
In this chapter, we took a look at some HTML5 APIs that are specific to mobile devices, although you can emulate them in a normal browser.

With CSS3 transformations, we can quite easily create simple 3D objects but they have their limitations and are suitable only in certain situations. They're definitely not a replacement for WebGL. Device orientation events and the GeoLocation API work in all modern mobile browsers, although they're not 100 percent compatible with desktop browsers.

The dart:js interoperation library can be used to proxy native JavaScript libraries such as the Google Maps API.

In the next chapter, we're going to start with polymer.dart. Polymer in JavaScript is an emerging technology developed by Google, which lets you create encapsulated reusable components and polymer.dart is its port to the Dart language. Components created with polymer.dart should be fully compatible with JavaScript Polymer in the long term.

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