Series Foreword

Our series is intended to be very much about theoretical and methodological innovations in the study of management and organizations. In terms of such innovations, the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) Research Project is a monumental winner. GLOBE's hundred plus investigators studied, across 61 countries, the interplay between culture and organizational form to address the conditions under which leaders matter in terms of both economic and social outcomes. We are pleased to become affiliated with the GLOBE enterprise by including this volume: Culture and Leadership Across the World: The GLOBE Book of 25 Societies in our series. The volume contains in-depth analyses of culture and leadership in 25 countries. Readers, for example, will travel from Finland to Austria, from Australia to France, from Argentina to Greece, and from Turkey to China, learning all the way about these countries—their cultures and leadership climates. We hope you enjoy it.

—Arthur P. Brief, University of Utah

—James P. Walsh, University of Michigan

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