Data Storage and Lambda Batch Layer - technology mapping

To cover our use case and to build the Data Lake, we use multiple stores. This chapter aims at covering storage mechanism for non-indexed raw data. This chapter delve deeply into Hadoop, which is our choice for this capability.

The following figure brings in the technology aspects of the conceptual architecture that we will be following throughout this book. We will keep explaining each technology and its relevance in the overall architecture before we bring all the technologies together in the final part of this book (part 3):

Figure 02: Technology mapping for Data Storage and Lambda Batch Layer

For our use case, SCV, we have already gathered data from various source system data stores, and we will just be persisting these raw data in Hadoop, as shown in the preceding figure.

The subsequent sections of this chapter give more details on Hadoop and will make you conversant with many important components of the Hadoop architecture.

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