Chapter 11

Day Trading for Investors


Bullet Developing the trader’s discipline

Bullet Marking market momentum

Bullet Seeing when trading strategies are the best move

It takes a special person to be a day trader — one who has quick reflexes, a strong stomach, and a short-term perspective on the markets. Not everyone’s meant to parcel out his or her workday a minute at a time. Most people do better with a long-term perspective on their finances, looking to match their investments with their goals and thinking about their investment performance over months or years rather than right now.

But patient long-term investors can discover a thing or two from the frenetic day trader, which is what this chapter is all about. Many day trading techniques can help swing traders, position traders, and investors — people who hold positions for days, months, or even decades — improve their returns and make smarter decisions when it comes time to buy or sell. In this chapter, I cover some trading and analysis techniques used by day traders that can help longer-term investors improve their returns. Then I discuss some ways that long-term investors may want to add day trading to their list of tricks as a way to achieve a better total return.

Recognizing What Investors Can Glean from Traders

In theory, investors may be willing to wait forever to see great stock picks play out, but in reality, they only have so much time and money. A company’s stock may be ridiculously cheap, but the stock can languish a long time before everyone else catches on and bids the price up. The investor who buys and sells well can add a few extra dollars to his investment return, and who doesn’t want that? In addition, some long-term investors will take a day trading flyer on a hot idea. Maybe a few will even want to give day trading a try, especially for those securities they’ve followed long enough to know how the market reacts to news and whether those reactions are appropriate. For a long-term investor, given the time to test strategies and set limits, day trading in known markets may result in some nice incremental short-term returns.

If you’re an investor interested in occasionally (or frequently) day trading, you need to adopt not only a few key day trading strategies but also the key characteristics that make day traders successful.

Being disciplined

Successful day traders have an innate sense of discipline. They know when to commit more money to a trade and when to cut their losses and close shop for the day.

Unfortunately, a lot of long-term investors can get sloppy. They have done so much research and committed so much time waiting for a position to work that they often forget the cardinal rule of the trader: The market doesn’t know that you’re in it. The stock doesn’t know you own it, so it’s not going to reward your loyalty. Securities go up and down every day for no good reason, and sometimes you are going to make a mistake and will have to cut your losses. There’s no shame in that, as long as you take something away from it.

Now, how can you get that discipline? By doing these things:

  • Develop an investment and trading plan, covered in Chapter 7. Although investing is probably not your primary occupation, you do want to have in writing what your objectives are and how you plan to meet them given other constraints: time, tax considerations, and risk tolerance.
  • Carefully evaluate your performance (covered in Chapter 13). Keep a trading diary so that you know what you’re trading and why. Can you find ways to improve? Are you making mistakes that can be avoided?
  • Tip Set up a sell rule. A quick way for an investor to improve her trading discipline is to set up a sell rule, a rule that tells her when to cut her losses and move on. For example, if a stock is down 20 percent from where it was purchased or where it traded at the beginning of the year, it may be time to sell, regardless of what you hope it will do.

Traders have to go through these exercises to survive. Investors often skip these steps, but they shouldn’t.

Dealing with breaking news and breaking markets

One reason that the markets are so volatile is that they respond to news events. Prices reflect information, changing when any little bit of information comes into the market — even if the info is just that someone wants to buy and someone wants to sell right now. The problem is that sometimes the market participants don’t react in proportion to the news they receive. Good traders have an almost innate ability to discern news that creates a buy from news that creates a sell. (You can find out more about market indicators and strategies in Chapter 9.) Sometimes traders want to go with the market, and sometimes they want to go against it.

When your investment idea has been affected by a news announcement, you need to consider how your position — and you — will react. After all, no matter how long your time horizon and how careful your research, things happen to companies: CEOs have heart attacks, major products are found to be defective, financial statements turn out to be fraudulent, and so on. How are you going to respond?

The first point is that you have to respond. The market doesn’t know your position, and the market doesn’t care. (Have I mentioned that already?) You need to assess the situation and decide what to do. Given the information, is it time to buy, sell, or stay put? Holding your long-term position in the face of long-term news is often okay, but that decision should be an active one, not a fallback. The trick is to be objective, which isn’t easy when real dollars are at stake.

Remember Successful day traders are able to keep their emotions under control and keep the market separate from the rest of their lives. Good investors should be able to do the same.

When evaluating news, day traders look at how the news is different from expectations. Investors can also consider how the news is different relative to the known facts about the company to date. For example, suppose that the Timely Timer Company is expected to report earnings of $0.10 per share. Instead, the news hits the tape saying that earnings will be only $0.05 because of accounting charges. The trader may see that the earnings are below expectations and short the shares to play on the bad news. The investor may know that the accounting charges were expected and quickly buy more shares while the price is depressed. The fact that there is a way for a buyer and a seller to match their differing needs is the whole reason that the financial markets exist!

Remember To a day trader, perception is reality. To a keen-eyed investor, the difference between perception and reality may be an opportunity to make money.

Day traders have to think about the psychology of the market because everything moves so quickly. Investors sometimes forget about psychology because they can wait for logic to prevail. When it comes time to place a buy or sell order, however, understanding the psychological climate that day can give the investor a price advantage, and every bit of profit improvement goes straight to the bottom line.

Tip Day traders keep their sanity by closing out positions at the end of the day so that they can get on with their lives until the next market opens. Investors, on the other hand, may want to know what’s happening to their positions at other times. Many brokerage firms offer mobile-phone alert services, which I think are a terrible idea for a day trader but may not be a bad idea for an investor.

Setting targets and limits

Good day traders set limits. They often place stop and limit orders to automatically close out their positions when they reach a certain price level. They have profit targets in mind and know how much they’re willing to risk in the pursuit of those gains.

Good investors should set similar limits. It can be harder for them, because they have often done so much research that they feel almost clairvoyant. Why worry about the downside when the research shows that the stock has to go up?

Well, the research may overlook certain realities. And even with thorough analysis, things change. That’s why even the most ardent fundamentalist needs to have a downside risk limit. In most cases, stop and limit orders are bad ideas for a long-term investor because they force the sale of a security during a short-term market fluctuation and force the sale when it’s really a good time to buy more. Investors have a different risk profile than day traders, so they need to manage risk differently — but they do still need to manage it.

Remember With a stop order, the broker buys or sells the security as soon as a pre-determined price is met, even if the price quickly moves back to where it was before the order took effect. A limit order is only executed if the security hits the predetermined level, and it stays in effect only if the price is at that level or lower (for a buy limit order) or at that level or higher (for a sell limit order).

Day traders close out their positions at the end of each day, so they rarely review their limits. A swing trader or an investor, on the other hand, who holds for a longer period of time, needs to review those limits frequently. How much should a position move each month, quarter, or year before it’s time to cover losses or cash out with a profit? How has the security changed over time, and do the limits need to change with it?

When the position is working, an investor thinks of letting it ride forever. But, alas, few investments work that long into the future, so the investor also needs to think in term of relative performance. Has the time come to sell and put the money into something else with greater potential?

When managing money, day traders usually think about maximizing return while minimizing the risk of ruin. For an investor, the goal is maximizing return relative to a list of long-term objectives, including a target for risk. But because long-term objectives change, the portfolio has to as well. That means that a position that has been working out fine may have to be changed in order to meet the new portfolio goals. The discussion is starting to get beyond the scope of this book, but the point remains: Like successful day traders, successful investors have a plan for how they will allocate their money among different investments, and they adjust it as necessary.

Remember Although investing is a long-term proposition and lacks the frenzy of trading, it is still an active endeavor. Instead of putting energy into buying and selling, the investor puts it into monitoring.

Judging execution quality

Day traders rely on outstanding trade execution from their brokers. They need to keep costs as low as possible in order to clear a profit from their trading, especially because their profits are relatively small.

Investors may have a greater likelihood of making a profit, given that they are waiting for a position to work out rather than closing it out every night. Even then, better execution leads to better profits. The magnitude of the few extra cents may be smaller relative to the entire profit, but it still counts.

Looking at total execution costs

Your broker makes money three ways. The first is on the commission charged to make the trade. The second is on the bid-ask spread (also called the bid-offer), which is the difference between the price that the broker buys the security from customers and the price that the broker sells it to customers. The third is any price appreciation on the security between when the broker acquired it and when the firm sold it to the customer. Because three sources of profit are available, some brokers don’t even charge commission. But note that the broker can still make money — lots of money — even without a commission.

Tip When choosing a broker, consider total execution costs, not just commission. Some brokers offering deep commission discounts make money from high levels of trading volume, but others make their money from execution.

Improving execution

The broker has a few tricks for improving execution. The first is to invest heavily in information systems that can route and match orders, because even the slightest delay can make a difference if the markets are moving. The second is to have a large enough customer base to be able to match customer orders quickly. Third, and most important, is to decide that execution is a strategic advantage it can use to keep customers happy. Many brokerage firms would rather concentrate on research, financial planning, customer service, or other offerings to keep customers happy instead of offering excellent execution.

In general, a firm that offers low commissions and emphasizes its services to active traders has better execution than a firm that emphasizes its full-service research and advisory expertise. But there are exceptions, and in some cases, the exceptions vary with account size.

Brokerage firms use several numbers to evaluate their execution, including the following:

  • Average execution speed: This is the amount of time it takes the firm to fill the first share of an order. Firms also track — and sometimes disclose — how long filling an entire order takes, on average.
  • Price relative to National Best Bid or Offer: At any time, there is a list of bid and ask prices in the market, and your broker may not have the best spread. The National Best Bid or Offer, defined by Securities and Exchange Commission regulation, is the best price in the market. You may not be able to get this price for all sorts of reasons, usually because of the number of shares you want to buy or sell. For example, if the best bid is for 100 shares and you want to sell 500, you won’t be able to get all of the order filled. Brokerage firms track and report how close the price you received was to the best bid or offer at the time.
  • Price improvement: Most brokerage firms buy and sell securities for their own accounts. In fact, working as a trader at a brokerage firm may be a great alternative to day trading. Because the firm may own the security or want it for its own account, it may give you a slightly better price than what’s in the market.
  • Average effective spread: This number measures how much the spread between the bid and the offer differed from the National Best Bid or Offer, on average. The lower the average effective spread, the better.

Remember Brokerage firms have to disclose information monthly about the differences between market orders and public price quotes and the size of effective spreads in different securities. You can look up this info to help compare the performance at different firms. Certainly, your results will vary based on what types of securities you’re trading, what market conditions are like when you are trading, and how big an account you have with the firm. But investigating the averages for a brokerage firm can help long-term investors decide whether changing firms to improve profits makes sense.

So what can you do to improve your execution? Here are three suggestions:

  • Ask the brokerage firm for its policies. The firm should provide this information, as well as give you some of its recent data, so that you can decide whether the total value of the firm’s services matches the total cost.
  • Check out Barron’s annual review of online brokerage firms. Execution cost is a key component of Barron’s evaluation.
  • Update your own hardware and Internet connection so that they’re as fast as possible. If you’re a day trader, having access to good data is imperative (see Chapter 14 for more information on your equipment needs). If you are not a day trader but actively manage your investment account, you may want to consider an upgrade as well. A few seconds can make a difference.

Applying Momentum

Momentum investors look for securities that are going up in price, especially if accompanied by acceleration in underlying growth. In a sense, they are looking for the same thing day traders are — a security that is going to move big — but they have the expectation of making money over a longer period of time. The thought is that a security starting to go up in price will keep going up unless something dramatic happens to change it. In the meantime, plenty of money can be made.

Remember In momentum investing, instead of buying low and selling high, the goal is to buy high and sell even higher.

Like most investors, a momentum investor starts with careful fundamental analysis (described in Chapter 8), analyzing a security to determine what will make it go up. Then the momentum investor looks for certain technical and market indicators, similar to those described in Chapters 8 and 9 and used by day traders. In addition, some momentum investors rely on chart services, especially the Value Line and William O’Neil charts, to help them identify securities that are likely to have momentum.

Earnings momentum

Earnings momentum is the province of the investor, not the trader. The investor is looking at the earnings that a company reports every quarter to see whether the earnings are going up at a faster rate, say from a steady rate of 10 percent a year to 12, 13, or more. Such an increase often happens because of a new technology or product that turns a decent company into a hot property in the stock and options markets. If the earning growth rate is accelerating, then the underlying price should go up at an accelerating rate, too.

Day traders don’t look for earnings momentum, but they do look for price momentum. The two are usually related.

Price momentum

When a security goes up in price, especially at a fast clip with strong demand underneath it, it is said to have price momentum. Most day traders are looking for price momentum in order to make a swift profit. Many long-term investors should look for price momentum, too, in order to avoid being stuck with a position for months before it starts to move. After all, patience pays, but it pays even better if your money is working for you while you wait.

Many momentum traders don’t care why something is going up in price; they only know that it is going up and that they can profit by being there for even part of the ride. Following are some of the different indicators that these traders look at:

  • Relative strength: You can calculate relative strength in different ways, discussed in Chapter 8, but the basic idea is that a security that’s going up faster than the market as a whole is showing momentum and may be a buy.
  • Moving average convergence/divergence (MACD): This indicator looks at how the average price of the security is changing over time. Is the indicator staying relatively level, meaning that the price is moving slowly back and forth, or is the indicator gradually going up, meaning that the price is gradually going up, too? If you plot the moving average against the actual price levels, a wide gap means that the security is moving up or down faster than the average, and if it’s moving up, you’d probably want to buy it. (Otherwise, consider shorting the security; you can read more about that in Chapter 5.)
  • Stochastics index: This index is the difference between the high and the low price for a security over a given time period. Some analysts look at days, some at weeks. The idea is that, if the difference is getting bigger, it may be because the security is moving up or down in price at a faster than normal rate, creating an opportunity for a momentum buyer.

Warning At an extreme, momentum investing leads to bubbles, like the infamous dot-com bubble in the late 1990s. People were buying the stocks because they were going up, not because they necessarily thought that the businesses were worth much. This run was fun while it lasted, but a lot of people lost a lot of money when reality set in during March and April 2000. The same thing happened in the real estate market. People were playing momentum when they were flipping condominiums in Las Vegas in the first decade of the 21st century, but prices couldn’t go up forever — and they didn’t. What’s the next bubble? I have a few ideas, and you probably do, too.

For investors only: Momentum-research systems

Many day traders rely on different research systems to help them identify buy and sell opportunities in the course of a trading day. These systems usually don’t work for an investor, simply because investors are less concerned about short-term movements. They wouldn’t see the value in systems that scan the market and identify short-term price discrepancies, for example.

However, many investors use their own research services to help identify good buy and sell opportunities. Two of the more popular ones are Value Line and the William O’Neil charts.

Value Line

Value Line ( is one of the oldest investment-research services. The company’s analysts combine price and trading volume information on stocks with financial data. The numbers are crunched through a proprietary model to generate two rankings: a stock’s timeliness and its safety. The higher the stock is on the timeliness ranking, the better it is to buy or hold it now. Historically, Value Line’s most timely stocks have outperformed the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500, so people are willing to pay for access to the company’s data. In addition, many libraries subscribe to Value Line’s online database, so you may be able to get access that way. (Hey, one of the advantages of being an investor is that you have the time to go to the library to look something up, a marvel to a day trader who’s too busy to go and get even a cup of coffee.)

Value Line as a company has had some problems, most notably with fraud related to its mutual-fund business, but the charting system was not part of those charges.

William O’Neil

William O’Neil ( started a company to distribute his technical-analysis system on stocks and the stock market, started a newspaper called Investor’s Business Daily (, and wrote a book called How to Make Money in Stocks (see the appendix for more information about it). The company’s data services are available — for a fee — to large institutional investors such as mutual-fund and insurance companies as well as to individuals. Between the book and the newspaper’s website, individual investors can find out a lot about identifying momentum to pick good times to buy or sell a stock as well as determine if the system will work for them.

Tip Many traders — in all securities, not just stocks — find Investor’s Business Daily to be at least as useful as The Wall Street Journal, because it looks at the markets from a short-term trading perspective rather than from a long-term, business-management angle.

The company’s ranking system is based on what it calls CAN SLIM, which is a mnemonic for a list of criteria that a good stock should meet. Note that this system combines both fundamental and technical indicators:

  • Current quarterly earnings should be up 25 percent from a year ago.
  • Annual earnings should be up 25 percent from a year ago.
  • New products or services should be driving earnings growth, not acquisitions or changes in accounting.
  • Supply and demand, meaning the number of shares being purchased each day, is going up.
  • Leader or laggard? The stock is a leading company in a leading industry and therefore in the best position to do well.
  • Institutional sponsorship is in place, meaning that the stock is becoming more popular with mutual funds, pension funds, and other large shareowners.
  • Market indexes, such as the Dow, the Nasdaq, and the S&P 500, should all be up.

Of course, not too many stocks out there meet all the CAN SLIM criteria, but the indicators can give an investor a way of thinking about better times to buy (when more criteria are met) or sell (when fewer are being met).

Tip The most serious momentum investors tend to be swing traders, who hold positions for a few weeks or months. Longer-term investors often rely on some momentum signals, though, such as those on the CAN SLIM list, to help them identify good times to buy a stock that has been languishing.

When an Investor Considers Trading

Many day traders are also long-term investors. Sure, they trade for the short term, but they regularly take some of their profits and put them toward investments that have a longer time frame. It’s smart risk management for a business that has a high washout rate. After all, even a short-term trader has long-term goals.

But does it ever make sense for a long-term investor to take up short-term trading? It may, for three reasons: The idea proves itself to be short term, the research shows short-term trading patterns that may be profitable, and fundamental analysis supports short selling (which usually has a shorter time horizon than a buy would to an investor). The following sections explain these reasons in more detail.

Warning Don’t try riskier trading strategies unless your portfolio can handle the risk. As with full-time day trading, engage in part-time and occasional trading strategies only with risk capital, money that you can afford to lose. Money needed to pay the mortgage this month or pay for retirement in 30 years is not risk capital.

The idea has a short shelf life

Certain circumstances turn every long-term investor into a trader once or twice: He buys a security intending to hold it forever, and within a few days or weeks, some really bad news comes out. Or he buys only to see two days later that the company is being sold. That great long-term buy-and-hold idea no longer fits the original parameters, so it’s time to sell. Despite the goal of holding forever, the investor decides to get out and move on, even if it’s only a day later.

Your research shows you some trading opportunities

Good investors monitor their holdings, and some become intimate with the nuances of a security’s short-term price movements even though the objective is to hold the position for the long term. An investor who gets a feel for the trading patterns of a specific holding may want to turn that into swing-trading and day trading opportunities. Yes, doing so adds risk to the portfolio (and the risks of day trading are covered extensively throughout this book), but it can also increase return.

For example, suppose that an investor who is fascinated with technology stocks notices that the stocks always rise in price right before big industry conferences and then fall when the conference is over. She may not want to change any of her portfolio holdings based on this observation, but she may want a way to profit. So she buys call options on big technology companies before the conference and then sells them on the meeting’s first day. That short-term trade allows her to capture benefits of the price run-up without affecting her portfolio position.

You see some great short opportunities

Short selling allows a trader to profit from a decline in the price of a security. The trader enters the order, which automatically arranges the loan of a security from the broker followed by a sale in the market. The trader then waits in hopes that the price will go down. When it does, the trader buys the security back at the lower price and repays the loan, keeping the difference between the purchase price and the sale price.

Because the broker charges interest on the loaned securities, short selling can get expensive. Traders who sell short are usually looking for a relatively short-term profit, not necessarily over a single day but over months rather than years.

In addition to the interest, short selling faces another risk, which is that the security can go up in price while the trader is waiting for it to go down. To reduce that risk, most short sellers do careful research, especially about accounting practices, to back up their choices. And who else does careful research? Many long-term investors.

For the investor who loves to do research and has some appetite for risk, short selling is a way to make money from securities that would make terrible long-term holdings because it seems obvious that they aren’t going to do well. When these investors come across securities that are headed for trouble, they can short them in the hope of making a nice short-term profit.

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