
There have been many people who have graciously offered their help, and their contributions have made this book what it is. First, I would like to thank Toby Hatch, who was a coauthor of an article on "Senario-based strategy maps" that has become the larger part of Chapter 9. Furthermore, Toby has been a great help in designing the DwD survey and doing the analysis. My gratitude to Claudette Kints, who also helped with the survey design. I would further like to thank Dr. Pietro Micheli of Cranfield University school of Management, who was also a coauthor of the "scenario-based strategy maps" article, for his guidance throughout this book project. He has provided a listening ear and has kept me on track on many occasions. Thank you, Jim Franklin, Steve Hoye, and Dr. Ziggy MacDonald, for your help on Chapter 7, which diusses portfolio management and operations research.

Of course, I would like to express my great gratitude to all who have been so kind as to donate their time, and allow me to speak with them. In alphabetical order of the companies they represent (see the Appendix for all company profiles): Jeroen van Breda Vriesman, member of the Board, Achmea; Bill Fitzsimmons, chief accounting officer, Cox Communications; Nirmal Hansra, former chief financial officer, Fujitsu Australia Pty. Limited; Steen Riisgaard, chief executive officer, Novozymes; Heidi Melin, chief marketing officer, Polycom; Jack de Kreij, member of the board and chief financial officer and Ton van Dijk, chief information officer, Vopak. Special thanks go to General (ret.) Dick Berlijn, former Commander Dutch Armed Forces, and Dr. Edmund Stoiber, former prime minister of Bavaria, the largest state in Germany. Furthermore, I would like to thank the executives who were willing to talk with me but who preferred their companies to stay anonymous.

Then there are 580 thank-yous to all respondents to the DwD Survey. I would also like to acknowledge the help of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants in the United Kingdom (, the Institute of Management Accountants in the United States (, and Cranfield University school of Management ( for supporting the DwD Survey and sending it out to their members and students. My reviewers spent many hours going through the manuript and providing me with feedback, and I am deeply in their debt. Thank you, Ivo Bauermann and Jim Franklin of Oracle Corp., Randy Russell of Palladium Group, and most of all my good friend, Tess Rutgers van Rozenburg. I would especially like to thank the members of my family, who helped by entering the countless copies of the paper version of the DwD Survey into the survey system. Last but not least, I would like to thank Tim Burgard and Stacey Rivera at John Wiley & Sons for believing in this project from the beginning and Dexter Gasque for keeping the project on track.

Most of all, I would like to thank you for picking up this book. I hope you will enjoy it. Please also visit the web site,, for more information.

Frank Buytendijk

The Netherlands, 2010

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