Then the microservices appeared

Microservices are here to stay. Nowadays, the companies give more importance to the quality of the software. As stated in the previous section, deliver early and deliver often are the key to succeed in software development.

Microservices are helping us to satisfy business needs as quickly as possible through modularity and specialization. Small pieces of software that can easily be versioned and upgraded within a few days and they are easy to test as they have a clear and small purpose (specialization) and are written in such a way that they are isolated from the rest of the system (modularization).

Unfortunately, it is not common to find the situation as described previously. Usually, big software systems are not built in a way that modularization or specialization are easy to identify. The general rule is to build a big software component that does everything and the modularization is poor, so we need to start from the very basics.

Let's start by writing some code, as shown in the following:

module.exports = function(options) {

  var init = {}

   * Sends one SMS
  init.sendSMS = function(destination, content) {
    // Code to send SMS

   * Reads the pending list of SMS.
  init.readPendingSMS = function() {
    // code to receive SMS
    return listOfSms;

   * Sends an email.
  init.sendEmail = function(subject, content) {
    // code to send emails

   * Gets a list of pending emails.
  init.readPendingEmails = function() {
    // code to read the pending emails
    return listOfEmails;

   * This code marks an email as read so it does not get
   * fetch again by the readPendingEmails function.
  init.markEmailAsRead = function(messageId) {
    // code to mark a message as read.

   * This function queues a document to be printed and
   * sent by post.
  init.queuePost = function(document) {
    // code to queue post

  return init;

As you can see, this module can be easily called communications service and it will be fairly easy to guess what it is doing. It manages the e-mail, SMS, and post communications.

This is probably too much. This service is deemed to grow out of control, as people will keep adding methods related to communications. This is the key problem of monolithic software: the bounded context spans across different areas, affecting the quality of our software from both functional and maintenance point of view.

If you are a software developer, a red flag will be raised straightaway: the cohesion of this module is quite poor.

Although it could have worked for a while, we are now changing our mindset. We are building small, scalable, and autonomous components that can be isolated. The cohesion in this case is bad as the module is doing too many different things: e-mail, SMS, and post.

What happens if we add another communication channel such as Twitter and Facebook notifications?

The service grows out of control. Instead of having small functional software components, you end up with a gigantic module that will be difficult to refactor, test, and modify. Let's take a look at the following SOLID design principles, explained in Chapter 2, Microservices in Node.js – Seneca and PM2 Alternatives:

  • Single-responsibility principle: The module does too many things.
  • Open for extension, closed for modification: The module will need to be modified to add new functionalities and probably change the common code.
  • Liskov Substitution: We will skip this one again.
  • Interface segregation: We don't have any interface specified in the module, just the implementation of an arbitrary set of functions.
  • Dependency injection: There is no dependency injection. The module needs to be built by the calling code.

Things get more complicated if we don't have tests.

Therefore, let's split it into various small modules using Seneca.

First, the e-mail module (email.js) will be as follows:

module.exports = function (options) {

   * Sends an email.
  this.add({channel: 'email', action: 'send'}, function(msg, respond) {
    // Code to send an email.
    respond(null, {...});

   * Gets a list of pending emails.
  this.add({channel: 'email', action: 'pending'}, function(msg, respond) {
    // Code to read pending email.
    respond(null, {...});

   * Marks a message as read.
  this.add({channel: 'email', action: 'read'}, function(msg, respond) {
    // Code to mark a message as read.
    respond(null, {...});

The SMS module (sms.js) will be as follows:

module.exports = function (options) {

   * Sends an email.
  this.add({channel: 'sms', action: 'send'}, function(msg, respond) {
    // Code to send a sms.
    respond(null, {...});

   * Receives the pending SMS.
  this.add({channel: 'sms', action: 'pending'}, function(msg, respond) {
    // Code to read pending sms.
    respond(null, {...});

Finally, the post module (post.js) will be as follows:

module.exports = function (options) {

   * Queues a post message for printing and sending.
  this.add({channel: 'post', action: 'queue'}, function(msg, respond) {
    // Code to queue a post message.
    respond(null, {...});

The following diagram shows the new structure of modules:

Then the microservices appeared

Now, we have three modules. Each one of these modules does one specific thing without interfering with each other; we have created high-cohesion modules.

Let's run the preceding code, as follows:

var seneca = require("seneca")()

seneca.listen({port: 1932, host: ""});

As simple as that, we have created a server with the IP bound that listens on the 1932 port for incoming requests. As you can see, we haven't referenced any file, we just referenced the module by name; Seneca will do the rest.

Let's run it and verify that Seneca has loaded the plugins:

node index.js --seneca.log.all | grep DEFINE

This command will output something similar to the following lines:

Then the microservices appeared

If you remember from Chapter 2, Microservices in Node.js – Seneca and PM2 Alternatives, Seneca loads a few plugins by default: basic, transport, web, and mem-store, which allow Seneca to work out of the box without being hassled with the configuration. Obviously, as we will see in Chapter 4, Writing Your First Microservice in Node.js, that the configuration is necessary as, for example, mem-store will only store data in the memory without persisting it between executions.

Aside from the standard plugins, we can see that Seneca has loaded three extra plugins: email, sms, and post, which are the plugins that we have created.

As you can see, the services written in Seneca are quite easy to understand once you know how the framework works. In this case, I have written the code in the form of a plugin so that it can be used by different instances of Seneca on different machines, as Seneca has a transparent transport mechanism that allows us to quickly redeploy and scale parts of our monolithic app as microservices, as follows:

  • The new version can be easily tested, as changes on the e-mail functionality will only affect sending the e-mail.
  • It is easy to scale. As we will see in the next chapter, replicating a service is as easy as configuring a new server and pointing our Seneca client to it.
  • It is also easy to maintain, as the software is easier to understand and modify.


With microservices, we solve the biggest problems in modern enterprise, but that does not mean that they are problem free. Microservices often lead to different types of problems that are not easy to foresee.

The first and most concerning one is the operational overhead that could chew up the benefits obtained from using microservices. When you are designing a system, you should always have one question in mind: how to automate this? Automation is the key to tackling this problem.

The second disadvantage with microservices is nonuniformity on the applications. A team might consider something a good practice that could be banned in another team (especially around exception handling), which adds an extra layer of isolation between teams that probably does not do well for the communication of your engineers within the team.

Lastly, but not less important, microservices introduce a bigger communication complexity that could lead to security problems. Instead of having to control a single application and its communication with the outer world, we are now facing a number of servers that communicate with each other.

Splitting the monolith

Consider that the marketing department of your company has decided to run an aggressive e-mail campaign that is going to require peaks of capacity that could harm the normal day-to-day process of sending e-mail. Under stress, the e-mails will be delayed and that could cause us problems.

Luckily, we have built our system as explained in the previous section. Small Seneca modules in the form of a high-cohesion and low-coupled plugins.

Then, the solution to achieve it is simple: deploy the e-mail service (email.js) on more than one machine:

var seneca = require("seneca")().use("email");
seneca.listen({port: 1932, host: "new-email-service-ip"});

Also, create a Seneca client pointing to it, as follows:

var seneca = require("seneca")()
seneca.listen({port: 1932, host: ""});

// interact with the existing email service using "seneca"

var senecaEmail = require("seneca").client({host: "new-email-service-ip", port: 1932});

// interact with the new email service using "senecaEmail"

From now on, the senecaEmail variable will contact the remote service when calling act and we would have achieved our goal: scale up our first microservice.

Problems splitting the monolith – it is all about the data

Data storage could be problematic. If your application has grown out of control for a number of years, the database would have done the same, and by now, the organic growth will make it hard to deal with significant changes in the database.

Microservices should look after their own data. Keeping the data local to the service is one of the keys to ensure that the system remains flexible as it evolves, but it might not be always possible. As an example, financial services suffer especially from one of the main weak points of microservices-oriented architectures: the lack of transactionality. When a software component deals with money, it needs to ensure that the data remains consistent and not eventually consistent after every single operation. If a customer deposits money in a financial company, the software that holds the account balance needs to be consistent with the money held in the bank, otherwise, the reconciliation of the accounts will fail. Not only that, if your company is a regulated entity, it could cause serious problems for the continuity of the business.

The general rule of thumb, when working with microservices and financial systems, is to keep a not-so-microservice that deals with all the money and creates microservices for the auxiliary modules of the system such as e-mailing, SMS, user registration, and so on, as shown in the following image:

Problems splitting the monolith – it is all about the data

As you can see in the preceding picture, the fact that payments will be a big microservice instead of smaller services, it only has implications in the operational side, there is nothing preventing us from modularizing the application as seen before. The fact that withdrawing money from an ATM has to be an atomic operation (either succeed or fail without intermediate status) should not dictate how we organize the code in our application, allowing us to modularize the services, but spanning the transaction scope across all of them.

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