CSRG Archive CD-ROMs

Thanks to the efforts of the volunteers of the "UNIX Heritage Society" (see http://www.tuhs.org) and the willingness of Caldera to release 32/V under an open source license (see http://www.mckusick.com/csrg/calder-lic.pdf), it is now possible to make the full source archives of the University of California at Berkeley's Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG) available.

The archive contains four CD-ROMs with the following content:


The University of California at Berkeley wants you to know that these CD-ROMs contain software developed by the University of California at Berkeley and its many contributors.

The CD-ROMs are produced using standard pressing technology, not with write-once CD-R technology. Thus, they are expected to have a 100-year lifetime rather than the 10-20 years expected of CD-R disks. The CDs are sold only in complete sets; they are not available individually. The price for the 4-CD set is $99. The archive can be ordered from

The compilation of this archive is copyright © 1998 by Marshall Kirk McKusick. You may freely redistribute it to anyone else. However, I appreciate you buying your own copy to help cover the costs that I incurred in producing the archive.

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