Elastic Stack - Kibana

Your Window into the Elastic Stack.

Kibana gives shape to your data and is the extensible user interface for configuring and managing all aspects of the Elastic Stack.

Kibana give eye to the data residing in Elastic Stack. It has a wide range of visualization capabilities which can be used to make the data residing in Elastic a visual insight. Kibana has visualizations ranging from classic line graph, bar graph, histograms and so on to more complex visualizations such as Time series visualization, graph data visualization and geospatial (map) data visualization.

The following figures (Figure 10A and Figure 10B) show the Kibana dashboard representing data in classic pie and bar graphs:

Figure 10A: Sample visualization in Kibana

Similar to the preceding figure, Figure 10B shows the Kibana dashboard with more graph choices for easy visualization:

Figure 10B: Sample visualization in Kibana

Kibana also gives a visual representation of the Elastic Stack itself by helping administrators manage and monitor the Elastic Stack more efficiently. One such example of the management screen in Kibana is shown in the following figure:

Figure 11: Kibana Elastic Stack Management screen

Kibana also offers developer tools (console, for example), using which you could query elastic data. It also gives features such as auto-completion, which is quite useful for the developer community.

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