Key design principles

There are a few key design principles that need to be taken into consideration when building microservices. There is no golden rule and, as microservices are a recent concept, sometimes there is even a lack of consensus on what practices to follow. In general, we can assume the following design principles:

  • Microservices are business units that model the company processes.
  • They are smart endpoints that contain the business logic and communicate using simple channels and protocols.
  • Microservices-oriented architectures are decentralized by definition. This helps to build robust and resilient software.

Business units, no components

One of the most enjoyable sides of software engineering is creating a new project. This is where you can apply all your creativity, try new architectural concepts, frameworks, or methodologies. Unfortunately, it is not a common situation in a mature company. Usually, what we do is create new components inside the existing software. One of the best design principles that you can follow when creating new components is keeping the coupling as low as possible with the rest of the software, so that it works as an independent unit.


Keeping a low level of coupling allows a software component to be converted into a microservice with little to no effort.

Consider a real-world example: the application of your company now needs to be able to process payments.

The logical decision here would be creating a new module that knows how to deal with the chosen payment provider (credit cards, PayPal, and so on) and allows us to keep all the payment-related business logic inside of it. Let's define the interface in the following code:

public interface PaymentService {
  PaymentResponse processPayment(PaymentRequest request) throws MyBusinessException;

This simple interface can be understood by everyone, but it is the key when moving towards microservices. We have encapsulated all the business knowledge behind an interface so that we could theoretically switch the payment provider without affecting the rest of the application—the implementation details are hidden from the outer world.

The following is what we know until now:

  • We know the method name, therefore, we know how to invoke the service
  • The method could throw an exception of the MyBusinessException type, forcing the calling code to deal with it
  • We know that the input parameter is a PaymentRequest instance
  • The response is a known object

We have created a highly cohesive and loosely coupled business unit. Let's justify this affirmation in the following:

  • Highly cohesive: All the code inside the payments module will do only one thing, that is, deal with payments and all the aspects of calling a third-party service (connection handling, response codes, and so on), such as a debit card processor.
  • Loosely coupled: What happens if, for some reason, we need to switch to a new payment processor? Is there any information bleeding out of the interface? Would we need to change the calling code due to changes in the contract? The answer is no. The implementation of the payment service interface will always be a modular unit of work.

The following diagram shows how a system composed of many components gets one of them (payment service) stripped out into a microservice:

Business units, no components

Once this module is implemented, we will be able to process the payments and our monolithic application will have another functionality that could be a good candidate to extract into a microservice.

Now, we can rollout new versions of the payment service, as long as the interface does not change, as well as the contract with the rest of the world (our system or third parties), hasn't changed. That is why it is so important to keep the implementation independent from interfacing, even though the language does not provide support for interfaces.

We can also scale up and deploy as many payment services as we require so that we can satisfy the business needs without unnecessarily scaling the rest of the application that might not be under pressure.


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Smart services, dumb communication pipes

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is one of the best things to have ever happened to the Internet. Imagine a protocol that was designed to be state-less, but was hacked through the use of cookies in order to hold the status of the client. This was during the age of Web 1.0, when no one was talking about REST APIs or mobile apps. Let's see an example of an HTTP request:

Smart services, dumb communication pipes

As you can see, it is a human readable protocol that does not need to be explained in order to be understood.

Nowadays, it is broadly understood that HTTP is not confined to be used in the Web, and as it was designed, it is now used as a general purpose protocol to transfer data from one endpoint to another. HTTP is all you need for the communication between microservices: a protocol to transfer data and recover from transmission errors (when possible).

In the past few years, especially within the enterprise world, there has been an effort to create smart communication mechanisms such as BPEL. BPEL stands for Business Process Execution Language, and instead of focusing on communication actions, it focuses on actions around business steps.

This introduces some level of complexity in the communication protocol and makes the business logic of the application bleed into it from the endpoints, causing some level of coupling between the endpoints.

The business logic should stay within the endpoints and not bleed into the communication channel so that the system can be easily tested and scaled. The lesson learned through the years is that the communication layer must be a plain and simple protocol that ensures the transmission of the data and the endpoints (microservices).These endpoints should embed into their implementation the fact that a service could be down for a period of time (this is called resilience, we will talk about this later in this chapter) or the network could cause communication issues.

HTTP usually is the most used protocol when building microservices-oriented software but another interesting option that needs to be explored is the use of queues, such as Rabbit MQ and Kafka, to facilitate the communication between endpoints.

The queueing technology provides a clean approach to manage the communication in a buffered way, encapsulating the complexities of acknowledging messages on highly transactional systems.


One of the major cons of monolithic applications is the centralization of everything on a single (or few) software components and databases. This, more often than not, leads to huge data stores that needs to be replicated and scaled according to the needs of the company and centralized governance of the flows.

Microservices aim for decentralization. Instead of having a huge database, why not split the data according to the business units explained earlier?

Some of the readers could use the transactionality as one of the main reasons for not doing it. Consider the following scenario:

  1. A customer buys an item in our microservices-oriented online shop.
  2. When paying for the item, the system issues the following calls:
    1. A call to the financial system of the company to create a transaction with the payment.
    2. A call to the warehouse system to dispatch the book.
    3. A call to the mailing system to subscribe the customer to the newsletter.

In a monolithic software, all the calls would be wrapped in a transaction, so if, for some reason, any of the calls fails, the data on the other calls won't be persisted in the database.

When you learn about designing databases, one of the first and the most important principles are summarized by the ACID acronym:

  • Atomicity: Each transaction will be all or nothing. If one part fails, no changes are persisted on the database.
  • Consistency: Changes to the data through transactions need to guarantee its consistency.
  • Isolation: The result of concurrent execution of transactions results in a system state that would be obtained if the transactions were executed serially.
  • Durability: Once the transaction is committed, the data persists.

On a microservices-oriented software, the ACID principle is not guaranteed globally. Microservices will commit the transaction locally, but there are no mechanisms that can guarantee a 100% integrity of the global transaction. It would be possible to dispatch the book without processing the payment, unless we factor in specific rules to prevent it.

On a microservices-oriented architecture, the transactionality of the data is not guaranteed, so we need to factor the failure into the implementation. A way to solve (although, workaround is a more appropriate word) this problem is decentralizing the governance and data storage.

When building microservices, we need to embed in the design, the fact that one or more components could fail and degrade the functionality according to the availability of the software.

Let's take a look at the following diagram:


This diagram represents the sequence of execution on a monolithic software. A sequential list of calls that, no matter what, are going to be executed following the ACID principle: either all the calls (transactions) succeed or none of them do.

This is only possible as the framework and database engine designers have developed the concept of transactions to guarantee the transactionality of the data.

When working with microservices, we need to account for what the engineers call eventual consistency. After a partial fail on a transaction, each microservice instance should store the information required to recover the transaction so that the information will be eventually consistent. Following the previous example, if we send the book without processing the payment, the payment gateway will have a failed transaction that someone will process later on, making the data consistent again.

The best way to solve this problem is decentralizing the governance. Every endpoint should be able to take a local decision that affects the global scope of the transaction. We will talk more about this subject in Chapter 3, From the Monolith to Microservices.

Technology alignment

When building a new software, there is always a concept that every developer should keep in mind: standards.

Standards guarantee that your service will be technologically independent so that it will be easy to build the integrations using a different programming language or technologies.

One of the advantages of modeling a system with microservices is that we can choose the right technology for the right job so that we can be quite efficient when tackling problems. When building monolithic software, it is fairly hard to combine technologies like we can do with microservices. Usually, in a monolithic software, we are tied to the technology that we choose in the beginning.

Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is one example of the non-standard protocols that should be avoided if you want your system to be open to new technologies. It is a great way of connecting software components written in Java, but the developers will struggle (if not fail) to invoke an RMI method using Node.js. This will tie our architecture to a given language, which from the microservices point of view, will kill one of the most interesting advantages: technology heterogeneity.

How small is too small?

Once we have decided to model our system as a set of microservices, there is always one question that needs an answer: how small is too small?

The answer is always tricky and probably disappointing: it depends.

The right size of the microservices in a given system depends on the structure of the company as well as the ability to create software components that are easily manageable by a small team of developers. It also depends on the technical needs.

Imagine a system that receives and processes banking files; as you are probably aware, all the payments between banks are sent in files with a specific known format (such as Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) for Euro payments). One of the particularities of this type of systems is the large number of different files that the system needs to know how to process.

The first approach for this problem is tackling it from the microservices point of view, separating it from any other service creating a unit of work, and creating one microservice for each type of file. It will enable us to be able to rollout modifications for the existing file processors without interfering with the rest of the system. It will also enable us to keep processing files even though one of the services is experiencing problems.

The microservices should be as small as needed, but keep in mind that every microservice adds an overhead to the operations team that needs to manage a new service. Try to answer the question how small is too small? in terms of manageability, scalability, and specialization. The microservice should be small enough to be managed and scaled up (or down) quickly without affecting the rest of the system, by a single person; and it should do only one thing.


As a general rule, a microservice should be small enough to be completely rewritten in a sprint.

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