phrase book

Costa Rican Spanish is essentially the same as the Castilian spoken in Spain, with some differences in vocabulary and pronunciation. The most noticeable difference is the pronunciation of the soft “c” and the letter “z” as “s” rather than “th”.

In an Emergency

Help! ¡Socorro! soh-koh-roh
Stop! ¡Pare! pah-reh
Call a doctor! ¡Llame a un médico! yah-meh ah oon meh-dee-koh
Fire! ¡Fuego! foo-eh-goh
Could you help me? ¿Me podría ayudar? meh poh-dree-yah ah-yoo-dahr
policeman policía poh-lee-see-ah

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Communication Essentials

Yes see
No No noh
Please Por favor pohr fah-vohr
Thank you Gracias grah-see-ahs
Excuse me Perdone pehr-doh-neh
Hello Hola oh-lah
Good morning Buenos días bweh-nohs dee-ahs
Good afternoon Buenas tardes bweh-nahs tahr-dehs
Good night Buenas noches bweh-nahs noh-chehs
Bye (casual) Chao cha-oh
Goodbye Adiós ah-dee-ohs
See you later Hasta luego ah-stah loo-weh-goh
Morning La mañana lah mah-nyah-nah
Afternoon La tarde lah tahr-deh
Night La noche lah noh-cheh
Yesterday Ayer ah-yehr
Today Hoy oy
Tomorrow Mañana mah-nyah-nah
Here Aquí ah-kee
There Allá ah-yah
What? ¿Qué? keh
When? ¿Cuándo? kwahn-doh
Why? ¿Por qué? pohr-keh
Where? ¿Dónde? dohn-deh
How are you? ¿Cómo está usted? koh-moh ehs-tah oos-tehd
Very well, thank you Muy bien, gracias mwee bee-ehn grah-see-ahs
Pleased to meet you Mucho gusto moo-choh goo-stoh
I’m sorry Lo siento loh see-ehn-toh

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Useful Phrases

That’s fine Está bien ehs-tah bee-ehn
Great/fantastic! ¡Qué bien! keh bee-ehn
Where does this road go? ¿Adónde va esta calle? ah-dohn-deh bah ehs-tah kah-yeh
Do you speak English? ¿Habla inglés? ah-blaheen-glehs
I don’t understand No comprendo noh kohm-prehn-doh
I want Quiero kee-yehr-oh

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Useful Words

big grande grahn-deh
small pequeño/a peh-keh-nyoh/nyah
hot caliente kah-lee-ehn-teh
cold frío/a free-oh/ah
good bueno/a bweh-noh/nah
bad malo/a mah-loh/lah
open abierto/a ah-bee-ehr-toh/tah
closed cerrado/a sehr-rah-doh/dah
left izquierda ees-key-ehr-dah
right derecha deh-reh-chah
near cerca sehr-kah
far lejos leh-hohs
up arriba ah-ree-bah
down abajo ah-bah-hoh
early temprano tehm-prah-noh
late tarde tahr-deh
now/very soon ahora/ahorita ah-ohr-ah/ah-ohr-ee-tah
more más mahs
less menos meh-nohs
very muy mwee
a little (un) poco (oon) poh-koh
opposite frente a frehn-teh ah
below/above abajo/arriba ah-bah-hoh/
entrance entrada ehn-trah-dah
exit salida sah-lee-dah
stairs escaleras ehs-kah-leh-rahs
elevator el ascensor ehl ah-sehn-sohr
toilets baños/servicios sanitarios bah-nyohs/sehr-vee-see-yohs sah-nee-tah-ree-ohs
women’s de damas deh dah-mahs
men’s de caballeros deh kah-bah-yeh-rohs
sanitary napkins toallas sanitarias toh-ah-yahs sah-nee-tah-ree-yahs
tampons tampones tahm-poh-nehs
condoms condones kohn-doh-nehs
toilet paper papel higiénico pah-pehl hee-hyen-ee-koh
(non-)smoking area área de (no) fumar ah-ree-ah deh (noh) foo-mahr
camera (a roll of) film la cámara (un rollo de) película lah kah-mah-rah (oon roh-yoh deh) peh-lee-koo-lah
batteries las pilas lahs pee-lahs
passport pasaporte pah-sah-pohr-teh
visa visa vee-sah

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Post Offices and Banks

post office oficina de correos oh-fee-see-nah deh kohr-reh-ohs
stamps estampillas ehs-tahm-pee-yahs
postcard una postal oo-nah pohs-tahl
postbox apartado ah-pahr-tah-doh
cashier cajero kah-heh-roh
ATM cajero automático kah-heh-roh ahw-toh-mah-tee-koh
bank banco bahn-koh
What is the dollar rate? ¿A cómo está el dolar? ah koh-moh ehs- tah ehl doh-lahr

Need to know Phrasebook


How much does… this cost? ¿Cuánto cuesta… esto? Kwahn-toh… kwehs-tah ehs-toh
Do you have? ¿Tienen? tee-yeh-nehn
Do you take credit cards/traveler’s checks? ¿Aceptan tarjetas de crédito/cheques de viajero? ahk-sehp-tahn tahr-heh-tahs deh kreh-dee-toh/cheh-kehs deh vee-ah-heh-roh
discount un descuento oon dehs-koo-ehn-toh
expensive caro kahr-oh
cheap barato bah-rah-toh
clothes la ropa lah roh-pah
size, clothes talla tah-yah
size, shoes número noo-mehr-oh
bakery panadería pah-nah-deh- ree-ah
bookstore librería lee-breh-ree-ah
grocer’s pulpería pool-peh-ree-ah
market mercado mehr-kah-doh
shoe store la zapatería lah sah-pah-teh-ree-ah
supermarket el supermercado ehl soo-pehr-mehr-kah-doh
travel agency la agencia de viajes lah ah-hehn-see-ah deh vee-ah-hehs

Need to know Phrasebook


bay bahía bah-ee-ah
beach playa plah-yah
building edificio eh-dee-fee-see-oh
cathedral catedral kah-teh-drahl
church iglesia ee-gleh-see-ah
farm finca feehn-kah
forest bosque/selva bohs-keh/sehl-bah
garden jardín hahr-deen
lake lago/laguna lah-goh/lah-goo-nah
mangrove manglar mahn-glahr
mountain peak cerro seh-roh
mountain range cordillera kohr-dee-yeh-rah
museum museo moo-seh-oh
neighborhood barrio bah-ree-oh
port puerto poo-her-toh
ranger station puesto de guardia poo-ehs-toh deh goo-ahr-dee-ah
river río ree-oh
trail sendero sehn-deh-roh
theater teatro teh-ah-troh
tourist information office oficina de turismo oh-fee-see-nah deh too-rees-moh
viewpoint mirador mee-rah-dohr
ticket el boleto/la entrada ehl boh-leh-toh lah ehn-trah-dah
guide (person) el/la guía ehl/lah gee-ah
guide (book) la guía lah gee-ah
guided tour una visita guiada oo-nah vee-see- tah gee-ah-dah
map el mapa ehl mah-pah

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I feel ill Me siento mal meh seh-ehn-toh mahl
We need a doctor Necesitamos un médico neh-seh-see-tah-mohs oon meh- dee-koh
drug store farmacia fahr-mah-see-ah
medicine medicina meh-dee-see-nah
ambulance ambulancia ahm-boo-lahn-see-ah
mosquito coils espirales ehs-pee-rah-lehs

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When does the… leave? ¿A qué hora sale el…? ah keh oh-rah sah-leh ehl…?
Is there a bus to…? ¿Hay un bus a…? eye oon boohs ah…?
bus station la estación de autobuses lah ehs-tah-see-ohn deh aw-toh- boo-sehs
ticket office la boletería lah boh-leh-teh-ree-ah
airport aeropuerto ah-ehr-oh-poo- ehr-toh
customs la aduana lah ah-doo-ah-nah
taxi stand/rank la parada de taxis lah pah-rah-dah deh tahk-sees
car rental rent a car rehn-tah cahr
motorcycle la moto(cicleta) lah moh-toh-(see-kleh-tah)
4WD doble tracción doh-bleh trahk-siohn
bicycle la bicicleta lah bee-see-kleh-tah
water-taxi una panga/un bote oo-nah pahn-gah/oon boh-teh
aerial tram teleférico teh-leh-feh-ree-koh
insurance los seguros lohs seh-goo-rohs
gas station gasolinera gah-soh-leen-ehr-ah
garage taller de mecánica tah-yehr deh meh-kahn-ee-kah
I have a flat tire Se me ponchó la llanta seh meh pohn-shoh lah yahn-tah

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Staying in a Hotel

I have a Tengo una tehn-goh oo-nah
reservation reservación reh-sehr-vah-see-ohn
Do you have a vacant room? ¿Tienen una habitación libre? tee-eh-nehn oo- nah ah-bee-tah-see-ohnlee-breh
double room habitación doble ah-bee-tah-see-ohn doh-bleh
single room habitación sencilla ah-bee-tah-see-ohn sehn-see-yah
room with a bath habitación con baño ah-bee-tah-see-ohn kohn bah-nyoh
shower la ducha lah doo-chah
The … is not working No funciona el/la… noh foon-see-oh- nah ehl/lah…
Where is the dining-room/bar? ¿Dónde está el restaurante/el bar? dohn-deh ehs-tah ehl rehs-toh-rahn-teh/ehl bahr
hot/cold water agua caliente/fría ah-goo-ah kah-lee-ehn-teh/free-ah
soap el jabón ehl hah-bohn
towel la toalla lah toh-ah-yah
key la llave lah yah-veh

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Eating Out

Have you got a table for …? ¿Tienen mesa para…? tee-eh-nehn meh-sah pah-rah…?
I want to reserve a table Quiero reservar una mesa kee-eh-roh reh-sehr-vahr oo-nah meh-sah
The bill, please La cuenta, por favor lah kwehn-tah pohr fah-vohr
I am a vegetarian Soy vegetariano/a soy veh-heh-tah-ree-ah-no/na
waiter/waitress mesero/a meh-seh-roh/rah
menu la carta lah kahr-tah
fixed-price menu menú del día meh-noo dehl dee-ah
wine list la carta de vinos lah kahr-tah deh vee-nohs
glass un vaso oon vah-soh
bottle una botella oo-nah boh-teh- yah
knife un cuchillo oon koo-chee-yoh
fork un tenedor oon teh-neh-dohr
spoon una cuchara oo-nah koo-chah-rah
napkin la servilleta lah sehr-vee-yeh-tah
breakfast el desayuno ehl deh-sah-yoo-noh
lunch almuerzo ahl-moo-ehr-soh
dinner la cena lah seh-nah
main course el plato fuerte ehl plah-toh foo-ehr-teh
starters las entradas lahs ehn-trah-das
dish of the day el plato del día ehl plat-toh dehl dee-ah
rare término rojo tehr-mee-noh roh-hoh
medium término medio tehr-mee-noh meh-dee-oh
well done bien cocido bee-ehn koh-see-doh
chair la silla lah see-yah
Is service included? ¿El servicio está incluido? ehl sehr-vee-see-oh ehs-tah een-kloo-ee-doh
ashtray cenicero seh-nee-seh-roh
cigarettes los cigarros lohs see-gah-rohs
food stall una soda oo-nah soh-dah
neighborhood bar una cantina/un bar oo-nah kahn-tee-nah/oon bahr

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Menu Decoder

el aceite ah-see-eh-teh oil
las aceitunas ah-seh-toon-ahs olives
el agua mineral ah-gwa mee-neh-rahl mineral water
el arroz ahr-rohs rice
el azúcar ah-soo-kahr sugar
una bebida beh-bee-dah drink
boca boh-kah snack
el café kah-feh coffee
la carne kahr-neh meat
el cerdo sehr-doh pork
la cerveza sehr-veh-sah beer
el chocolate choh-koh-lah-teh chocolate
la ensalada ehn-sah-lah-dah salad
la fruta froo-tah fruit
el helado eh-lah-doh ice cream
el huevo oo-eh-voh egg
el jugo hoo-goh juice
la leche leh-cheh milk
la mantequilla mahn-teh-kee-yah butter
los mariscos mah-rees-kohs seafood
el pan pahn bread
las papas pah-pahs potatoes
las papas a la francesa pah-pahs ah lah frahn-seh-sah French fries
las papas fritas pah-pahs free-tahs potato chips
el pastel pahs-tehl cake
el pescado pehs-kah-doh fish
picante pee-kahn-teh spicy
la pimienta pee-mee-yehn-tah pepper
el pollo poh-yoh chicken
el postre pohs-treh dessert
el queso keh-soh cheese
el refresco reh-frehs-koh soft drink/soda
la sal sahl salt
la sopa soh-pah soup
el sánguche sahn-goo-she sandwich
el té negro teh neh-groh tea
la torta tohr-tah burger
las tostadas tohs-tah-dahs toast
el vino blanco vee-noh blahn-koh white wine
el vino tinto vee-noh teen-toh red wine

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Culture and Society

campesino cahm-peh-see-noh subsistence farmer
cantón cahn-tohn county
carreta cah-reh-tah oxcart
cumbia coom-bee-ah Columbian music
Josefino hoh-seh-fee-noh resident of San José
marimba mah-reem-bah kind of xylophone
merengue meh-rehn-geh fast-paced Dominican music
sabanero sah-bah-neh-roh cowboy
salsa sahl-sah Cuban dance music
Tico/costarricense tee-coh/cohs-tah-ree-sehn-seh Costa Rican

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0 cero seh-roh
1 uno oo-noh
2 dos dohs
3 tres trehs
4 cuatro kwa-troh
5 cinco seen-koh
6 seis says
7 siete see-eh-teh
8 ocho oh-choh
9 nueve nweh-veh
10 diez dee-ehs
11 once ohn-seh
12 doce doh-seh
13 trece treh-seh
14 catorce kah-tohr-seh
15 quince keen-seh
16 dieciséis dee-eh-see-seh-ees
17 diecisiete dee-eh-see-see-eh-teh
18 dieciocho dee-eh-see-oh-choh
19 diecinueve dee-eh-see-nweh-veh
20 veinte veh-een-teh
30 treinta treh-een-tah
40 cuarenta kwah-rehn-tah
50 cincuenta seen-kwehn-tah
60 sesenta seh-sehn-tah
70 setenta seh-tehn-tah
80 ochenta oh-chehn-tah
90 noventa noh-vehn-tah
100 cien see-ehn
500 quinientos khee-nee-ehn-tohs
1,000 mil meel
1,001 mil uno meel oo-noh
5,000 cinco mil seen-koh meel

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one minute un minuto oon mee-noo-toh
one hour una hora oo-nah oh-rah
Monday lunes loo-nehs
Tuesday martes mahr-tehs
Wednesday miércoles mee-ehr-koh-lehs
Thursday jueves hoo-weh-vehs
Friday viernes vee-ehr-nehs
Saturday sábado sah-bah-doh
Sunday domingo doh-meen-goh
January enero eh-neh-roh
February febrero feh-breh-roh
March marzo mahr-soh
April abril ah-breel
May mayo mah-yoh
June junio hoo-nee-oh
July julio hoo-lee-oh
August agosto ah-gohs-toh
September setiembre seh-tee-ehm-breh
October octubre ohk-too-breh
November noviembre noh-vee-ehm-breh
December diciembre dee-see-ehm-breh
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