The “heart” of the country, both geographically and spiritually, the Cathedral of Notre-Dame (Our Lady) stands on the Ile de la Cité. After Pope Alexander III laid the foundation stone in 1163, an army of craftsmen toiled for 170 years to realize Bishop Maurice de Sully’s magnificent design. Almost destroyed during the Revolution, the Gothic masterpiece was restored in 1841–64 by architect Viollet-le-Duc. A devastating fire in 2019 toppled the cathedral’s famous 315-ft (96-m) spire and caused part of the roof to cave in.


prac_info 6 Parvis Notre-Dame—Place Jean-Paul II, 75004 • 01 53 10 07 00 (towers); 01 42 34 56 10 (cathedral) • • The cathedral is currently closed to the public due to ongoing restoration work.

Google Map

The Fire of Notre-Dame

On April 15, 2019, fire broke out near the cathedral’s spire during renovation work. Watched by hundreds of onlookers, the fire quickly spread to the east and west along the roof, which was partially covered in scaffolding at the time. As the flames reached the Gothic towers, the spire collapsed and crashed through the vaulted roof. It took 500 firefighters more than 12 hours to extinguish the inferno. It is thought the cathedral was 30 minutes away from being all but destroyed had the fire engulfed the bell towers, causing them to fall. Many of the priceless treasures and artworks were rescued from the blaze and the 16 copper roof statues had already been removed due to the refurbishment. The vaulted stone ceiling and the cathedral’s rose windows mostly survived. Within hours of the fire, donations from global corporations and business tycoons poured in to help fund the painstaking restoration and it is hoped Notre-Dame will be rebuilt within five years.


Cathedral Floor Plan

1. Flying Buttresses

The striking flying buttresses supporting the cathedral’s east façade are by Jean Ravy. The best view is from Square Jean XXIII.

2. The Towers

The huge towers are 226 ft (69 m) high; 387 stairs within the north tower lead to great views. In 2013, new bells rang here to celebrate the cathedral’s 850th birthday.

3. West Front

The glorious entrance to the cathedral is through three elaborately carved portals. Biblical scenes, sculpted in the Middle Ages, depict the Life of the Virgin, the Last Judgment, and the Life of St. Anne. Above is the Gallery of Kings of Judaea and Israel.


West Front

4. Portal of the Virgin

The splendid stone tympanum was carved in the 13th century and shows the Virgin Mary’s death and coronation in heaven. However, the statue of the Virgin and Child that stands between the doors is a modern replica.


Portal of the Virgin

5. Galerie des Chimères

Lurking between the towers are the famous gargoyles (chimères), placed here to ward off evil.


Galerie des Chimères

6. Rose Windows

Three great rose windows adorn the north, south, and west façades, but only the north window retains its 13th-century stained glass, depicting the Virgin surrounded by figures from the Old Testament. The south window shows Christ encircled by the Apostles.


Rose Windows

7. The Spire

The 19th-century spire was added by Viollet-le-Duc. Completely destroyed by fire in 2019, plans to build a new one are underway.

8. Statue of the Virgin and Child

Also known as Notre-Dame de Paris (Our Lady of Paris), this 14th-century statue was brought to the cathedral from the chapel of St. Aignan. It stands against the southeast pillar of the transept, at the entrance to the chancel.

9. Treasury

Reliquaries, ancient manuscripts, and religious garments were housed in the sacristy. The Crown of Thorns, once on public view, was saved from the inferno.

10. Choir Stalls

More than half of the original stalls commissioned by Louis XIV survive. Among the beautifully carved work on the 78 stalls are scenes from the Life of the Virgin.

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