Create job

A typical syntax for creating a Sqoop job execution can be defined as:

sqoop job (generic-args) (job-args)
[-- [subtool-name] (subtool-args)]
bin/sqoop job --create <JOB_NAME> -- <OPERATION_NAME> --connect jdbc:postgresql://<DB_SERVER>/sourcedb?schema=public --table <TABLE_NAME> --m 1 --username <DB_USER> --password <DB_PASSWORD> --as-avrodatafile

<JOB_NAME> → Name of the job to be created
<OPERATION_NAME> → Name of the sqoop operation to be defined, e.g. import
<DB_SERVER> → DB Server address or IP
<TABLE_NAME> → Name of the table to be imported
<DB_USER> → Username of the DB containing data to be imported
<DB_PASSWORD> → Password of the DB containing data to be imported
Please observe the spaces around --. These spaces are interpreted as separators of one segment of command from the other.
For simplicity, the embedded default datastore, namely HSQLDB, is considered here as Sqoop 1 metastore.
HSQLDB is a relational database engine written in Java, with a JDBC driver, conforming to ANSI SQL:2011. A small, fast, multithreaded engine and server with memory and disk tables, LOBs, transaction isolation, multiversion concurrency and ACID.
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