Why Node.js?

A few years ago, I didn't believe in Node.js. To me, it was a trend more than a real tool to solve problems… JavaScript in the server? That didn't look right. In all fairness, I didn't even like JavaScript. Then, the modern frameworks such as jQuery or Angular.js came to the rescue. They solved one of the problems, which was the cross-browser compatibility. Where before we needed to factor in at least three different browsers, after jQuery all this logic was nicely encapsulated in a library so that we didn't need to worry about compatibility as long as we followed the jQuery documentation.

Then, JavaScript became more popular. Suddenly, all the internal tools were written with Single-Page Application (SPA) frameworks with a heavy usage of JavaScript, therefore, the majority of developers nowadays, one way or another, are proficient in JavaScript.

Then, someone decided to take JavaScript out of the browser, which was a great idea. Rhino, Node.js, and Nashorn are examples of runtimes that can execute standalone JavaScript. Some of them can even interact with the Java code, enabling the developer to import Java classes into a JavaScript program, which gives you the access to an endless set of frameworks already written in Java.

Let's focus on Node.js. Node.js is the perfect candidate for microservices-oriented architectures for a number of reasons, as stated in the following list:

  • Easy to learn (although it can be hard to master)
  • Easy to scale
  • Highly testable
  • Easy to deploy
  • Dependency management through npm
  • There are hundreds of libraries to integrate with the majority of standard protocols

These reasons, along with others that we will develop in the following chapters, make Node.js the perfect candidate for building solid microservices.

API aggregation

Seneca is the framework that I have chosen for development in the following chapters. One of the most attractive characteristics of Seneca is API aggregation.

API aggregation is an advanced technique to compose an interface by aggregating different functionalities (plugins, methods, and so on) to it.

Let's take a look at the following example:

var express = require('express');
var app = express();

app.get('/sayhello', function (req, res) {
  res.send('Hello World!');
app.get('/saygoodbye', function(req, res) {
  res.send('Bye bye!');

var server = app.listen(3000, function () {
  var host = server.address().address;
  var port = server.address().port;
  console.log('App listening at http://%s:%s', host, port);

The preceding example uses Express, a very popular web framework for Node.js. This framework is also built around the API aggregation technique. Let's take a look at the fourth and seventh lines. In these lines, the developer registers two methods that are to be executed when someone hits the URLs /sayhello and /saygoodbye with a GET request. In other words, the application is composed of different smaller and independent implementations that are exposed to the outer world on a single interface, in this case, an app listening on the 3000 port.

In the following chapters, I will explain why this property is important and how to take advantage of it when building (and scaling) microservices.

The future of Node.js

JavaScript was first designed to be a language executed in the web browser. For those who worked or studied, using C/C++ was very familiar and that was the key for its adoption as a standard for the dynamic manipulation of documents in Web 2.0. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) was the detonator for JavaScript growth. Different browsers had different implementations of the request objects so that the developers had a hard time to write a cross-browser code.

The lack of standards led to the creation of many frameworks that encapsulated the logic behind AJAX, making easy-to-write cross-browser scripts.

JavaScript is a script language. It was not designed to be object oriented, neither was it designed to be the language of choice for large applications as the code tends to get chaotic and it is hard to enforce standards across different companies on how the code should be laid out. Every single company where I worked has different best practices and some of them are even contradictory.

European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) came to the rescue. ECMAScript 6, the next standard for ECMA languages (JavaScript, ActionScript, Rhino, and so on) introduces the concept of classes, inheritance, collections, and a number of interesting features that will make the development of JavaScript software easier and more standard than the actual V8 specification.

One of these features that I consider more interesting is the introduction of the class keyword that allows us to model our JavaScript software with objects.

At the moment, the majority of browsers support a large number of these features, but when it comes to Node.js, only a few of them are implemented by default and some of them are implemented by passing special flags to the interpreter (harmony flags).

In this book, I will try to avoid the ECMAScript 6 features, sticking to the V8 specification as it is widely known by the majority of developers and, once someone knows JavaScript V8, it is fairly easy to ramp up on ECMAScript 6.

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