Chapter 4. Exploring the APIs

Now that you know how to create a new application in your choice of layout options and know how to request application permissions, it is time to explore the ways in which your application can interact with the iOS operating system. The AIR 2.7 release includes access to many iOS features. These include the accelerometer, the GPS unit, the camera, the camera roll, the file system, and the multitouch screen.


The accelerometer is a device that measures the speed or g-forces created when a device accelerates across multiple planes. The faster the device is moved through space, the higher the readings will be across the x, y, and z axes.

Let’s review the code below. First, you will notice there is a private variable named accelerometer declared of type flash.sensors.Accelerometer. Within applicationComplete of the application, an event handler function is called, which first checks to see whether the device has an accelerometer by reading the static property of the Accelerometer class. If this property returns as true, a new instance of Accelerometer is created and an event listener of type AccelerometerEvent.UPDATE is added to handle updates. Upon update, the accelerometer information is read from the event and written to a TextArea within the handleUpdate function. The results can be seen within Figure 4-1:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
               import flash.sensors.Accelerometer;


               private var accelerometer:Accelerometer;

               protected function application1_applicationCompleteHandler
                     (event:FlexEvent):void {
                          accelerometer = new Accelerometer();
                     } else {
                          status.text = "Accelerometer not supported";


               private function handleUpdate(event:AccelerometerEvent):void {
                     info.text = "Updated: " + new Date().toTimeString()
                     + "

                     + "acceleration X: " + event.accelerationX + "
                     + "acceleration Y: " + event.accelerationY + "
                     + "acceleration Z: " + event.accelerationZ;


          <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
    <s:Label id="status" text="Accelerometer" top="10" width="100%"
    <s:TextArea id="info" width="100%" height="220" top="40"
Accelerometer information
Figure 4-1. Accelerometer information


GPS stands for Global Positioning System. GPS is a space-based satellite navigation system, which provides reliable location information to your handheld device.

Let’s review the code below. First, you will notice there is a private variable named geoLocation declared, of type flash.sensors.GeoLocation. Within applicationComplete of the application, an event handler function is called, which first checks to see whether the device has an available GPS unit by reading the static property of the GeoLocation class. If this property returns as true, a new instance of GeoLocation is created and the data refresh interval is set to 500 milliseconds (.5 seconds) within the setRequestedUpdateInterval method and an event listener of type GeoLocationEvent.UPDATE is added to handle updates. Upon update, the GPS information is read from the event and written to a TextArea within the handleUpdate function.

Figure 4-2 shows the warning message that iOS will give your user before your application can access the GPS unit. Note: there is also some math being done to convert the speed property into miles per hour and kilometers per hour. The results can be seen within Figure 4-3.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""

               import flash.sensors.Geolocation;

               private var geoLocation:Geolocation;

               protected function application1_applicationCompleteHandler
                     (event:FlexEvent):void {
                          geoLocation = new Geolocation();
                     } else {
                          status.text = "Geolocation feature not supported";

               private function handleLocationRequest(event:GeolocationEvent):void {
                     var mph:Number = event.speed*2.23693629;
                     var kph:Number = event.speed*3.6;
                     info.text = "Updated: " + new Date().toTimeString() + "

                          + "latitude: " + event.latitude.toString() + "
                          + "longitude: " + event.longitude.toString() + "
                          + "altitude: " + event.altitude.toString()  + "
                          + "speed: " + event.speed.toString()  + "
                          + "speed: " + mph.toString()  + " MPH 
                          + "speed: " + kph.toString()  + " KPH 
                          + "heading: " + event.heading.toString()  + "
                          + "horizontal accuracy: "
                          + event.horizontalAccuracy.toString()  + "
                          + "vertical accuracy: "
                          + event.verticalAccuracy.toString();

          <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

    <s:Label id="status" text="Geolocation Info" top="10" width="100%" 
    <s:TextArea id="info" width="100%" top="40" editable="false"/>
Requesting GPS access
Figure 4-2. Requesting GPS access
GPS information
Figure 4-3. GPS information

Camera UI

All recently manufactured full sized iPods, iPhones, and iPads have cameras available. The class allows your application to utilize the device’s native camera interface.

Let’s review the code below. First, you will notice there is a private variable named camera declared of type Within applicationComplete of the application, an event handler function is called, which first checks to see whether the device has an available camera by reading the static property of the CameraUI class. If this property returns as true, a new instance of CameraUI is created and event listeners of type MediaEvent.COMPLETE and ErrorEvent.COMPLETE are added to handle a successfully captured image, as well as any errors that may occur.

A Button with an event listener on the click event is used to allow the application user to launch the CameraUI. When the user clicks the TAKE A PICTURE button, the captureImage method is called, which then opens the camera by calling the launch method and passing in the MediaType.IMAGE static property. At this point the user is redirected from your application to the native camera. Once the user takes a picture and clicks OK, the user is directed back to your application, the MediaEvent.COMPLETE event is triggered, and the onComplete method is called. Within the onComplete method, the property is cast to a flash.Media.MediaPromise object. Since iOS does not automatically write the new image to disk like Android or BlackBerry tablets, we are not able to simply read the file property of the flash.Media.MediaPromise object to display the new image within our application. The solution to this is to load the flash.Media.MediaPromise object into a flash.display.Loader. Within the onComplete method, you will see a new Loader being created and an event listener added to the loader’s contentLoaderInfo property to listen for the Event.COMPLETE of the loader. Finally, the loader’s loadPromiseFile method is called with the mediaPromise passed in. Once the mediaPromise is loaded, the onMediaPromiseLoaded method is called. The target of the event is cast as a flash.display.LoaderInfo object and its loader property is set as the source of the Image component.

This example also demonstrates how to write the new image to the CameraRoll so that it will persist on the iOS device. Within the onMediaPromiseLoaded method, you will notice that there is a test to see if the application has the permission to write to the CameraRoll, by checking the static property supportsAddBitmapData on the CameraRoll class. In addition, I have added a CheckBox that allows this function to be toggled on and off so that we can easily test to see when images are being written to the CameraRoll. If the supportsAddBitmapData is true and the saveImage CheckBox is checked, a new flash.display.BitmapData object is created using the data from the LoaderInfo and the draw method is called. Finally, a new CameraRoll object is created and the addBitmapData method is called with the bitmapData passed in.


Utilizing CameraUI within your application is different than the raw camera access provided by Adobe AIR on the desktop. Raw camera access is also available within AIR on iOS and works the same as the desktop version.

Figure 4-4 shows the application, Figure 4-5 shows the native camera user interface, and Figure 4-6 shows the application after a picture was taken, the user clicked Use to return to the application, and the new image was loaded. Figure 4-7 shows the new image within the iOS Photos application after being written to the CameraRoll:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""

               private var camera:CameraUI;
               private var loader:Loader;

               protected function application1_applicationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void {
                     if (CameraUI.isSupported){
                          camera = new CameraUI();
                          status.text="CameraUI supported";
                     } else {
                          status.text="CameraUI NOT supported";

               private function captureImage(event:MouseEvent):void {
                     camera.addEventListener(MediaEvent.COMPLETE, onComplete);
                     camera.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, onError);

               private function onError(event:ErrorEvent):void {
                     trace("error has occurred");

               private function onComplete(e:MediaEvent):void {
                     camera.removeEventListener(MediaEvent.COMPLETE, onComplete);
                     camera.removeEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, onError);
                     var mediaPromise:MediaPromise =;
                     this.loader = new Loader();

               private function onMediaPromiseLoaded(e:Event):void {
                     var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = as LoaderInfo;
                     image.source = loaderInfo.loader;

                     if(CameraRoll.supportsAddBitmapData && saveImage.selected){
                          var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(loaderInfo.width, 
                          var c:CameraRoll = new CameraRoll();

          <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

    <s:Label id="status" text="Click Take a Picture button" top="10" width="100%" textAlign="center"/>

    <s:CheckBox id="saveImage" top="160" label="Save to Camera Roll" horizontalCenter="0"/>

    <s:Button width="350" height="60" label="TAKE A PICTURE" click="captureImage(event)"
                 horizontalCenter="0" enabled="{CameraUI.isSupported}"

    <s:Image id="image" width="230" height="350" horizontalCenter="0" top="220"/>
Camera UI Application
Figure 4-4. Camera UI Application
Native Camera UI
Figure 4-5. Native Camera UI
Application after taking picture
Figure 4-6. Application after taking picture
iOS Photos application showing an image added to CameraRoll
Figure 4-7. iOS Photos application showing an image added to CameraRoll

Camera Roll

The Camera Roll is the access to the camera’s gallery of images.

Let’s review the code below. First, you will notice there is a private variable named cameraRoll declared of type Within applicationComplete of the application an event handler function is called, which first checks to see if the device supports access to the image gallery by reading the static property of the CameraRoll class. If this property returns as true, a new instance of CameraRoll is created and event listeners of type MediaEvent.COMPLETE and ErrorEvent.COMPLETE are added to handle a successfully captured image as well as any errors that may occur.

A Button with an event listener on the click event is used to allow the application user to allow the user to browse the image gallery. When the user clicks the BROWSE GALLERY button, the browseGallery method is called, which then opens the device’s image gallery. At this point the user is redirected from your application to the native gallery application. Once the user selects an image from the gallery, the user is directed back to your application, the MediaEvent.COMPLETE event is triggered and the mediaSelected method is called. Within the mediaSelected method, the property is cast to a flash.Media.MediaPromise object. Since iOS does not return the file populated on the MediaPromise, we are not able to simply read the file property for display the image within our application like we can with Android or BlackBerry. Instead, the solution is to load the flash.Media.MediaPromise object into a flash.display.Loader. Within the onComplete method, you will see a new Loader being created and an event listener added to the loader’s contentLoaderInfo property to listen for the Event.COMPLETE of the loader. Finally, the loader’s loadPromiseFile method is called with the mediaPromise passed in. Once the mediaPromise is loaded, the onMediaPromiseLoaded method is called. The target of the event is cast as a flash.display.LoaderInfo object and its loader property is set as the source of the Image component.

Figure 4-8 shows the application and Figure 4-9 shows the application after a picture was selected from the gallery and the user has returned to the application:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""

               private var cameraRoll:CameraRoll;
               private var loader:Loader;

               protected function application1_applicationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void {
                          cameraRoll = new CameraRoll();                     } else{
                          status.text="CameraRoll NOT supported";

               private function browseGallery(event:MouseEvent):void {
                     cameraRoll.addEventListener(MediaEvent.SELECT, mediaSelected);
                     cameraRoll.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, onError);

               private function onError(event:ErrorEvent):void {
                     trace("error has occurred");

               private function mediaSelected(e:MediaEvent):void {
                     cameraRoll.removeEventListener(MediaEvent.SELECT, mediaSelected);
                     cameraRoll.removeEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, onError);
                     var mediaPromise:MediaPromise =;
                     this.loader = new Loader();

               private function onMediaPromiseLoaded(e:Event):void {
                     var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = as LoaderInfo;
                     image.source = loaderInfo.loader;

          <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

    <s:Label id="status" text="Click Browse Gallery to select image" top="10" width="100%" textAlign="center"/>

    <s:Button width="500" height="60" label="BROWSE GALLERY" click="browseGallery(event)"
                 top="80" horizontalCenter="0"/>

    <s:Image id="image" width="230" height="350" top="170" horizontalCenter="0"/>
Browse Gallery application
Figure 4-8. Browse Gallery application
Browse Gallery application with a picture selected
Figure 4-9. Browse Gallery application with a picture selected


All recently manufactured full sized iPods, iPhones, and iPads have microphones available.

Let’s review the code below. First, you will notice there is a private variable named microphone declared of type Within applicationComplete of the application an event handler function is called, which first checks to see if the device supports access to the microphone by reading the static property of the Microphone class. If this property returns as true, an instance of the Microphone is retrieved and set to the microphone variable, the rate is set to 44, and the setUseEchoSuppression method is used to set the echo suppression to true. There are also variables of type ByteArray and Sound declared within this application. There will be instances of these variables created during use of this application.

There are three button components within the application to trigger the record, stop, and playback functionalities.

Clicking the record button will call the record_clickHandler function, which will create a new instance of the recording variable of type ByteArray. An event listener of type SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA is added to the microphone, which will call the micDataHandler method when it receives data. Within the micDataHandler method, the data is written to the recording ByteArray.

Clicking the stop button will stop the recording by removing the SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA event listener.

Clicking the play button will call the play_clickHandler method, which first sets the position of the recording ByteArray to 0 so it is ready for playback. It then creates a new instance of the Sound class and sets it to the sound variable. It also adds an event listener of type SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA that will call the playSound method when it receives data. Finally the play method is called on the sound variable to start the playback.

The playSound method loops through the recording ByteArray in memory and writes those bytes back to the data property of the SampleDataEvent, which then plays through the device’s speaker.

To extend this sample, you would need to use some open source classes to convert the recording ByteArray to an .mp3 or .wav file so that it can be saved to disk. The application can be seen in Figure 4-10:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""

               private var microphone:Microphone;
               private var recording:ByteArray;
               private var sound:Sound;

               protected function application1_applicationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                          microphone = Microphone.getMicrophone();
                          microphone.rate = 44;
                     } else {
                          status.text="Microphone NOT supported";

               private function micDataHandler(event:SampleDataEvent):void{

               protected function record_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                     recording = new ByteArray();

               protected function stop_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void

               protected function play_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                     recording.position = 0;
                     sound = new Sound();
                     sound.addEventListener(SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA, playSound);

               private function playSound(event:SampleDataEvent):void
                     for (var i:int = 0; i < 8192 && recording.bytesAvailable > 0; i++){
                          var sample:Number = recording.readFloat();

          <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

    <s:Label id="status" text="Click Record to grab some audio, then Stop and Play it back"
                top="10" width="100%" textAlign="center"/>
    <s:HGroup top="80" horizontalCenter="0">
          <s:Button id="record" label="Record" click="record_clickHandler(event)" />
          <s:Button id="stop" label="Stop" click="stop_clickHandler(event)" />
          <s:Button id="play" label="Play" click="play_clickHandler(event)" />
Microphone application
Figure 4-10. Microphone application


One of the navigation methods that are unique to mobile devices is the ability to interact with an application via gestures on the device’s touch screen. Multitouch is defined as the ability to simultaneously register three or more touch points on the device. Within Adobe AIR 2.7, there are two event classes used to listen for multitouch events.


The GestureEvent class is used to listen for a two-finger tap on the device. The event used to listen for this action is the GESTURE_TWO_FINGER_TAP. This event will return the registration points for the x and y coordinates when a two-finger tap occurs, for both stage positioning as well as object positioning.

Let’s review the code below. Within applicationComplete of the application, an event handler function is called which first sets the Multitouch.inputMode to MultitouchInputMode.GESTURE. Next, it checks to see if the device supports multitouch by reading the static property of the Multitouch class. If this property returns as true, an event listener is added to the stage to listen for GestureEvent.GESTURE_TWO_FINGER_TAP events. When this event occurs, the onGestureTwoFingerTap method is called. The onGestureTwoFingerTap method will capture the localX and localY coordinates, as well as the stageX and stageY coordinates. If you two-finger tap on an empty portion of the stage, these values will be identical. If you two-finger tap on an object on the stage, the localX and localY coordinates will be the values within the object, and the stageX and stageY will be relative to the stage itself. See Figure 4-11 for an example of a two-finger tap on the stage and Figure 4-12 for a two-finger tap on the Adobe AIR image:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""

               protected function application1_applicationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void {
                     Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.GESTURE;
                     } else {
                          status.text="gestures not supported";

               private function onGestureTwoFingerTap(event:GestureEvent):void{
                     info.text = "event = " + event.type + "
" +
                          "localX = " + event.localX + "
" +
                          "localY = " + event.localY + "
" +
                          "stageX = " + event.stageX + "
" +
                          "stageY = " + event.stageY;

          <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
    <s:Label id="status" text="Do a 2 finger tap both on and off the object"
                top="10" width="100%" textAlign="center"/>
    <s:TextArea id="info" width="100%" top="40" editable="false"/>
    <s:Image width="384" height="384" bottom="10" horizontalCenter="0"
Two-finger tap on stage (values are the same)
Figure 4-11. Two-finger tap on stage (values are the same)
Two-finger tap on image object (values are different)
Figure 4-12. Two-finger tap on image object (values are different)


There are multiple transform gesture events available within AIR 2.7. Each will capture a unique multitouch event. The example below demonstrates how to listen for GESTURE_PAN, GESTURE_ROTATE, GESTURE_SWIPE, and GESTURE_ZOOM events.

Let’s review the code below. Within applicationComplete of the application, an event handler function is called which first sets the Multitouch.inputMode to MultitouchInputMode.GESTURE. Next, it checks to see if the device supports multitouch by reading the static property of the Multitouch class. If this property returns as true, event listeners are added to the stage to listen for the TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_PAN, TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_ROTATE, TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE, and TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_ZOOM events.

When a user grabs the object with two fingers and drags the object, the TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_PAN event is triggered and the onGesturePan method is called. Within the onGesturePan method, the offsetX and offsetY values of this event are written to the text property of the TextArea component. Adding the event’s offsetX and offsetY values sets the object’s x and y, to move the object across the stage. The results can be seen in Figure 4-13.

When a user grabs the object with two fingers and rotates the object, the TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_ROTATE event is triggered and the onGestureRotate method is called. Within the onGestureRotate method, the rotation value of this event is written to the text property of the TextArea component. To allow the object to rotate around its center, the object’s transformAround method is called and the event’s rotation value is added to the object’s rotationZ value. The results can be seen in Figure 4-14.

When a user swipes across the object with one finger in any direction, the TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE event is triggered and the onGestureSwipe method is called. Within the onGestureSwipe method, the value of the event’s offsetX and offsetY are evaluated to determine which direction the user swiped across the object. This direction is then written to the text property of the TextArea component. The results can be seen in Figure 4-15.

When a user performs a “pinch and zoom” on the object with two fingers, the TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_ZOOM event is triggered and the onGestureZoom method is called. Within the onGestureZoom method, the value of the event’s scaleX and scaleY written to the text property of the TextArea component. The scaleX value is then used as a multiplier on the object’s scaleX and scaleY property to increase or decrease the size of the object as the user pinches or expands two fingers on the object. The results can be seen in Figure 4-16:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                  applicationComplete="application1_applicationCompleteHandler(event)">    <fx:Script>

               protected function application1_applicationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void {
                     Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.GESTURE;
                     } else {
                          status.text="gestures not supported";

               private function onGesturePan(event:TransformGestureEvent):void{
                     info.text = "event = " + event.type + "
" +
                          "offsetX = " + event.offsetX + "
" +
                          "offsetY = " + event.offsetY;
                     image.x += event.offsetX;
                     image.y += event.offsetY;

               private function onGestureRotate( event : TransformGestureEvent ) : void {
                     info.text = "event = " + event.type + "
" +
                          "rotation = " + event.rotation;
                     image.transformAround(new Vector3D(image.width/2,image.height/2, 0),
                          new Vector3D(0,0,image.rotationZ
                                + event.rotation));

               private function onGestureSwipe( event : TransformGestureEvent ) : void {
                     var direction:String = "";
                     if(event.offsetX == 1) direction = "right";
                     if(event.offsetX == −1) direction = "left";
                     if(event.offsetY == 1) direction = "down";
                     if(event.offsetY == −1) direction = "up";
                     info.text = "event = " + event.type + "
" +
                          "direction = " + direction;

               private function onGestureZoom( event : TransformGestureEvent ) : void {
                     info.text = "event = " + event.type + "
" +
                          "scaleX = " + event.scaleX + "
" +
                          "scaleY = " + event.scaleY;
                     image.scaleX = image.scaleY *= event.scaleX;

               protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                     image.rotation = 0;
                     image.scaleX = 1;
                     image.scaleY = 1;
                     image.x = 40;
                     image.y = 260;
                     info.text = "";

          <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
    <s:Label id="status" text="Transform Gestures" top="10" width="100%" 
    <s:HGroup width="100%" top="40" left="5" right="5">
          <s:TextArea id="info" editable="false" width="100%" height="200"/>
          <s:Button label="Reset" click="button1_clickHandler(event)"/>
    <s:Image id="image" x="40" y="260" width="384" height="384"
Figure 4-13. GESTURE_PAN event
Figure 4-14. GESTURE_ROTATE event
Figure 4-15. GESTURE_SWIPE event
Figure 4-16. GESTURE_ZOOM event

Busy Indicator

A new component has been added to provide feedback to the users within your mobile application. There is no cursor to show busy status as there is in desktop development, so the BusyIndicator component was added specifically for this reason. The usage of this component is extremely simple.

Let’s review the code below. There is a CheckBox with the label “Show Busy Indicator,” which when checked, calls the checkbox1_clickHandler method. There is a BusyIndicator component with an id of indicator, with visible set to false. Within the checkbox1_clickHandler method, the indicator’s visible property is set to the value of the CheckBox. This simply shows or hides the BusyIndicator. Within the BusyIndicator, you can set the height, width, and symbolColor to suit the needs and style of your application. The results can be seen in Figure 4-17:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""

               protected function checkbox1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void               {
                     indicator.visible =;

          <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

    <s:CheckBox label="Show Busy Indicator"
                     click="checkbox1_clickHandler(event)" top="10"/>
    <s:BusyIndicator id="indicator" height="300" width="300"

Busy Indicator component
Figure 4-17. Busy Indicator component
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