Reflection, Assembly class, How the CLR Locates Assemblies with Strong Names
ReflectionOnly APIs, The Loadfrom Context and Dependencies
regasm.exe, Loading Assemblies by Filename
registry keys, The Side-by-Side Architecture of the .NET Framework, The Side-by-Side Architecture of the .NET Framework, .NET Framework Registry Keys, The CLR Startup Shim
.NET Framework versions, The Side-by-Side Architecture of the .NET Framework
build numbers in, .NET Framework Registry Keys
InstallRoot value, The CLR Startup Shim
Policy subkey, The Side-by-Side Architecture of the .NET Framework
remote calls, System.Reflection.Assembly and CLR Remote Calls, System.Reflection.Assembly and CLR Remote Calls
assembly loading issues, System.Reflection.Assembly and CLR Remote Calls
marshaling issues, System.Reflection.Assembly and CLR Remote Calls
remoting proxies, Statics for Domain-Neutral Assemblies, Code Unloading
application domain elements for, Statics for Domain-Neutral Assemblies
application domains, calls between, Code Unloading
removing CLR, The CLR and Process Lifetime
requiredRuntime element, The <requiredRuntime> Element and .NET Framework 1.0
rudely aborting threads, Failure Escalation
rudely exiting processes, Failure Escalation
rudely unloading applications, Failure Escalation
runcocoon.exe, Implementing an Assembly Loading Manager, Implementing an Assembly Loading Manager, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies, Associating Host-Specific Data with an Assembly, Assigning Assembly Identity, Resolving Module References, Resolving Module References, Initializing the CLR, Initializing the CLR, Creating the Assembly Loading Manager and Host Control Object, Creating the Assembly Loading Manager and Host Control Object, Invoking the Hosted Application, Invoking the Hosted Application, The AssemblyResolve Event, Customizing the Code Access Security System Using a HostSecurityManager, Customizing the Code Access Security System Using a HostSecurityManager, Code Access Security in the Cocoon Host, Step 1: Provide an Initial Implementation of HostSecurityManager, Step 1: Provide an Initial Implementation of HostSecurityManager, Step 3: Create a Custom Membership Condition, Step 4: Create an Application-Domain-Level Policy Tree, Assigning Evidence Using the Assembly Loading APIs, Using the Host Protection Manager
architecture, Implementing an Assembly Loading Manager
assembly loading manager creation, Initializing the CLR
CAS runtime sequence, Assigning Evidence Using the Assembly Loading APIs
CAS, adding, Customizing the Code Access Security System Using a HostSecurityManager
CocoonHostRuntime.cs, Invoking the Hosted Application
defined, Implementing an Assembly Loading Manager
evidence assignment, Step 4: Create an Application-Domain-Level Policy Tree
evidence creation, Step 1: Provide an Initial Implementation of HostSecurityManager
GetNonHostStoreAssemblies method implementation, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies
host control object creation, Creating the Assembly Loading Manager and Host Control Object
host protection with, Using the Host Protection Manager
HostSecurityManager implementation, Code Access Security in the Cocoon Host
identity assignments to assemblies, Associating Host-Specific Data with an Assembly
initializing the CLR step, Initializing the CLR
invoking application, Creating the Assembly Loading Manager and Host Control Object
loading assemblies from cocoons, Assigning Assembly Identity
managed example., The AssemblyResolve Event (see )
membership condition creation, Step 1: Provide an Initial Implementation of HostSecurityManager
opening cocoon files, Resolving Module References
policy tree creation, Step 3: Create a Custom Membership Condition
Runcocoon.cpp code, Invoking the Hosted Application
security requirements for, Customizing the Code Access Security System Using a HostSecurityManager
steps for implementation, Resolving Module References
runcocoonm example, The AssemblyResolve Event, The AssemblyResolve Event, The AssemblyResolve Event, The Runcocoonm Sample
.exe code, The Runcocoonm Sample
architecture of, The AssemblyResolve Event
cocoonreader.dll, The AssemblyResolve Event
how it works, The AssemblyResolve Event
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