
Follow the steps for full installation of Flink:

  1. Download the latest source code for release candidate of flink 1.3.0, which was RC3 (release candidate 3) at the time of authoring this book, using the following command in your download directory, ${DOWNLOAD_DIR}:
  1. Change to a user directory and extract the contents from the zip using the following command. Let us refer to the extracted Flink source folder, flink-release-1.3.0-rc3, as ${FLINK_SRC}:
unzip ${DOWNLOAD_DIR}/
  1. Change directory into ${FLINK_SRC} and use the following command to compile the source code. It may take some time for the build the complete.
mvn install -DskipTests
  1. Once the build completes, copy the generated build-target folder to a separate user folder, <flink-install-dir>. This user folder would be our working installation of Flink 1.3.0 RC3. The command below would inherently create the Flink install directory as part of  its execution:
cp -r ${FLINK_SRC}/build-target <flink-install-dir>
  1. Configure the ${FLINK_HOME} environment variable using the following command and add the same into ~/.bashrc:
export FLINK_HOME=<flink-install-dir>
  1. Change to the user directory of Flinkā€™s extracted content and start the Flink server using the following command:
  1. Navigate to http://<vm-ip-address>:8081, and the following screenshot should be visible, confirming a successful setup of Flink on a single node:
Figure 23: Flink Dashboard
If you are planning to run the Flink examples from a development environment, it is advisable to build Flink source on the same machine, since such builds are platform dependent. This is also due to the fact that, we are using the latest Flink version for our examples, i.e. RC3, which is not yet available in most of the public maven repositories at the time of authoring the book.
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