Creating the Class Diagram

A word of caution, and perhaps comfort, is in order. The preliminary list of classes and associations are just that—preliminary. We will add more classes as we progress through the Elaboration phase of the project. Some classes might be added to provide more detail about the project as it progresses. Some will be added to help resolve context-related issues about other, already defined associations.

Figure 5-10 is a first attempt at the class diagram for Remulak Productions. The diagram is rendered in the visual modeling tool (Rational Rose in this case). We do this to begin integrating our requirements and analysis work within a tool that will make it easier to produce other deliverables.

Figure 5-10. Remulak class diagram

Figure 5-11 shows the user interface for Rational Rose and the class diagram for Remulak Productions. Notice the tree view pane on the left side of the window, which currently displays the logical view of Increment 1 entity classes.

Figure 5-11. Remulak class diagram in Rational Rose

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