

background of, 67

contributions to the cross-cultural study of leadership, 10731074

countries participating in, 8

cultural dimensions, 367368

cultural diversity within societies and, 10781080

definition of culture, 1027

definitions of constructs, 26

future research areas, 1074, 10811082

generalizability across cultures, 10

implications, 10821084

limitations, 10721073

measuring leadership in subgroups, 10791081

methodology, 1026

for country chapters, 2329

integration of quantitative and qualitative findings, 2930

overall, 1723

response bias, 29

objectives of, 89

phases of, 9, 10251026

prediction regarding cross-cultural leadership attempts, 1074

preparation of current volume, 10261027

primary and global leadership dimensions, 10381039

problems of cultural change, 10741078

scope of, 1025

theoretical model of, 7

units of analysis for, 21

Goal setting, Colombian leadership and, 714

Goh Chok Tong, 957

Goh Keng Swee, 950

Gold rush, in Australia, 302303

Gonçalves, Vasco, 587

González, Felipe, 628

Goode, Stephen, 487

Good to Great (Collins), 508

Government records, public access to in Sweden, 43

Government regulations, French leadership and, 575, 576

Grandes Ecoles, 551, 568

Great Britain

Hong Kong and, 910

India and, 973

New Zealand and, 398

South Africa and, 436, 437

See also England

Great Depression, 223, 478

Great Leader, 274, 282

Great Trek, 436


banking sector, 776777

cultural identity and, 800

dualities characterizing, 799800

economy, 774776

education, 779

foreign affairs, 774

GLOBE Research Project

design and methodology, 768

future research areas, 799

limitations, 799

historical overview, 769773


charismatic, 794, 795, 798

difference between leaders and managers, 792, 793

focus groups on, 791792

GLOBE results, 793798

literature review, 789790

media analysis of, 790, 791

Participative, 1044

profiles of, 789790, 1062

self-knowledge and, 800801

societal culture and, 798

terminology, 789

political situation, 773774

recommendations for foreign managers, 798799

social mobility, 779

societal culture

Assertiveness, 782

family, 778, 784

Future Orientation, 781782

Gender Egalitarianism, 784785

Humane Orientation, 785786

individualism, 779, 783

In-Group Collectivism, 784

in-group/out-group distinction, 783, 786

Institutional Collectivism, 782784

leadership and, 798

love of independence, 778779

mixture of traditional and modern in, 783

Performance Orientation, 780781

Power Distance, 786787

religion, 778

self-criticism and, 781

summary of GLOBE findings, 780, 788

Uncertainty Avoidance, 787788

telecommunications sector, 777

Greek Orthodox Church, 778

Green Bay Packers, 488

Greenpeace, 245

Groot Trek, 436

Grupos empresariales (business organizations), 732

Guanxi (relationships), 884, 889, 938, 1033

Guapo (maverick), 679

Guisan, Henri, 280

Guterres, António, 586587, 609


Haider, Jörg, 112

Hamilton, Alexander, 477

Handelsblatt (German newspaper), 157, 158

Han Dynasty, 878, 894

Hanges, Paul, 6

Hanson, James, 350

Hanson, Pauline, 303n9

Hansson, Per-Albin, 36n8, 37

Hapsburg dynasty, 110, 113, 626

Harding, W. G., 478

Harmony model, of industrial relations, 226

Harvard University, 487488

Haughey, Charles J., 382

Hawke, Robert, 312

Hayek, Nicholas, 177

Headship, 902, 923

Healer leader, 498

Health and safety. See Industrial health and safety

“Heartware,” 958

Heiliges Roemisches Reich Deutscher Nation (Holy Roman Empire of German Nation), 149

Hellenic culture, 625

Henry V (Shakespeare), 335

Heroic warrior/leader

liabilities of, 528

U.S. culture and, 497498

Herrhausen, Alfred, 178, 187, 188

Hervé Bank, 554

Het Financiële Dagblad (Dutch newspaper), 232

Hidalgo, Miguel, 726

Hierarchical Distance, 568

Hierarchic-paternalistic leadership, 1050, 10511052


Swiss leadership and, 282, 283

U.S. business culture and, 509

Higher education, in Greece, 779

High-German, 151

High-tech industry, Hong Kong and, 916

Hillary, Edmund, 400401, 406, 422

Hinduism, 976

Hines, George, 411

Hispania, 623

Hispanic, defined, 623

Hitler, Adolf, 109n, 111, 113, 150, 153

Hoffmann, Stanley, 581


historical overview, 218221

South Africa and, 435

See also Netherlands

Holocaust, Austria and, 111

Holy Roman Empire

in Spain, 626

Switzerland under, 253254

Homicides, in Colombia, 699

Hong Kong

compared to Singapore, 952

economy, 909, 910911, 912, 923

education, 917918, 919

entrepreneurship, 920, 921

financial services industry, 922, 945, 946

GLOBE Research Project

future research areas, 940

limitations, 940

methodology, 913921

government employees and, 963964

historical overview, 910


humor and, 1071

media analysis of, 929, 931936

paternalism, 925

political, 935

prior research on, 923925

profiles of, 936938, 941, 10651066

qualitative study results, 928936

quantitative study results, 925928

reunification with China and, 923

significant business and political leaders, 931, 933936

organizational culture, 921922

politics, 911, 935

“positive nonintervention” policy, 928

recommendations for foreign managers, 939940

religion, 911

research and development, 919

reunification with China, 910, 912, 923, 935

societal culture

Assertiveness, 915, 918

British influence on, 912, 916

Chinese culture and, 912913

Confucian values, 913, 938939

crisis in identity, 913

face, 931

family, 917, 938

Future Orientation, 918919, 921

Gender Egalitarianism, 915, 917918, 921

guanxi relationships and, 938

Humane Orientation, 915, 920

In-Group Collectivism, 914, 915, 917, 920, 921

Institutional Collectivism, 914, 917

Performance Orientation, 915, 919920, 921

Power Distance, 915, 916

profiles of, 920921, 938939

qualitative study results, 916920

quantitative study results, 914915

Uncertainty Avoidance, 916

wealth and, 916, 920, 939

telecommunications industry, 922, 945946

uniqueness of, 909

Hong Kong Business (magazine), 931

Hong Kong Economic Journal (magazine), 929

Hong Kong Standard (newspaper), 935

Hong Kong Telephone Co., Ltd., 945

Hongs (trading houses), 923

Honor, the French and, 569

Hopewell, 935

Hottentots, 434

House of Tatas, 981

HP/De Tijd (Dutch magazine), 232

Huguenots, 220, 549

Humane Orientation, 3, 4

Argentina, 668669

Australian finance industry, 326327

Australian societal culture, 306307

Australian telecommunications industry, 322

Austria, 123, 125126

China, 892

Colombia, 694n, 700701

English organizational culture, 345

English societal culture, 340, 344

Finland, 83, 8788

French organizational culture, 565566

Germany, 164165, 1046

Greece, 785786

Hong Kong's organizational culture, 922

Hong Kong's societal culture, 915, 920

Humane Oriented leadership and, 1044

India, 990991, 1005

Irish organizational culture, 387

Irish societal culture, 373374, 376

Mexico, 748, 760

Netherlands, 229, 230

New Zealand, 405, 410

Portugal, 597

Russia, 817

Singapore, 957

societal culture “As Is” and “Should Be” dimensions, 1096

South African race-based comparison in, 467468

South African societal culture, 449, 451, 462, 471

Spain, 639640

Sweden, 41, 42, 4546

Switzerland, 267

Turkish organizational culture, 865

Turkish societal culture, 840, 841, 848849

United States, 505506, 510

Humane Oriented leadership

Anglo cluster, 10441045, 10551058

Australia, 1045

Austria, 130

charismatic leadership and, 180

China, 898899, 900, 1045

Confucian Asia cluster, 10641066

cultural clusters and, 1044

cultural values and, 1044

defined, 1039

Eastern Europe cluster, 10621063

Finland, 31, 1046

France, 573, 575, 1047

Germany, 171, 172, 182, 184, 10461047

Greece, 794

Hong Kong, 928

India, 1000, 10451046, 10661067

Ireland, 385, 390, 1044

Latin America cluster, 10601062

Latin Europe cluster, 10581060

Mexico, 744, 753, 754, 755, 760

New Zealand, 418, 1045

overall values for, 1100

questions about future changes in, 1078

Russia, 820, 822, 1047

Singapore, 964, 1045, 1078

South Africa, 456, 1045

South Africa (Black sample), 10671068

“species” of, 10441047

Sweden, 31

Switzerland, 281

Team Oriented leadership and, 1041

Turkey, 867, 10631064

United States, 514, 517, 521, 10441045

unrelated to outstanding leadership, 10461047


France, 569

Holland, 220221

Human Leader, 275, 282

Human relations

Colombian leadership, 713, 715

Germany, 177178

Humble Collaborator, 177178, 179


Chinese leadership and, 1071

English culture and, 338

Hutchison Whampoa, 934


Iacocca, Lee, 382, 486

IBM, 486

Ibrahim Pasha, 771

Ideology questionnaire, 649

Igesia (leadership), 789


implications of, 1082

Ireland and, 373

Immigration policies, Australia and, 303

Implicit leadership model, Swedish middle managers and, 5157

Implicit leadership theory (ILT), 50, 252, 1037, 1038

Implicit motives, 45

Improvisation, Colombian culture and, 697698

“Indabas” (strategic planning), 461

Independence, Greek culture and, 778779

The Independent (English newspaper), 355

The Independent (New Zealand newspaper), 414

Independente (Portuguese newspaper), 606

In-depth ethnographic interviews, 2627


as a cultural unit, 971972

caste system, 974975

current situation in, 975978

economy, 976, 1009

family businesses, 992

financial services industry, 10141015

food processing industry, 1016

geography, 1009

GLOBE Research Project

limitations and future research areas, 1006

methodology, 981983

historical overview, 972974

Indian and American managers compared, 987

judiciary, 977

languages in, 975

leaders and managers compared, 986


of business organizations, 981

face-saving, 10501051

factor analysis of items, 9971004

first-order dimensions, 994996

focus groups on, 981, 983986, 1012

historical figures, 979980, 1017

Humane Oriented, 1000, 10451046, 10661067

ideal styles in, 984985

importance of, 978980

media analysis of, 982, 987, 988, 10181020

obstacles and constraints to, 985

outstanding, 984

political, 980981, 985

popular writings on, 980

profiles of, 10041005, 10661067

qualitative results, 983989

quotations from business leaders, 10101011

role modeling and, 985

second-order dimensions, 996

semistructured interviews on, 982, 983986, 1013

studies on, 980

unstructured interviews on, 982, 987988, 1021

literacy in, 977n

materialism and, 977, 1034

national identity and, 975976

political awareness in, 976

political governance, 977

population, 1009

recommendations for foreign leaders, 10051006

religion, 976

rituals and ceremonies, 992

societal culture

ancient, 972973

common features and characteristics of, 991992, 1005

GLOBE dimensions, 989991, 1005

In-Group Collectivism, 994, 1034

quantitative results, 992994

status and deference to age, 992

time orientation, 992

Indians, in South Africa, 437

India Today (magazine), 982, 983


Argentina, 683

China, 890, 1036

collectivism and, 1032

Colombia, 715

English leadership, 341342, 349350

English societal culture, 339

evolution of societal culture and, 1036

Finland, 8687, 89, 102

Germany, 153, 163

Greece, 779, 783

in Hofstede's typology of leadership, 593

Hong Kong, 917

India, 1005

Mexico, 734

New Zealand, 400401, 408409

Portugal, 599

Russia, 814

socially concerned, 4849

South African race-based comparison in, 468

Spain, 639

Sweden, 47, 4849

U.S. culture, 480, 482, 507508, 527528

U.S. leadership, 495496

Individualistic leadership

England, 341342, 349350

Germany, 178, 179

United States, 495496


of moral behavior, 246

Netherlands and, 246

Industrial Conciliation Act (South Africa), 441442

Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act (New Zealand), 399

Industrial health and safety, in Switzerland, 267

Industrialization, in Sweden, 3536

Industrial relations

France, 550

harmony and coalition models of, 226

South Africa, 440443

West Germany, 198

Industrial Review (Greek magazine), 790

Information technology (IT)

Australia, 319

Sweden, 39, 66, 67

U.S. leadership and, 495

In Good Company: Conversations with Irish Leaders (Kenny), 377

In-Group Collectivism, 3, 4

Argentina, 670, 671

Australian finance industry, 327

Australian societal culture, 307308

Austria, 123, 126

China, 890, 10331034

cultural evolution and, 1036

culture clusters, 1033

defined, 1032

face-saving leadership and, 1051

Finland, 83, 84, 89, 90

French organizational culture, 566

Germany, 159, 163, 165, 166

Greece, 784

hierarchic-paternalistic leadership and, 10511052

Hong Kong's organizational culture, 922

Hong Kong's societal culture, 914, 915, 917, 920, 921

India, 994, 1034

Irish organizational culture, 387

Irish societal culture, 372373, 376, 391

Mexico, 733, 747748, 749750, 758

Netherlands, 229, 231

New Zealand, 405, 408409

Portugal, 598599

Russia, 812814, 817818

Singapore, 957958

societal culture “As Is” and “Should Be” dimensions, 1090

South Africa, 449, 471

Spain, 640, 651

Sweden, 40, 47, 48

Switzerland, 268

Team Oriented leadership and, 1041

Turkish organizational culture, 862863, 869870

Turkish societal culture, 840, 841, 842, 846847, 869, 10341035

United States, 500, 506507, 511

Initiatives, Switzerland and, 256

Inkatha Freedom Party, 439

Innovation, Colombian leadership and, 714

Inónü, Ismet, 851, 858

In Search of Excellence (Peters & Austin), 508

Inspirational Coach, 349, 351

Inspirational leadership

Australia, 315

Finland, 94

New Zealand, 417

United States, 516, 520, 523

Institutional Collectivism, 3, 4

Argentina, 667668, 671

Australia, 307

Austria, 123, 126

China, 889890

cultural evolution and, 1036

culture clusters, 1033

defined, 1032

Finland, 83, 84, 8687, 89, 90

French organizational culture, 566

Germany, 159, 163

Greece, 782784

Hong Kong, 914, 917

Irish leadership and, 383

Irish societal culture, 375, 376, 391

Mexico, 747748

negative correlation with Autonomous leadership, 1047

Netherlands, 229, 230

New Zealand, 404, 405406, 408, 424

Portugal, 598599

Russia, 812

Singapore, 956957

societal culture “As Is” and “Should Be” dimensions, 1091

South Africa, 446447, 452, 471

Spain, 638639

Sweden, 40, 4243, 48, 1035, 1036

Switzerland, 268

Turkish organizational culture, 863

Turkish societal culture, 841, 845846, 1034, 1035

United States, 499, 500, 507508

Insurance industry

France, 556

Turkey, 861868

Integrity in leadership

Austria, 131, 134

Colombia, 714, 716717, 718

Finland, 93, 100

Ireland, 388

New Zealand, 419

Switzerland, 277

Turkey, 858, 867

United States, 516, 520, 523

Intermediair (Dutch newspaper), 232

International Committee of the Red Cross, 255

International peacekeeping, New Zealand and, 402403

Internet, 1082

penetration in Hong Kong, 945946

Interpersonal encounters, 1083

Interpersonal relationships

Germany, 177178

Mexican leadership, 743, 759

Mexican society, 734, 759

See also Personal relationships; Social relationships


Austria, 131132

India, 982, 987988, 1021

Ireland, 380382

Netherlands, 236237

South Africa, 444445, 456459

Spain, 647648

Switzerland, 260, 261

United States, 515519, 539

See also Ethnographic interviews; Semistructured interviews

Introspection, Indian culture and, 996

Inventors, in Austria, 127

Ioniki Bank, 776


in cross-cultural studies, 367

demographics, 361

economy, 365366

education, 366

emigration and, 361

GLOBE Research Project

cultural dimensions, 367368

practical implications, 392

questionnaires, 368369

sampling issues, 393

strengths of, 392393

historical overview, 361, 363364

invisibility of business leaders, 391392


Humane Oriented, 385, 390, 1044

industry-level analysis, 388390

notions of an ideal leader, 391

perceptions of business leaders, 382, 383

profiles of, 384386, 391, 10561057

qualitative study of, 379383

quantitative study of, 383386

research on, 376379

legal framework, 364

organizational culture, 386390

political framework, 364365

psychological perspectives on, 362363

recommendations for foreign leaders, 392

Roman Catholic Church and, 363, 364

societal culture Assertiveness, 374375

Future Orientation, 372

Gender Egalitarianism, 370371

GLOBE dimensions summary, 369, 375376

Humane Orientation, 373374

influence on perceptions of effective leadership, 390

In-Group Collectivism, 372373

Institutional Collectivism, 375

modern changes in, 366

Performance Orientation, 371372

Power Distance, 370

Uncertainty Avoidance, 374

unobtrusive indicators of, 379380

Irish Free State, 363

Isabella I (queen of Castile), 626


fatalism and, 843

Turkey and, 843, 861862

Islamism, Turkey and, 836, 838

Issing, Otmar, 167

Item Evaluation Reports, 19

Iturbide, Agustín, 726

Izvestiya (Russian newspaper), 823


Jackson, Andrew, 477

Jackson, Jesse, 490

Jackson, Phil, 489

Japan, firms in Singapore, 951

Javidan, Mansour, 6

Jefe/boss icon, 676, 678

Jefferson, Thomas, 477

Job advertisements

Germany, 158, 186, 188, 203

Hong Kong, 936

Netherlands, 232233

Job performance evaluations. See Performance evaluations

Jornal de Noticias (Portuguese newspaper), 606

Joseph I Bonaparte (king of Spain), 626627

Joseph II (Hapsburg emperor), 110, 113

Juan Carlos I (king of Spain), 628, 633, 648

See also Bourbon, Juan Carlos de

Juárez, Benito, 727

Justinian, 770

“Justness,” 526

Juvenile delinquents, in Colombia, 701


Kalevala (Lönnrot), 76

Kallen, Horace, 623

Kapodistrias, Ioannis, 771

Karamanlis, Konstantine, 773

Karel V, King of Holland, 219

Karma, 990

Karpin, David, 309

“Karpin Report,” 309

Kauppalehti (Finnish newspaper), 96

Kautilya, 979

Kekkonen, Urho Kaleva, 92, 93

Kelly, Ned, 311

Kemal, Mustafa. See Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal

Kemalism, 838

Kennedy, John F., 382, 487, 489, 490

“Khoeque” (rich man), 434435

Khoikhoi, 434435

Kiasuism (fear of failure), 954

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 489

Kingship, in ancient India, 973


Ireland, 373

Mexican leadership and, 743744

Kirch, Leo, 187188, 188

Know How (Greek magazine), 790

Knowledge, German leadership and, 182, 183

Knowledge-intensive industries, Sweden and, 3839

Koç, Vehbi, 851, 857858, 859

Kohl, Helmut, 187188, 188

Kommersant-Daily (Russian newspaper), 824

Komsomolskaya Pravda (Russian newspaper), 824

Kong Fuzi, 878

Korais, Adamantios, 771

Koran, 843

KPN, 234

Kraus, Karl, 110n3

Kreisky, Bruno, 109n, 111, 113

Kruger, Paul, 437

Kshatriyas, 974, 975

Ku Klux Klan, 478


Labor contracts, the Netherlands and, 244

Labor force, gender equality in Sweden, 44

Labor laws

New Zealand, 400

South Africa, 440, 441443

Labor markets, Sweden and, 37, 44

Labor movement, in Sweden, 36

Labor relations, the Netherlands and, 244

Labor Relations Act (South Africa), 442

Labor unions. See Unions

Lagom (“just right”), 49

Laissez-faire economy, in Hong Kong, 916

Lalor, Peter, 311

La Nación (Argentine newspaper), 680, 681

Landry, Tom, 489

Lao Tzu, 888

La República (Colombian newspaper), 705

Latin America cluster

leadership profiles, 10601062

overview of, 655

Latin Europe cluster

leadership profiles, 10581060

overview of, 545

Laval, Gustaf de, 36

Law enforcement, Colombia and, 697, 706

Layoffs, in the U.S., 506507, 510

LD process, 114

Leader motivational profile (LMP), 590591

Leaders, distinguished from managers, 1071

Leaders: Conversations With Irish Chief Executives (Kenny), 377


attributes of, 10711072

boundary-spanning societies and, 1070

conditions when most effective, 1074

convergence in managerial cultures, 719

cultural context and, 252

culturally endorsed dimensions, 10421052

cultural variations in CLT profiles, 10521070, 1072

definitions of, 56, 476, 491, 548

effectiveness in cultural context, 1038

entrepreneurship and, 650

gender differences, 1079

German terms for, 128

Hofstede's typology of, 593

implicit theories concept, 252

links to culture, 10411042

measuring in subgroups, 10791080

mixed styles, 1070

prototypes, 10371038

styles, 22, 23

subcultures and, 10701071

trait-based bias, 1081

universal dimensions, 10391041

Leadership Attributes Questionnaire, 21, 22

Leadership Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ-XII), 924

Leadership prototypes, 10371038

Leadership styles, 22, 23

Ledarskap (leadership), 57

Lee Hsien Loong, 952

Lee Kuan Yew, 947, 950, 960

Legends, 262

Swiss leadership figures and, 280281

Lemass, Séan, 363, 377, 382

Le Nouvel Economiste (French magazine), 562, 563

L'Expansion (French magazine), 562563

Li, Richard, 934

Li, Victor, 934

Liberty, 480, 507

Lider (leader), 645

Líder/maverick icon, 676, 679680

Li Ka-shing, 923, 934

Limes, 151

Lim Kim San, 950

Lincoln, Abraham, 477, 486487, 489

Lindgren, Astrid, 47

Lineal time orientation, 504

Literacy, in India, 977n Liu Bei, 894

Lodewijk, King of Holland (Louis Bonaparte), 221

Lodge, George Cabot, 649

Lombardi, Vince, 488489, 503

Lönnrot, Elias, 76

Lopez Portillo, José, 729

Lourdes Pintassilgo, Maria de, 591

Lourenço, Eduardo, 583

Lourenço, Vasco, 587

Low-context cultures, Sweden as, 50


Australian telecommunications industry and, 322

Turkish paternalistic leadership and, 855

Lurdes Pintassilgo, Maria de, 587

L'Usine Nouvelle (French magazine), 562

Luther, Martin, 151

Lutheran Church, 79

Lying, collectivist cultures and, 996


“Mabo” decision, 303n8

Macedonia, 770, 771

Macquarie, Lachlan, 301

Madero, Francisco, 728

Madison, James, 477

Madrid, 624, 626

Madrid peace conferences, 638

Mahmud of Gazni, 973

Malaysia, 947

Månadens Affärer (Swedish business magazine), 74


Spanish focus groups on, 645646

Swedish conception of, 5758

Management (New Zealand magazine), 414

Management boards, in Austria, 116

Management Today (English magazine), 342, 355


distinguished from leaders, 275276, 1071

Finnish perceptions of, 99

German terms for, 128

as perceived in West Germany, 182, 183

Swedish conception of, 57, 58

Mannerheim, Carl Gustaf, 76, 9192, 93

Maori, 397, 398, 399, 403, 412

Mao Zedong, 885

Maquiladoras, 731

Marañón, Gregorio, 669

Marconi, 615

“Marcos” (of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation), 753

Maria Theresia, 110, 113

Marijuana, 691

Market economy, the Netherlands and, 227


Colombia, 698

England, 340

Finland, 89

Marshall Plan, 478


China, 889

Colombia, 696

Portugal, 599

South African organizational culture, 467, 471

United States, 482, 505

Materialism, India and, 1034

“Mateship,” 309, 316

Maurya, Chandragupta, 979

Maxwell, Robert, 350

Mbeki, Thabo, 438

McClelland, David, 590

McLauchlan, Gordon, 408

Media analysis

Argentina, 680682

Australia, 312313, 314318, 324, 325

Austria, 119120, 130131

Colombia, 705707

England, 342343, 355356

Finland, 9698

France, 561563, 575

Germany, 157, 180182, 202

Greece, 790, 791

guidelines for, 2728

Hong Kong, 929, 931936

India, 982, 987, 988, 10181020

Mexico, 735, 737, 738739

Netherlands, 232233

New Zealand, 414, 416417

Portugal, 606610

Russia, 823825, 826828

Singapore, 961963

South Africa, 445446, 449451, 459, 472

Spain, 643645

Sweden, 5962

Switzerland, 262

Turkey, 839, 855857

United States, 522524, 541, 542

Melo, José, 589

Mendoza, Antonio de, 725

Menem, Carlos, 662, 668, 676, 679680

Menotti, César Luis, 680

Mentally disabled persons, in Colombia, 700701

Menzies, Robert, 302n5, 311

Merchant Adventurer leadership, 349350, 351

Merchants, in Holland, 219, 222

Mercosur, 664

Meritocracy, England and, 337, 339

Messolongi, 771

Metaxas, Ioannis, 772


for country chapters, 2329

integration of quantitative and qualitative findings, 2930

overall, 1723

response bias, 29


Catholic Church and, 725726, 731

demographics, 730

economy, 728729, 730731, 741

education in, 732

empresarios, 724n2, 740, 741, 744

GLOBE Research Project

future research areas, 757

limitations, 757

methodology, 737, 740745

survey questionnaires, 741742

grupos empresariales, 732

historical overview, 725732

institutionalization of firms, 745


authoritarianism, 748749, 754

Autonomous, 753, 754755, 757, 758

caudillos, 726727, 734

Charismatic/Value Based, 743, 751, 753, 755, 758

CLT profile, 10611062

collective problem solving, 743

comparisons to other countries, 755757

directive, 736, 737, 758

emerging themes in, 759760

ethnographic interviews on, 743745

family and kinship, 743744, 758759

GLOBE dimensions, 751755

historical and political leaders, 727728, 729730

Humane Oriented, 744, 753, 754, 755, 760

influence of the U.S. on, 745

interpersonal relations and, 743, 759

literature reviews, 735737, 738739

Participative, 753, 754, 755, 759760

paternalism and, 755, 759

patriarchal, 727, 744, 759

Performance Orientation, 758

personal networks and, 759

personal relationships and, 744

Power Distance, 733734, 742743

respect, 742, 743

Self-Protective, 753, 754755, 757, 758, 1050

semistructured interviews and focus groups on, 742743

supportive/relationship-oriented, 735736, 737

Team Oriented, 751, 753754, 755, 760

traditional themes in, 758759

paternalism and, 755

recommendations for foreign leaders, 761

religion and, 731

societal culture

Assertiveness, 747, 750

Collectivism, 736

family, 732, 733, 749

Future Orientation, 747, 750

Gender Egalitarianism, 748, 750, 760

GLOBE dimensions, 746

Humane Orientation, 748, 760

In-Group Collectivism, 733, 747748, 749750, 758

Institutional Collectivism, 747748

interpersonal relationships, 734, 759

modern change and, 730732, 734735

Performance Orientation, 745746, 750, 760

Power Distance, 733734, 748749

shared features, 723724

social individualism, 734

traditionalism, 733

Uncertainty Avoidance, 750

unionism, 732

Mianzi (face), 884885, 889

Michelet, Jules, 550

Microsoft, 485

Middle East cluster, 833

leadership profiles, 10631064, 10691070

Middle managers

defined, 21

generalizability across cultures, 10

Migros, 259

Milliyet (Turkish newspaper), 839

Ming Pao (Chinese newspaper), 929

Min-max contracts, 244

Minoan Civilization, 769

Missionaries, Irish, 373

Mitarbeiter (follower), 128129

Mitterand, François, 548

Mixed capitalism, Netherlands and, 223

Mobile networks, Finland and, 81

Mobile phone industry

Greece, 777

Portugal, 614


Irish industry leadership, 390

U.S. leadership, 518, 521

Monarchy, in modern England, 338

Monochromatic time orientation, 484

Monopolism, Russia and, 807808


in Ireland, 379380

See also Statues

Moors, 626


China, 885

individualization and, 246

U.S. organizational culture, 483

Morelos, José María, 726

Moskovsky Komsomoletz (Russian newspaper), 823

Mosquera, Tomas Cipriano de, 690

Motorway toll systems, 614

Mozarabic rite, 625

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 109

Mughal Empire, 973

Muldoon, Robert, 401, 423

Mulgan, John, 424

Multiculturalism, implications of, 1082

Multinational corporations

boundary-spanning societies and, 1031

in Singapore, 951

Swedish-owned, 36

Municipal rights, Dutch cities and, 218

Mural (Mexican newspaper), 735

Muscovy, 806

Music, Austria and, 109

Muslims, in Spain, 625, 626, 628

Mutual banks, in France, 554, 555, 556, 559

Mutualist organizations, in France, 554, 559560

Mycenaean Civilization, 769

Myths, Swiss leadership figures and, 280281


Naftemboriki (Greek newspaper), 790

Naipaul, V. S., 406

Nalanda University, 972n

Narcissistic leadership, 552

Narcotics mafia, 691692

National Action Party (Mexico), 730, 731

National Bank of Greece, 776

National Business Review (New Zealand newspaper), 414

National health insurance, in Sweden, 43


Australia, 305

Turkey, 845

National Party (South Africa), 437438, 439

National pride

Austria, 126

New Zealand, 406407

National Socialism, Germany and, 152, 153

Native Americans, 478, 482

Navarino, 771

Nazi Germany, 152, 153

Austria and, 111


Colombian leadership and, 717, 718

Irish society and, 374375

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 980

Neighborhoods, Argentina and, 669

Nelson, Horatio, 341

Nestlè, 259


as a “boundary-spanning” society, 1030, 1049

action organizations, 245246

“cultural revolution” of 1968, 225226

cultural transition and, 230, 231232

flexibility in organizations, 243246

GLOBE Research Project

future study areas, 242243

limitations, 241242

questionnaires, 228

historical overview, 218221

industrial relations after World War II, 223228

international orientation in, 234

language, 216


Autonomous, 235, 10481049

CLT profile, 1055

gender differences on preferred attributes, 242

GLOBE questionnaire results, 237240

historical figures, 217218

interviews and focus groups on, 236237

interviews with CEOs, 233236

key attributes, 223, 227

managing flexibility, 245

media analysis of, 232233

perceptions of assertive leaders, 1068n

poldermodel, 240, 241

postwar pattern in, 236

public attitudes toward, 216

themes in societal culture affecting, 222223

loss of governmental authority in, 246

organizational culture, 230232

overview of, 215, 216217

professional management in, 235

recommendations for foreign leaders, 247

societal culture

contemporary transitions in, 230, 231232

egalitarianism, 240241

historical themes in, 222223

overview of, 223, 227, 228230, 241

unions, 227

workforce and unemployment, 216217


Argentina, 684

Finnish leadership, 98

Mexican leadership, 759

Swiss leadership, 283

Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Swiss newspaper), 262

Neutrality, Switzerland and, 254, 256

New Democracy Party (Greece), 773

Newsletters, Turkish leadership reflected in, 857

Newsweek (magazine), 493

New York Times (newspaper), 522

New Zealand

comparisons to Australia, 407408

cultural archetypes, 400401, 423

cultural identities and, 399

demographics, 397398, 401

economy, 400, 401402, 407

financial services industry, 431

food processing industry, 430431

foreign policy, 402403

GLOBE Research Project

limitations and future research areas, 424

methodology, 403404, 413414

governance, 399

historical overview, 397399, 401402

“Kiwi culture,” 398


between-country comparisons, 417419

factor analysis of leadership scales, 419422

focus groups on, 413416

GLOBE scales, 417422

Humane Oriented, 1045

Maori, 412

print media analysis of, 414, 416417

profiles of, 417, 422423, 1057

research studies on, 411413

semistructured interviews on, 414416

societal culture and, 424425

technical skills and, 1071

male cultural archetype, 400401

multicultural workforce, 423

national identity, 398, 400

national pride, 406407

recommendations for foreign leaders, 423424

rural archetype, 423

societal culture

Assertiveness, 407408

challenges to, 402

Egalitarianism, 399400, 407, 410411

Future Orientation, 409410

GLOBE dimensions, 404405

Humane Orientation, 410

important themes in, 410411

individualism, 408409

In-Group Collectivism, 408409

Institutional Collectivism, 405406

leadership and, 424425

Performance Orientation, 406407

Power Distance, 409

profile of, 422

Uncertainty Avoidance, 406

telecommunications industry, 431432

New Zealand Business (magazine), 414

New Zealand Herald (newspaper), 414

New Zealand Institute for Economic Research (NZIER), 412

New Zealand Post Office, 431, 432

Nezavisimaya Gazeta (Russian newspaper), 823824

Ngata, Apirana, 422

Ngee Ann City, 949

Ngee Ann Kongsi, 949

“Niche banks,” 54n

Nike, 503

Nobel, Alfred, 36

Nokia, 78, 81

Nokta (Turkish periodical), 839

Nonparticipative leadership, in China, 900

Nordic Europe cluster, 31, 1053

Northern Company, 220

Northern European countries. See Nordic Europe cluster

Northern Ireland, 363

NRC/Handeslblad (Dutch newspaper), 232, 233

Nuclear prohibition, New Zealand and, 403

Núñez, Rafael, 704


Obedience, Confucianism and, 879

Occupational sex segregation, in Hong Kong, 918

O Comérico do Porto (Portuguese newspaper), 606

Offentlighetsprincipen (“Principle of public access to official records” ), 43

Official records, public access to in Sweden, 43

Ogliastri, Enrique, 6

Olsen, Ken, 101

Olympic Games, 769

Ombudsman systems, in Sweden, 43

Onassis, Aristotle, 792

One-man-show leadership, in Turkey, 858859

One Nation Party (Australia), 303n9

Operational Programme for Human Resources Development (Ireland), 366

Opium War, 880, 910

Oppressive leadership, Germany and, 179

Optimus, 614

Optus, 318, 319

Oral communication, Irish society and, 374

Order, China and, 891

Orderly Organizer leadership, 349, 351

O'Reilly, Tony, 377, 378, 382

Organizational culture, Hofstede's typology of, 593

Organizational leadership

Austria, 135

defined, 6, 1037

Finland, 98

Organizational practices, measurement of, 20

Organizational values, measurement of, 20

Organization of Telecommunication of Greece (OTE), 777

Osório, Luís, 607

Österreichisches Erfinderschicksal, 127

OTC, 318

Ottoman Empire

Greece and, 770771

Turkey and, 836, 838

“Out of Africa” hypothesis, 434

Ow Chin Hock, 954


Paasikivi, Juho Kusti, 92, 93

Pacific Century Cyberworks, 934

Pakeha, 398, 399, 413

Palatinate, 151

Palme, Olof, 37, 46, 113

Panafon, 777

Panhellenic Socialist Party (Greece), 773

Papadopoulos, George, 773

Papandreou, Andreas, 773

Parachutage (“parachuting”), 552

“Parachuting,” 552

Parental leave, in Sweden, 44

Parent-child relationship, in China, 890

Parliamentary aristocracy, in the Netherlands, 221

Parsonian dichotomies, 592

Participative leadership

Anglo cluster, 10551058

Argentina, 1043

Austria, 130, 136137, 1043

Colombia, 714, 717, 718

Confucian Asia cluster, 10641066

cultural clusters and, 1042

cultural values associated with, 1042

defined, 1039

Eastern Europe cluster, 10621063

Finland, 10421043

France, 553, 559, 573 574, 1043, 10581059

Germanic Europe cluster, 107, 10531055

Germany, 169, 170, 171, 172, 175, 1043

Greece, 794, 1044

Hong Kong, 928

India, 10661067

Latin America cluster, 10601062

Mexico, 736, 753, 754, 755, 759760

Nordic Europe cluster, 1053

overall values for, 1099

relationship to face-saving and hierarchic-paternalistic leadership, 1052n

Russia, 820, 822

South Africa, 455456

South Africa (Black sample), 10671068

species” of, 10421044

Sweden, 65

Turkey, 10631064

United States, 514, 1043

Parts sociales (“social shares”), 554

A Passion for Excellence (Peters & Austin), 508

Patel, Vallabhbhai, 980


in French business, 551

in Mexico, 733

Paternalistic leadership

China, 902903

Confucianism and, 879

French, 553

Hong Kong, 925

Mexico, 755, 759

Turkey, 849, 851, 854, 855, 870

Patriarchal leadership, in Mexico, 727, 744, 759

Patriarchal organizations, in Greece, 778

Patriarchy, China and, 903

Patriotism, in Austria, 126

Patrón (lord of the manor), 673

Patronage relationships, in Turkey, 848849

Patten, Chris, 911, 923

Paul (apostle), 625

Peacekeeping, New Zealand and, 402403

Pearse, Richard, 401

Peloponnesian Wars, 769

People's Party (Austria), 111, 112

People's Republic of China, 881

See also China

Peranakans, 950

Performance evaluations

Colombia, 699

Netherlands, 226, 228

Sweden, 46

Performance-Maintenance leadership theory, 923

Performance Orientation, 4

Australian finance industry, 326

Australian societal culture, 305306

Australian telecommunications industry, 320

Austria, 127

China, 886888

Colombian societal culture, 699700

English organizational culture, 345, 346

English societal culture, 340, 344

Finland, 83, 8485

French organizational culture, 566

French societal culture, 569

Germany, 159, 163

Greece, 780781

Hong Kong, 915, 919920, 921

India, 989990, 994

Irish organizational culture, 386

Irish societal culture, 371372, 376

Mexico, 745746, 750, 760

Netherlands, 228, 229, 230, 231

New Zealand, 404, 406407

Portugal, 594595

Russia, 816, 817

societal culture “As Is” and “Should Be” dimensions, 1093

South African organizational culture, 460461

South African race-based comparison in, 465

South African societal culture, 448, 450, 451, 460, 471

Spain, 637638

Sweden, 40, 46

Switzerland, 268270

Turkish organizational culture, 863864

Turkish societal culture, 840, 841, 842

United States, 499, 501, 508, 510

Performance Oriented leadership

Colombia, 716, 718

Finland, 95, 97

Germany, 175

Ireland, 385

Mexico, 737, 758, 760

New Zealand, 417

Switzerland, 279

Turkey, 867

United States, 520, 523, 571

Pericles, 769

Perón, Evita, 680

Perón, Juan, 660, 661, 679

Persian Empire, 769

Personal integrity. See Integrity in leadership

Personal networks. See Networks/Networking

Personal relationships

Argentina, 684

Greek leadership, 789

Mexican leadership, 744

See also Interpersonal relationships; Social relationships

Personnel development, in Sweden, 4445

Persson, Göran, 4344

Pestalozzi, Heinrich, 279

Peter the Great, 806

Philip II (king of Holland), 219

Philip II (king of Spain), 626

Philosopher-kings, 979

Philotimo (love of honor), 779, 782, 789

Philoxenia (hospitality), 783, 785

Phoenicians, 625

Physically disabled persons, in Colombia, 700701

Pierer, Henrich von, 163

Pippi Longstocking, 47


China, 881

East Germany, 199

South Africa, 461

strategic, 461

Turkey, 843844

Pluralism, Australian society and, 302303

Poldermodel, 240, 241

Police. See Law enforcement

Political morality

China, 885

See also Morality

Poly-chronic time, 465467

Portafolio (Colombian business newspaper), 705

Portas, Paulo, 587

Porter, Michael, 366


demographics, 584, 589

economy, 587589

food industry, 613

GLOBE Research Project

cultural change and, 1074

limitations, 616, 1080

methodology, 594

historical overview, 584585

India and, 973974

issues of cultural and national identity, 583584


cross-cultural empirical research on, 590594

cultural change and, 1074

empirical studies on, 600606

in food and telecommunications industries, 616, 617

media/discourse analysis of, 606610

political leaders, 586587

profiles of, 611613, 1059

quantitative study, 610, 611, 612

the media in, 606

organizational culture, 615616

political leaders, 607609

political structure, 585587

research & development, 596

Revolution of Carnations, 584, 585, 591, 617618

societal culture

Assertiveness, 599

Collectivism, 598599

Future Orientation, 595596

Gender Egalitarianism, 596597

Humane Orientation, 597

modern values, 590

Performance Orientation, 594595

Power Distance, 597598

profiles of, 600, 617618

structural change and, 589590

Uncertainty Avoidance, 599600

South Africa and, 435

telecommunications industry, 614615

Portugal Telecom (PT), 614


Colombia, 701

South Africa, 439


French leadership, 576

Irish leadership, 381

See also Power Orientation

Power Distance, 4

Argentine leadership, 684

Argentine societal culture, 669670

Australian finance industry, 327

Australian societal culture, 309

Austria, 123, 124125

China, 891892

Colombia, 694, 697

defined, 46

English leadership, 349

English organizational culture, 345, 346, 352

English societal culture, 338339, 344

Finland, 83, 84, 88

French leadership, 575

French organizational culture, 565

French societal culture, 568

Germany, 153, 159, 161162, 165, 166

Greece, 786787

in Hofstede's typology of leadership, 593

in Hofstede's typology of organizational culture, 593

Hong Kong's organizational culture, 922

Hong Kong's societal culture, 915, 916

India, 991, 994

Irish leadership, 381, 383

Irish organizational culture, 388

Irish societal culture, 370, 376, 391

Mexican leadership, 733734, 742743

Mexican societal culture, 733734, 748749

Netherlands, 229, 230, 231

New Zealand, 405, 409, 424

Portugal, 597598

relationship with religion, 598

Russia, 815, 817, 829

Singapore, 956, 959

societal culture “As Is” and “Should Be” dimensions, 1089

South African organizational culture, 462

South African race-based comparison in, 468

South African societal culture, 448449, 450451, 462, 471

Spain, 640

Sweden, 41, 4647

Swiss leadership, 277

Swiss societal culture, 265266

Turkey, 840, 841, 849840, 869

U.S. leadership, 515

U.S. societal culture, 500, 502, 508509, 510

Power Orientation

Argentina, 666

Charismatic/Value Based leadership and, 1041

Singapore, 957

Practicality, U.S. society and, 484

Practical skepticism, 1077, 1078

Pragmatic leadership, in Russia, 808


Australian politics and, 316

Sweden and, 4950

Predatory leadership, in Russia, 808

Press, in Spain, 643

The Press (New Zealand newspaper), 414

Primary leadership dimensions, 1038

Print media analysis. See Media analysis

Prison and Probation Service (Sweden), 45

Prisons, in Colombia, 700

Privatization, Argentina and, 662

Procedural leadership

East Germany, 174175, 179

Ireland, 386

United States, 523

Proceso (Mexican magazine), 735

Professional development, in Turkey, 842

Progressive Era, 478

Project teams, in Sweden, 6465


France, 549

Germany, 151

Holland, 219, 220

Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 554

Prussia, 152

PT Innovation, 615

Public monuments

in Ireland, 379380

See also Statues

Publico (Portuguese newspaper), 606

Público (Mexican newspaper), 735

Publiekrechtelijke Bedriffsorganisatie, 225n8

Putin, Vladimir, 829


Q-sorting, 1039

Q-Telecom, 777

Quakers, 482

Qualitative methodology, 18, 2429

Quality Circles (QCs), 951

Quantitative methodology, 1723

Quote (Dutch magazine), 232


Racism, Australia and, 302303, 306

Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli, 979

Raffles, Sir Stamford, 947

Rangatira (to weave people together), 398


“French,” 567

Germany and, 152


Sweden and, 4950

U.S. society and, 483

Realism, Austrian leaders and, 135

Recruitment advertisements, in Hong Kong, 936

Red Cross. See International Committee of the Red Cross


Austria, 125n

Switzerland, 256257

Reformation, 254


Austria and, 125126

Ireland and, 373

Switzerland and, 267

Regional Estates (Holland), 218219


French leadership and, 575, 576

Germany and, 167

Reich, Robert, 506507

Religion, 814

Argentina, 668

Finland, 79

Greece, 778

Holland, 219, 220

Hong Kong, 911

India, 976

Mexico, 731

relationship with Power Distance, 598

South Africa, 462

Spain, 625, 627

Switzerland, 254

United States, 481

See also specific faiths and churches

Remplacant, 222

Renaissance, in Holland, 219

Renqing, 879, 884, 889, 892, 899, 920

Repertory grid interviews, 412

Research and development (R&D)

Hong Kong, 919

Ireland, 372

Portugal, 596

Spain, 629

Sweden, 39, 45

Turkey, 842

Response bias, 29

Revolutionary Institutional Party (Mexico), 728, 729, 730, 731

Revolution of Carnations, 584, 585, 591, 617618

Rhaetians, 253

Rhodes, Cecil, 342, 436437

Ribaud, Antoine, 550

“Rich points,” 73

Right of Public Access (Sweden), 4243, 1035

Risk avoidance

Singapore industry and, 954

Switzerland and, 264265

Risk taking

Australian finance industry and, 326

Hong Kong and, 916

Rituals, in India, 992

Robinson, Mary, 361, 382, 391

Roddick, Anita, 350

Rodriques, Amália, 583

“Role models,” Swedish conception of, 58

Roman Catholic Church

France, 549

Germany, 151

Hong Kong, 911

Ireland, 363, 364

Mexico, 725726, 731

Mozarabic rite, 625

Spain, 627

Roman Empire, 149, 151, 253, 770

Romanticism, Germany and, 152

Ronda del mate, 670

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 478, 489

Roosevelt, Theodore, 478

Rousfeti (personal favor to supporters), 774775

Rowlands, “Tiny,” 350

Rugby, 408, 460

Ruiz-Quintanilla, S. Antonio, 6

Rules, French leadership and, 575, 576

Runeberg, J. L., 76


business culture entrepreneurial potential, 806807

historiography, 805

monopolism and, 807808

recreating corporations, 808

Communist Party and, 814

economic revitalization, 803804

Finland and, 7576

GLOBE Research Project

data collection, 809811

value of, 804

historical overview, 806


Autonomous, 821, 822

charismatic/value-based, 819, 822

contemporary factors affecting, 825, 892

focus groups on, 810, 818819

GLOBE scales, 819822

Humane Oriented, 820, 822, 1047

media analysis of, 823825, 826828

Participative Orientation, 820, 822

philosophical types, 808

profiles of, 822, 825, 829, 1063

Self-Protective, 822, 1049

Team Orientation, 819820, 822

typologies, 809

recommendations for foreign managers, 829830

societal culture

Assertiveness, 815

contemporary factors affecting, 825, 892

current trends in, 829

Future Orientation, 816

Gender Egalitarianism, 814815, 818

Humane Orientation, 817

individualism, 814

In-Group Collectivism, 812814, 817818

Institutional Collectivism, 812

overview of, 811812

Performance Orientation, 816, 817

Power Distance, 815, 817, 829

Uncertainty Avoidance, 816817

vital statistics, 803

Russian Orthodox Church, 806, 814

Rutherford, Ernest, 406, 422

Rütli, 254

Ruyter, Michiel de, 217


Sá Carneiro, Francisco, 586, 607

Safety. See Industrial health and safety

Salazar, António de Oliveira, 584, 585, 591

Salinas de Gortari, Carlos, 729

Saltsjöbaden-agreement, 3738

Salzburg Music Festival dispute, 138139

Sameness, Australian egalitarianism and, 300

Sampaio, Jorge, 586

Samper, Ernesto, 706

Samples/Sampling, 2021

San, 434, 435

Sanlam, 443n7

“Sanskritisation,” 975

Santa Anna, Antonio López de, 727

Santander, Francisco de Paula, 690

Santo, Espírito, 589

Saraiva de Carvalho, Otelo, 587

Saramago, José, 583

SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test), 488

Satirical humor, English culture and, 338

Satyagraha, 979980


Austria, 123

China, 888

France, 568

New Zealand, 409

Portugal, 596

Switzerland, 264

United States, 504

Savior leader

liabilities of, 528

United States, 497498

Scenario planning, 461

Schmäh, 144

Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), 488

School systems. See Education Schweizerische Radio-und Fernsehgesellschaft, 259

Scott E. Meyers Award for Applied Research in the Workplace, 1025

Self-actualization, U.S. culture and, 482


East German leadership, 174175

Indian leadership, 996, 999

Self-criticism, Greeks and, 781


Chinese leadership and, 898

United States and, 508

Self-Promoter leadership, 421, 422

Self-Protective leadership

Anglo cluster, 10551058

Austria, 130

China, 901902

Confucian Asia cluster, 10641066

cultural clusters and, 1049, 1050

cultural values and, 1049

defined, 1039

Eastern Europe cluster, 10621063

face-saving, 10501051

France, 573

Germanic Europe cluster, 10531055

Germany, 171, 172, 175

Greece, 794

hierarchic-paternalistic, 1050, 10511052

Hong Kong, 928

India, 10661067

Latin America cluster, 10601062

Latin Europe cluster, 10581060

Mexico, 753, 754755, 757, 758, 1050

Nordic Europe cluster, 31, 1053

overall values for, 1102

Russia, 822, 1049

Singapore, 1051

South Africa, 456

South Africa (Black sample), 10671068

Turkey, 867868, 1049, 10631064

United States, 514

Self-Sacrificial leadership

Australia, 314, 323, 328

Singapore, 963964

Turkey, 867

United States, 517, 520, 523

Semana (Colombian newspaper), 705

Semanário (Portuguese newspaper), 606

Semanário Económico (Portuguese newspaper), 606

Semistructured interviews

Austria, 118, 119

Germany, 158

India, 982, 983986, 1013

Ireland, 380382

Mexico, 740, 742743

New Zealand, 414416

Sweden, 73

Switzerland, 261, 275281

West Germany, 182, 183

Sepharad, 623

Sephardic Jews, 625626, 628, 640

Servant leadership model, 482

Service-oriented societies, Sweden, 38

Sevareid, Eric, 509

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Leaders (Covey), 508

Shaka, 436

Shakespeare, William, 335, 488

Shanghai, 886

Shareholders, 554555

Shares, 554555

Shell Petroleum Company, 245, 246

Sheppard, Kate, 422

Shu Kingdom, 894

Sima Guang, 894895

Simpático, 743, 759

Sinclair, Keith, 409


clan associations, 948949

compared to Hong Kong, 952

declining entrepreneurial spirit and, 952954

demographics, 947948

economy, 950951

foreign firms and, 950951

GLOBE Research Project, limitations and future research areas, 965966, 1082

historical overview, 947, 948


Charismatic/Value Based leadership, 1041

Face-saving, 1051

focus group interviews on, 960961

GLOBE questionnaire survey, 963964

Humane Oriented, 964, 1045, 1078

media analysis of, 961963

prior research on, 958959

profiles of, 962963, 1066

Self-Protective, 1051

Peranakans and, 950

recommendations for foreign managers or leaders, 966967

societal culture

boundary-spanning characteristics, 10301031

Chinese values in, 948949

effects of government involvement on, 951954, 965

Future Orientation, 956

Gender Egalitarianism, 956

Humane Orientation, 957

In-Group Collectivism, 957958

Institutional Collectivism, 956957

kiasuism, 954

Power Distance, 956, 959

Power Orientation, 957

profile of, 958

Uncertainty Avoidance, 952954, 955956, 1031, 1078

“trader's mentality” in, 949

Singapore Bulletin (government publication), 961

Singapore Business Review (magazine), 961

Singapore 21 Committee, 958

Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations, 949

Single European Market, 358

Single households, in Sweden, 47

Single-issue nongovernmental organizations, 246

Skepticism, practical, 1077, 1078

Slavery, South Africa and, 435

Snellman, J. V., 76

Soares, Mário, 585, 586, 608

Social and Economic Council (Netherlands), 224225

Social Collectivism, in Mexico, 747

Social competence, Austrian leaders and, 135136

Social Democratic Party (Sweden), 36, 37

Social Democrats (Austria), 111, 112

Social economy, in France, 568

Social exchange theory, 1038

Social individualism, Mexican society and, 734

Socialism, China and, 881, 893

Socialist Unitary Party (East German), 169, 199

Socially concerned individualism, 4849

Social market economy

Germany, 148149

West Germany, 198

Social mobility, in Greece, 779

Social networks. See Networks/Networking

Social oriented leadership

Mexico, 737

Russia, 808

Social partnership model, in Austria, 115116

Social relationships

China, 883885

Confucianism and, 879

guanxi, 884, 889, 938, 1033

Ireland, 374

See also Interpersonal relationships; Personal relationships

Social representations, 570

Social security

Netherlands, 224

New Zealand, 410

“Social shares,” 554

Social skills, Finns and, 102

Social status. See Status

Social welfare, in Germany, 164165

Societal collectivism, French, 568569

Societal culture

boundary-spanning societies, 10301031

cluster-typical societies, 1030

collectivist societies, 10321036

culture clusters, 10281030

culture-specific and culture-general approaches to, 1027

evolution and, 1036

leadership and, 252

modal values and practices, 1027, 1028

quantitative dimensions, 34

subcultures, 10311032

Society of Friends, 482

Soledad, María, 681

Solidargemeinschaft (solidarity community), 164, 165

Solidarity, Switzerland and, 267

Solidarity community, 164, 165

Solitude, 47

SONAE, 614

Sonntagsausflug, 127

South Africa

Afrikaner nationalism, 436, 437

apartheid, 437438

Black economic empowerment, 439, 443

demographics, 439440

education, 460

GLOBE Research Project

adapted questionnaire, 464465

future research directions, 463464

limitations, 463

methodology, 443446

historical overview, 434439

industrial relations, 440443

labor laws, 440, 441443


definition of a leader, 457

Eurocentric vs. Afrocentric, 464470

future research directions, 463464

Humane Oriented, 456, 1045

human resource issues and, 453454

prior research on, 452454

profiles of, 460, 471472, 1058

qualitative study results, 456459

quantitative study results, 454456

roles and behaviors of leaders, 457458

managers, 458459, 469470

organizational culture dimensions, 460462, 463

overview of, 433

post-apartheid, 438439

poverty in, 439

recommendations for foreign managers, 464

societal culture

Assertiveness, 446, 451, 470

Collectivism, 446447, 450, 452, 462463, 471

Future Orientation, 447, 450, 451, 461, 471

Gender Egalitarianism, 449, 451, 461

Humane Orientation, 449, 451, 462, 471

media analysis of, 449451

Performance Orientation, 448, 450, 451, 460, 471

Power Distance, 448449, 450451, 462, 471

profile of, 470471

quantitative study results, 446449

Uncertainty Avoidance, 448, 451, 452, 471

White dominance in management, 433, 452

South Africa (Black sample), leadership profile, 10671068

South African Native National Congress (SANNC), 437

South African Republic, 436

South China Morning Post (Hong Kong newspaper), 936

Southern Asia cluster, 969

leadership profiles, 10661067

Soviet Union, 76

Sowetan (South African newspaper), 445

Soziale Marktwirtschaft (social market economy), 148149, 198

Sozialistische Einheistpartei Deutschland, 169, 199


conquest and colonization of Mexico, 725726

1981 coup d’état attempt, 633, 648

democratization process and, 651

demographics, 629

economy, 629630

financial services industry, 630, 641642

food-processing industry, 631, 641642

geography, 628

GLOBE Research Project

future research areas, 649, 650

limitations, 649650

methodology, 636

government, 629

historical names for, 623

historical overview, 624628

Holland and, 219


beliefs underlying, 652

criticism of charismatic leaders, 1081

cultural context and, 648649

focus groups on, 645647

GLOBE dimensions, 642643, 644

interviews on, 647648

media analysis of, 643645

prior research on, 631636

profile of, 1060

terms used for, 645

Madrid peace conferences, 638

management, 645646

meaning of Hispanic, 623

the media and, 643

recommendations for foreign leaders, 650652

societal culture

Assertiveness, 638

Future Orientation, 638

Gender Egalitarianism, 639

GLOBE dimensions, 637641

Humane Orientation, 639640

In-Group Collectivism, 640, 651

Institutional Collectivism, 638639

perceptions of leadership and, 648649

Performance Orientation, 637638

Power Distance, 640

results from industry sectors, 641642

Uncertainty Avoidance, 640641

Spanish Civil War, 627

Sparbuch (savings account), 123

Sparta, 769

Spielberg, Steven, 489


Colombia, 697, 701

New Zealand, 407, 408

United States, 488489

Springer, Axel, 187, 188

Stadtholder, 218

Ståhlberg, K. J., 76

Stamps, in Ireland, 379

Standard Bank, 443n6

StarTV, 934

Stasi, 200

Staten Generaal (Estate General), 219

State-oriented leadership, in Turkey, 858

State ownership, Chinese economy and, 881

State socialism, China and, 881, 893


Ireland, 379380

Swiss leadership figures and, 280


Confucianism and, 879

Hong Kong, 916, 920

India, 974975, 992

Ireland, 370

Turkey, 849850

Status Consciousness

East German leadership, 174175

New Zealand leadership, 419

Status quo, Turkey and, 843

Status symbols

Austria, 124

U.S. business culture and, 509

Stauffacher, Werner, 279

Steel industry, Austria and, 114

Steinbrenner, George, 503

Straight Talker leader, 421, 422

Straits Chinese, 950

Strait Times (Singaporean newspaper), 961

Strategic planning

South Africa and, 461

See also Planning

Strauß, Johann, Jr., 109

Strauß, Johann, Sr., 109

Street names, Swiss leadership figures and, 279280


France, 568569

South Africa, 441, 442

Student-teacher relationship, in Turkey, 844

“The Study of Power and Democracy in Sweden,” 37

Suarez, Adolfo, 628


issues of sampling, 10311032

leadership profiles and, 10701071

Sub-Saharan Africa cluster, 1023

leadership profiles, 10671068

Sudern (complaining), 144

Sudras, 974


Australia, 308

Finland, 87

The Sunday Independent (South African newspaper), 445

Sunter, Clem, 461

Sun Yat-sen, 880

Superstition, Argentina and, 668

Supervision, Austrian leadership and, 137138

Supervisory boards, in Austria, 116

Supportive/relationship-oriented leadership, in Mexico, 735736, 737, 759

Sutherland, Peter, 375


consensus in, 50, 65

demographics, 34

economic overview, 34, 3839

Finland and, 75, 80, 101

GLOBE Research Project

methodology, 7174

questionnaire distribution, 40

governance, 34, 36

historical overview, 3435

industrialization, 3536


from within, 5157

in a global perspective, 5557

changing institutional context for, 39

focus groups and ethnographic interviews on, 5759, 7273

Humane Oriented, 31

implicit model among middle managers, 5157

industry differences in, 5255

media analysis of, 5962

political, 62

as primus inter pares, 66

profiles of, 6264, 1053

recent and future trends, 6667

in relation to cultural characteristics, 6466

social ideology and, 3334

modern institutional conditions affecting industry, 38

“New Economy,” 33

rationality and pragmatism in, 4950

socially concerned individualism, 4849

societal culture

Assertiveness, 40, 4748, 50

Collectivism, 1035

cultural evolution and, 1036

Future Orientation, 41, 4445, 49

Gender Egalitarianism, 40, 4344

Humane Orientation, 41, 42, 4546

In-Group Collectivism, 40, 47, 48

Institutional Collectivism, 40, 4243, 48, 1035, 1036

overview of, 4042

Performance Orientation, 40, 46

Power Distance, 41, 4647

in relation to leadership, 6466

Uncertainty Avoidance, 43, 1078

welfare state, 3639

Swedish Employer's Confederation, 3738

Swedish Institute, 35n

“the Swedish model,” 3638

Swedish Trade Union Confederation, 3738

Swisscom, 259

Swiss Confederation, 254, 256, 284

See also Switzerland

Swiss Radio and Television Company, 259


demographics, 253

economic system overview, 257258

European integration and, 255

financial services industry, 258259

food processing industry, 259

geography, 253

German-speaking managers, 191

GLOBE Research Project

future research areas, 283285

limitations, 283

methodology, 259262, 291295

practical implications, 282283

historical overview, 253255


Autonomous, 1048

“Great Leader” construct, 1048

popular views of, 266

profiles of, 282283, 10541055

qualitative study results, 275281

quantitative study results, 271275

neutrality and, 254, 256

per capita gross national product, 257

political decision making in, 271

political system and institutions, 256257, 284

presidency, 257, 277, 284

sampling of subcultures, 1031, 1032

societal culture

activity orientation, 268271

Assertiveness, 270271

Collectivism, 268

Future Orientation, 263264

Gender Egalitarianism, 266

Humane Orientation, 267

ideal, 282

Performance Orientation, 268270

Power Distance, 265266

questionnaire data results, 262263

relational orientation, 265268

Uncertainty Avoidance, 264265

telecommunications industry, 259

women in, 255, 266

Symbolic leadership, in Turkey, 856, 859

Synchronic time, 465467

“System D,” 566


Tacitus, 149

Taipans (billionaires), 920, 923

Tal e Qual (Portuguese newspaper), 606

“Tall poppy” syndrome

Australia, 310, 316, 330

Greece, 781

New Zealand, 399400, 407

Talouselämä (Finnish magazine), 96

Taoiseach, 377

Taoism, 888

Task conflict, Germany and, 167, 178

Tasman, Abel, 398

Tata, Jamsetji Nusserwanji, 981

Tata, JRD, 981

Taxation/Tax systems

Finland, 77

Germany, 167

Sweden, 42, 1035

Taxsila University, 972n

Taylorian leadership model, 552553

Teacher evaluations, in Colombia, 699

Teacher leader, U.S. culture and, 498

Team Integrator

Finnish leadership, 100

Turkish leadership, 867

U.S. leadership, 516, 520

Team Oriented leadership

Anglo cluster, 10551058

as a universal dimension, 1041

Austria, 130

China, 901

Confucian Asia cluster, 10641066

cultural values and, 1041

defined, 1039

Eastern Europe cluster, 10621063

Finland, 9495

France, 573, 574

Germanic cluster, 10531055

Germany, 171, 172, 175, 177

Greece, 794

Hong Kong, 927928

India, 10661067

Ireland, 385, 389

Latin America cluster, 10601062

Latin Europe cluster, 10581060

Mexico, 751, 753754, 755, 760

New Zealand, 420421

Nordic Europe cluster, 31, 1053

overall values for, 1098

Russia, 819820, 822

South Africa, 454455

South Africa (Black sample), 10671068

Sweden, 6465

Switzerland, 276

Turkey, 867, 10631064

United States, 514


Finland, 86, 94, 102

Sweden, 6465

Technical competence, German leadership and, 169, 170

Technology, Finland and, 78

Telecel, 614

Telecom (Australia), 318

TELECOM (Colombia), 691

Telecom Corporation (New Zealand), 432

Telecommunications Act (Sweden), 53n

Telecommunications industry

Australia, 318323

Colombia, 690691

Finland, 78, 81, 85, 95, 96

generalizability across cultures, 10

GLOBE Research Project and, 21

Greece, 777

Hong Kong, 922, 945946

New Zealand, 431432

Portugal, 614615

Sweden, 36, 5354

Switzerland, 259

Telephone companies, in Finland, 78

Telestet, 777

Televerket, 53n

Telkom, 443n5

Telstra, 318319, 320, 322

Temporary employment, in Finland, 88

Thatcher, Margaret, 338, 382

Third Reich, 153

Thirty Year War, 151152

Thorbecke, Johan Rudollf, 221, 223

Time (magazine), 522, 929

Time orientation

Argentina, 684

Austria, 122

Colombia, 697698

Finland, 89

Greece, 78

India, 992

lineal, 504

Mexico, 733

monochromatic, 484

nonlineal, 465467

South Africa, 465467

United States, 484, 504

The Times of India (newspaper), 982, 983

Timidity, Sweden and, 50

Titles, in Austria, 124

TMN, 614

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 481, 482, 550551

Toll systems, 614

Toni Lait, 259

Torvald, Linus, 78

Totalitarian regimes, Portugal and, 591

Tourism, Spain and, 630

To Vima (Greek newspaper), 790

Trade unions. See Unions

Traditionalism, Mexican society and, 733

Training and development, in Turkey, 842

Transformational leadership, Australia and, 309310

Transparency, German leadership and, 182, 183, 184185

Treaty of Berlin, 771

Treaty of Nanking, 880

Treaty of Neilly, 772

Treaty of Paris, 76

Treaty of Sevres, 772

Treaty of Waitangi, 398

Treaty of Westphalia, 254

Trekboers, 435436

Trud (Russian newspaper), 824

Truman, Harry S., 487

Trust, Turkish society and, 845846

Tung Chee-Hwa, 913, 918, 931, 933934


business structure, 838

current state of, 836

demographics, 835

economic environment, 837838

education, 839, 842, 844

European Union and, 836

financial services sector, 861868

food-processing industry, 862868

geography, 835

GLOBE Research Project

future research areas, 868

limitations, 868, 1080

methodology, 839840

Greece and, 774

historical overview, 835, 836837

human development practices, 839

Islam and, 861862

Islamism and, 836, 838


administrator, 858

an ideal leader profile, 852853

autocratic, 853854

Autonomous, 10631064

collective-achievement orientation, 857868

consultative, 854855, 870

in financial services and food-processing sectors, 866868

focus groups on, 839

Humane Oriented, 867, 10631064

integrity and, 858

media analysis of, 839, 855857

one-man-show, 858859

paradoxical characteristics of, 871

paternalistic, 849, 851, 854, 855, 870

political and industrial leaders, 850851

profiles of, 870, 10631064

public attitudes toward leaders, 851

qualitative studies, 851859

quantitative study, 859861

Self-Protective, 1049

state-oriented, 858

symbolic, 859

legal system, 836, 837

nationalism and national pride, 845

organizational culture, 862868, 869870

political system, 838

recommendations for leaders, 870871

societal culture

Assertiveness, 840, 841, 842, 844845, 869

Collectivism, 10341035

family, 844, 846, 869, 1034

Future Orientation, 840, 841, 843844, 869

Gender Egalitarianism, 840, 841, 847848

GLOBE dimensions, 840842, 869

Humane Orientation, 840, 841, 848849

In-Group Collectivism, 840, 841, 842, 846847, 869, 10341035

Institutional Collectivism, 841, 845846, 1034, 1035

overview of, 869

Performance Orientation, 840, 841, 842

Power Distance, 840, 841, 849840, 869

Uncertainty Avoidance, 840, 841, 850

Turkish Independence War, 845

Türkiye (Turkish newspaper), 839

Turner, Ted, 489


UBS, 258

Uncertainty Avoidance, 4

Argentina, 670671

Australian finance industry, 326

Australian societal culture, 306

Australian telecommunications industry, 320321

Austrian leadership, 135

Austrian societal culture, 122123

China, 891

Colombia, 694696, 697698

English organizational culture, 345, 346, 352

English societal culture, 344

Finland, 83, 84, 89

French leadership, 575

French organizational culture, 565

French societal culture, 566

Germany, 153, 155, 159, 161, 162, 165, 166, 167, 1078

government involvement in society and, 954

Greece, 787788

in Hofstede's typology of organizational culture, 593

Hong Kong's organizational culture, 922

Hong Kong's societal culture, 916

India, 991

Irish leadership, 383

Irish organizational culture, 388

Irish societal culture, 374, 376

Mexico, 750

Netherlands, 229, 231

New Zealand, 404, 406

Portugal, 599600

questions about future changes in, 1078

Russia, 816817

Singapore, 952954, 955956, 1031, 1078

societal culture “As Is” and “Should Be” dimensions, 1088

South African organizational culture, 463

South African race-based comparison in, 468469

South African societal culture, 448, 451, 452, 471

Spain, 640641

Sweden, 40, 43, 49, 1078

Swiss leadership, 279

Swiss societal culture, 264265

Team Oriented leadership and, 1041

Turkish organizational culture, 865

Turkish societal culture, 840, 841, 850

U.S. leadership, 515

U.S. societal culture, 499, 500, 509510, 510

Unconscious motives, 45

“Underdogs,” 316, 482

Understanding Global Cultures (Gannon), 503


Australia, 316317

Finland, 78

Spain, 629

Sweden, 38

Union of South Africa, 437


Argentina, 658, 661

Austria, 116

England, 338

Finland, 86

France, 550

Ireland, 375

Mexico, 732

Netherlands, 227

New Zealand, 402

South Africa, 436, 441, 442

Sweden, 42

United Nations, Switzerland and, 255

United States

business culture

Assertiveness, 503

Gender Egalitarianism, 504505

In-Group Collectivism, 506507

layoffs and, 506507, 510

Power Distance, 509

firms in Singapore, 951

GLOBE Research Project

demographic data, 536

future research areas, 529530

limitations, 529, 1080

strengths, 528529

historical overview, 476479

influence on leadership in Mexico, 745

leaders appreciated in, 101


age and, 490

Autonomous, 514, 523, 1049

changes in prototypes, 1075

characteristics that may guide others, 527

comparisons between GLOBE and qualitative results, 540

correlation with cultural orientations, 515, 538

cultural themes and tensions affecting, 479484

focus groups on, 519522

formal education and, 490

globalization and, 494495

heroic warrior image, 497498

historical context, 476479

Humane Oriented, 514, 517, 521, 10441045

“ideal leader” profile, 525526

interpersonal relationships and, 490

leadership scales results, 511515

male-female debate, 493494

media analysis of, 522524, 541, 542

notions of individuality and, 495496

outstanding individuals, 485491

overemphasis on individuality, 527528

Participative, 1043

personal failings and, 490491

profiles of and observations on, 490, 496497, 511512, 524, 1058

research areas and preoccupations, 491493

structured interviews on, 515519, 539

suggestions for making cross-cultural comparisons, 526527

New Zealand and, 402

societal culture

Assertiveness, 499, 503, 510

etic comparisons, 499503

Future Orientation, 499, 502, 504, 510

Gender Egalitarianism, 499, 502, 504505, 511

GLOBE cultural scales, 537

Humane Orientation, 505506, 510

In-Group Collectivism, 500, 506, 511

Institutional Collectivism, 499, 507508

Performance Orientation, 499, 501, 508, 510

Power Distance, 500, 502, 508509, 510

profiles of, 482484, 501503, 510511

themes and tensions affecting leaders, 479484

Uncertainty Avoidance, 499, 500, 509510

strengths and influence of, 475

U.S. Peace Corps, 506

United Way, 505

The Universal History (Michelet), 550

Universalism, French, 549550

Universal suffrage, in Australia, 308

Universities, in Colombia, 699, 701702

Unobtrusive measurements, 2829

Untergebene (subordinates), 129

Upenski Cathedral, 79

Upham, Charles, 414, 415

U.S. News & World Report (magazine), 490, 493

USA Today (newspaper), 522


Vaisyas, 974, 975

Value Based leadership, in Germany, 171, 172

Value idealism, 1077, 1078

Values, cultural, 1027, 1028

Van Heutsz, Johannes, 217218

Van Oldenbarnevelt, Johan, 217

van Riebeeck, Jan, 435

van Wyk, Marius, 6

Varnas, 974

Vasa, Gustav, 35

Veckans Affärer (Swedish business magazine), 74

Velasco, Luis de, 725

Venizelos, Eleftherios, 772, 792

Viceroys, in Mexico, 725726

Vienna, 111, 115

Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, 138139

Vietnam War, Australia and, 304

Viking Age, 35

Villa, Francisco, 728

Violence, in Colombia, 699

Virtues, Confucianism and, 879

Visão (Portuguese newspaper), 606

Visigoths, 625

Visionary leaders, U.S. culture and, 498

Visionary leadership

Australia, 315

Austria, 134135

China, 897898

Colombia, 713714, 716, 718

England, 348, 350

Finland, 95, 97, 100

Germany, 188

Ireland, 381, 382

Netherlands, 235

New Zealand, 417

Sweden, 59

Turkey, 856

United States, 484, 516, 520, 523

Vodafone, 777

Volunteering, U.S. society and, 505

Voortrekkers, 436

Vrij Nederland (Dutch magazine), 232

Vroom-Yetton model, 130, 138


Wage-bargaining, in West Germany, 198

Wage gap, in Turkey, 848

Wage policy, the Swedish model and, 37

Wahlen, Friedrich, 269

Waitangi Tribunal, 398399

Waldheim, Kurt, 109n

Waldstätte pact, 254

The Wall Street Journal (newspaper), 522

Walter, D., 504

War on Drugs (Colombia), 692

Warrior-kings, 979

Warrior leader, U.S. culture and, 497498

Washington, George, 477

Watson, Thomas, Jr., 486

Wattie, James, 411

Wattie's Foods, 411

Watzlawick, Paul, 112113


Hong Kong society and, 916, 920, 939

Singapore, 949

Wei Kingdom, 894

Weinstock, Arnold, 349

Welch, John F., Jr. “Jack,” 485486, 490

Welfare state

England, 340

Finland, 77

Netherlands, 224

New Zealand, 410

Swedish, 3639

Welfare systems

Australia, 306307, 308

Ireland, 373

Weltwoche (Swiss newspaper), 262

West Germany

creation of, 153

East vs. West polarization and, 201

GLOBE Research Project

interviews and focus groups, 158

job advertisement analysis, 158, 186, 188, 203

media analysis, 157, 202

questionnaire sample size and characteristics, 155157

industrial relations in, 198

issues of sampling, 1031, 1032

job requirements for executive positions, 186, 188


bureaucratic, 178179

charismatic, 177

comparative analysis of leadership scores, 213

comparative studies in, 170

factor analysis results, 204212

first-order dimension, 173, 174, 175

focus groups on, 184186

the Humble Collaborator, 177178

individualistic, 178

interviews on, 182, 183

media analysis of, 180182

mixed types, 179180

participative, 169

popular leaders, 158, 161

post-reunification research in, 169, 170

profiles of, 175, 176

regression analysis of leadership scores, 214

“should be” qualities, 160

specific business and political leaders, 187188, 188189

paradox of social welfare and economic success in, 166167

political system in, 198

reunification and, 154155, 200

social market economy, 198

societal culture

Assertiveness, 162163

Future Orientation, 163

Institutional Collectivism, 163

overview of, 159, 160, 161

similarities with East Germany, 165166

Uncertainty Avoidance, 162

See also Germany

West Indies Company, 220

White Australia Policy, 303

Wholesale banking industry, in Australia, 324

Who's Who in America, 508

Wiehahn Commission, 442

Wilhelmina (queen of the Netherlands), 218

William, Prince of Orange, 217, 219, 220

William I (king of the Netherlands), 218, 221

William III (king of the Netherlands), 217

William Tell, 278n35, 279

Wilson, Henry Lane, 728

Wingquist, Sven, 36

Winkelried, Arnold, 279

Winthrop, John, 480

Wirtschaftswoche (German newspaper), 157

Wochenpost (German newspaper), 157


Argentina, 668, 680

Australia, 308

Austria, 125

China, 889, 890

Colombia, 696, 698699

England, 337, 339340, 350

Finland, 87

France, 565, 567568

Greece, 785

Hong Kong, 917918, 921

India, 990

Ireland, 371, 373, 378, 391

Mexico, 731, 732, 748

Netherlands, 229, 234

New Zealand, 403, 412

Portugal, 587, 596597

Russia, 814815

South Africa, 461, 462

Spain, 639

Sweden, 4344

Switzerland, 255, 266

Turkey, 847848, 856, 864

United States, 493494, 504505, 506

Work conditions, 244

Work content, 243

Workers’ councils, in Germany, 149

Work ethic, Australia and, 316317

Workplace laws, Austria and, 123

Workplaces, 243

Works Council Act (Netherlands), 225

Works councils

Austria, 116

Netherlands, 225, 226, 228

Work time, Netherlands, 244

World War I

Australia, 304

Austria, 110

Greece, 772

World War II

Australia, 304

Austria, 111

Germany, 153

Greece, 772

Netherlands, 221, 223

New Zealand, 402

Switzerland, 269

United States, 478

World Wide Web, 1082

Wu, Gordon, 933, 935

Wu-lun, 938

Württemberg, 151


Xhosa, 436


Yeats, William B., 361

Yrigoyne, Hipólito, 659

Yung, Larry, 933, 935


Zapata, Emiliano, 728

Zedillo, Ernesto, 729

Zero hours contracts, 244

Zhou Dynasty, 878

Zhou Enlai, 895896, 960

Zhou Gong, 878

Zhu-Ge Liang, 894

Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek, 436, 437

Zwingli, Huldrych, 254

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