Flink Component Stack

The following figure shows Flink’s stack in detail. Getting in each component in the stack is out of the scope of this book and we would suggest going through Flink’s official documentation (https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.1/).

Figure 12: Flink Component Stack (Courtesy Apache Flink doc - http://flink.apache.org)

The preceding figure shows the various components in Flink stack in a layer fashion (conceptual architecture). As shown, Flink supports variety of storage (BYOS) and that constitutes the bottom later. The next layer is the deployment topology that Flink supports (BYOC) and as shown, it does support a variety of them. The next layer labelled Runtime is the core of Flink’s execution model and consists of Batch Optimizer for batch operation and Stream Builder for stream handling. On top of that is the layer that is interacted by the developer and it is quite well abstracted away from the developer in the form of well-defined API’s and libraries.

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