A short walk

Plaza de la Catedral

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n Locator Map (for more detail see Area Map)

Dominated by the elegant profile of its church, Plaza de la Catedral is one of the symbols of La Habana Vieja. A 16th-century plaque in the square marks the spot where the Zanja Real, the city’s first aqueduct (and the first Spanish aqueduct in the New World) was located. Reaching the square in 1592, it began at the Almendares river, 11 km (7 miles) away, and was built to provide water to ships docking in the harbour, as well as to local residents. The surrounding aristocratic buildings and present-day cathedral were built in the 18th century. An amble around Plaza de la Catedral is an essential activity for anyone visiting the historic centre. Women in colonial costume stroll under the arcades and read fortunes, and there are several bar-restaurants where you can relax in the shade and listen to music.

A SHORT WALK La Habana Vieja

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Distance 600 m (1,968 ft)

Time 15 minutes

Nearest bus route P5

Did You Know?

Palacio del Marqués de Arcos was once the main post office; the letter box is still visible on its wall.

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