Advanced FreeBSD Course on Video

This course provides an in-depth study of the source code of the FreeBSD kernel. It is aimed at users who already have a good understanding of the algorithms used in the FreeBSD kernel and want to learn the details of the algorithm's implementation. Students are expected to have either taken a FreeBSD Kernel Internals class (such as the one described on the previous page) or to have throughly read and understood this book. They are also expected to have a complete background in reading and programming in the C programming language. Students will not need to prove relationship with a source license holder, as the course is based on the non-proprietary kernel sources released by the FreeBSD project.

The class consists of fifteen 160-minute (2-hour, 40-minute) lectures on the FreeBSD kernel source code. The lecture topics are:

  1. Organization, overview of source layout
  2. Kernel header files
  3. System calls and file open
  4. Pathname translation and file creation
  5. Vnode interface mechanics, write to a local file
  6. Opening, using, and closing locally connected sockets
  7. User datagram protocol and routing
  8. TCP Algorithms
  9. Fork, exit, and exec
  10. Signal generation and delivery, scheduling
  11. Virtual memory header files, file mapping
  12. Page fault service, pageout processing
  13. NFS client and server operation
  14. Multiplexing with select, system startup
  15. Special topics: filesystem layering and soft updates

In addition to the fifteen lecture videos, you also receive a CD-ROM with a copy of the FreeBSD kernel source covered in the lectures plus a printed copy of the lecture notes and selected FreeBSD kernel source files highlighted in the lectures.

The cost of the course is $1,500 for individuals, $2,500 for companies who wish to buy it for employee use. Discounts are available for full-time students and people who make a plausible case of financial hardship.

Courses shipped before June 2006 are based on FreeBSD 4.0. Courses shipped after June 2006 are based on the stable release of FreeBSD 5.X as of January 2006. For up-to-date information on course status or to place an order, see the Web page at:

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