Apache Ambari

Apache Ambari is a software project of the Apache Software Foundation. Ambari enables system administrators to provision, manage, and monitor a Hadoop cluster, and also to integrate Hadoop with the existing enterprise infrastructure. Ambari was a sub-project of Hadoop, but it is now a top-level project in its own right.

- Wikipedia

The following figure shows the basic working of Apache Ambari:

Figure 17: Apache Ambari architecture

It operates on the client-server model in which the Ambari server exposes various RESTful endpoints that are consumed and used for various pages in the Ambari web application. Users interact with Ambari using this Web UI. Each node in the Hadoop cluster is installed with Ambari Agent, which sends and stores data in the Ambari server. Monitoring in Ambari leverages two open source technologies, namely Ganglia and Nagios.

For more details, refer to Apache Ambari documentation at https://ambari.apache.org/.

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