Appendix A Example Transition Criteria


CM configuration management
FDAL function development assurance level
PR problem report
PSAC Plan for Software Aspects of Certification
SCI Software Configuration Index
SDD Software Design Description
SDP Software Development Plan
SLECI Software Life Cycle Environment Configuration Index
SQA software quality assurance
SRD System Requirements Document
SVP Software Verification Plan
SWRD Software Requirements Document


Tables A.1 and A.2 provide an example of transition criteria that might be included in a Software Development Plan (SDP) (Table A.1) and Software Verification Plan (SVP) (Table A.2).* The SDP criteria (Table A.1) only provide a high-level look at the reviews, because the SVP (Table A.2) provides detailed transition criteria for these reviews.

Table A.1 Example Transition Criteria for Software Development Plan

Phase Entry Criteria Activities Exit Criteria
Develop and review software requirements
  • System FDAL and software level are determined

  • System certification plan is released

  • PSAC is released

  • SDP is released

  • Software requirements standards are released

  • System requirements are mature enough to begin decomposition

  • Document high-level software requirements (in SWRD) from the SRD for requirements allocated to software

  • Identify requirements that have a safety impact (tag with safety attribute)

  • Identify any derived software requirements (requirements that do not trace to SRD and that define implementation details) and provide rationale for why each one is needed

  • Develop bidirectional traceability between SRD and SWRD requirements

  • Include interfaces/interactions in SWRD as needed

  • Include reference to hardware data in SWRD, as applicable

  • Document any deviations from requirements standards and obtain SQA approval

  • Document robustness requirements (tag as robust)

  • Review SWRD using the company procedures defined in the SVP and make updates as needed

  • Validate derived requirements (as part of the review) to ensure they are the right requirements (correct and complete)

  • Involve safety personnel in the review of all derived requirements

  • Document the development environment in the SLECI

  • SRD is released and under CM

  • SWRD is reviewed, updated, released, and under CM

  • Derived high-level software requirements are reviewed by appropriate safety personnel

  • SLECI is drafted and under CM

Develop and review SDD
  • PSAC is released

  • SDP is released

  • Software design standards are released

  • SRD and SWRD are mature enough to begin design

  • Document low-level requirements using SRD, SWRD, and other referenced requirements as input

  • Identify interfaces/interactions in SDD as needed

  • Identify any derived low-level requirements (requirements that do not trace to SWRD and that are implementation details) and provide rationale for why each requirement is needed

  • Document robustness requirements (tag as robust)

  • Validate derived requirements (as part of the review) to ensure they are the right requirements (that is, they are correct and complete) (see SVP for details on the review)

  • Develop bidirectional traceability between high-level requirements and low-level requirements

  • Develop software architecture to be consistent with the requirements

  • Review the SDD using the process defined in the SVP and make needed updates

  • Document any deviations from design standards and obtain SQA approval

  • Involve safety personnel in the review of all derived requirements

  • SDD (including low-level requirements and architecture) reviewed, updated, released, and under CM

  • SRD and SWRD released and under CM

  • Derived low-level requirements reviewed by appropriate system safety personnel

Develop and review code
  • PSAC is released

  • SDP is released

  • Code standards are released

  • SWRD and SDD are available and mature enough to begin coding

  • Write code using the SWRD, SDD, SDP, and coding standards as input

  • Develop bidirectional traceability between the code and low-level requirements

  • Review code and update based on comments (see SVP for details of the review)

  • Document any deviations from code standards and obtain SQA approval

  • Develop and review SCI

  • Code is reviewed, updated, released, and under CM

  • SRD, SWRD and SDD are released and under CM

  • SCI is reviewed and under CM

Integrate code
  • Code available

  • SCI drafted

  • Compiler and linker options are identified in SLECI

  • Develop build procedures (in SCI) and have an independent person run the procedures for repeatability

  • Build code, using the build procedures

  • Prior to formal testing, compile and link the released code, using the approved build procedures (in SCI)

  • Develop the load procedures (in SCI) and have an independent person run the procedures for repeatability

  • Update and review SCI (including build and load procedures)

  • Update (if needed) and review SLECI (prior to formal build of code)

  • Code is released and under CM

  • SCI (including build procedures and load procedures) and SLECI are reviewed, released, and under CM

  • Released code is compiled and linked

  • Executable object code is released and under CM

Table A.2 Example Transition Criteria for Software Verification Plan









*These transition criteria are provided as an example and are not intended for certification use, since they only present part of the software life cycle being proposed in the SDP and SVP.

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