Address Line 1

Address Line 2

Address Line 3

Adults in household age 1

Adults in household age 2

Adults in household age 3

Adults in household age 4

Adults in household gender 1

Adults in household gender 2

Adults in household gender 3

Adults in household gender 4


Alternate N/A line 1

Alternate N/A line 2

Alternate N/A line 3

Alternate postal code

Alternate start date

Alternate stop date

Apartment building

Apartment in house

Bank number

Behavioral type

Belong to roadside assist

Birth month

Bought home

Business trip 1 in 3 months

Business trip 1 per month

Business trip Europe or UK

Business trip Florida

Business trip in 2 to 3 months

Business trip other foreign

Business trip other USA

Business trip rest of Canada

Business trip southwest USA

Business trip within province


Cellular phone

Child 19 or older at home

Children 1 female

Children 1 male

Children 1 unknown gender

Children 2 female

Children 2 male

Children 2 unknown gender

Children 3 female

Children 3 male

Children 3 unknown gender

Children in home

Children under 1 female

Children under 1 male

Children under 1 unknown gender

Children unknown

Citizenship code


Credit bureau ID

Customer classification

Customer type

Date of birth

Date of death

Divorced or separated


Dwelling type


Expecting baby no

Expecting baby yes

Family income

Fax Number


Female classic

Female comfort

Female junior

Female larger size

Female misses

Female none of above

Female petite

Female stylish trend

Females 0 to 2 months

Females 3 to 6 months

Females 7 to 12 months

Females 13 to 24 months

Females 3 to 4 years

Females 5 to 8 years

Females 9 to 12 years

Females 13 to 15 years

Females 16 to 17 years

Females 18 to 20 years

Females 21 to 25 years

Females 26 to 35 years

Females 36 to 45 years

Females 46 to 55 years

Females 56 to 65 years

Females over 65 years

First name

Five people in household

Four people in household

Frequent flyer club no

Frequent flyer club yes

Gas oil card


Got married

Grandchildren under 12 no

Grandchildren under 12 yes

Had baby

Holiday travel package no

Holiday travel package yes

Home email

Home mortgaged

Home office

Home office spouse

Home owned outright

Home ownership

Home phone number

Home rented

Home status

Household size

Household support child welfare

Household support environmental concern

Household support foreign relief

Household support health relief concern

Household support humanitarian

Household support other

Household support political

Household support religious

Language code

Last contact date

Last name

Legal residence code

Length of residence

Life stage

Loyalty indicator

Mail indicator

Make of primary vehicle

Make of second vehicle


Males 0 to 2 months

Males 3 to 6 months

Males 7 to 12 months

Males 13 to 24 months

Males 3 to 4 years

Males 5 to 8 years

Males 9 to 12 years

Males 13 to 15 years

Males 16 to 17 years

Males 18 to 20 years

Males 21 to 25 years

Males 26 to 35 years

Males 36 to 45 years

Males 46 to 55 years

Males 56 to 65 years

Males over 65 years

Marital status

Market segment


Married or common law

Middle name

Model of primary vehicle

Model of second vehicle


Moved in date

Never business trip

Never personal trip

No kids

No others in household

No pets in household

Not belong roadside assist

Number of adults

Number of children

Number of dependents

One person only in household

Other dwelling type

Own a vehicle

Own home

Partner—college university grad

Partner—education level

Partner—high school graduate

Partner—some college university

Partner—some high school less

Partner—some vocational tech

Partner—vocational or tech grad

Personal trip 1 in 3 months

Personal trip 1 month

Personal trip Europe or UK

Personal trip Florida

Personal trip in 2 to 3 months

Personal trip other foreign

Personal trip other USA

Personal trip rest of Canada

Personal trip southwest USA

Personal trip within province

Postal code

Preferred customer code

Primary education level

Primary source of income

Real estate owned

Rent home

Residence length 1 to 5 years

Residence length 6 to 10 years

Residence > 10 years

Retail dept card



Single family house

Six or more people in household

Social security number

Socioeconomic group

Solicitable code

Survey participants indicator

Three people in household


Two people in household

Want further mail no

Want further mail yes


Year of primary vehicle

Year of second vehicle

You—college university grad

You—high school graduate

You—high school less

You—some college university

You—some vocational tech

You—vocational or tech grad

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