Chapter 6. OS Interactions

Open in Browser

From within your application, you can open a link using the device’s native browser in the same way you can within a traditional browser-based Flex application. This is accomplished with the URLRequest class. Simply creating a new URLRequest and passing this into the navigateToURL method will invoke the user’s browser to handle the request. Figure 6-1 shows the sample application running:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""

               protected function sendIt_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                     var s:String = "";
                     s+= address.text;
                     navigateToURL(new URLRequest(s));


          <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

    <s:Label text="URL" top="40" left="50"/>
    <s:TextInput id="address" top="30" left="160" text="" width="400"/>
    <s:Button id="sendIt" label="Open" click="sendIt_clickHandler(event)" top="110" left="160"/>
Open a link in a browser
Figure 6-1. Open a link in a browser

Create Text Message

The URLRequest class can be used to open the Messages application to send text messages. By prepending the request with sms:, iOS will launch the Messages application when the navigateToURL method is called. Figure 6-2 shows the sample application running and Figure 6-3 shows the Messages application with the phone number prepopulated. Unfortunately, at this time it is not possible to send a message along with the phone number when opening the Messages application:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""

               protected function sendIt_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                     var s:String = "";
                     s += "sms:";
                     s+= sendTo.text;
                     navigateToURL(new URLRequest(s));


          <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

    <s:Label text="Send To" top="40" left="50"/>
    <s:TextInput id="sendTo" top="30" left="110" text="2125559999" width="200"/>
    <s:Button id="sendIt" label="Send" click="sendIt_clickHandler(event)" top="110" left="110"/>
Open a text in the Messages application
Figure 6-2. Open a text in the Messages application
The Messages application has opened
Figure 6-3. The Messages application has opened

Create Email

The URLRequest class can be used to open the Messages application to send text messages. By prepending the request with mailto:, iOS will launch the Email application when the navigateToURL method is called. There are several properties that can be passed into the URLRequest to set the send-to email address, the email subject, and the email message.

Figure 6-4 shows the sample application running, Figure 6-5 shows the email selection window being launched after the Send button has been clicked, and Figure 6-6 shows the properties being prepopulated in the Gmail application:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""

               protected function sendIt_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                     var s:String = "";
                     s += "mailto:";
                     s+= sendTo.text;
                     s+= "?";
                     s+= "subject=";
                     s+= subject.text;
                     s+= "&";
                     s+= "body=";
                     s+= message.text;
                     navigateToURL(new URLRequest(s));


          <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

    <s:Label text="Send To" top="40" left="50"/>
    <s:TextInput id="sendTo" top="30" left="200" text="[email protected]" 
    <s:Label text="Subject" top="120" left="50"/>
    <s:TextInput id="subject" top="110" left="200" text="hello" width="300"/>
    <s:Label text="Message" top="200" left="50"/>
    <s:TextInput id="message" top="190" left="200" width="300"/>
    <s:Button id="sendIt" label="Send" click="sendIt_clickHandler(event)" top="270" left="200"/>
Sample email application
Figure 6-4. Sample email application
Email selector that appears after clicking Send
Figure 6-5. Email selector that appears after clicking Send
Email properties set within Gmail
Figure 6-6. Email properties set within Gmail

Place Call

The URLRequest class can be used to open the Phone application to place a call. By prepending the request with tel:, iOS will launch the Phone application when the navigateToURL method is called. Figure 6-7 shows the sample application running and Figure 6-8 shows the Phone application with the phone number prepopulated:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""

               protected function sendIt_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                     var s:String = "";
                     s += "tel:";
                     s+= call.text;
                     navigateToURL(new URLRequest(s));


          <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

    <s:Label text="Phone #" top="40" left="50"/>
    <s:TextInput id="call" top="30" left="160" text="2125559999" width="250"/>
    <s:Button id="sendIt" label="Send" click="sendIt_clickHandler(event)" top="110" left="160"/>
Phone call sample application
Figure 6-7. Phone call sample application
The Phone application attempting to make a call
Figure 6-8. The Phone application attempting to make a call

Splash Screen

Adobe has made it very easy to add a splash screen to your application. A splash screen is an image that loads first and displays while the application is loading. There are also several options for the display of this splash screen. Let’s look as a basic sample, which shows the splashScreenImage property being set to a .png image. Figure 6-9 shows a splash screen with the default settings:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
          <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
Splash screen with splashScreenScaleMode set to none
Figure 6-9. Splash screen with splashScreenScaleMode set to none

There are also some options that can be set on the splash screen. Setting the splashScreenMinimumDisplayTime and splashScreenScaleMode properties on the Application, ViewNavigatorApplication, or TabbedViewNavigatorApplication tag sets these options. The example below sets the display time to 3 seconds and the scale mode to stretch.

The available options for the splashScreenScaleMode property are letterbox, none, stretch, and zoom. Figure 6-10 shows a splash screen with the splashScreenScaleMode set to stretch.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
          <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
Splash screen with splashScreenScaleMode set at stretch
Figure 6-10. Splash screen with splashScreenScaleMode set at stretch


The ViewMenu allows your application to show a menu within your mobile application. By default, this menu will appear at the bottom of your application. ViewMenu can only be included within a View class. To create a ViewMenu, you will need to define an array of viewMenuItems, with each ViewMenuItem defined within. The sample below shows an array of viewMenuItems with three ViewMenuItems defined. There is also a Button with a label of Open. The open button click handler will call the open_clickHandler function. Within this function, the ViewMenu is opened when the mx.core.FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.viewMenuOpen is set to true. The ViewMenu can be seen in Figure 6-11. There are also click handler functions on each ViewMenuItem. The close_ClickHandler is called when the close ViewMenuItem is clicked. Within the close_ClickHandler function, setting the mx.core.FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.viewMenuOpen to false closes the ViewMenu:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:View xmlns:fx=""
          xmlns:s="library://" title="HomeView">

               protected function open_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void

               protected function newContact_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                     // TODO Auto-generated method stub


               protected function search_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                     // TODO Auto-generated method stub


               protected function close_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


          <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
          <s:ViewMenuItem label="Search" id="search"
          <s:ViewMenuItem label="New Contact" id="newContact"
          <s:ViewMenuItem label="Close" id="close"
    <s:Button label="Open Menu" id="open"
                 horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"
ViewMenu with 3 items
Figure 6-11. ViewMenu with 3 items


The StageWebView allows for web (HTML and Flash on supported devices) and video content to be loaded into a Flex application. StageWebView will utilize the native browser to load HTML into your application.

Let’s review the code below. First, you will notice there is a private variable named stageWebView declared of type Within applicationComplete of the application, an event handler function is called, which first checks to see if the device supports StageWebView by reading the static property of the StageWebView class. If this property returns as true, a new instance of StageWebView is created, then a new Rectangle is created, sized to fill the remaining screen and set to the viewport property of the stageWebView.

There is a TextInput component with the id of urlAddress, which holds the address that will be shown in the StageWebView and a Button with the label GO.

Clicking on the GO button will call the button1_clickHandler method. Within the button1_clickHandler method, the loadURL method is called with the urlAddress.text property passed in. This triggers the StageWebView to load the URL.

The results can be seen within Figure 6-12:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""

               private var stageWebView:StageWebView;
               private var rect:Rectangle;

               protected function application1_applicationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                          stageWebView = new StageWebView();
                          stageWebView.viewPort = 
new Rectangle(5,80,stage.width-10,stage.height−90);
                          stageWebView.stage = this.stage;
                     } else {
                          urlAddress.text = "StageWebView not supported";

               protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void

          <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

    <s:TextInput id="urlAddress" left="5" right="80" top="15" 
    <s:Button right="5" top="5" label="GO" click="button1_clickHandler(event)"/>

StageWebView with loaded
Figure 6-12. StageWebView with loaded

Screen Options

There are several options available to programmatically control several areas of the screen layout. These options include the layout of the application, whether or not to show the action bar in a view-based or tabbed application, and whether or not to show the application in full screen mode. This sample application can be seen in Figure 6-13.


The options for your application layout are portrait (where the application shows vertically in the device), or landscape (where the application appears horizontally). Setting the aspect ratio by calling the setAspectRatio method on the stage can change the application’s layout. The StageAspectRatio class contains two static values that should be used to set the aspect ratio.

The code below includes a RadioGroup with the id of orientation. There are two RadioButton components in this group with values of portrait and landscape. When clicking on one of these radio buttons, the radiobutton1_clickHandler method is called. Within this method, the orientation.selectedValue is tested.

If orientation.selectedValue is equal to portrait, the stage.setAspectRatio method is called and StageAspectRatio.PORTRAIT is passed in. If orientation.selectedValue is equal to landscape, the stage.setAspectRatio method is called and StageAspectRatio.LANDSCAPE is passed in. The results can be seen in Figure 6-14.

Screen options application
Figure 6-13. Screen options application
Landscape mode
Figure 6-14. Landscape mode

Full Screen

Utilizing the entire screen for your mobile application is an option that you can set within your application, and there are a few choices when this change is requested. To put an application in full screen mode, you will need to set the displayState property on the stage. There are several static properties within the StageDisplayState class that can be used for this.

The code below includes a CheckBox with the label “Full Screen”. This CheckBox is set to non-selected by default, as that is the normal state of the application. When clicking on this CheckBox to check or uncheck the value, the checkbox1_clickHandler is called. If the checkbox is selected, the stage.displayState is set to StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE. If the checkbox is unselected, the stage.displayState is set to StageDisplayState.NORMAL. Note that the StageDisplayState also has a static property of StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN. This property can be used to put the application in full screen mode when the keyboard is unnecessary. The results can be seen in Figure 6-15.

Full Screen mode
Figure 6-15. Full Screen mode


The ActionBar is the built-in navigation that comes along with the view-based or tabbed application layouts. This bar does consume significant real estate on the screen. Therefore, the option to hide and show this bar programmatically is available to you as the developer.

The code below includes a CheckBox with the label “Show ActionBar”. This CheckBox is set to selected by default, as that is the normal state of the ActionBar. When clicking on this CheckBox to check or uncheck the value, the checkbox2_clickHandler is called. The actionBarVisible of this View is set to the value of the CheckBox. The results can be seen in Figure 6-16, which shows an application in full screen mode, with the ActionBar hidden:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:View xmlns:fx=""
          xmlns:s="library://" title="HomeView">

               protected function checkbox1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                          stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE;
                     } else {
                          stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.NORMAL;

               protected function checkbox2_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                     this.actionBarVisible =;

               protected function radiobutton1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                     if(orientation.selectedValue == "portrait"){
                     } else if(orientation.selectedValue == "landscape"){


          <s:RadioButtonGroup id="orientation"/>

    <s:VGroup top="20" left="10">
          <s:CheckBox click="checkbox1_clickHandler(event)" label="Full Screen"/>
          <s:CheckBox click="checkbox2_clickHandler(event)" label="Show ActionBar"
          <s:RadioButton groupName="orientation" value="portrait" label="Portrait"
                             click="radiobutton1_clickHandler(event)" selected="true"/>
          <s:RadioButton groupName="orientation" value="landscape" label="Landscape"

Full Screen mode with ActionBar hidden
Figure 6-16. Full Screen mode with ActionBar hidden
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