Data Generation

Generate the data using the following commands as done in earlier chapters. For this example, we will target to generate 1 million rows for each of the entities:

Populate database

We will be reusing the database tables of customer and address for this example. In case the database tables are empty due to any reasons, the database can be re-populated using the same utility as before. The related command is again specified here briefly for quick reference. This command needs to be run from the location where we had extracted these utilities from the tar files:

java -jar client-generator-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar config/  2000000

Generate Spool File

We can reuse the contacts.log file generated earlier. In case the file does not exist, it can be generated again as explained in the earlier chapter containing customer contacts.  The following command is given for quick reference and needs to be run from the same location where these generators were extracted from their tar file:

java -jar web-generator-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar contact.log 200000 contact

Once the spool file is available, move the spool file to the ${FLUME_DATA} folders for Flume processing.

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