Data Lake Use Case Suggestions

It's quite exhausting to write a book spanning nearly 500 pages, and its quite a big challenge going through these pages to understand what the author has been trying t o explain. In doing so, you would also have to do the hands-on coding so that everything read can be put into action. Indeed, you need a great appreciation for coming this far, going through the pages and also getting your hands dirty in actually implementing a Data Lake, which is considered quite a challenge as it involves myriad technologies. Hats off! Thanks for staying with us through out the book! I hope you have enjoyed reading every page, as we enjoyed writing each one.

This chapter aims at introducing some of the well-known data lake uses in an enterprise. Many companies have this already in some form or other and some are in the process of creating one.

These use cases can be considered as a way by which we prove the capability of a data lake in an organization and then use those success stories to keep building new use cases.

These suggestions are in no way exhaustive in nature, but we do feel that if you have read parts 1 and 2 of this book, you are very well capable of executing these use cases without much trouble. The area that changes is the source data, plus the analytics your enterprise is keen on implementing in each of the use case. However, depending on the business domains, there could be different processing requirements from a business perspective.

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