History of UNIX at Berkeley

The history of UNIX development at Berkeley has been recounted in detail by Marshall Kirk McKusick in a two-and-a-half-hour video in which he brings the history of UNIX to life, complete with anecdotes and interesting personal stories.

Marshall Kirk McKusick's work with BSD development spans some 25 years. His first paper was on the implementation of Berkeley Pascal in 1979. It was followed by his pioneering work in the 1980s on the BSD Fast File System, the BSD virtual memory system, and the final release from the UC Berkeley Computer Systems Research Group, 4.4 BSD Litc2. Since 1993, he has been working on FreeBSD, adding soft updates, snapshots, and the second-generation Fast Filesystem to the system. A key figure in BSD development, his experiences chronicle not only the innovative technical achievements but also the interesting personalities and philosophical debates in UNIX over the past 25 years. His talk covers many of these areas as he describes his years at the Computer Systems Research Group at Berkeley.

The price for the video is $49. The video can be ordered from

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