

  • 1-2-3-4 criterion, securities, 158
  • 10-percent strategy, 103
  • 60/40 rule, 292


  • accredited investors, 290
  • accumulation phase, trends, 141
  • accumulation/distribution index, money flow, 164
  • algorithmic trading strategies, 77. See also program trading
  • Ally Invest, 267
  • American options, 190
  • AmiBroker, 228
  • amortizing bonds, 52–53
  • Andrews, Alan, 147
  • Andrews pitchforks, technical analysis, 147
  • anger, managing, 255
  • anomalies, market
    • calendar effects, 170–172
    • defined, 169
  • anxiety, managing, 256
  • arbitrage trading, 33
    • convertible arbitrage, 187
    • ETF arbitrage, 187–188
    • fixed-income arbitrage, 188–189
    • high-frequency trading, 77
    • index arbitrage, 189
    • law of one price, 180
    • market efficiency and, 74–75, 180–181
    • merger arbitrage, 189–190
    • one-price rule, 76
    • option arbitrage, 190–191
    • overview, 179–180
    • price changes, 181–182
    • risk arbitrage, 183–186
    • synthetic securities, 75–76
  • Art of War, The (Sun Tzu), 259
  • assets
    • arbitrage trading
      • high-frequency trading, 77
      • market efficiency and, 74–75
      • one-price rule, 76
      • synthetic securities, 75–76
    • bonds
      • listed, 54
      • over-the-counter trading, 54
      • overview, 52–53
      • trading, 53–54
      • Treasury dealers, 54
    • budget and, 43
    • commodities, 56–57
    • cryptocurrency, 25
      • Bitcoin, 65
      • blockchain, 65
      • Coinbase website, 217
      • forks, 66
      • initial coin offerings, 66
      • overview, 64–65
      • regulation, 283
      • risks, 69
      • trading, 66–69
    • currency, 55–56
    • defined, 40
    • derivatives
      • defined, 40
      • futures contracts, 71–72
      • leverage and, 89
      • options, 70–71
      • overview, 69–70
      • regulation, 281–282
      • trading, 72–73
      • warrants, 72
    • exchange-traded funds
      • defined, 26
      • overview, 60–61
      • retail shares, 61
      • risks, 64
      • strategy ETFs, 62
      • trading, 63
      • traditional ETFs, 61
    • forex
      • brokers with day trader services for, 272–273
      • currency, 55
      • defined, 25–26
      • leverage in, 25, 90
      • regulation, 283–284
    • futures contracts, 25
    • liquidity
      • frequency, 41–42
      • volume, 41
    • margin
      • overview, 43–44
      • for pattern day traders, 45
      • regulation, 45–46
    • options, 25
    • overview, 39–40
    • stocks, 26
      • ask price, 46–47
      • bid price, 46–47
      • exchanges, 47–52
    • volatility, 42–43
  • ATC Brokers, 272
  • at-risk rules, 306
  • authorized participants, ETF, 187–188
  • automatic trades, 14. See also program trading
  • average true range, volatility, 161–162


  • backing up systems, 252
  • backtesting
    • comparing results with market cycles, 225–226
    • defined, 31
    • hypothesis, 224
    • program trading, 177
    • running test, 224–225
    • simulation software and, 227–229
    • thinkOnDemand, 270
  • banks
    • currency trading, 56
    • Federal Reserve, 280
    • regulation, 283–284
  • bars, 134
  • bear market, 124, 136
  • behavioral finance, 253
  • benchmarks, performance, 241–242
  • beta, volatility, 30–31, 162
  • bid-ask spread (bid-offer), 182, 197
  • bills, 52. See also bonds
  • binary options, 71
  • Bitcoin, 65
  • blockchain, 65
  • bonds
    • amortizing, 52–53
    • bills, 52
    • convertible bonds, 72
    • coupons, 52
    • discount bonds, 52–53
    • leverage in, 87
    • listed, 54
    • maturity, 52
    • notes, 52
    • over-the-counter trading, 54
    • performance bonds, 44
    • plain vanilla, 52
    • trading, 53–54
    • Treasury dealers, 54
    • zero-coupon bonds, 52
  • boredom, managing, 256
  • borrowing. See leverage
  • bottom-up analysis, 133
  • break trades, 289–290
  • breaking news, reacting to, 195–196
  • breakouts, 142–143
  •, 216
  • brokerage accounts
    • closing out orders, 24
    • opening, 24, 266
    • placing orders, 24
    • transferring money from, 25
  • brokers
    • brokerage scams, 273–274
    • choosing
      • opening brokerage account, 266
      • overview, 261–262
      • price quotes, 262–263
      • software-based trading platform, 264
      • web-based trading platform, 264–266
    • with day trader services
      • Ally Invest, 267
      • ATC Brokers, 272
      • Charles Schwab Active Trading, 267–268
      • ChoiceTrade, 268
      • Cobra Trading, 268
      • E*TRADE, 268
      • eOption, 271
      • Fidelity Active Trader Pro, 268–269
      • Firstrade, 269
      •, 273
      • Infinity Futures, 271
      • Interactive Brokers, 269
      • Just2Trade, 269
      • Lightspeed Trading, 269–270
      • MB Trading, 271–272
      • OANDA, 273
      • overview, 266–267
      • ScottradeELITE, 270
      • SogoTrade, 270
      • tastyworks, 272
      • thinkorswim, 270
      • TradeMONSTER, 272
      • TradeStation, 229, 271
    • dealers versus, 47
    • defined, 21
    • margin policies, 45–46
    • program trading, 176
    • regulation
      • financial stability, 284
      • money laundering, 284–286
      • pattern day traders, 286–287
      • tax reporting, 287
  • bucket shops, 276
  • Buffett, Warren, 14, 35
  • bull market, 124, 136
  • business partners, 290
  • business plan
    • choosing trade market and assets, 247–248
    • goals, 246
    • investing in business, 248
    • revising, 249
    • setting trading hours, 248
  • business risk, 37
  • buy orders, 119, 155, 160


  • CAGR (compound average rate of return), 235
  • calendar effects
    • January effect, 171
    • Monday effect, 171
    • October effect, 172
    • overview, 170–171
  • call options, 71, 75, 88
  • CAN SLIM criteria, William O’Neil research service, 202–203
  • candlestick charts, 149–150
  • capital assets pricing model, 31, 162, 226
  • capital gains/losses, 234, 299–300
  • Capone, Al, 286
  • certified public accountants (CPAs), 295
  • CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission), 219, 281
  • channel trading (range trading), 178
  • Charles Schwab Active Trading, 267–268
  • chart traps, 170
  • Chicago Board Options Exchange, 73
  • Chicago Board Options Exchange Education Center, 207
  • Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 73
  • ChoiceTrade, 268
  • circuit breakers, 289
  • closing out position
    • investing, 123
    • position trading, 122
    • swing trading, 122
  • CME Group, 207
  • coaching services, 259
  • Cobra Trading, 268
  • Coinbase, 217
  • coins, cryptocurrency, 66
  • Cold Turkey app, 256
  • commissions, 22, 191, 197–198, 267
    • overtrading and, 329–330
    • regulation, 276
    • taxes and, 304–305
  • commodities, 56–57, 292
  • Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), 219, 281
  • common stock, 26. See also stocks
  • compound average rate of return (CAGR), 235
  • compound interest, 108
  • computers, choosing, 250
  • consolidation (congestion) phase, trends, 141
  • continuation (main) phase, trends, 141
  • contrarian trading, 178
  • contrarian traps, 170
  • convergence, technical analysis, 140
  • convertible arbitrage, 187
  • convertible bonds, 72
  • corrections (retracements), 137, 141, 143
  • counseling services, 259
  • coupons, 52. See also bonds
  • CPAs (certified public accountants), 295
  • creation units, ETF, 60–61, 75–76, 187
  • crossovers, technical analysis, 139–140
  • cryptocurrency, 25
    • Bitcoin, 65
    • blockchain, 65
    • Coinbase website, 217
    • forks, 66
    • initial coin offerings, 66
    • overview, 64–65
    • pump and dump, 67
    • regulation, 283
    • risk, 69
    • trading, 66–69
    • wallet, 68
  • cup and handle formation, technical analysis, 145–146
  • currency trading, 55–56
    • regulation, 283
    • taxes, 292–293
  • cutting losses, 125–126


  • dark pools (dark liquidity), 52, 167, 262
  • data mining, 221
  • day trading
    • avoiding, 319–324
    • common mistakes of, 325–330
    • defined, 8
    • difficulty of, 17
    • discipline, importance of, 194
    • factors influencing volatility, 1
    • gambling versus, 16
    • handling breaking news, 195–196
    • hedging, 8–9
    • as hobby, 12–13
    • investing versus, 15
    • momentum investing, 199–203
    • as part-time business, 11–12
    • personality traits of successful day traders, 13–15
    • reasons to, 313–318
    • risk capital, 16
    • setting targets/limits, 196–197
    • short selling, 204
    • speculating, 8–9
    • success rates, 17–18
    • trade execution, 197–199
    • zero-sum market, 9–10
  • Day Trading Academy, 210
  • dealers, 47
  • deductible expenses, taxes
    • business expenses, 308
    • investments
      • advisory services, 303
      • attorney and accounting fees, 302
      • interest paid on loans, 303
      • office expenses, 302–303
      • safe-deposit box rent, 303
      • state income taxes, 304
  • delta, volatility, 100
  • depression, managing, 256
  • derivatives
    • defined, 40
    • futures contracts, 71–72
    • leverage and, 89
    • options, 70–71
    • overview, 69–70
    • regulation, 281–282
    • risk arbitrage, 184
    • trading, 72–73
    • warrants, 72
  • discount bonds, 52–53
  • distribution phase, trends, 141
  • divergence, technical analysis, 140
  • diversification, 96
  • dividends, stock, 46
  • dollar-weighted (money-weighted) return, 238
  • doubling down, 104–105, 335
  • doubt, managing, 254
  • Dow, Charles, 147
  • Dow Theory, 148
  • due diligence, on research services
    • Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 219
    • FINRA BrokerCheck service, 219
    • National Futures Association BASIC, 220
    • overview, 218–219
    • questions to ask, 220–221
    • SEC, 220


  • E*TRADE, 268
  • earned income, taxes on, 298–299
  • earnings expectations
    • expected return, 96–97
    • probability of ruin, 97–99
  • earnings momentum, 200
  • electronic communications networks (ECNs), 49–50
  • Elite Trader, 341
  • Elliott, Ralph, 149
  • Elliott Wave system, 149
  • Elliott Wave website, 217
  • emotions, managing
  • Endicott v. Commissioner (2013), 294
  • enrolled agents, 295–296
  • eOption, 271
  • estimated taxes, 309
  • ETF arbitrage, 187–188
  • ETFs (exchange-traded funds)
    • creation units, 60–61, 75–76, 187
    • defined, 26
    • ETF arbitrage, 187–188
    • overview, 60–61
    • retail shares, 61
    • risk, 64
    • shareholders, 187
    • strategy ETFs, 62
    • tracking error, 64
    • trading, 63
    • traditional ETFs, 61
  • ETNs (exchange-traded notes), 61
  • European options, 190
  • excess margin, 44
  • exchanges
    • dark pools, 52, 167, 262
    • electronic communications networks, 49–50
    • Nasdaq, 48–49
    • NYSE, 48
    • over-the-counter
      • OTC Link, 51
      • Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board, 50–51
      • penny stocks, 51
    • overview, 21–22, 47–48
    • regulation, 279–280, 282
  • exchange-traded funds. See ETFs
  • exchange-traded notes (ETNs), 61
  • execution, trade. See trade execution
  • exercise, role in work-life balance, 257
  • expected returns, 96–97
  • expert advisor. See program trading


  • false breakouts, 142–143
  • FCMs (futures commission merchants), 72, 282
  • fear, managing, 254–255
  • Federal Reserve System, 280
  • fees
    • broker, 23
    • margin, 82–83
    • tax deductible, 302
  • Fibonacci numbers, 148–149
  • Fidelity Active Trader Pro, 268–269
  • Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. See FINRA
  • financial markets
    • assets, 25–26
    • brokerage accounts
      • closing out orders, 24
      • opening, 24
      • placing orders, 24
      • transferring money from, 25
    • commissions, 22
    • concentration/focus, importance of, 27
    • exchanges, 21–22
    • fees, 23
    • gambling, 36–37
    • investing, 35
    • market efficiency, 32–34
    • over the counter trades, 22
    • overview, 19–20
    • positions, 26–27
    • returns
      • opportunity cost, 31
      • risk-free rate of return, 32
      • risk-reward tradeoff, 32
      • time value of your money, 32
    • risk
      • business risk, 37
      • defined, 28
      • limited liability, 29–30
      • personal risk, 38
      • probability of loss, 28–29
      • volatility, 30–31
      • zero-sum market, 30
    • spread, 23
    • supply and demand, 20–21
    • trading, 35–36
    • zero-sum market, 23–24
  • FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority)
    • margin rules, 45
    • pattern day traders, 84
    • regulation, 279
    • Rule 4210, 286–287
  • FINRA BrokerCheck service, 219, 279
  • Firstrade, 269
  • fixed income investments, 52. See also bonds
  • fixed-fractional trading, 102, 333
  • fixed-income arbitrage, 188–189
  • fixed-ratio trading, 102–103, 333
  • flags, technical analysis, 143–144
  • force index, 159
  • forex (foreign exchange)
    • brokers with day trader services for, 272–273
    • currency, 55
    • defined, 25–26
    • leverage in, 25, 90
    • regulation, 283–284
  •, 273
  • forks, defined, 66
  • free riding, 92–93
  • Freedom app, 256
  • frequency, liquidity, 41–42
  • Friedman, Milton, 20
  • fundamental research, 133, 320
  • futures commission merchants (FCMs), 72, 282
  • futures contracts
    • defined, 25
    • leverage and, 88–89
    • overview, 71–72
    • taxes, 292


  • gain per day, 116
  • gain per trade, 116
  • gambling
    • day trading versus, 16, 323
    • defined, 36–37
  • gamma, volatility, 100
  • Gann, William, 150
  • Gann system, 150, 332–333
  • gaps, technical analysis, 146–147
  • garbitrage, 191
  • ghost trading. See simulation trading
  • golden ratio, 148–149
  • greed, managing, 255
  • Greeks, volatility, 100


  • half Kelly trade, 104, 334
  • head and shoulders formation, technical analysis, 144–145
  • hedge funds, 63, 290
  • hedging, 8–9
  • High Yield Investment Program (HYIP), 116
  • high-frequency trading, 41–42, 77
  • hobby
    • day trading as, 12–13
    • role in work-life balance, 258
  • HYIP (High Yield Investment Program), 116


  • ICOs (initial coin offerings), 66
  • implied volatility, 163
  • Inbox When Ready app, 256
  • income returns, 234. See also returns
  • index arbitrage, 189
  •, 341
  • indicators
    • defined, 138
    • momentum indicators, 141–142, 156–157
    • moving averages, 139–140
    • pivot points, 139
    • price indicators, 156–159, 166–167
  • Infinity Futures, 271
  • inflation, defined, 32
  • information resources
    • books
      • basic trading guides, 337–338
      • history, 340–341
      • price theory, 339
      • technical analysis guides, 338–339
      • trading psychology, 340
    • mainstream media, 342
    • online, 341–342
  • initial coin offerings (ICOs), 66
  • insider trading, 33, 287–288
  • Institute for Financial Markets, 207
  • Interactive Brokers, 269
  • IntercontinentalExchange, 207
  • interest
    • compound interest, 108
    • margin interest, 46
    • open interest, 160–161
    • taxes and, 306
  • Internet service, choosing, 250–251
  • inverse ETFs, 62
  • investing
    • closing out position, 123
    • day trading versus, 15
    • defined, 35
    • investors learning from day traders, 193–204
    • taxes on investment income, 299
  •, 217
  • investment expenses, tracking
    • at-risk rules, 306
    • deductible, 302–304
    • interest expenses, 306
    • non-deductible, 304–305
    • passive activity, 306
    • two percent limit, 306
  • Investopedia, 210–211
  • Investor/RT software, 228


  • January effect, 171
  • Japanese candlestick charting, 149–150
  • Just2Trade, 269


  • Kapitall, 211
  • Kelly Criterion formula, 103–104, 334


  • law of one price (one-price rule), 74, 76, 180
  • leverage
    • borrowing for trading capital, 91–92
    • defined, 16, 87, 247
    • in Forex, 25, 90
    • free riding, 92–93
    • in futures trading, 88–89
    • leverage strategies, 286
    • margin loans, 91
    • in options market, 88
    • risk, 93–94
    • risk arbitrage, 185
    • in stocks and bonds, 87
  • leveraged ETFs, 62
  • Libor, 82
  • liens, 82
  • Lightspeed Trading, 269–270
  • limit orders, 118, 196, 255
  • limited liability, 29–30
  • liquidity
  • listed bonds, 54
  • Litecoin, 66
  • loss limits, 117


  • main (continuation) phase, trends, 141
  • mainstream media, as information resource, 342
  • margin
    • brokerage firm's policies, 45–46
    • costs and fees of, 82–83
    • excess margin, 44
    • leverage, 80
    • margin agreements, 81
    • margin calls, 83
    • overview, 43–44
    • for pattern day traders, 45, 83–84
  • margin loans, 91
  • market capitalization, 47
  • market efficiency, 32–34, 74–75, 135, 180–181
  • market makers, Nasdaq, 49
  • MarketDelta software, 215
  • mark-to-market accounting, 307
  • mark-to-market election, 296
  • martingale system, 104–105, 335
  • maturity, bonds, 52
  • MB Trading, 271–272
  • meditation, role in work-life balance, 257–258
  • merger arbitrage, 189–190
  • MetaStock software, 215, 228
  • MetaTrader software, 273
  • miscellaneous income, 301–302
  • mobile trading, 252–253
  • Modified Dietz method, 236
  • momentum investing
    • earnings momentum, 200
    • momentum indicators, 141–142
    • momentum oscillators, 156–157
    • overview, 199
    • price momentum, 200–201
    • Value Line research service, 201
    • William O’Neil research service, 202–203
  • Monday effect, 171
  • money flow
    • accumulation/distribution index, 164
    • money-flow index, 165
    • money-flow ratio, 165
    • overview, 163–164
    • short interest ratio, 165–166
  • money laundering, 284–286
  • money management
    • earnings expectations, 96–99
    • fixed-fractional trading, 102, 333
    • fixed-ratio trading, 102–103, 333
    • Gann system, 332–333
    • Kelly Criterion formula, 103–104, 334
    • market volatility and, 99–100
    • martingale system, 104–105, 335
    • Monte Carlo simulation, 105, 335
    • opportunity cost, 101
    • Optimal F system, 106, 334
    • overview, 95, 331
    • profits
      • account withdrawals, 109–110
      • compound interest, 108
      • pyramiding, 109
      • saving, 332
    • returns, 106–108
    • stop orders, 332
    • 10-percent strategy, 103
  • Money Show, 209
  • money-flow index, 165
  • money-flow ratio, 165
  • money-weighted (dollar-weighted) return, 238
  • monitors, choosing, 250
  • Monte Carlo simulation, 105, 335
  • moving averages, 139–140


  • Nakamoto, Satoshi, 65
  • Nasdaq, 48–49
  • Nasdaq Capital Market, 49
  • Nasdaq Global Market, 49
  • Nasdaq Global Select Market, 49
  • Nasdaq/OMX, 208
  • National Association of Securities Dealers, 279
  • National Best Bid or Offer, 198
  • National Futures Association (NFA)
    • Background Affiliation Status Information Center, 220
    • Investor Learning Center, 208
    • regulation, 281–282
  • need-to-make number, 255
  • negative-sum game, 23
  • New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 48, 208
  • news flows, 168–169
  • news trading, 179
  • NFA. See National Futures Association
  • NinjaTrader service, 215, 229
  • non-deductible expenses, taxes, 304–305
  • notes, 52. See also bonds
  • NYSE (New York Stock Exchange), 48, 208


  • OANDA broker, 273
  • OCO (order cancels other), 118
  • October effect, 172
  • OmniTrader service, 215
  • on-balance volume, 160
  • 1-2-3-4 criterion, securities, 158
  • one-price rule (law of one price), 74, 76, 180
  • online resources
    • Elite Trader, 341
    •, 341
    • IRS website, 297
    • Reddit, 342
    • Trade2Win, 342
    • Trader Mike blog, 342
    •, 342
    • Traders Laboratory, 342
    • Treasury bonds, 54
  • Online Trading Academy, 211
  • open interest, 160–161
  • opportunity cost, 31, 101
  • Optimal F system, 106, 334
  • option arbitrage, 190–191
  • options, 70–71
    • brokers with day trader services for, 271–272
    • defined, 25
    • leverage in, 88
    • options expiration, 41
    • taxes, 293–294
  • OptionVue service, 229
  • order book, 167
  • order cancels other (OCO), 118
  • order sends order (OSO), 119
  • OTC BB (Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board), 50–51
  • OTC Link, 51
  • overanalyzing data, 151
  • overconfidence, danger of, 126
  • Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board (OTC BB), 50–51
  • over-the-counter exchanges, 22
    • bonds, 54
    • OTC Link, 51
    • Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board, 50–51
    • penny stocks, 51


  • pair trading, 179
  • paper trading, 177. See also simulation trading
  • part-time trading, 11–12
  • passive activity, investments, 306
  • pattern day traders
    • margin for, 45, 83–84
    • regulation, 286–287
  • patterns, technical analysis
    • cup and handle formation, 145–146
    • flags, 143–144
    • gaps, 146–147
    • head and shoulders formation, 144–145
    • pennants, 143–144
    • pitchforks, 147
  • pennants, technical analysis, 143–144
  • pennies, 116
  • penny stocks, 51
  • People in Profit (PIP), 116
  • performance, measuring
    • backtesting
      • overview, 224–226
      • software for, 228–229
    • benchmarks, 241–242
    • overview, 223
    • returns
      • analyzing, 234
      • calculating, 234–239
      • determining risk to return, 239–241
    • simulation trading
      • backtesting and, 227–229
      • overview, 226–227
    • tracking trades
      • profit and loss statement, 230–231
      • on spreadsheet, 230
      • trading diary, 232–233
  • performance bonds, 44. See also margin
  • personal risk, 38
  • personality traits of successful day traders, 13–15
  • PIP (People in Profit), 116
  • pips, 116
  • pitchforks, technical analysis, 147
  • pivot points, 139
  • plain vanilla bonds, 52
  • planning trades
    • bear market, 124
    • bull market, 124
    • buy orders, 119
    • closing out position
      • investing, 123
      • position trading, 122
      • swing trading, 122
    • cutting losses, 125–126
    • knowing when to move on, 123–124
    • limit orders, 118
    • loss limits, 117
    • morning review, 114
    • order cancels other, 118
    • order sends order, 119
    • overconfidence and, 126
    • overview, 111
    • profit goals, 115–116
    • rumors, 125
    • sample order, 114–115
    • sample trading plan, 120–121
    • sell orders, 119
    • stop orders, 117–118
    • survival bias, 127
    • technical analysis, 115
    • trends, 124–125
    • what to trade, 112–113
    • when to trade, 113
  • points, defined, 116
  • position trading, 26–27, 122
  • positive-sum game, 23
  • price changes
    • arbitrage, 181–182
    • technical analysis, 135
  • price discovery, 68
  • price indicators, 156–159, 166–167
  • price momentum, 200–201
  • price quotes
    • Level I quotes, 263
    • Level II quotes, 263
    • overview, 262–263
    • TotalView quotes, 263
  • price theory, 339
  • prime rates, interest, 82
  • probability of loss, 28–29
  • probability of ruin, 97–99
  • profit and loss statement, 230–231
  • profits
    • account withdrawals, 109–110
    • compound interest, 108
    • profit goals, 115–116
    • pyramiding, 109
  • program trading
    • adding trading platform, 176
    • arbitrage trading
      • law of one price, 180
      • market efficiency and, 180–181
      • overview, 179–180
      • price discrepancies, 181–182
    • backtesting, 177
    • brokerage firms, 176
    • contrarian trading, 178
    • convertible arbitrage, 187
    • ETF arbitrage, 187–188
    • fixed-income arbitrage, 188–189
    • index arbitrage, 189
    • limitations of, 175
    • merger arbitrage, 189–190
    • news trading, 179
    • option arbitrage, 190–191
    • overview, 173–174
    • pair trading, 179
    • range trading, 178
    • risk arbitrage
      • derivatives, 184
      • leverage, 185
      • overview, 183–184
      • short selling, 185
      • synthetic securities, 185–186
    • scalping, 182–183
    • trading modules, 176
    • transaction costs, 191–192
  • pullbacks (retracements), 137, 141, 143
  • pump and dump, 51, 67
  • Pure Investor, 116
  • put options, 71, 75, 88
  • pyramid scheme, 109
  • pyramiding, 109


  • qualified purchasers, hedge fund, 290
  • quote stuffing, 168
  • quote-rate pirates, 168


  • range trading (channel trading), 178
  • Reddit, 342
  • regulation
    • break trades, 289–290
    • brokers, 284–287
    • business partners, 290
    • circuit breakers, 289
    • derivatives, 281–282
    • exchanges, 279–280
    • Federal Reserve, 280
    • FINRA, 279
    • Forex, 283–284
    • history of, 276–277
    • insider trading, 287–288
    • overview, 275
    • SEC, 278
    • Securities Investor Protection Corporation, 280
    • short-selling restrictions, 289
    • stock and corporate bond market, 278–280
    • Treasury bond market, 280
  • research resources
    •, 216
    • Chicago Board Options Exchange Education Center, 207
    • CME Group, 207
    • Coinbase, 217
    • conferences, 208–209
    • due diligence on, 218–221
      • Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 219
      • FINRA BrokerCheck service, 219
      • National Futures Association BASIC, 220
      • overview, 218–219
      • questions to ask, 220–221
      • SEC, 220
    • Elliott Wave website, 217
    • information resources
      • books, 337–338
      • mainstream media, 342
      • online, 341–342
    • Institute for Financial Markets, 207
    • IntercontinentalExchange, 207
    •, 217
    • Money Show, 209
    • Nasdaq/OMX, 208
    • National Futures Association Investor Learning Center, 208
    • New York Stock Exchange, 208
    • overview, 205–206
    • prices, 212–214
    • School of Gann website, 217
    • Trader and Investor Summit, 209
    •, 218
    • Trading Show Chicago, 209
    • trading strategies
      • MarketDelta software, 215
      • Metastock software, 215
      • NinjaTrader service, 215
      • OmniTrader service, 215
      • overview, 214
      • StockTwits service, 216
      • Trade-Ideas software, 216
    • training classes
      • Day Trading Academy, 210
      • Investopedia, 210–211
      • Kapitall, 211
      • Online Trading Academy, 211
      • overview, 209–210
      • TopstepTrader, 211
      • Trading Advantage, 212
    • Value Line research service, 201
    • William O’Neil research service, 202–203
  • retracements, 137, 141, 143
  • returns
    • analyzing, 234
    • calculating
      • compound average rate of return, 235
      • deposits/withdrawals, 235–239
      • dollar-weighted return, 238
      • Modified Dietz method, 236
      • overview, 234–235
      • time-weighted rate of return, 237
    • capital gains, 234
    • determining risk to return
      • standard deviation, 239–241
      • win-loss percentage, 239
    • effect of money management on, 106–108
    • income returns, 234
    • opportunity cost, 31
    • risk-free rate of return, 32
    • risk-reward tradeoff, 32
    • time value of your money, 32
  • reversals, 141
  • risk
    • business risk, 37
    • cryptocurrency, 69
    • defined, 28
    • exchange-traded funds, 64
    • leverage, 93–94
    • limited liability, 29–30
    • personal risk, 38
    • probability of loss, 28–29
    • short selling, 93–94
    • uncertainty versus, 169
    • uncorrelated risk, 63
    • volatility, 30–31
    • zero-sum market, 30
  • risk arbitrage
    • derivatives, 184
    • leverage, 185
    • overview, 183–184
    • short selling, 185
    • synthetic securities, 185–186
  • risk capital, 16, 284
  • risk to return
    • standard deviation, 239–241
    • win-loss percentage, 239
  • risk-free rate of return, 32
  • risk-reward tradeoff, 32
  • round lots, 43
  • rumors, 125


  • School of Gann website, 217
  • ScottradeELITE, 270
  • SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission)
    • investigating research services, 220
    • National Best Bid or Offer, 198
    • regulation, 278
  • securities. See also assets
    • defined, 40
    • 1-2-3-4 criterion, 158
  • Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), 280
  • security
    • brokerage scams, 273–274
    • virus protection, 251
  • self-directed IRAs, 309–310
  • sell orders, 119
  • sell rule, 194
  • semi-strong market efficiency, 75, 180
  • setting up business
    • backing up systems, 252
    • behavioral finance, 253
    • business plan
      • choosing trade market and assets, 247–248
      • investing in business, 248
      • revising, 249
      • setting goals, 246
      • when to trade, 248
    • computers, 250
    • Internet service, 250–251
    • managing emotions
    • mobile trading, 252–253
    • monitors, 250
    • overview, 245
    • security, 251
    • support systems
      • books, 259
      • coaching, 259
      • counseling, 259
      • other traders, 259
    • walk-away money, 260
    • work-life balance
      • exercise, 257
      • friends and family, 258
      • hobbies, 258
      • meditation, 257–258
      • overview, 256–257
    • workspace, 249–250
  • shareholders, ETF, 187
  • short interest ratio, money flow, 165–166
  • short selling, 204
    • calling back stock, 86
    • choosing shorts, 85–86
    • overview, 84–85
    • risk, 93–94
    • risk arbitrage, 185
    • short squeeze, 86
    • short-selling restrictions, 289
  • simulation trading
    • backtesting and, 227–229
    • defined, 177
    • overview, 226–227
  • SIPC (Securities Investor Protection Corporation), 280
  • 60/40 rule, 292
  • smart money, 160
  • Smith, Adam, 20
  • social media, 168–169, 256
  • software-based trading platforms, 264
  • SogoTrade, 270
  • speculating, 8–9, 36
  • spread, 23, 47, 267
  • squawk box, 218
  • standard deviation, 30, 42–43, 100, 239–241
  • stocks, 26
    • ask price, 46–47
    • bid price, 46–47
    • brokers with day trader services for, 267–271
    • exchanges, 47–52
      • dark pools, 52, 167, 262
      • electronic communications networks, 49–50
      • Nasdaq, 48–49
      • NYSE, 48
      • over-the-counter, 50–51
      • overview, 47–48
    • leverage in, 87
    • taxes, 294–295
  • StockTwits service, 216
  • stop orders, 117–118, 196, 332
  • stop-limit orders, 26, 118
  • straddles, 306
  • strategy ETFs, 62
  • strike price, 88
  • strong market efficiency, 74, 180
  • subpennying, 76, 182
  • substantial activity, trading, 294
  • supply and demand, 20–21
  • support level, trendlines, 137
  • support systems, setting up, 259
  • survival bias, 127
  • swing trading, 8, 122, 133
  • synthetic securities, 185–186


  • tastyworks website, 272
  • tax attorneys, 296
  • taxes
    • business expenses, 308
    • capital gains/losses, 299–300
    • commodities, 292
    • currency trading, 292–293
    • earned income, 298–299
    • estimated taxes, 309
    • forms, 308–309
    • futures contacts, 292
    • information resources, 297
    • investment expenses
      • at-risk rules, 306
      • deductible, 302–304
      • interest expenses, 306
      • non-deductible, 304–305
      • passive activity, 306
      • two percent limit, 306
    • investment income, 299
    • mark-to-market accounting, 307
    • miscellaneous income, 301–302
    • options, 293–294
    • overview, 291
    • regulation, 287
    • self-directed IRAs, 309–310
    • stock trading, 294–295
    • tax experts, 295–297
    • tax-preparation software, 298
  • technical analysis, 115
    • bottom-up research, 133
    • charting, 134–135
    • Dow Theory, 148
    • Elliott Wave system, 149
    • Fibonacci numbers, 148–149
    • fundamental research, 133
    • Gann system, 150
    • information resources, 338–339
    • Japanese candlestick charting, 149–150
    • overanalyzing data, 151
    • overview, 131
    • patterns
      • cup and handle formation, 145–146
      • flags, 143–144
      • gaps, 146–147
      • head and shoulders formation, 144–145
      • pennants, 143–144
      • pitchforks, 147
    • price changes, 135
    • top-down research, 132–133
    • trends
      • breakouts, 142–143
      • indicators, 138
      • momentum indicators, 141–142
      • moving averages, 139–140
      • overview, 136–137
      • phases of, 140–141
      • pivot points, 139
      • trendlines, 137–138
    • upward bias, 151–152
    • volume changes, 135
  • teenies, 116
  • 10-percent strategy, 103
  • theta, volatility, 100
  • thinkOnDemand backtesting, 270
  • thinkorswim, 270
  • Thorpe, Edward O., 104
  • ticks, 116, 158
  • time value of your money, 32
  • time-weighted rate of return, 237
  • tokens, cryptocurrency, 66
  • top-down analysis, 132–133
  • TopstepTrader, 211
  • tracking error, ETFs, 64
  • tracking trades
    • profit and loss statement, 230–231
    • on spreadsheet, 230
    • trading diary, 232–233
  • trade execution
    • costs, 197–198
    • improving, 198–199
  • trade on margin, 24
  • Trade2Win website, 342
  • Tradecision service, 229
  • Trade-Ideas software, 216
  • TradeMONSTER, 272
  • Trader and Investor Summit, 209
  • Trader Mike blog, 342
  •, 342
  • Traders Laboratory, 342
  • TradeStation service, 229, 271
  •, 218
  • trading, defined, 35–36
  • Trading Advantage website, 212
  • Trading Blox service, 229
  • trading diary, 232–233
  • trading in the spot market, 56
  • trading indicator (trin), 158–159
  • trading modules, 176
  • trading psychology, 340
  • trading robot. See program trading
  • Trading Show Chicago, 209
  • trading strategies. See also planning trades
    • anomalies
      • calendar effects, 170–172
      • defined, 169
    • money flow
      • accumulation, 164
      • distribution, 164
      • money-flow index, 165
      • money-flow ratio, 165
      • overview, 163–164
      • short interest ratio, 165–166
    • news flows, 168–169
    • order book, 167
    • overview, 153–154
    • price indicators, 156–159, 166–167
    • psychology and, 154–155
    • quote stuffing, 168
    • traps
      • chart traps, 170
      • contrarian traps, 170
      • overview, 169–170
    • volatility and, 161–163
    • volume changes, 159–161
  • traditional ETFs, 61
  • trailing stops, 117–118
  • training classes
    • Day Trading Academy, 210
    • Investopedia, 210–211
    • Kapitall, 211
    • Online Trading Academy, 211
    • overview, 209–210
    • TopstepTrader, 211
    • Trading Advantage, 212
  • transaction costs, program trading, 191–192
  • traps
    • chart traps, 170
    • contrarian traps, 170
    • defined, 169
  • Treasury bond market, 280
  • Treasury dealers, 54
  • trendlines, 137–138
  • trends, 124–125
    • accumulation phase, 141
    • breakouts, 142–143
    • consolidation phase, 141
    • distribution phase, 141
    • indicators, 138
    • main phase, 141
    • momentum indicators, 141–142
    • moving averages, 139–140
    • overview, 136–137
    • pivot points, 139
    • retracements, 137, 141, 143
    • reversals, 141
    • trendlines, 137–138
  • trin (trading indicator), 158–159
  • two percent limit, 306


  • uncertainty, defined, 169
  • uncorrelated risk, 63
  • unit investment trusts, 69
  • unlimited liability, 29
  • upward bias, 151–152, 247


  • Value Line research service, 201
  • vega, volatility, 100
  • virus protection, 251
  • VIX, 162–163
  • volatility
    • assets, 42–43
    • average true range, 161–162
    • beta, 30–31, 162
    • delta, 100
    • gamma, 100
    • implied, 163
    • money management and, 99–100
    • theta, 100
    • trading strategies and, 161–163
    • vega, 100
    • VIX, 162–163
    • volatility ratio, 163
  • volume
    • liquidity, 41
    • technical analysis, 135
    • trading strategies, 159–161


  • walk-away money, 260
  • wallet, cryptocurrency, 68
  • want-to-make number, 255
  • warrants, 72
  • wash-sale rule, 293, 296, 300–301
  • Watergate scandal, 286
  • weak-form market efficiency, 75, 180
  • Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 20
  • web-based trading platforms, 264–266
  • William O’Neil research service, 202–203
  • win-loss percentage (win ratio), 239
  • work-life balance
    • exercise, 257
    • friends and family, 258
    • hobbies, 258
    • meditation, 257–258
    • overview, 256–257
  • workspace, 249–250



  • zero-coupon bonds, 52
  • zero-sum market, 9–10, 23–24, 30, 247
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