
With thanks!

We wish to thank The American Institute of Architects, College of Fellows for awarding the 2005 Latrobe Fellowship to Chong Partners Architecture, the University of California, Berkeley, and Kaiser Permanente. This two-year study formed the genesis of our thinking and permitted the research for this publication to ask a higher level of questions in our search for innovation and excellence.

We also wish to thank the many brilliant individuals who generously shared their thoughts, time, and experiences with us. This publication is a reflection of their many great ideas and thoughts.

Lastly, we thank John Wiley & Sons for inviting us to do this work, which we believe will add to a greater body of professional knowledge for the betterment of the profession and the public we serve.

Special Thanks

With special thanks to Professor Michael Bednar, of The University of Virginia, who encouraged me to believe that Design and Behavior really can be One; Michael Gulash and our colleagues at Intuit, who patiently supported my Work: Book Balance; and my sister, Pamela Robin, who told me I could write, before I could.

Robert Brandt, AIA

With appreciation to John P. Eberhard, FAIA, for introducing me to the possibilities of neuro-architecture as a means to inform design; to The Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture for sustaining that interest and to my wife, Dorian, for encouraging my intellectual curiosity.

Gordon H. Chong, FAIA

I dedicate this book to my wife, Pat, and our two daughters, Brandi and Cally, for offering hope, encouragement, caring, and love for all things that matter.

W.Mike Martin, FAIA, PhD

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