
Bodegas and Wineries

1. Pedro Domecq

One of the most legendary of the names associated with sherry. The company was founded in 1730, and a tour of the famous Moorish-style cellar “de la Ina” is de rigueur when in Jerez (for further details see Jerez de la Frontera).prac_infoC/San Ildefonso 3, Jerez • 956 15 15 00 • Tours hourly 10am–2pm Mon–Fri, noon and 2pm Sat (also 5pm, 6pm & 7pm Apr–Oct, Mon–Sat) • Adm

2. Gonzalez-Byass

Although most of the main sherry producers are now largely owned by British multinationals, this bodega is an encouraging example of one that was bought back by the family. Founded in 1835, their operation has two historic cellars, as well as the original tasting room.prac_infoC/Manuel María González 12, Jerez • 956 35 70 • Tours noon, 1pm, 2pm & 5:15pm Mon–Sat; noon, 1pm & 2pm Sun • Adm

3. Sandeman

The distinctive silhouetted figure of The Don, in a black cape and wide-brimmed hat, dates from 1928 and is one of the first trademark images ever created. Sandeman was founded in London in 1790.prac_infoC/Pizarro 10, Jerez • 675 64 71 • Tours Jan–Feb: noon Mon–Wed & Fri, 10:30am, noon, 1pm, 2pm Thu; Mar–Dec: 11:30am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm Mon, Wed, Fri (also 2:30pm Apr–Oct), 10:30am, noon, 1pm, 2:15pm Tue, Thu • Adm

4. Osborne Bodega

The black bull adorning many Andalucían roadside hills is the symbol of this venerable sherry and brandy producer and a protected part of regional heritage.prac_infoC/Los Moros, El Puerto de Santa María • 956 86 91 • Open 10am–3pm, also 7–10pm in summer, with regular tours • Adm

5. Bodegas Alvear, Montilla

What distinguishes the wines here is two-fold. Giant terracotta containers (tinajas) are sunk into the ground to keep the contents at a constant temperature, while the hot climate ripens the grapes for a stronger wine (for further details see Montilla).

6. Bodegas Robles, Montilla

This organic wine producer employs an old system called solera, in which young wines are blended with older ones, until they mature.prac_infoCtra. Córdoba-Málaga km 47 • 957 65 00 63 • Tours by appt •

7. Bodegas Antonio Barbadillo

A family-owned winery with 5sq km (1.9sq miles) of vineyards, the largest cellars in Sanlúcar and a winemaking museum.prac_infoC/Luís de Eguilaz 11, Sanlúcar de Barrameda • 9956 38 55 • Tours 11am Tue–Sat or by appt

8. Bodegas Gomara

This bodega produces the traditional Málaga wines as well as its own pale, dry fino. It sells souvenir bottles shaped like matadors, guitars or castanets.prac_infoPol. Campanilla 232, Málaga • 952 43 41 95 • Tours by appt

9. Bodegas Andrade

This bodega was one of the first to realize the potential of the Zalema grape variety for creating young wines.prac_infoAvda Coronación, 35, Bollullos Par del Contado, Huelva • 959 41 01 06 • Tours by appt

10. Agroalimentaria Virgen del Rocio

At this producer, a series of large underground fermenting vats form a subterranean cellar, where they use the Zalema grape to produce one of the region’s few sparkling wines, Raigal.prac_infoAlmonte, Huelva • 959 40 61 46 • Tours by appt

Top 10 Sherries and Wines

Top 10 Sherries and Wines

1. Fino

Clear, crisp and dry, with an aroma of almonds, fino is served chilled as an aperitif.

2. Manzanilla

The fino sherry made in Sanlúcar de Barrameda. It is dry, pale and slightly salty.

3. Oloroso

The layer of flor yeast is thin, or absent, as a fino ages, allowing partial oxidation. Oloroso is a rich amber, with an aroma of hazelnuts.

4. Amontillado

Midway between a fino and an oloroso. The layer of flor yeast is allowed to die off, so it gets darker in colour.

5. Palo Cortado

This has an aroma reminiscent of an amontillado, while its colour is closer to oloroso.

6. Cream Sherry

This international favourite results when you take an oloroso and sweeten it by mixing in a measure of Pedro Ximenez wine.

7. Pedro Ximenez

This naturally sweet wine, when aged with care, is elegant and velvety.

8. Brandy de Jerez

This brandy is made by ageing wine spirits in casks that have previously been used to age sherry. It is sweeter and more caramelized than French brandy.

9. Malaga

Málaga’s famous sweet wines are made from the Moscatel and Pedro Ximénez grape varieties.

10. Raigal

One of Andalucía’s few sparkling wines, this is refreshing on the palate.

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