Governor Limits

Visualforce controllers have the same set of governor limits as all Apex code. Table 6.3 reviews these limits.


Table 6.3 Subset of Governor Limits

Governor limits apply during execution of user-initiated actions and are not cumulative. When an action is complete, the governor limits reset. For example, if your controller contains a save method bound to a commandButton, the governor limits apply during the execution of the save method. When the user clicks the button again or takes another action that invokes a method, the governor limits begin counting your resource consumption again from zero.

If you need to work with larger data sets in your Visualforce pages and are bumping into governor limits, consider whether you can partition the user interface into a series of read-only and read-write subpages. If so, you can take advantage of higher governor limits on the read-only pages by adding the readOnly="true" attribute to the apex:page element. The governor limit increases are shown in Table 6.4.


Table 6.4 Relaxed Governor Limits for Read-Only Visualforce Pages

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