

1, 3, 5 plan 157158


academic cybersecurity programs 8488

advanced research programs 8788

degree programs 8587


acknowledging and celebrating 146147

diminishing 141142

advanced research programs 8788

anonymity 3132

application, software, and product security discipline 25

architect roles 37

ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) 4

assessment 82

assets 5

associate roles 37

ATSs (applicant tracking systems) 96

authentic self 5658


backlogs 41

BBSs (bulletin board systems) 10

behavioral-based questions 112

burnout 149151

business world 58


capabilities gap 7293

academic cybersecurity programs 8488

advanced research programs 8788

degree programs – 87

less formal skills building 8892

community meetups 92

CTFs (capture-the-flags), playgrounds, personal labs 9091

industry conferences 8890

webinars, podcasts, and live-stream events 9192

security certifications 7784

acquiring 8384

CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) 8283

CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) 7980

CompTIA Security+ 8081

overview 7879

capabilities inventory 6971, 160161

capture-the-flags (CTFs) 55, 9091


anonymity, considerations 3132

building career strategy 154158

building 1, 3, 5 plan 157158

identifying personal growth needs 156157

long-term vision 155156

disciplines of cybersecurity 1829

application, software, and product security 25

DFIR (digital forensics and incident response) 2021

education and awareness 2627

governance and compliance 26

leaders and executives 2829

sales and sales support 2728

security architecture and design 2122

security assessment and verification 2224

security operations 1920

diversity and 16

security professional characteristics 2931

compulsive learning 30

idealism 3031

infosec rockstar 31

inventors and creators 2930

obsessively inquisitive 30

CASB (cloud access security broker) 98

CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) 8283

CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) 5

CEUs (continuing education units) 81

CFP (call for papers) 89

CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) 9, 24

CISO (chief information security officer) 28

CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) 7980

cloud and cloud native technology 4142

collaboration 47

colleagues 144145

community meetups 92

comparisons 140141

competition 142143

CompTIA Security+ 8081

core skills 6567

creators 2930

cryptography 42

CTFs (capture-the-flags) 55, 9091

CTSS (Compatible Time-Sharing System) 4

curiosity 45

CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) database 24

cybersecurity 332

anonymity, considerations of 3132

defined 45

disciplines of 1829

application, software, and product security 25

DFIR (digital forensics and incident response) 2021

education and awareness 2627

governance and compliance 26

leaders and executives 2829

sales and sales support 2728

security architecture and design 2122

security assessment and verification 2224

security operations 1920

human diversity and 1416

career path 16

cybersecurity diversity gap 15

importance of 16

industry 1214

effects of digital transformation 13

human element 1314

IoT (Internet of Things) 14

reasons for 1213

role of 59

defending society 89

in business world 58

security professional characteristics 2931

compulsive learning 30

idealism 3031

infosec rockstar 31

inventors and creators 2930

obsessively inquisitive 30

values of 1012

do no harm 12

open information sharing 11

privacy and liberty 1011

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) 9, 24

cybersecurity industry, use of term 12

cybersecurity teams 12


DEF CON Groups 122

degree programs 5455, 8587

DevOps culture 25

DevSecOps 25

DFIR (digital forensics and incident response) 2021

digital forensics 21

digital transformation 13

directors 38

diversity 1416

career path 16

gap in cybersecurity 15

importance of 16

lack of representation 141

do no harm code 12

DoS (denial-of-service) attacks 7

doxing 32


EC-Council (International Council of E-Commerce Consultants) 8283

ECEs (EC-Council continuing education) 82

education and awareness discipline 2627

elevator pitches 96

emotional intelligence 4748

empathy 4748

employment agreements 115

EMR (electronic medical record) systems 6

enthusiasm 125

entry-level roles 37

cybersecurity degree programs 5455

finding path to security 5556

ethical hacker 12, 22

executives 2829, 39

experience 6263


fonts 97

formatting resumes 9697


gatekeeping 151152

goals 143144

governance and compliance discipline 26

GPEN (SANS GIAC Penetration Tester) 84


Hacker Summer Camp 11

handles 11

headers 97

hiring manager interview 110

honesty 124

honeymoon phase 150

HR screen 108109

HTB (Hack The Box) 91

human element 1314

hybrid working environments 106107


ICSs (industrial control systems) 4344

idealism 3031

impostor syndrome 134147

career progression and 136137

causes of 138142

comparison to others 140141

diminishing accomplishments 141142

industry expectations 139140

lack of representation 141

perfectionism 138139

defined 135136

overcoming 142147

acknowledging and celebrating achievements 146147

avoiding competition 142143

being resource to others 145146

setting goals and defining success 143144

turning to colleagues and peers 144145

recognizing 137138

industry 1214

conferences 8890

effects of digital transformation 13

expectations and impostor syndrome 139140

groups and networking events 121123

DEF CON Groups 122



human element 1314

IoT (Internet of Things) 14

reasons for 1213

infosec rockstar 31

inquisitiveness 30

International Information System Security Certification Consortium (ISC)2 15, 7980

interviews 107113

hiring manager interview 110

recruiter or HR screen 108109

technical interview 111113

inventors 2930

IoT (Internet of Things) 14

IR (incident response) personnel 20


(ISC)2 (International Information System Security Certification Consortium) 15, 7980

IT (information technology), defined 5



interviews 107113

hiring manager interview 110

recruiter or HR screen 108109

technical interview 111113

offers 113115

considering with time 114

employment agreements 115

negotiating for something better 114115

openings 101107

finding right roles 103104

job seekers vs. 3436

matching requirements 104105

office, remote, or hybrid working environments 106107

using job search tools 101102


key terms 97100

adding variations 100

frequency of 99

inventory of 9899

matching 99100

knowledge 63


Layer 8 89

leaders 2829

learning, compulsive 30

liabilities 5

liberty 1011

live-stream events 9192

long-term vision 155156


managers 38

mentorship 124129

expectations from 125126

mentor expectations 127128

number of mentors 129

qualities of mentor 124125

relationship 129132

building 132

ending 132

forms of 129

structure of 130131

MTUs (master terminal units) 44

multitasking 48


negative soft skills 73

negotiating 114115

network communications and administration 41

networking 119133

building professional network 120124

industry groups and networking events 121123

making network productive 123124

social media 120121

mentorship 124129

expectations from 125126

mentor expectations 127128

number of mentors 129

qualities of mentor 124125

relationship 129132

noncompete clauses 115

nonsolicitation clauses 115


objectives 61

offensive security 40

offers, jobs 113115

considering with time 114

employment agreements 115

negotiating for something better 114115

office working environments 106107

open information sharing 11

operations teams 7

organizational skills 48

OSINT (open source intelligence) 2223

OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) 122


passion 45, 5860

peers 144145

penetration testing 23

perfectionism 138139

personal growth needs 156157

personal labs 9091

personal objective 6062

phishing 43

physical penetration testers 43

physical security 23, 43

pivoting 72, 149, 158161

capabilities inventory 160161

recognize when change is needed 159160

taking risks 161

playgrounds 9091

PLCs (programmable logic controllers) 44

podcasts 9192

positive soft skills 74

presentation skills 49

privacy 1011

problem-solving 4647

product security 25

professional network 120124

industry groups and networking events 121123

DEF CON Groups 122



making network productive 123124

social media 120121

programming 4041

proofreading 100

purple teaming 23

pushing left 40


radio communications 4445

ransomware attacks 8

recruiter screen 108109

red teaming 23, 40

remote terminal units (RTUs) 44

remote working environments 106107

research skills 4546

resumes 95100

formatting 9697

key terms 97100

adding variations 100

frequency of 99

inventory of 9899

matching 99100

multiple versions of 9596

proofreading 100

risks 161

role progression 3639

architect roles 37

entry-level roles 37

executive leadership 39

impostor syndrome and 136137

security leadership 38

senior roles 37

RTUs (remote terminal units) 44


sales and sales support 2728

SANS GIAC Penetration Tester (GPEN) 84

SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) 44

SDLC (software development life cycle) 25

section headings 97

security architect roles 37

security architecture and design discipline 2122

security assessment and verification discipline 2224

security certifications 7784

acquiring 8384

CEH 8283

CISSP 7980

CompTIA Security+ 8081

overview 7879

security leadership 38

security operations discipline 1920

security operations teams 7

self-analysis 5374

connect oneself 7174

choosing focus discipline 7172

identifying gaps and challenges 7274

entry-level challenge 5456

cybersecurity degree programs 5455

finding path to security 5556

know oneself 5662

developing personal objective 6062

finding passion 5860

identifying authentic self 5658

own oneself 6271

capabilities inventory 6971

core skills 6567

soft skills 6769

technical capabilities 6364

senior-level positions 37

senior managers 38

senior roles 37

SIEM (security incident and event management) 21

skills 3349

job seekers vs. job openings 3436

role progression 3639

architect roles 37

entry-level roles 37

executive leadership 39

security leadership 38

senior roles 37

soft skills 4549

collaboration 47

empathy/emotional intelligence 4748

multitasking and organizational skills 48

problem-solving 4647

research skills 4546

speaking and presentation skills 49

writing skills 4849

technical skills 3945

cloud and cloud native technology 4142

cryptography 42

ICSs (industrial control systems) 4344

network communications and administration 41

physical security 43

radio communications 4445

social engineering 4243

software development/programming 4041

smart devices 14

social engineering 23, 4243

social media 120121

society 89

SOC (security operations center) 19

soft skills 4549

collaboration 47

empathy/emotional intelligence 4748

multitasking and organizational skills 48

problem-solving 4647

research skills 4546

self-assessing 6769

speaking and presentation skills 49

writing skills 4849

software development 4041

software development life cycle (SDLC) 25

software security 25

speaking skills 49

sprints 41

stagnation 152153

STAR method 112

success 143144, 148162

building career strategy 154158

building 1, 3, 5 plan 157158

identifying personal growth needs 156157

long-term vision 155156

overcoming challenges 149153

burnout 149151

gatekeeping 151152

stagnation 152153

pivoting 158161

capabilities inventory 160161

recognize when change is needed 159160

taking risks 161

supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) 44


team leads 38

technical interview 111113

technical skills 3945

cloud and cloud native technology 4142

cryptography 42

ICSs (industrial control systems) 4344

network communications and administration 41

physical security 43

radio communications 4445

self-assessing 6364

social engineering 4243

software development/programming 4041

training 82


user stories 41


values 1012

do no harm 12

open information sharing 11

privacy and liberty 1011

villages 88

virtualization 91

vishing 43

vision 154

vulnerability management 24, 99

vulnerability scanning 23


webinars 9192

writing skills 4849


zero-days 143

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