Chapter 5. Design and UX

What You Will Learn in This Chapter

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Good usability and its impact on sustainability.

  • How best user experience (UX) design practices can help facilitate more sustainable design solutions.

  • Just how many moving parts do you need in a more sustainable design process?

Users Versus Life Cycles

You’re trying to book a ticket, make a donation, or simply subscribe to a newsletter on a device for which the content is not optimized. This is not only frustrating but wastes energy, as well. “An efficient website that is harder to use actually results in reduced sustainability, if you count the effort (and battery) life burned up by navigating through a lousy interface,” says author and professor Pete Markiewicz.

In his book Design Is the Problem, author Nathan Shedroff suggests that designers embrace three strategies to create more sustainable designs:


This is the process of reducing the amount of materials and energy in a design solution; for example, simplifying web pages to use just the amount of design elements to achieve goals and no more.


This is the process of transforming products to services, which can reduce the use of natural resources because services can be inherently less resource intensive. Think subscription-based online accounting software, for instance.


This replaces the transportation of physical products (paper, for instance) with information, as in online billing, banking, email, and so on.

These three strategies conserve resources and reduce energy use, but don’t specifically address efficiency, renewable energy, or the importance of helping users make more sustainable choices. Author Kem-Laurin Kramer notes in User Experience in the Age of Sustainability (Morgan Kaufmann, 2012), “it is important to design solutions that are responsive to the real needs of end users and at the same time strive to encourage more sustainable usage of the products.”

Plus, as Pete Markiewicz points out in his article “Save the Planet Through Sustainable Web Design,” not all dematerialization is good, because pixels are real and take up energy over time: “light as they are, those dots on the screen remain physical, and their survival requires a constant input of energy.[124] While some products become more sustainable by converting them to a swarm of bits, we must remember that those bits require something very physical to exist—a big, high-tech network, using lots of electricity and always-on computers to operate.”

Behind every good experience is a data center pulling electricity
Figure 5-1. Behind every good experience is a data center pulling electricity

In her book UX for Lean Startups: Faster, Smarter User Experience Research and Design (O’Reilly, 2013), Laura Klein states, “Lean UX isn’t about adding features to a product. It’s about figuring out which metrics drive a business, understanding what customer problems we can solve to improve those metrics, generating ideas for fixing those customer problems, and then validating whether or not we were correct.” The same holds true when creating more sustainable design solutions, but we’re looking beyond even business metrics or marketing goals to include the entire life cycle of the products and services we design. And that’s a key difference.

Finally, as some sustainability practices rely on compliance and heavy documentation, which layer on regulations regardless of user needs, we need to ask ourselves, what is in line with and what is at odds with the methodologies of Lean/Agile UX?

Beyond Users: The Entire Experience

Let’s explore that broader view and how it applies to UX. As is discussed in Chapter 3, when considering sustainability as part of the UX design process, we must consider the entire life cycle of our products and services as well as the ramifications of our choices. Understandably, many UX practitioners focus exclusively on features and design elements that directly affect end users. Often, bigger-picture complexities are handled by product or program managers. But this is a stack with many layers. There are the UX and data layers, with which most practitioners are familiar:

Presentation layer

This is how the experience looks and feels; its visual design language.

Task layer

This is how the application flows and how you interact with it.

Infrastructure layer

This is what the base technology product uses. Does it help or hinder UX?

And then there is the cultural and socioeconomic stack that makes it possible for us to do our work:

Device manufacturing

Do the devices we design for use conflict minerals? Are they created with fair labor practices? How much hazardous waste does the manufacturing process produce?

Power sourcing

Does the electricity that powers our applications come from renewable sources?

Device disposal

Are we creating products for devices with built-in obsolescence? Does our work support or hinder that obsolescence?

Stacked up: considering the entire spectrum of UX
Figure 5-2. Stacked up: considering the entire spectrum of UX

To truly integrate sustainable thinking into our process, the most important question to ask ourselves is this: Are we using these stacks to design solutions that promote accessibility, renewable energy, and break down socioeconomic barriers, or are we perpetuating a system of inequity? As a UX designer, it might be easy to say that conflict minerals and unfair labor practices, for instance, are not your problem (but most likely you wouldn’t be reading this book if that were your stance). If you are a product manager, they are precisely your problem. As Green America’s content strategist Bernard Yu pointed out in his presentation at the 2016 Sustainable UX conference: “Where in our UX process do we not only figure out how the products we’re designing are made ethically, but even whether or not we are trying to solve the right problem?... Where do we step back and say it’s not the product that’s broken, it’s the entire premise?”[125]

Sustainable Design Workflows

With these big-picture questions in mind, how do we fit sustainability goals into design workflows to create more sustainable experiences across the board? Design teams should shepherd the process of helping both users and their clients make more sustainable choices across the entire life cycle of a product or service. But we should ourselves also create more sustainable solutions with efficient workflows and streamlined user flows.

UX designer, Amber Vasquez, advocates for dovetailing the two: giving users the best experience while also helping them make more sustainable choices.

It’s about collaboration

Online creative portfolio community Format surveyed more than 2,000 photographers, designers, illustrators, artists, filmmakers, and other creative pros to understand how they prefer to spend their time.[126] In the survey, “49% prefer to share their work when it’s fully complete, over sharing it when it’s an idea or a work-in-progress.” This is a problem.

If you run a search on the most common complaints about web designers, there is consistency in the results: “They disappeared.” Or “I couldn’t get in touch with them.” Or “They didn’t communicate enough.” To make the design process both successful and efficient, you simply must collaborate. Often.

20th-century waterfall thinking won’t work in the age of sustainable UX, where ongoing shared learning is valued and preparation trumps planning every time. Consensus from all parties must be reached at consistent touch points throughout a project’s life cycle in order for it to stay on track. This is just as critical for software teams as it is in agency/client relationships.

You can’t have a successful project without ongoing collaboration
Figure 5-3. You can’t have a successful project without ongoing collaboration

As Pete Markiewicz notes on his blog, “sustainability is best achieved by a team of ‘hybrids’ who know each other’s work. This allows issues like efficiency to come up through the iterative design process. In a hybrid world, the hardcore coder may not be a great designer, but they have taken some design classes and understand why design is important. The designer may not be a hardcore coder (though hopefully they understand HTML, CSS, and JavaScript), but they understand it well enough to design for its effective use.”[127]

Agile Practices, UX, and Sustainability

According to Philip Clarke and Zach Berke at Exygy, a software company and certified B Corp based in San Francisco:

Agile is completely predicated on the idea of reducing waste: wasted time, wasted effort, wasted code, etc. If you are doing Agile effectively, you are always focused on the most high impact problem. As long as you are doing that well, you won’t write code that won’t get used. You will be in better communication with your team. You will get to a product that you will be able to ship sooner. It helps you get user feedback and start iterating faster than otherwise.

To repeat a common theme of this book: Less waste = more sustainable.

Streamlining user task flows for efficiency becomes one of several design imperatives when creating more sustainable digital products and services. If we consider the preceding strategies while auditing a website for sustainability, we are led to some of the following questions:

  • Is the design process itself as efficient as it could be?

  • Is a product or service’s navigation and architecture as intuitive as possible to target users?

  • Are design teams designing with real content? (see Chapter 4)

  • Are labels and messaging clear and concise?

  • Are all screens optimized for a specific conversion?

  • Can users accomplish tasks in the least number of steps possible?

  • Can users have a rewarding experience on the site despite device or platform?

  • Is the solution solving a real-world problem?

Practical, Tactical

In the 20th-century, design took a top-down, one-way approach, but 21st-century sustainable design is a collaborative conversation. Here are some tactics to follow that can help make your design process more efficient and hence more sustainable.

Define your users, define their devices

When auditing digital products and services for sustainable usability, designers face an always expanding array of notebooks, laptops, tablets, phablets, phones, appliances, vehicles and other platforms on which their content must perform well for users.

Lean personas

You want to be sure the audience you’re trying to reach is interested in what you plan to build, but with hundreds of tools at your disposal to extract behaviors and preferences from social media profiles and other online sources, it can be easy to fall into the rabbit hole of design research. Doing too much research wastes time and resources. Not doing enough risks missing the mark completely.

“Research is a big carbon cost in our projects due to amount of travel we do to where they are,” says James Christie, director of experience design at MadPow. “I favor remote methods when possible. But the cost of not doing research and so wasting effort by requiring redesign is too high to risk not doing it.”

Amber Vasquez notes that in general she doesn’t think designers or agencies are doing enough research. When trying to pare down budgets, research and testing are often the first things to go. In many cases, user research isn’t part of a budget, and that undermines project potential.

To compensate for this, she sometimes relies on “proto-personas,” or lean personas, for projects where time or budget for research are restricted. Lean personas are based on hunches rather than hard research and serve several purposes: to jump-start the research process, to facilitate discussions with clients, and to align business goals with user needs.

The design team starts these lean personas based on their understanding of project requirements. The personas are then workshopped with the client, who fills in gaps based on its often deeper understanding of its users.

Proto personas are helpful tools for quickly defining user needs
Figure 5-4. Proto personas are helpful tools for quickly defining user needs

This process often occurs alongside a matrix exercise that compares client business and marketing goals with user goals to find the common ground. Finally, the design team fills in any remaining gaps with actual research from a variety of sources: online networks like LinkedIn or Facebook, user interviews, and so on.

The point is to run through the process quickly and efficiently through collaboration to glean key insights, and then fill in the gaps with more time-consuming research efforts, rather than the other way around. By starting with online research tools, it can be easy to get lost in the data.

Personas are meant to gain consensus on who you’re designing for so that this understanding can inform design decisions throughout the process. Overthinking them wastes time and energy.

Lean wireframing

With many wireframing tools, you can get very granular in the amount of detail you include in wireframes. But at what point does all that detail become too much? How much time is wasted going back and forth about the placement of a button or slider, especially when it is likely that said component has an established content and display pattern to which users are already accustomed. Similarly, a one-size-fits-all tool like Adobe Illustrator might offer less value, because it gives you so much control. A more focused tool like InVision can yield better results faster. A quarter of a century into the Internet, why reinvent the wheel?

Some might argue that more detail in a wireframe leaves less room for interpretation (or misinterpretation), but if you focus on collaborative problem solving with an established design system rather than overthinking page element placement, you can likely reach better results faster.

“Rather than create wireframes,” Amber says, “whenever possible we focus instead on creating design systems that include pattern libraries for components.” The wireframing process then becomes simply a matter of combining components in a way that fits the intent of the page. Often this is done with sticky notes on a whiteboard (where each sticky note represents a component) or by simply sketching them out. Let’s explore this a little deeper.

A content pattern meant to display event info
Figure 5-5. A content pattern meant to display event info
A wireframe contains way more detail than a content pattern
Figure 5-6. A wireframe contains way more detail than a content pattern

Content patterns and page briefs

Every site, product, or service is made up of different types of content: hero images, banners, news feeds, forms, events, blog posts, text prompts, videos, white papers, and so on. These content types are often displayed in different ways, depending on the page upon which they exist. Content patterns show how the information for each content type is displayed.

For example, suppose that you are a company that throws a lot of events. You might want event announcements on your home page, in a sidebar on your blog, or in a footer on strategic pages. Even though all these announcements could potentially promote the same event, they will each have unique content patterns that define their size, type, and layout. Often, these patterns will seem instantly familiar because they are commonly used on websites all over the Internet.

Page briefs, on the other hand, do work at the page level rather than the individual content-type level. A page brief works exactly like it sounds. It’s a short document that describes each page’s purpose and includes specific conversion goals. Page briefs help both client and agency answer several important questions:

  • Why does the page exist?

  • What is the page’s conversion goal?

  • What is minimum amount of content that users need to see to make that conversion?

  • What is the list of supporting information?

Page briefs help content creation teams achieve clarity about their own resources or constraints. In creating them, the content workload becomes much clearer. Page briefs also give design teams a helpful set of guidelines by which to create page layouts with designed components.

Because they are based on common interactions across the Internet, content patterns are familiar and easy to use
Figure 5-7. Because they are based on common interactions across the Internet, content patterns are familiar and easy to use

Display patterns and component design

A content pattern is different from a display pattern, which shows how that content type will be displayed to fit within the visual design system defined during the style tile process. Components are concrete implementation of design patterns. With display patterns and component design, rigid full page templates are less necessary. By building a library of content and display patterns that can be applied to specific components, you can create a modular design system that lets you mix and match components for optimal flexibility.

The component library Mightybytes created for NACSA let it mix and match components on its own to fit unique content needs
Figure 5-8. The component library Mightybytes created for NACSA let it mix and match components on its own to fit unique content needs

After you have a library of approved patterns and components, directives from your page briefs will help you choose which are most relevant to suit the page’s conversion goals. Component design is beneficial to clients, as well, because as soon as a site goes live, the flexibility inherent to this system makes the process of creating new unique pages much easier.

So how do we make this work for a team? Who does what? In a blog post titled “Content and Display Patterns,” author Daniel Mall notes, “When thinking about patterns, content strategists are primarily thinking about Content patterns; designers are primarily thinking about Display patterns; and frontend developers are responsible for bringing the two together.”

User stories

For Agile teams, user stories are critical for defining actual features and functionality required for a product roadmap. They typically take this form:

As a <role>, I want <feature>, so that <reason>.

An example of this might be,

As an admin, I want to add new users, so that they can update the blog.

During discovery workshops, product teams collaborate to define the necessary features and functions that define the product. After these features are defined, they are prioritized and categorized. Design and UX teams then use these stories to define content patterns, wireframes, and components that make up the product or service’s design system.

Critics of user stories have said that they are not detailed enough to truly describe a feature or function, that they can be ambiguous or leave room for interpretation, especially in the design process, and that can lead to scope creep.

As part of a larger Agile framework, user stories can make your process more efficient, which saves time, resources, and energy. Some teams like the tactile flexibility of using sticky notes and whiteboards, whereas others prefer an online sorting tool like Trello. If you’re using digital tools, they of course require electricity to run and Trello, as an example, is hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS), which doesn’t get high marks for renewable energy use. If you’re going analog, consider recyclability of your materials. Even though many sticky notes are made of recycled materials, the adhesive backing can cause them to be rejected by some recycling programs. If you use a lot of stickies, go with a recycling program that supports mixed paper. Also, in America alone, 400 million whiteboard markers are disposed of each year. AusPen markers use nontoxic inks and are refillable, making them a more environmentally friendly alternative.

Avoid dark patterns

Run into the light, Carol Anne! The website Dark Patterns is dedicated entirely to pointing out UX patterns that deceive users.[128] These deceptions waste time and energy and cause untold frustrations. They’re just bad news all around. Beyond basic design process no-nos, which are just annoying to users, like asking for things you don’t need or letting an IT or HR department design your forms, dark patterns are intentionally deceitful.

Here are some things to avoid:

  • Don’t ask for credit card numbers for free trials and then make it difficult to unsubscribe to a product or service.

  • Similarly, don’t make it easy for users to subscribe but then difficult to unsubscribe. (This is called a Roach Motel in UX parlance.)

  • Don’t misdirect users by changing patterns without warning. In other words, if the blue button consistently takes you to the next screen but then suddenly becomes a “Buy” button, users will instinctively click it before realizing that it does something different than the other 19 buttons of the same size and color. Users don’t want to feel they’ve been tricked into taking an action, especially not if it requires spending money.

  • Don’t disguise advertisements as other kinds of potentially more desirable content. ’Nuff said.

  • Don’t add surprise or hidden costs at the last step in your checkout process. Similarly, don’t slip unwanted items into a user’s cart.

  • Don’t take advantage of the fact that users scan copy on the Web rather than reading in detail, as in the case of disguising opt-out buttons as opt-in buttons with misleading copy.

Give it a Rest

In the article “Design through the Twelve Principles of Green Engineering,” the authors P.T. Anastas and J.B. Zimmerman write that “Products, processes and systems should be ‘output pulled’ rather than ‘input pushed’ through the use of energy and materials.”[129] In other words, don’t make your product run when it doesn’t need to. Give users control over functions whenever possible. If a product or service has built-in notifications or backups, for example, let users control how often that happens and keep energy use in mind when making default settings. This is a great opportunity to highlight more sustainable choices in your designs as well. Your product will use far less energy checking twice a day for new data than it will every five minutes.

Let users decide when their product goes to sleep or how often it sends notifications
Figure 5-9. Let users decide when their product goes to sleep or how often it sends notifications

If an app uses a phone’s camera, WiFi/mobile data, and GPS capabilities at the same time, as in the case of Snapchat, it can significantly impede performance, drain batteries, use high amounts of data traffic, and waste a lot of energy. Keeping this in mind during UX exercises will also encourage conversations about usability and energy efficiency to happen in tandem with each other.

Visual Design

Visual design choices inform sustainable UX, as well. Here are some ways to streamline visual design workflows and the deliverables that come from them.

Ye Olde Design Comp

Like many design firms, for years Mightybytes delivered standard design comps—pixel-perfect visual renditions of key site pages—for website projects. Getting client approval on those comps was a critical part of moving projects forward. During this process, we sometimes became stuck in extended design revision loops, or when we moved to the build phase, complications around the approved design comps arose. Occasionally both happened. Even when we added wireframes to the mix, we still ran into challenges. Clients were often understandably confused by the process of reviewing just a static screen or two and projecting what the end result might entail. Design comps only represent a single state of a single page of your website or application, so this is not surprising. They’re a snapshot in time and do little to help clients or users understand the broader implications of choices made long before there is anything with which to interact.

“It’s easy for people on both client and agency side to fall into the Stockholm Syndrome trap of waterfall-based design,” says Amber Vasquez. “It’s human nature to apply old methods to new mediums, but the reality is that rarely works. People still try to shoehorn the print design process into web projects, but time and time again they fail, or at the very least go wildly over budget.”

Still, imagining a project without design comps can be hard for clients to wrap their heads around. Our presale process for helping them better understand a more efficient way of designing digital products and services is as follows:

  • We give a brief overview of the process in early conversations.

  • We include a step-by-step breakdown with example deliverables of our component-based design process with every proposal.

  • We link to blog posts that we (and others) have written that show clear benefits and mutual value for our team and end clients.

  • When applicable, we include testimonials from clients who have personally reaped the benefits of this process.

Let’s look at this way of doing things in more detail.

Style Tiles

At Mightybytes, some of our earliest design deliverables are style tiles, which communicate the essence of an online visual brand. More detailed than mood boards and designed specifically for websites and applications, style tiles include the most common visual assets of a website: font, colors, image styling, interface elements, and so on. Their purpose is to help client and agency find a common visual language with which to design the various components of a digital product or service. Because they are independent of layout or UX, style tiles can help agency and client teams gain consensus around how site components will be styled. Style tiles form the basis for creating layouts.

If the client has an existing style guide or brand book, that can be very helpful for creating style tiles. Font choices and color swatches already exist for other mediums. Design teams create style tiles to translate how those guidelines will work on the Web. They also create styles for iconography, image treatments, buttons, and other common interface elements. Those elements then form the basis of styles defined in cascading stylesheets, which control the look and feel of an entire site. If it is decided that header fonts should be gray instead of black, that’s a thing that can happen quickly.

These style tiles helped the team at Bike & Build better understand color schemes, image stylings, and button treatments well before they were applied to site components
Figure 5-10. These style tiles helped the team at Bike & Build better understand color schemes, image stylings, and button treatments well before they were applied to site components

Color Choices

In the early 2000s, sustainability-minded designers suggested using darker colors in digital design to reduce the energy required to power white or brightly colored pixels. In fact, there was even a Google search spinoff created by Heap Media, called Blackle that, as of this writing, purports to have saved 5,461,326.853 Watt hours of electricity by allowing users to search Google on a dark rather than white screen. Whereas this energy-saving effort held true when most monitors still used cathode ray tubes to beam red, green, and blue phosphors across your screen, LCD monitors or LED-lit LCD screens can actually use more energy to display a black screen than a white one.[130]

But LCDs aren’t the only screens out there. In OLED screens, found in newer smartphones and tablets, each pixel produces its own light (rather than using a backlight like LCD monitors), so if the primary color of your design is black, no pixels are activated, which results in much less energy use.[131] However, white-on-black screens are often harder to read, introducing an accessibility problem. So although it might be lower energy with OLED, if people have to peer at a page for twice as long to make sense of the content, it’s a net loss.

Given this, when designing interface screens does it matter which colors you choose? The answer depends on two things:

  • How well you know your audience.

  • The importance of brand consistency in your design work.

First, hundreds of products, including many tablets, devices, and smartphones by Samsung, Panasonic, and others use OLED screens.[132] As of this writing, the iPhone still uses an LCD screen.[133] Design choices that are energy efficient on one type of screen use more energy on another type of screen. If you know that the majority of your users will be on a specific type of device, you can make an educated choice, but how often does that happen?

Similarly, accessibility guidelines for people with low vision might require making a high-contrast stylesheet. A style tile might have a set of reduced, high-contrast colors for this use case.

Second, colors are important enough to any organization’s brand that it is very likely brand consistency will trump energy efficiency in most scenarios. A potentially more useful decision might be to make use of “flat” assets—images that contain large swaths of flat color rather than gradients, bevels, or other effects—in your design work. File sizes for CSS buttons and vector-based SVG files are smaller than their raster-based counterparts, meaning less data to download. Plus, flat images can be scaled more easily in a responsive design.

Which color choices uses the most energy? It depends
Figure 5-11. Which color choices uses the most energy? It depends

Fonts and Typography

Designers have thousands of typographical choices to use in their digital products and services. How sustainable they are depends on two things:

  • How much load time they add to your page.

  • How many HTTP requests they add to your page.

Let’s take a look at common font types and the pros and cons of each:

System fonts

These fonts exist by default on the user’s machine/device and use the least amount of resources, making them automatically a more sustainable choice. They also restrict design choices because most systems only have a few such fonts installed.

Web fonts

Web fonts offer nearly unlimited choices and can be displayed on devices where the font isn’t actually installed. Because they are hosted on external servers, they increase the number of HTTP requests your page makes and can thus affect its load speed. In experiments we ran at Mightybytes, adding a font through Typekit added an average of 11 KB to a page, whereas Google Fonts added about 28 KB.[134]

Embedded fonts

Using these types of fonts, you can embed fonts into your page using the CSS style @font-face. Although embedding a font increases page weight more than the other two options, you can use a tool like Font Squirrel to optimize the font by removing elements you may not use like dingbats or specific foreign language characters. You can also use Base64 encoding to convert the font to a data URI that can be embedded directly into your stylesheet. Even though it will make your stylesheet larger, it will reduce HTTP requests.

System fonts, web fonts, embedded fonts: which best suit your needs?
Figure 5-12. System fonts, web fonts, embedded fonts: which best suit your needs?

Here are some other good practices to consider:

  • Keep it to two fonts maximum—there is no need for many web fonts.

  • Web fonts are often used for icons (e.g., Font Awesome), but this approach is considered flawed now—use SVG for icons, not icon fonts.

  • Consider typefaces designed for screen, rather than print; for example, Georgia or Verdana.

  • Consider making the majority of your design system fonts and using webfonts sparingly. No using three kinds of web fonts. Find the right mix.

  • Reduce the number of typeface weights in a given kit. You most likely don’t need them all.

  • Finally, hosting a font on a green host is better than being served by Adobe’s Typekit. At least you have control over download.

Weigh your options carefully when making typographical choices for your digital product or service. If the project calls for high design, go with a web font. If it requires optimal performance, perhaps a simple system font will work just as well. Or, maybe the web font works well for desktop users but a system font works on mobile devices. Just make sure that the font options you choose don’t impede performance. If you’re not sure which choice to make, refer to your page weight budget. Do you have the extra kilobytes to spare?


Let’s explore some things you can do with visual assets on your site, such as photos and icons, to keep file size down while still maintaining visual integrity.

Images add both visual impact and weight to your page—use them wisely
Figure 5-13. Images add both visual impact and weight to your page—use them wisely

Images can add a large amount of extra data to your page. First of all, ask yourself if you even need an image. Is a photo or other sort of image critical to telling your story or teaching a concept inherent to the success of your content? If you decide an image is absolutely necessary, can you achieve the same result using resolution-independent CSS effects or even web fonts?

Which format?

Vector image formats such as SVG are resolution-independent and can scale up or down without adding additional weight to your page. These are great for shapes, icons, logos, and so on. But they are completely unsuitable for complex imagery like photos. That’s where raster images like PNG or JPGs are better. Raster images use pixels on a grid to display an image. Because of the way they are constructed, raster images will also be bigger files than their vector counterparts, so it makes sense to consider the display need carefully as you ready files of web delivery. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind.

  • PNG or GIF files are great for diagrams or graphs that have flat line art and don’t need to scale. PNG files also support alpha transparency.

  • JPG is a great option for photos, but logos or other line art will look jaggy because of JPG’s compression scheme.

  • SVG, as just mentioned, is great for resolution-independent line art with flat colors (gradients, not so much). When scaled up, they will retain their sharpness. Because vector images are stored as geometric equations, they can also take more computing power to render. They also offer more flexibility because they can be animated or controlled with CSS for richer interactions.

Which image format is best for your needs?
Figure 5-14. Which image format is best for your needs?

Compress those images

Be sure to run all of your images through a compressor like,, or Image Optimizer to shave off extra file size. Choosing “Save for Web” in an image editing tool like Photoshop can add extra unnecessary metadata and export files up to 50% larger in size than other optimization tools.

Also, from a visual design perspective, black and white photos or illustrations are both less data-heavy than retina-ready JPGs.

Compression matters: strive to find that perfect balance between quality and file size
Figure 5-15. Compression matters: strive to find that perfect balance between quality and file size

Use CSS sprites

CSS sprites combine multiple graphics or images into a single file and use CSS properties to display only the portions necessary for a specific need. With this technique all your site’s icons, for instance, can be downloaded once, cached by the browser, and displayed across all screens without incurring additional HTTP requests or the additional data size associated with multiple small images.

One image, many uses. CSS sprites cut down on HTTP requests and file size
Figure 5-16. One image, many uses. CSS sprites cut down on HTTP requests and file size

Inline images

In some cases, it might be helpful to inline an image right into your HTML. Using Base64 encoding (which, having been first proposed in 1987, predates even the World Wide Web), images can be included directly in your HTML, reducing HTTP requests and allowing pages to load faster.

Several Base64 image encoders are available for free online. Simply drag and drop an image to convert your image into a Base64 file. Some will also compress images before reencoding them as a Base64 file.

This approach is best used on small, single use images. Encoding large photos, even when using compression (which you always should), will result in slower page loads because Base64 encoding doesn’t reduce the actual amount of data being sent to the browser. It only reduces the lag time caused by HTTP requests. This approach is also better for images that are used only once rather than those commonly reused, like icons, or navigation elements, because they don’t cache in the same way a CSS sprite would.

Also, if images are an important part of your SEO strategy, this is not the way to go, because Base64-encoded images will not show up in search engine results at all.

Patrick Sexton’s Base64 image encoder will turn your image into a data stream
Figure 5-17. Patrick Sexton’s Base64 image encoder will turn your image into a data stream

Yes, people do still print web pages—not often, but it happens. Recipes, bank statements, contracts, FAQs, maps, directions, and so on are all prime candidates for printing. How do your screens look when printed? One of the quickest ways to waste massive amounts of paper, ink, and other resources is to print pages that aren’t optimized for a printer. Sustainable design principles dictate that printer-friendly screens or web pages use the least amount of resources while still providing acceptable results.

To do so, print should be treated as an equal alongside other media types, like screen and speech. Although most browsers will by default change colors automatically to save ink, this is often not as effective as a custom solution. You can use media queries in CSS3 to look at the capabilities of a device and check a number of things, including width/height of viewport or device, landscape or portrait orientation, or screen resolution. Using these queries, you can call individual style rules or separate stylesheets to adjust your page based on different criteria.

You might not realize it, but people do print your pages; not optimizing them can lead to wasted paper, ink, time, and other resources
Figure 5-18. You might not realize it, but people do print your pages; not optimizing them can lead to wasted paper, ink, time, and other resources

Print stylesheets, provided as additional CSS files for a site, don’t need to include all relevant styles, only the differences between screen and print. If you use the print media query, default styles will generally be included. It is important to define the differences clearly. For example, while pixels are the default unit of measurement for screens, for print it’s inches or centimeters, so include things like margins and padding in those units.

Here are some things to consider when creating print styles:

Backgrounds, images, and colors

Use print styles to force the color of a specific page element to be more printer-friendly and use less ink. For situations in which an image or background is critical, you can also override default browser settings to force render them. Similarly, you can use CSS filters to reverse images that include light text over dark backgrounds.

Navigation and buttons

Because these are not relevant to a printed page, remove them by setting the display in the print style to none.


You don’t want images to bleed over the edge, especially if they force another page to print with just a small section of the image on it. Setting the maximum width to 100% on images will keep this from happening.

Expand outbound links

Make sure the link URL is shown for outbound hypertext links.

Include a print button

Using a print button that specifically calls upon the print stylesheet will produce better results than using the browser’s default print settings.

The important thing to remember is to keep the file size small while still maintaining acceptable print quality. Web teams often overlook print styles, but in doing so they unwittingly contribute to waste of resources. Taking a bit of extra time to make your pages printer-friendly can make a difference and reduce user frustration.

Measure Success

Finally, as we discussed in other places throughout the book, ground all your design efforts in a solid strategy for measuring success. Set goals early and work through strategies to decipher whether you are meeting those goals quickly. Make no assumptions on your design decisions or those requested by clients. Instead, build user testing into every step of the process if you can. By testing design decisions with real users, you can move your process forward based on hard data. This will help keep those uncomfortable conversations driven solely by subjective emotion—“But I feel it should be green”—at bay.

A/B testing—whereby two UX options are presented to users and interactions are tracked—can go a long way toward getting better design decisions based on data made faster.

Measure what matters: the most successful design projects are those that use data to support decision making
Figure 5-19. Measure what matters: the most successful design projects are those that use data to support decision making

Resources like Optimizely, UsabilityHub, Optimal Workshop, and others can help move design decisions forward quickly without exorbitant expenditures on custom user testing workshops. Those of course have their place, but not all projects have the luxury of bringing a room full of target users together for an entire day of testing.

Accessibility, Sustainability, and Design

Ken-Laurin Kramer notes in User Experience in the Age of Sustainability (Morgan Kaufmann, 2012) that “Sustainable design should strive to be inclusive and ‘universal’ in its appeal. Through using universal design practices and following those design guidelines, we can practice sustainable design and accessibility in one effort.” In other words, accessibility-compliant products and services that work across the widest array of computers and devices, including screen readers and other enabling technologies, are potentially more sustainable solutions than those that don’t consider the entire spectrum of users.

When someone talks about a digital product or service being accessible, they’re often referring to whether it works for people with disabilities. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) publishes the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which can help product teams create more accessible and hence sustainable experiences.

WCAG includes twelve guidelines organized into four categories:[135]


Users must be able to operate all interface components and navigation. Guidelines include:

  • Make all functionality available from a keyboard

  • Provide users enough time to read and use content

  • Do not design content in a way that is known to cause seizures

  • Provide ways to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they are


Content or operation of interface information cannot be beyond a user’s understanding. Guidelines include:

  • Make text content readable and understandable

  • Make web pages appear and operate in predictable ways

  • Help users avoid and correct mistakes


Information being presented can’t be invisible to all user senses. Guidelines include:

  • Provide text alternatives for any nontext content so that it can be changed into other forms people need, such as large print, braille, speech, symbols, or simpler language

  • Provide alternatives for time-based media

  • Create content that can be presented in different ways (e.g., simpler layout) without losing information or structure

  • Make it easier for users to see and hear content (e.g., separating foreground from background)


Users must be able to access content as technologies advance and user agents evolve. Guidelines include:

  • Maximize compatibility with current and future user agents, including assistive technologies

    Sustainable design should strive to be inclusive and universal
    Figure 5-20. Sustainable design should strive to be inclusive and universal

Web Standards

Web standards and sustainability go hand in hand just as sustainability and accessibility do. Using the standards outlined by the W3C, you can “build rich interactive experiences, powered by vast data stores, that are available on any device.” Designers powering their work with web standards–friendly markup like HTML and CSS means they’re supporting the widest array of devices, which makes their products and services more accessible and, if their markup is also stripped down to the bare essentials without compromising UX, more sustainable.

The W3C breaks its full list of standards down into these categories:[136]

Web design and applications

These are the standards for building and rendering web pages. Includes HTML, CSS, SVG, Ajax, and so on.

Web of devices

These are the technologies that enable Web access anywhere, any time, using any device. Devices can range from smartphones to wearable technologies, interactive television, automobiles, and so on.

Web architecture

These is the foundation technologies of the Web, such as URIs, HTTP, and so on.

Semantic web

The technologies that enable people to create data stores, build vocabularies, and write rules for handling data using such technologies as RDF, SPARQL, OWL, and SKOS.


This defines standards relating to XML technologies, such as XML, XML Namespaces, XML Schema, XSLT, EXI, and others.

Web of services

Message-based design services based on technologies like HTTP, SOAP, SPARQL, WSDL, XML, and so on. Frequently found in technologies related to payments, security, and internationalization.

Browsers and authoring tools

The tools we use to access and create web content: browsers, media players, content management systems, social media, photo and video sharing apps, blogging tools, and many others.

Though a deep dive into web standards is beyond the scope of this book, for web designers and UX practitioners, making sure your digital products and services are designed with standard HTML and CSS markup will ensure that the widest array of users can access your content. This includes search engines (see Chapter 4), so optimized content wrapped in standards-based design is also more easily findable. Standards-based pages will also perform better, serving up information more quickly to users. Because web standards are written to be both future-proof and make your work backward-compatible, they will be more stable and reliable, as well. These are all things that lead to higher levels of sustainability. Score!

Now let’s explore some other ways in which design tactics can yield more accessible and hence more sustainable results.


Mobile-first is a term coined in 2009 by Luke Wroblewski to define a design strategy for mobile devices.[137] It has three components:

  • Mobile is growing exponentially and offers many new opportunities.

  • Mobile requires design teams to focus on what’s most important.

  • Mobile offers new capabilities and opportunities for innovation.

These parameters require you to focus on content that’s most important for your users. Mobile-first strategy requires designers and content creators to consider the needs of users on mobile devices before considering those on desktop machines, which typically have larger screens and more processing power. This follows the basic principles of progressive enhancement (which we’ll cover next), the thought being that if something offers a great experience on smaller devices with fewer resources, that experience can be enhanced for users on more powerful devices rather than the other way around. Mobile-first forces a product owner to consider content and interactions that are most essential to meeting its goals and user needs before adding any additional bells and whistles. This can be a helpful exercise for clients who cling to their content regardless of how it performs.

When designing a digital product or service using mobile-first strategy, content patterns and component design become critical steps to achieving success. With only so much real estate in which to display your content and interactions, agency and client need to work together to reach consensus on the most essential elements for each screen. This in turn informs design decisions for larger screens.

Focusing first on what mobile users need allows for more scalability
Figure 5-21. Focusing first on what mobile users need allows for more scalability

Mobile-first is a more sustainable strategy because when content, transactions, and interactions are prioritized with mobile devices in mind first, end-user devices load less data, which means they consume less energy. Similarly, when visual design decisions are made with mobile-first in mind, mobile pages load more quickly while using less bandwidth, resulting in energy savings, as well.

Progressive Enhancement

Progressive enhancement is a web strategy that applies technologies in a layered approach which gives everyone access to basic content and functionality and increases functionality as a user agent, such as a browser, will allow. In other words, the more modern and feature-rich a user agent is, the more features are revealed by a page that uses progressive enhancement.

This is relevant for designers and UX practitioners because rather than designing for graceful degradation—that is, creating experiences with the most bells and whistles for top-of-the-line machines first and worrying about smaller/older/slower devices as an afterthought—progressive enhancement flips the equation with a focus on maximizing accessibility. When designing with progressive enhancement in mind, consider the lowest common denominator first and create the best possible experience for that, and then layer additional enhancements atop that experience.

Progressive enhancement insures that users on lower-end devices still have access to basic content and functionality
Figure 5-22. Progressive enhancement insures that users on lower-end devices still have access to basic content and functionality

Mobile-first is a natural extension of progressive enhancement. Like the other strategies and approaches in this section, its focus on accessibility makes it also a more sustainable strategy.

Responsive Design

The term responsive web design was coined by Ethan Marcotte in a 2010 article for A List Apart.[138] Responsive designs accommodate different screen resolutions using fluid grids that respond to a device’s screen size by resizing accordingly. This is typically done by using media queries in CSS3, which give pages the ability to tailor themselves to a specific range of output devices without changing content.

Critics of responsive web design note that responsive sites can take longer to load because the media queries used to make a site responsive simply scale or resize assets based on the requesting site’s viewport size. Thus, a responsive page on a mobile device could in fact be loading the same assets as it does on a desktop site, which is an unfortunate waste of resources and bandwidth. But when used in tandem with mobile-first and progressive enhancement strategies, responsive web solutions can deliver optimized experiences for users across devices, making them more accessible to more people while still using fewer resources.

Similarly (but not quite the same), adaptive designs adapt to the width of the browser at specific points. In other words, an adaptive site is only concerned about the browser being a specific width, at which point it adapts page layout.[139]

An analytics tool will provide you with information about which pages have high amounts of traffic from mobile devices. If budget or timing are concerns (and when aren’t they?) you can begin by tweaking those pages first.

Sometimes responsive designs just scale down desktop-sized images using HTML, which can cause lag times on mobile devices
Figure 5-23. Sometimes responsive designs just scale down desktop-sized images using HTML, which can cause lag times on mobile devices

Regardless of how you address the needs of mobile customers, doing so is absolutely critical. We have passed the tipping point: more content is accessed via mobile devices than not. More searches are done on mobile devices than on desktop machines. Thus, it’s a safe bet that the majority of your users are on mobile devices. Plus, in April 2015, Google announced that its updated search algorithms would rank mobile-friendly sites higher than their nonmobile counterparts in search results. So you actually are penalized in search results for not having a mobile-friendly site.

Potential Barriers to Sustainable UX

What are the things that can get in our way of designing more sustainable digital products and services? Designing a checkout system with too many steps is something you can fix, but what are the larger barriers between us and more sustainable design solutions?

Proprietary technologies are a big consideration:

  • Flash and other proprietary technologies requiring plug-ins are not supported on many mobile devices.

  • Java is not supported by Apple mobile products and Android products use a custom virtual machine to run an Android-specific version of Java, which could lead to many frustrated users.

  • Any other technology that requires a plug-in or doesn’t run under web standards.

Flash, for example, is still used by many online sites as a format for video playback, despite standards-based video players having been around for years now. It is also used by many advertising networks and can significantly slow down news sites and other popular ad-driven content sites. Plus, in addition to being a bandwidth and energy hog, as I just mentioned, most mobile devices cannot play Flash content, so if you want to create more sustainable user experiences, ditch the Flash.


We covered a lot of ground in this chapter:

  • We encouraged UX designers to consider long-term needs and the entire life cycle of the products and services they build rather than simply short-term user needs.

  • We talked about the impact good usability has on sustainability.

  • We covered some practical tactics you can use to optimize design solutions for more sustainable delivery.

  • We explored how accessibility and web standards affect sustainable design solutions.

In Chapter 6, we discuss how you can apply performance optimization techniques to your design solutions for faster, more energy efficient delivery of products and services.

Action Items

Try these things:

  • Write-up some proto-personas about your users based on hunches. Do some research to decipher how close you were.

  • Flesh out some content and display patterns on sticky notes. Use them to wireframe several pages.

  • Use WebAIM’s web accessibility evaluation tool, WAVE, to see how accessible your designs are to people with disabilities. (

  • Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly test to check how mobile-friendly your work is.

  • Use to see how your site looks on a specific device (

[124] Pete Markiewicz, “Save the Planet Through Sustainable Web Design”, Creative Bloq, August 17, 2012. (

[125] See “Building More Holistic View of Sustainable: Digital Project Planning at Green America”, available on YouTube. (

[126] Format, “How to Live Like a Creative”. (

[127] Sustainable Virtual Design, “The Green Team, Part I – The Role of Art Direction in Sustainability”. (

[129] Paul Anastas and Julie Zimmerman, “12 Principles of Green Engineering”. American Chemical Society. (

[130] Larry Greenemeier, “Fact or Fiction?: Black Is Better Than White for Energy-Efficient Screens”, Scientific American, September 27, 2007. (

[131] Quora, “Does a White Background Use More Energy on a LCD Than If It Was Set to Black?”. (

[132] OLED-Info, “OLED Products: Comprehensive Guide”. (

[133] Dr. Raymond Soneira, “The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Have the Best LCD Screens You Can Buy”, Gizmodo, September 22, 2014. (

[134] Amber Vasquez, “Web Fonts and Sustainability”, Mightybytes Blog, July 19, 2013. (

[135] W3C, “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0”. (

[136] W3C, “Standards”. (

[137] Luke Wroblewski, “Mobile First”, LukeW Ideation + Design, November 3, 2009. (

[138] Ethan Marcotte, “Responsive Web Design”, A List Apart, May 25, 2010. (

[139] Geoff Graham, “The Difference Between Responsive and Adaptive Design”, CSS-Tricks, November 11, 2015. (

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