

  • access
    • gender diversity and
    • to metrics
  • accountability
  • action (hook model/hook canvas)
  • Actionable Analytics (Bluewolf)
  • advertising research
  • agenda, avoiding
  • agility, of companies
  • Airbnb
  • AirCare (Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection)
  • Alex and Ani
  • All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten (Fulghum)
  • Amazon
  • AppealsTrak (Bluewolf)
  • Apple
    • Store
    • Watch
    • iPhone
    • Newton
    • success of
    • user design by
  • application life cycle management (ALM)
  • appreciation, expressing
  • Armstrong, Lindsey
  • “Art of the Possible” (Bluewolf)
  • “Art of the Trench” (Burberry)
  • Ascend, Management Academy, Dashboards (Bluewolf)
  • aspiration, gender diversity and
  • assets, talent as
  • attitude change, gender diversity and
  • attrition
  • audience, building external social presence with
  • Australia, smartphone use in
  • autonomy, of employees


  • Bataran, Adam
  • Bay Club
  • Beane, Billy
  • Bechdel test
  • Benioff, Marc
  • Benson, Tracy
  • Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection (BHTP)
  • Berridge, Eric
  • bias, as unconscious
  • big data
    • challenge of
    • overview
    • as strategy
    • See also data
  • Bluewolf
    • Actionable Analytics
    • AirCare for Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection (BHTP)
    • “Art of the Possible” (exercise)
    • Ascend, Management Academy, Dashboards program
    • business outcomes framework
    • Customer Covenant
    • customer service
    • on data
    • design by
    • digital marketing by
    • Essential Guide to Customer Obsession
    • gender diversity of
    • Lightning Tools (Salesforce)
    • mobile technology
    • MOE Health Plan Marketplace and
    • “Pack Gives Back
    • Rep Rides
    • Salesforce relationship with
    • social media use
    • success of
    • unemployment claims processing project of
    • user experience (UX) of
    • work-life balance at
    • See also State of Salesforce Report, The (2015) (Bluewolf)
  • brand
    • aligning with need
    • importance of
  • Burberry
  • Buscemi, Stephanie
  • business intelligence (BI)
  • business success
    • customer obsession for
    • disruption of
    • employee culture and
    • employee engagement relative to
  • buying habits, of customers


  • call centers
    • relevance of
    • social media versus
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • case management, customer service excellence versus
  • Center for American Progress
  • Central Park
  • Chan, Jolene
  • change
    • building people relationships versus technology
    • customer engagement and
    • employee culture and
    • hook model (hook canvas)
    • listening skills for
    • overview
    • Reed's law and
    • rules for engaged, customer-focused businesses
    • social media and
    • technology adoption
  • channels, of customer service
  • charts, for data
  • Chatter (Salesforce)
  • Chen, Edwin
  • civil rights movement
  • Clifton, Jim
  • collaboration
    • as game changer
    • need for
    • Reed's law for
  • Coming Jobs War, The (Clifton)
  • communication, open
  • communities, for customer service
  • complaints, by customers
  • concept of predictive
  • consistency, of message
  • consumption, by customers
  • content
    • content marketing
    • importance of
  • cost-per-call statistics, avoiding
  • credibility, employee culture and
  • CRM Magazine
  • culture
    • convergence of data, design, and
    • as game changer
    • overcoming failure with strategy for
    • See also employee culture
  • Customer Covenant (Bluewolf)
  • customer engagement
    • consumption and
    • customer experience for
    • customer journey and digital marketing
    • data for
    • defined
    • employee engagement =
    • mind-set for
    • overview
    • personalization for
    • user experience (UX) design for
  • Customer Experience
  • customer obsession
  • customers
    • building external social presence with
    • customer journey
    • customer life cycle
    • customer relationship management (CRM)
    • customers of
    • disengaged employees, impact of
    • effect of miserable employees on
    • engagement of
    • expectations of,(See also digital marketing)
    • high-energy, customer-aware, employee-driven workplace
    • listening to
    • social media and satisfaction of
  • customer service
    • Bluewolf Customer Covenant
    • bridging social media with
    • call centers for
    • call centers versus social media
    • communities
    • complaints by customers
    • excellence of
    • high-quality experience, overview
    • Midwest Operating Engineers Welfare Fund (MOE) example
    • multichannel and omnichannel concepts
    • social media for
    • technology and
  • Customer Success Platform (Salesforce)


  • Dashboard (Bluewolf)
  • dashboarding
  • data
    • action to take
    • big data
    • challenge of big data
    • concept of predictive
    • convergence of culture, design, and
    • for customer engagement
    • data analytics as game changer
    • data silos and democratization
    • executive action and
    • for gender diversity
    • integration, migration, and quality of
    • mobile technology and Internet of Things (IoT)
    • overcoming failure with strategy for
  • Dell
  • democratization, of data
  • digital marketing
    • brand importance to
    • campaigns and measurement
    • content marketing with
    • customer journey and
    • funnel of
    • leveraging technology for
    • marketing, overview
    • as multichannel, omnichannel, and universal
    • overview
  • disengaged employees/customers, impact of
  • Disney
  • disruption, of business success
  • diversity, of team,. See also gender diversity
  • Don’t Make Me Think (Krug)
  • Dreamforce
  • Duarte, Wendy


  • economic issues, of gender diversity
  • Economist
  • Egypt, social media use during “Arab Spring”
  • elasticity, of companies
  • Elevate (Bluewolf workshop)
  • e-mail marketing
  • emotion
    • emotional intelligence
    • tapping into
  • “Emotion and Decision Making” (Lerner, Li, Valdesolo, Kassam)
  • employee culture
    • business success and
    • disengaged employees, impact of
    • high-energy, customer-aware, employee-driven workplace
    • organizational benefits of gender diversity
    • social media for
    • See also employee engagement; gender diversity; talent
  • employee engagement
    • customer engagement =
    • engaging
    • gifted employees versus engaged employees
    • for high-energy, customer-aware, employee-driven workplace
    • productivity relative to
    • social media and morale of
    • strategies for improving
    • success of business relative to
    • team diversity for
  • employee turnover
  • enlightened self-interest
  • enterprise resource planning (ERP)
  • equal pay initiative (Salesforce)
  • equilibrium, finding
  • Essential Guide to Customer Obsession (Bluewolf)
  • executive action, for data
  • executives, gender diversity of. See gender diversity
  • Experience Survey 2015 (International Data Corporation)
  • extract, transform, and load (ETL)
  • Exxon/Mobil
  • Eyal, Nir


  • Facebook
    • business success
    • customer engagement
    • user statistics
  • face-to-face communication, creating opportunities for
  • failure, of good ideas
  • fairness
  • familiarity, diversity versus
  • feedback
    • employee culture of
    • social media for
  • FiveThirtyEight
  • flattened transparency
  • fluidity, of business landscape
  • Fluss, Donna
  • Forrester Research
  • four Ps (product, price, promotion, place)
  • Fox, Martha Lane
  • Fried, Caryn
  • Friedman, Milton
  • Friedman, Thomas
  • Fulghum, Robert
  • FullForce (Salesforce)
  • future, innovating


  • Gallup
    • on attrition
    • on business success
    • on employee engagement issues
    • on good jobs
    • on work priorities
  • gamification
    • defined
    • driving adoption for
    • employee award program with
    • for incentives
  • Gartner
  • gender diversity
    • economic case for
    • organizational benefits of
    • overview
    • state of
    • women in technology
  • “getting personal”
  • Ghonim, Wael
  • gifted employees, engaged employees versus
  • good ideas, overcoming failure for
  • good jobs
    • creation of
    • desired by employees
    • need for
  • Google
    • analysis of gender bias by
    • Australia smartphone analysis
    • customer engagement and
    • Glass


  • Harter, Jim
  • Harvard Business Review
  • headhunters
  • Heffernan, Margaret
  • heroic moment
  • hiring decisions, overcoming gender bias in
  • Hoberman, Brent
  • Hollison, Mick
  • Hooked (Eyal)
  • hook model (hook canvas)
  • Hubspot
  • human emotion, tapping into
  • “hyper-integrated customer experience”


  • IBM
    • as brand
    • iX
    • user design by
    • Watson
  • ideas, overcoming failure for
  • information technology (IT)
  • initiatives, employee-facing
  • innovation
  • InsideSales
  • integration, of data
  • International Data Corporation
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • investment
    • in employees
    • in user experience
  • investment (hook model/hook canvas)
  • iPhone (Apple)
  • Iron Mountain
  • Iterate or Die (Berridge)
  • iX (IBM)


  • Jacobsen, Erik
  • Jeopardy (television show)
  • JetBlue Airways
  • jobs. See good jobs
  • Jobs, Steve
  • Journey Builder (Salesforce)


  • Kassam, Karim
  • Kirven, Michael
  • Kodak
  • Krug, Steve


  • Laws of Simplicity, The (Maeda)
  • legacy vendors, reaction by
  • Lerner, Jennifer S.
  • Levi's Stadium
  • Li, Ye
  • Lightning Tools (Salesforce)
  • listening
    • skills for
    • social media for
  • Local 150 (labor union)
  • Loftis, Vera
  • London Business School
  • loyalty, value of


  • Maeda, John
  • management
    • attrition of talent and
    • retaining talent and
  • Management Academy (Bluewolf)
  • Manager Moments (Bluewolf app)
  • marketing. See digital marketing
  • marketing mix
  • Marketo
  • Massanet, Natalie
  • master data management (MDM)
  • Mattel
  • McDonald's
  • McKee, Annie
  • McKinsey
  • media, Bechdel test and
  • mentorship
  • metrics
    • accessibility of
    • digital marketing
    • employee metrics Dashboard
    • for social media
  • Microsoft
  • Midwest Operating Engineers Welfare Fund (MOE)
  • migration, of data
  • millennials, workforce statistics of
  • mind-set
  • misery, of employees
  • mobile technology
    • for customer self-service
    • design for
    • for digital marketing
    • for employees
    • Internet of Things (IoT)
    • user design and
  • Moneyball (film)
  • Moore's law
  • motivation, social engagement and
  • multichannel concept
    • customer service and
    • digital marketing
  • Murray, Peter Noel
  • “My150” (MOE Health Plan Marketplace)


  • Net-a-Porter
  • Netflix
  • Newton (Apple)
  • New York Times, The
  • Northridge Group


  • Oakland Athletics
  • Olmsted, Frederick Law
  • omnichannel concept
    • customer engagement and
    • customer service and
    • digital marketing
  • 1-1-1 integrated philosophy (Salesforce)
  • opportunity, exploring
  • Oracle
  • organizational culture. See employee culture
  • outsourcing


  • “Pack Gives Back” (Bluewolf)
  • Papas, Paul
  • parental leave
  • Parks, Rosa
  • people relationships
    • building
    • customers perceived as actual people
    • engaging directly
    • engaging employees
    • human emotion for
    • listening skills for
  • personal information, customers’ reluctance about
  • personalization, for customer engagement
  • personalized engagement plans
  • Peterson, Joel
  • Pew Research
  • Pledge 1% (Salesforce)
  • predictability, employee culture and
  • predictive, concept of
  • Prime (Bluewolf)
  • priorities, setting
  • productivity
    • employee culture and
    • employee experience for
    • employee-facing initiatives for
    • engagement of employees and
    • importance of employee engagement for
  • professional development
  • Psychology Today


  • quality, of data
  • quotas, gender diversity and


  • Radian6 (TM) Console
  • recruiting, options for
  • Reed, David P.
  • Reed's law
  • Rep Rides (Bluewolf)
  • reputation, enhancing
  • research, by advertisers
  • retention, of talent
  • return on investment (ROI)
    • for data analytics
    • gender diversity and
    • from social media
  • rhythm, identifying


  • sales
    • data for
    • growth of, and employee engagement as predictor
  • Salesforce
    • Chatter
    • on customer communication
    • Customer Success Platform
    • on data
    • FullForce
    • growth of
    • Journey Builder
    • Lightning Tools
    • mobile apps
    • MOE Health Plan Marketplace and
    • Pledge 1% initiative
    • relationship with Bluewolf
    • Service Cloud
    • success of
    • Vodafone and
    • Wave
  • sales funnel (traditional)
  • Samuels, Stephany
  • San Francisco 51ers
  • science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degrees, gender diversity and
  • security, employee culture and
  • self-interest
    • enlightened
    • leveraging
  • self-protection, employee culture and
  • Service Cloud (Salesforce)
  • Siebold
  • simplicity
  • Sklar, Corinne
  • Slap, Stan
  • Social Hub
  • social media
    • advantages and disadvantages of
    • benefits of social culture
    • building external social presence with
    • building social culture in organizations
    • change and
    • for customer service
    • customer service bridged with
    • ease of
    • feedback through
    • as game changer
    • importance of socializing
    • iterating and refining
    • leveraging, for marketing,(See also digital marketing)
    • metrics for
    • overview
    • return on investment (ROI) from
    • training employees in
    • using
  • “Social Media: Destroyer or Creator?” (Friedman)
  • Social Studio
  • soda terminology (global)
  • sources, as trustworthy
  • standards, gender diversity and
  • state departments of labor
  • State of Salesforce Report, The (2015) (Bluewolf)
    • customer service
    • data
    • digital marketing
    • employee engagement
    • user design
  • Statistica
  • “super chicken” experiment


  • talent
    • in agile and elastic companies
    • attrition of
    • in competitive job market
    • defined
    • as game changer
    • good jobs desired by employees
    • headhunters
    • as most valuable asset
    • retention of
    • technical skills of
    • workforce transformation
    • work-life balance for
  • team
    • of community champions
    • diversity of
    • knowing
  • technology
    • adoption of
    • building people relationships versus
    • customer experience paired with
    • customer service and
    • for digital marketing
    • for employees
    • flattened transparency
    • technical skills of talent
    • women in technology
  • TED talk, about “super chicken” experiment
  • Thoreau, Henry David
  • 3 Rs of content marketing
  • Trader Joe's
  • trigger (hook model/hook canvas)
  • trustworthiness, of sources
  • TurboTax
  • turnover, of employees
  • Twitter


  • Uber
  • unconscious bias
  • Under the Hood (Slap),Stan
  • unemployment insurance claims
  • universal digital marketing
  • USAA
  • U.S. Chamber of Commerce
  • U.S. Department of Labor
  • user experience (UX) design
    • convergence of data, culture
    • good design and good design thinking, overview
    • impact on customer experience
    • importance of
    • investment in
    • for mobile technology
    • overcoming failure with strategy for
    • overview
    • simplicity for
    • storytelling and
    • three elements of
    • user experience (UX) design
  • U.S. Post Office


  • Valdesolo, Piercarlo
  • vampire competitors
  • VAR Business
  • variable reward (hook model/hook canvas)
  • Vaux, Calvert
  • verynice
  • Virgin America
  • Vodafone


  • wages, competitive
  • Walden (Thoreau)
  • Wall Street Journal
  • Warner, Judith
  • Watson (IBM)
  • Wave (Salesforce)
  • wearable technology
  • Wedekind, Claus
  • Welle, Brian
  • Werner, Lexy
  • “why” questions, asking
  • Williams-Sonoma
  • Wired
  • Women Innovators Network (WIN)
  • Woolley, Anita
  • work-life balance
  • Workplace Gender Equality Agency


  • Xbox (Microsoft)


  • Zuckerberg, Mark
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