
Page numbers in italics indicate figures, tables and text boxes.

0-9, and Symbols

0, 22. See also LOW OFF
1, 22. See also HIGH ON
32-bit datapath, 461
32-bit microprocessor, 454
4004 microprocessor chip, 458, 459
74xx series logic, 583–587
2:1 mux (74157), 586
3:8 decoder (74138), 586
4:1 mux (74153), 586
AND (7408), 585
AND3 (7411), 585
AND4 (7421), 585
counter (74161, 74163), 586
FLOP (7474), 583, 585
NAND (7400), 585
NOR (7402), 585
NOT (7404), 583
OR (7432), 585
register (74377), 586
tristate buffer (74244), 586
XOR (7486), 585
80386 microprocessor chip, 459, 460
80486 microprocessor chip, 460, 461
#define, 627–628
#include, 628–629. See also Standard libraries


Abstraction, 4–5
digital, See Digital abstraction
Accumulator, 353
Acquisition time, See Sampling time
Active low, 74–75
A/D conversion, 531–533
registers in, 532
add, 297
Adders, 239–246
carry-lookahead, 241
carry propagate, 240
full, 56, 240
half, 240
HDL for, 184, 200
prefix, 243
ripple-carry, 240
addi, 304
addiu, 345
addu, 345
Addition, 14–15, 17–18, 235, 239–246, 297. See also Adders
binary, 14–15
floating point, 258–259
MIPS instructions, 344–345, 622
signed binary, 15–17
Address. see also Memory
physical, 497–501
translation, 497–500
virtual, 497. See also Virtual memory
Addressing modes
MIPS, 333–335
base, 333
immediate, 333
PC-relative, 333–334
pseudo-direct, 334–335
register-only, 333
x86, 349
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), 296, 375, 457, 460
Advanced microarchitecture, 444–458
branch prediction, See Branch prediction
deep pipelines, See Deep pipelines
heterogeneous multiprocessors, See Heterogeneous multiprocessors
homogeneous multiprocessors, See Homogeneous multiprocessors
multithreading, See Multithreading
out-of-order processor, See Out-of-order processor
register renaming, See Register renaming
single instruction multiple data, See Single Instruction Multiple Data
superscalar processor, See Superscalar processor
Altera FPGA, 274–279
ALU decoder, 382–384
HDL for, 432
ALUControl, 378, 384
ALUOp, 382–384
ALUResult, 378
ALUSrc, 384
ALUSrcA, 397
ALUSrcB, 397
Amdahl, Gene, 480
Amdahl’s Law, 480
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), 322, 323, 630, 649–650
Analog I/O, 531–537
A/D conversion, 532–533
D/A conversion, 533–537
Pulse-width modulation (PWM), 536–537
Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), 531–533
Analytical engine, 7, 8
AND gate, 20–22, 179
chips (7408, 7411, 7421), 585
truth table, 20, 22
using CMOS transistors, 32–33
and, 311
andi, 311–312
AND-OR (AO) gate, 46
Anode, 27
Application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), 591
Architectural state, 310, 371–372
Architecture, 295–356, 619–622
addressing modes, 333–335
assembly language, 296–304, 619–622
instructions, 619–622
machine language, 305–310
operands, 298–304
Arguments, 326, 332–333, 637
pass by reference, 644
pass by value, 644
C operators, 633–635
circuits, 239–254
HDL operators, 185
MIPS instructions, 310–314
packed, 454
Arithmetic/logical unit (ALU), 248–250, 378
implementation of, 249
in MIPS processor, 382–385. See also ALUControl ALUOp
accessing, 320–322, 645
as input argument, 646–647
bytes and characters, 322–324, 649–651
comparison or assignment of, 650
declaration, 645
indexing, 320–322, 645–649
initialization, 645–646
multi-dimension, 648–649
Assembler, 338–339, 666
Assembler directives, 338
Assembler temporary register ($at), 342
Assembly language, MIPS, 295–356, 619–622. See also MIPS instructions
instructions, 296–304, 619–622
logical instructions, 311–312
operands, 298–304
translating high-level code into, 300
translating machine language to, 309
translating to machine language, 306–307
Assembly language, x86, See x86 instructions
in Boolean algebra, 62, 63
in caches, 481, 486–488
Astable circuits, 119
Asymmetric multiprocessors, See Heterogeneous multiprocessors
Asynchronous circuits, 120–123
Asynchronous resettable flip-flops definition, 116
Asynchronous serial link, 522. See also Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)
AT Attachment (ATA), 562
Average memory access time (AMAT), 479, 492


Babbage, Charles, 7
Base address, 301–302, 307, 320–322, 324
Base addressing, 333
Baud rate register (BRG), 518
Behavioral modeling, 173–174
Benchmarks, 375
Biased exponent, 257
Big-endian memory, 302–303
Big-endian order, 178
Binary addition, 14–15. See also Adders Addition
Binary coded decimal (BCD), 258
Binary encoding, 125–126, 129–131
for divide-by-3 counter, 129–131
for traffic light FSM, 125–126
Binary numbers
signed, 15–19
unsigned, 9–11
Binary to decimal conversion, 10, 10–11
Binary to hexadecimal conversion, 12
Bipolar junction transistors, 26
Bipolar motor drive, 555
Bipolar signaling, 524
Bipolar stepper motor, 554, 554–555
AIRPAX LB82773-M1, 554, 555
direct drive current, 556
Bistable element, 109
Bit, 8
dirty, 494
least significant, 13, 14
most significant, 13, 14
sign, 16
use, 490
valid, 484
Bit cells, 264–269
DRAM, 266–267
SRAM, 267
Bitline, 264
Bit swizzling, 188
Bitwise operators, 177–179
Block, 481
Block offset, 488–489
Block size (b), 481, 488–489
Blocking and nonblocking assignments, 199–200, 205–209
BlueSMiRF silver module, 548, 548
Bluetooth wireless communication, 547–548
BlueSMiRF silver module, 548
classes, 547
PIC32 to PC link, 548
Boole, George, 8
Boolean algebra, 60–66
axioms, 61
equation simplification, 65–66
theorems, 61–64
Boolean equations, 58–60
product-of-sums (POS) form, 60
sum-of-products (SOP) form, 58–60
Boolean logic, 8. See also Boolean algebra Logic gates
Boolean theorems, 61–64
associativity, 63
combining, 62
complements, 62
consensus, 62, 64
covering, 62
De Morgan’s, 63–64
distributivity, 63
idempotency, 62
identity, 62
involution, 62
null element, 62
Branch, 384
Branch equal (beq)
machine code for, 334
processor implementations of, 381–382, 395–396, 401–402
Branch hazards, See Control hazards
Branch misprediction penalty, 421–422
Branch prediction, 446–447
Branch target address (BTA), 333–334, 381
Branch target buffer, 446
conditional, 314–315
unconditional (jump), 315–316
Breadboards, 600–601
Bubble, 20, 63, 419
pushing, 63–64, 71–73
Buffers, 20
lack of, 117
tristate, 74–75
Bugs, 175
in C code, 667–671
Bus, 56
tristate, 75
Bypassing, 416. See also Forwarding
Byte, 13–14, 322–324. See also Character
least significant, 13–14
most significant, 13–14
Byte-addressable memory, 301–303
big-endian, 302–303
little-endian, 302–303
Byte offset, 483


C programming, 623–671
common mistakes, See Common mistakes
compilation, See Compilation
conditional statements, See Conditional statements
control-flow statements, See Control-flow statements
data types, See Data types
function calls, See Function calls
loops, See Loops
operators, See Operators
running, 626
simple program, 625–626
standard libraries, See Standard libraries
variables, See Variables
Caches, 480–495
address fields
block offset, 488–489
byte offset, 483
set bits, 483
tag, 483
advanced design, 491–495
evolution of, in MIPS, 495
multiple level, 492
nonblocking, 566
organizations, 490
direct mapped, 482–486
fully associative, 487–488
multiway set associative, 486–487
block, 481
block size, 481, 488–489
capacity (C), 480–481
degree of associativity (N), 486
number of sets (S), 481
performance of
hit rate, 478–480
miss, 478–480, 493
capacity, 493
compulsory, 493
conflict, 486, 493
penalty, 488
miss rate, 478–480
reducing, 493–494
miss rate vs. cache parameters, 493–494
replacement policy, 490–491
status bits
dirty bit (D), 494
use bit (U), 490
valid bit (V), 484
write policy, 494–495
write-back, 494–495
write-through, 494–495
Callee-saved registers, 329
Capacitors, 28
Capacity, of cache, 480–481
Capacity miss, 493
Carry-lookahead adder (CLA), 241–243, 242
Case statement, in HDL, 201–203. See also Switch/case statement
Casez, case?, in HDL, 205
Cathode, 27
Cathode ray tube (CRT), 541–542. See also VGA monitor
horizontal blanking interval, 542
vertical blanking interval, 542
Cause register, 343–344, 441
Character LCDs, 538–541
Characters (char), 322–324, 630, 649
arrays, 322–324. See also Strings
C type, 649
Chips, 28
multiprocessors, 456
Chopper constant current drive, 556
74xx series, See 74xx series logic
application-specific integrated (ASICs), 591
astable, 119
asynchronous, 120, 122–123
combinational, See Combinational logic
definition of, 55
delay, 88–92
multiple-output, 68
priority, 68
sequential, See Sequential logic
synchronous, 122–123
synchronous sequential, 120–123, 122
synthesized, 176, 179, 181
timing, 88–95
with two-stage pipeline, 160
without glitch, 95
Clock cycles per instruction (CPI), 444, 446
Clock period, 142, 376
Clock skew, 148–151
Clustered multiprocessing, 456
Combinational composition, 56
Combinational logic, 174
design, 55–106
Boolean algebra, 60–66
Boolean equations, 58–60
building blocks, 83–88, 239–254
delays, 88–92
don’t cares, 81–82
Karnaugh maps (K-maps), 75–83
multilevel, 66–73
precedence, 58
timing, 88–95
two-level, 69
X’s (contention), See Contention
X’s (don’t cares), See Don’t cares (X)
Z’s (floating), See Floating (Z)
truth tables with don’t cares, 69, 81–82, 205
Combining theorem, 62
Command line arguments, 666–667
in C, 627
in MIPS assembly, 297
in SystemVerilog, 180
in VHDL, 180
Common mistakes in C, 667–671
Comparators, 246–248
in hardware, See Comparators, ALU
in MIPS assembly, 319–320, 345
using ALU, 250
Compilation, in C, 626–627, 665–666
Compiler, 338–339
Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Logic (CMOS), 26–34
Complements theorem, 62
Complex instruction set computer (CISC), 298, 347
Complexity management, 4–7
digital abstraction, 4–5
discipline, 5–6
hierarchy, 6–7
modularity, 6–7
regularity, 6–7
Compulsory miss, 493
Computer Architecture (Hennessy & Patterson), 444
Computer-aided design (CAD), 71, 129
Concurrent signal assignment statement, 179, 183–184, 193, 200–206
Condition codes, See Status flags
Conditional assignment, 181–182
Conditional branches, 314–315
Conditional operator, 181–182
Conditional signal assignments, 181–182
Conditional statements
in C, 639–640
if/else, 639
switch/case, 639–640
in HDL, 194, 201–205
case, 201–203
casez, case?, 205
if, if/else, 202–205
in MIPS assembly, 316–317
if/else, 317
switch/case, 317
Configurable logic blocks (CLBs), 274, 589. See also Logic elements
Conflict miss, 493
Consensus theorem, 62, 64
in C, 627–628
in MIPS assembly, 304, 313. See also Immediates
Contamination delay, 88–92. See also Short path
Contention (X), 73–74
Context switching, 455
Continuous assignment statements, 179, 193, 200, 206
Control hazards, 415, 421–424
Control signals, 91, 249
Control unit. See also ALU decoder, Main decoder
of multicycle MIPS processor, 396–408
of pipelined MIPS processor, 413–414
of single-cycle MIPS processor, 382–387
Control-flow statements
conditional statements, See Conditional statements
loops, See Loops
Coprocessor 0 registers, 441. See also Cause and EPC
Core Duo microprocessor chip, 464
Core i7 microprocessor chip, 465
Cores, 456
Counters, 260
divide-by-3, 130
Covering theorem, 62
Critical path, 89–92, 388
Cross-coupled inverters, 109, 110
bistable operation of, 110
Cycle time, See Clock period
Cycles per instruction (CPI), 375
Cyclic paths, 120
Cyclone IV FPGA, 274–279


D flip-flops, See flip-flops
D latch, See Latch
D/A conversion, 533–537
Data Acquisition Systems (DAQs), 562–563
myDAQ, 563
Data hazards, 415–421
Data memory, 373
HDL for, 439
Data segment, 340
Data sheets, 591–596
Data types, 643–657
arrays, See Arrays
characters, See Character (char)
dynamic memory allocation, See Dynamic memory allocation (malloc and free)
linked list, See Linked list
pointers, See Pointers
strings, See Strings (str)
structures, See Structures (struct)
typedef, 653–654
multicycle MIPS processor, 390–396
pipelined MIPS processor, 412–413
single-cycle MIPS processor, 376–382
DC motors, 548–552, 549
H-bridge, 549, 550
shaft encoder, 549–552
DC transfer characteristics, 24–26. See also Noise margins
DE-9 cable, 524
De Morgan’s theorem, 63
Decimal numbers, 9
Decimal to binary conversion, 11
Decimal to hexadecimal conversion, 13
Decode stage, 409–411
definition of, 86–87
HDL for
behavioral, 202–203
parameterized, 219
logic using, 87–88
Deep pipelines, 444–445
Delay generation using counters, 528–529
Delaymicros function, 528
Delays, logic gates. See Propagation delay
in HDL (simulation only), 188–189
DeleteUser function, 655
De Morgan, Augustus, 63
De Morgan’s theorem, 63–64
Dennard, Robert, 266
Destination register (rd or rt), 378–379, 385, 393
Device driver, 507–508, 526
Device under test (DUT), 220
Dice, 28
Dielectric, 28
Digital abstraction, 4–5, 7–9, 22–26
Digital circuits, See Logic
Digital signal processor (DSP), 457
Digital system implementation, 583–617
74xx series logic, See 74xx series logic
application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), 591
assembly of, 599–602
breadboards, 600–601
data sheets, 591–596
economics, 615–617
logic families, 597–599
packaging, 599–602
printed circuit boards, 601–602
programmable logic, 584–591
Digital-to-analog converters (DACs), 531
Diodes, 27–28
p-n junction, 28
Direct current (DC) transfer characteristics, 24, 25
Direct mapped cache, 482–486, 484
Direct voltage drive, 554
Dirty bit (D), 494
dynamic, 142–151. See also Timing analysis
static, 142–151. See also Noise margins
Discrete-valued variables, 7
Distributivity theorem, 63
div, 314
Divide-by-3 counter
design of, 129–131
HDL for, 210–211
Divider, 253–254
circuits, 253–254
MIPS instruction, 314
MIPS signed and unsigned instructions, 345
divu, 345
Don’t care (X), 69, 81–83, 205
Dopant atoms, 27
Double, C type, 630–631
Double-data rate memory (DDR), 266, 561
Double-precision formats, 257–258
Do/while loops, in C, 641–642
Dual inline memory module (DIMM), 561
Dual-inline packages (DIPs), 28, 583, 599
Dynamic branch predictors, 446
Dynamic data segment, 337
Dynamic discipline, 142–151. See also Timing analysis
Dynamic memory allocation (malloc, free), 654–655
in MIPS memory map, 337
Dynamic power, 34
Dynamic random access memory (DRAM), 266, 267, 475–478, 561


Economics, 615
Edge-triggered flip-flop, See flip-flop
EFLAGS register, 350
Electrically erasable programmable read only memory (EEPROM), 269
Embedded I/O (input/output) systems, 508–558
analog I/O, 531–537
A/D conversion, 532–533
D/A conversion, 533–536
digital I/O, 513–515
general-purpose I/O (GPIO), 513–515
interrupts, 529–531
microcontroller peripherals, 537–558
motors, See Motors
PIC32 microcontroller, 509–513
serial I/O, 515–527. See also Serial I/O
timers, 527–529
VGA monitor, See VGA monitor, 493
Enabled flip-flops, 115–116
Enabled registers, 196–197. See also flip-flops
Equality comparator, 247
Equation minimization
using Boolean algebra, 65–66
using Karnaugh maps, See Karnaugh maps
Erasable programmable read only memory (EPROM), 269, 588
Ethernet, 561
Exception program counter (EPC), 343–344
Exceptions, 343–344, 440–443
Cause, See Cause register
cause codes, 344
handler, 343
processor support for, 440–443
circuits, 441–442
controller, 442–443
Executable file, 340
Execution time, 375
exit, 663
Extended instruction pointer (EIP), 348


Factorial function call, 330–331
stack during, 331
Factoring state machines, 134–136
Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), 274–279, 457, 520, 543, 564, 589–591
driving VGA cable, 543
in SPI interface, 519–521
File manipulation, in C, 660–662
Finite state machines (FSMs), 123–141, 209–213
deriving from circuit, 137–140
divide-by-3 FSM, 129–131, 210–211
factoring, 134–136, 136
in HDL, 209–213
LE configuration for, 277–278
Mealy FSM, 132–134
Moore FSM, 132–134
multicycle control, 396–408, 405, 408
snail/pattern recognizer FSM, 132–134, 212–213
state transition diagram, 124, 125
traffic light FSM, 123–129
Fixed-point numbers, 255–256
Flags, 250
Flash memory, 269. See also Solid state drives
Flip-flops, 114–118, 193–197. See also Registers
back-to-back, 145, 152–157, 197. See also Synchronizer
comparison with latches, 118
enabled, 115–116
HDL for, 436. See also Registers
metastable state of, See Metastability
register, 114–115
resettable, 116
scannable, 262–263
shift register, 261–263
transistor count, 114, 117
transistor-level, 116–117
Float, C type, 628–631
print formats of, 658–659
Floating output node, 117
Floating point division (FDIV) bug, 175
Floating (Z), 74–75
in HDLs, 186–188
Floating-gate transistor, 269. See also Flash memory
Floating-point coprocessors, 457
Floating-point division (FDIV), 259
Floating-point instructions, MIPS, 346–347
Floating-point numbers, 256–257
addition, 258–259
formats, single- and double-precision, 256–258
in programming, See Float and Double
rounding, 258
special cases
infinity, 257
NaN, 257
Floating-point unit (FPU), 259, 461
For loops, 319–320, 322, 642
Format conversion (atoi, atol, atof), 663–664
Forwarding, 416–418. See also Hazards
Frequency shift keying (FSK), 548
and GFSK waveforms, 548
Front porch, 542
Full adder, 56, 182, 184, 200, 240
using always/process statement, 200
Fully associative cache, 487–488
Funct field, 305, 621–622
Function calls, 325–333, 637–638
arguments, 325–326, 637
leaf, 330
naming conventions, 638
nonleaf, 330
preserved and non-preserved registers, 329–332
prototypes, 638
recursive, 330–332
return, 325–326, 637
stack, use of, 327–333. See also Stack
with no inputs or outputs, 325, 637
Fuse-programmable ROM, 269


Gated time accumulation, 529
AND, 20, 22, 128
buffer, 20
multiple-input, 21–22
NAND, 21, 31
NOR, 21–22, 111, 128
NOT, 20
OR, 21
transistor-level, See Transistors
XNOR, 21
XOR, 21
General-purpose I/O (GPIO), 513
PIC32 ports (pins) of, 515
switches and LEDs example, 513–514
Generate signal, 241, 243
Genwaves function, 535
Glitches, 92–95
Global data segment, 336–337
Global pointer ($gp), 337
Graphics accelerators, 464
Graphics processing unit (GPU), 457
Gray codes, 76
Gray, Frank, 76
Ground (GND), 22
symbol for, 31


Half adder, 240, 240
Hard disk, 478–479. See also Hard drive
Hardware description languages (HDLs). See also SystemVerilog VHDL
capacity, 493
combinational logic, 174, 198
bitwise operators, 177–179
blocking and nonblocking assignments, 205–209
case statements, 201–202
conditional assignment, 181–182
delays, 188–189
data types, 213–217
history of, 174–175
if statements, 202–205
internal variables, 182–184
numbers, 185
operators and precedence, 184–185
reduction operators, 180–181
modules, 173–174
parameterized modules, 217–220
processor building blocks, 434–437
sequential logic, 193–198, 209–213
simulation and synthesis, 175–177
single-cycle MIPS processor, 429–440
structural modeling, 190–193
testbench, 220–224, 437–438
Hardware handshaking, 523
Hardware reduction, 70–71. See also Equation minimization
Hazard unit, 416–427
Hazards. See also Hazard unit
control hazards, 415, 421–424
data hazards, 416–421
read after write (RAW), 415, 451
control hazards, 421–424
forwarding, 416–418
stalls, 418–421
write after read (WAR), 451
write after write (WAW), 451–452
H-bridge control, 550
Heap, 337
Heterogeneous multiprocessors, 456–458
Hexadecimal numbers, 11–13
Hexadecimal to binary and decimal conversion, 11, 12
Hierarchy, 6
HIGH, 22. See also 1 ON
High-level programming languages, 296, 624
compiling, assembling, and loading, 336–341
translating into assembly, 300
High-performance microprocessors, 444
Hit, 478
Hit rate, 478–480
Hold time constraint, 142–148
with clock skew, 149–151
Hold time violations, 145, 146, 147–148, 150–151
Homogeneous multiprocessors, 456
Hopper, Grace, 337


IA-64, 354
IA-32 architecture, See x86
Idempotency theorem, 62
Identity theorem, 62
Idioms, 177
If statements
in C, 639
in HDL, 202–205
in MIPS assembly, 316–317
If/else statements, 317, 649
in C, 639–640
in HDL, 202–205
in MIPS assembly, 317
Immediate addressing, 333
Immediates, 304, 313. See also Constants
32-bit, 313
immediate field, 307–308
logical operations with, 311
Implicit leading one, 256
Information, amount of, 8
arrays in C, 645–646
variables in C, 633
InitTimer1Interrupt function, 530
Input/output elements (IOEs), 274
Input/Output (I/O) systems, 506–569
device driver, 507–508, 526
embedded I/O systems, See Embedded I/O systems
I/O registers, 507–508
memory-mapped I/O, 507–508
personal computer I/O systems, See Personal computer I/O systems
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 257
Instruction encoding, x86, 352–354, 353
Instruction formats, MIPS
F-type, 346
I-type, 307–308
J-type, 308
R-type, 305–306
Instruction formats, x86, 352–354
Instruction level parallelism (ILP), 452, 455
Instruction memory (IM), 373, 411
MIPS, 440
Instruction register (IR), 391, 398
Instruction set, 295, 371–372. See also Architecture
Instructions, MIPS, 295–347, 619–622
branching, 314–316
floating-point, 346–347, 622
for accessing memory, See Loads, Stores
F-type, 346
I-type, 307–308
J-type, 308
logical, 308, 310–313
multiplication and division, 314, 345
set less than, 319–320, 345
signed and unsigned, 344–345
Instructions, x86, 347–355
Instructions per cycle (IPC), 375
Integer Execution Unit (IEU), 461
Integrated circuits (ICs), 599
Intel, See x86
Intel x86, See x86
Interrupt service routine (ISR), 529. See also Exceptions
Interrupts, 343, 529–531
PIC32, 529–531
Invalid logic level, 186
Inverters, 20, 119, 178. See also NOT gate
cross-coupled, 109, 110
in HDL, 178, 199
An Investigation of the Laws of Thought (Boole), 8
Involution theorem, 62
IorD, 393, 397
IRWrite, 391, 397
I-type instructions, 307–308


jal, 325
Java, 322. See also Language
J-type instructions, 308
Jump, MIPS instruction, 315–316
Jump, processor implementation, 386–387, 404–408
Jump target address (JTA), 334–335, 386


Karnaugh maps (K-maps), 75–84, 93–95, 126
logic minimization using, 77–83
prime implicants, 65, 77–81, 94–95
seven-segment display decoder, 79–81
with “don’t cares,”, 81–82
without glitches, 95
Karnaugh, Maurice, 75
Kilobit (Kb/Kbit), 14
Kilobyte (KB), 14
K-maps, See Karnaugh maps


Land grid array, 558
Language. See also Instructions
assembly, 296–304
machine, 305–310
mnemonic, 297
translating assembly to machine, 306
Last-in-first-out (LIFO) queue, 327. See also Stack
Latches, 111–113
comparison with flip-flops, 109, 118
D, 113, 120
transistor-level, 116–117
Lattice, silicon, 27
lb, load byte, See Loads
lbu, load byte unsigned, See Loads
Leaf function, 330
Leakage current, 34
Least recently used (LRU) replacement, 490–491
two-way associative cache with, 490–491, 491
Least significant bit (lsb), 13, 14
Least significant byte (LSB), 13, 14, 302
Level-sensitive latch, See D latch
lh, load half, See Loads
lhu, load half unsigned, See Loads
Line options, compiler and command, 665–667
Linked list, 655–656
Linker, 340–341
Liquid crystal displays (LCDs), 538–541
Literal, 58, 96
Little-endian memory, 302–303, 302
Little-endian bus order in HDL, 178
Loads, 345
base addressing of, 333
load byte (lb or lbu), 304, 323–324, 345
load half (lh or lhu), 345
load word (lw), 301–304
Local variables, 332–333
Locality, 476
bubble pushing, 71–73
combinational, See Combinational logic
families, 597–599
gates, See Gates
programmable, 584–591
sequential, See Sequential logic
transistor-level, See Transistors
two-level, 69
Logic array block (LAB), 275
transistor-level implementation, 279–280
Logic elements (LEs), 274–279
of Cyclone IV, 276
functions built using, 277–278
Logic families, 25, 597–599
compatibility of, 26
logic levels of, 25
specifications, 597, 599
Logic gates, 19–22, 179, 584
AND, See AND gate
AND-OR (AO) gate, 46
multiple-input gates, 21–22
NAND, See NAND gate
NOR, See NOR gate
OR, See OR gate
OR-AND-INVERT (OAI) gate, 46
with delays in HDL, 189
XNOR, See XNOR gate
XOR, See XOR gate
Logic levels, 22–23
Logic simulation, 175–176
Logic synthesis, 176–177, 176
Logical instructions, 311–312
Logical shifter, 250
Lookup tables (LUTs), 270, 275
in C
do/while, 641–642
for, 642
while, 641
in MIPS assembly
while, 318–319
LOW, 22. See also 0 OFF
Low Voltage CMOS Logic (LVCMOS), 25
Low Voltage TTL Logic (LVTTL), 25
lui, load upper immediate, 313
LUTs, See Lookup tables
lw, load word, See Loads


Machine code, assembly and, 437
Machine language, 305–310
formats, 305–308
F-type, 346
I-type, 307–308, 307
J-type, 308, 308
R-type, 305–306, 305
interpreting, 308–309
stored program, 309–310, 310
translating assembly language to, 306
Magnitude comparator, 247
Main decoder, 382–387
HDL for, 432
main function in C, 625
Main memory, 478
Malloc function, 654
Mantissa, 258–259
Mapping, 482
Master latch, 114
Master-slave flip-flop, 114
Masuoka, Fujio, 269
math.h, C library, 664–665
Max-delay constraint, See Setup time constraint
Maxterms, 58
Mealy machines, 123, 123, 132
state transition and output table, 134
state transition diagrams, 133
timing diagrams for, 135
Mean time between failure (MTBF), 153–154
Medium-scale integration (MSI) chips, 584
Memory. See also Memory arrays
addressing modes, 349
area and delay, 266–267
big-endian, 178, 302–303
byte-addressable, 301–303
HDL for, 270–272
hierarchy, 478
little-endian, 178, 302–303
logic using, 270–272
main, 478
operands in, 301–304
physical, 497
ports, 265
protection, 503. See also Virtual memory
types, 265–270
DDR, 267
DRAM, 266
flash, 269–270
register file, 267–268
SRAM, 266
virtual, 478. See also Virtual memory
Memory arrays, 263–272. See also Memory
bit cell, 264–269
HDL for, 270–272
logic using, 270–272
organization, 263–265
Memory hierarchy, 478–479
Memory interface, 475–476
Memory map
MIPS, 336–337, 341, 507
PIC32, 509–510
Memory Performance, See Average Memory Access Time
Memory protection, 503
Memory systems, 475
MIPS, 495
performance analysis, 479–480
Memory-mapped I/O
address decoder, 507
communicating with I/O devices, 507–508
hardware, 508
Mem Write, 379, 397
MemtoReg, 380, 397
Metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs), 26
switch models of, 30
Metastability, 151–157
metastable state, 110, 151
resolution time, 151–152, 154–157
synchronizers, 152–154
Microarchitecture, 351–466. See also Architecture
architectural state, See Architectural state
description of, 371–374
design process, 372–374
HDL representation, 429–440
multicycle processor, See Multicycle MIPS processor
performance analysis, 374–376. See also Performance analysis
pipelined processor, See Pipelined MIPS processor
single-cycle processor, See Single-cycle MIPS processor
evolution of, 458
Microchip ICD3, 513
Microchip In Circuit Debugger 3 (ICD3), 513
Microcontroller, 508
PIC32 (PIC32MX675F512H), 509–513, 510
64-pin TQFP package in, 511
operational schematic of, 512
to PC serial link, 526
pinout of, 511
virtual memory map of, 510
Microcontroller peripherals, 537–558
Bluetooth wireless communication, 547–548
character LCD, 538–541
control, 540–541
parallel interface, 539
motor control, 548–549
VGA monitor, 541–547
Microcontroller units (MCUs), 508
Micro-ops, 461
Microprocessors, 3, 13, 295
architectural state of, 310
designers, 444
high-performance, 444
Millions of instructions per second, 409
Min-delay constraint, See Hold time constraint
Minterms, 58
architecture, 296, 509
floating-point instructions, 346, 346–347
instruction set, 385
single-cycle, See Single-cycle MIPS processor
microprocessor, 441, 452, 455
data memory, 373
instruction memory, 373
program counter, 373
register file, 373
state elements of, 373
processor control, 344
register set, 300
vs. x86 architecture, 348
MIPS instructions, 295–356, 219–222
branching, See Branching
F-type, 622
I-type, 307, 307–308
J-type, 308, 308
R-type, 305–307
multiplication and division, 314, 345
opcodes, 620–621
R-type funct fields, 621–622
MIPS registers,
co-processor 0 registers, 344, 441–443
program counter, 310, 372–373
register file, 372–373
register set, 298–300
MIPS single-cycle HDL, 429–440
building blocks, 434–437
controller, 429
datapath, 429
testbench, 437–440
Miss, 478–480, 493
capacity, 493
compulsory, 493
conflict, 486, 493
Miss penalty, 488
Miss rate, 478–480
and access times, 480
cache, 478
capacity, 493
compulsory, 493
conflict, 493
page fault, 497
Modularity, 6
Modules, in HDL
behavioral and structural, 173–174
parameterized modules, 217–220
Moore, Gordon, 30
Moore machines, 123, 132
state transition and output table, 134
state transition diagrams, 133
timing diagrams for, 135
Moore’s law, 30
Most significant bit (msb), 13, 14
Most significant byte (MSB), 13, 14, 302
H-bridge, 550
servo, 549, 552–554
stepper, 548, 554–558
Move from coprocessor 0 (mfc0), 344, 441–443. See also Exceptions
msb, See Most significant bit MSI chips. See Medium-scale integration
mul, multiply, 32-bit result, 314
mult, multiply, 64-bit result, 314
Multichip module (MCM), 566
Multicycle MIPS processor, 389–408
control, 396–404
datapath, 390–396
performance, 405–408
Multilevel combinational logic, 69–73. See also Logic
Multilevel page tables, 504–506
Multiple-output circuit, 68–69
Multiplexers, 83–86
definition of, 83–84
HDL for
behavioral model of, 181–183
parameterized N-bit, 218–219
structural model of, 190–193
logic using, 84–86
symbol and truth table, 83
Multiplicand, 252
Multiplication, 314, 345. See also Multiplier
MIPS instruction, 314
signed and unsigned instructions, 345
Multiplier, 252–253
schematic, 252
HDL for, 253
chip, 456
heterogeneous, 456–458
homogeneous, 456
Multi-Protocol Synchronous Serial Engine (MPSSE), 563, 563
Multithreaded processor, 455
Multithreading, 455
multu, 345
Mux, See Multiplexers
myDAQ, 563


NAND (7400), 585
NAND gate, 21, 21, 31
Nested if/else statement, 640
Nibbles, 13–14
nMOS transistors, 28–31, 29–30
Noise margins, 23–26, 23
calculating, 23–24
Nonarchitectural state, 372
Nonblocking and blocking assignments, 199–200, 205–209
Nonleaf function, 330
Nonpreserved registers, 329, 330
nop, 342
nor, 311
NOR gate, 21–22, 111, 128, 585
chip (7402), 585
CMOS, 32
pseudo-nMOS logic, 33
truth table, 22
Not a number (NaN), 257
NOT gate, 20
chip (7404), 585
CMOS, 31
Noyce, Robert, 26
Null element theorem, 62
Number conversion
binary to decimal, 10–11
binary to hexadecimal, 12
decimal to binary, 11, 13
decimal to hexadecimal, 13
hexadecimal to binary and decimal, 11, 12
taking the two’s complement, 16
Number systems, 9–19
binary, 9–11, 10–11
comparison of, 18–19, 19
decimal, 9
estimating powers of two, 14
fixed-point, 255, 255–256
floating-point, 256–259
addition, 258–259, 259
special cases, 257
hexadecimal, 11–13, 12
negative and positive, 15
signed, 15
unsigned, 9–11


OFF, 23. See also 0 LOW
Offset, 391, 392
ON, 23. See also 1 HIGH
One-bit dynamic branch predictor, 446–447
One-cold encoding, 130
One-hot encoding, 129–131
One-time programmable (OTP), 584
Opcode, 305, 620–621
MIPS, 298–304
immediates (constants), 304, 313
memory, 301–304
registers, 298–300
Operation code, See Opcode
in C, 633–636
in HDL, 177–185
bitwise, 177–181
precedence, 185
reduction, 180–181
table of, 185
ternary, 181–182
or, 311
OR-AND-INVERT (OAI) gate, 46
OR gate, 21
Out-of-order execution, 453
Out-of-order processor, 450–452
handling exception for, 343–345, 440–443
with addition, 15
Oxide, 28


Packages, chips, 599–600
Packed arithmetic, 454
Page fault, 497
Page number, 498
Page offset, 498
Page table, 498, 500–501
number, 504
offset, 504
Pages, 497
Paging, 504
Parallel I/O, 515
Parallelism, 157–160
Parity gate, See XOR
Partial products, 252
Pass by reference, 644
Pass by value, 644
Pass gate, See Transmission gates
PCI express (PCIe), 560
PC-relative addressing, 333–334
PCSrc, 395, 396–397, 397
PCWrite, 393, 397
Pentium processors, 460, 462
Pentium 4, 375, 463, 463–464
Pentium II, 461
Pentium III, 375, 461, 462
Pentium M, 464
Pentium Pro, 461
Perfect induction, proving theorems using, 64–65
Performance Analysis, 374–376. See also Average Memory Access Time
multi-cycle MIPS processor, 405–407
pipelined MIPS processor, 426–428
processor comparison, 428
single-cycle MIPS processor, 388–389
Periodic interrupts, 530–531
Peripheral bus clock (PBCLK), 512
Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI), 560
Peripherals devices, See Input/output systems
Personal computer (PC), See x86
Personal computer (PC) I/O systems, 558–564
data acquisition systems, 562–563
DDR3 memory, 561
networking, 561–562
PCI, 560
SATA, 562
Phase locked loop (PLL), 544
Physical address extension, 567
Physical memory, 497
Physical page number (PPN), 499
Physical pages, 497
PIC32 microcontroller (PIC32MX675F512H), 509–513. See also Embedded I/O systems
Pipelined MIPS processor, 409–428
abstract view of, 411
control, 413–414
datapath, 412–413
description, 409–412
hazards, 414–426. See also Hazards
performance, 426–428
throughput, 411
Pipelining, 158–160. See also Pipelined MIPS processor
Plastic leaded chip carriers (PLCCs), 599
Platters, 496
pMOS transistors, 28–31, 29
Pointers, 643–645, 647, 650, 652, 654
Positive edge-triggered flip-flop, 114
Power consumption, 34–35
Power processor element (PPE), 457
Prefix adders, 243–245, 244
Prefix tree, 245
Preserved registers, 329–330, 330
Prime implicants, 65, 77
Printed circuit boards (PCBs), 601–602
printf, 657–659
circuit, 68–69
encoder, 102–103, 105
Procedure calls, See Function calls
Processor-memory gap, 477
Processor performance comparison
multicycle MIPS processor, 407–408
pipelined MIPS processor, 428
single-cycle processor, 388–389
Product-of-sums (POS) form, 60
Program counter (PC), 310, 333, 373, 379
Programmable logic arrays (PLAs), 67, 272–274, 588–589
transistor-level implementation, 280
Programmable logic devices (PLDs), 588
Programmable read only memories (PROMs), 268, 270, 584–588
arrays, See Arrays
branching, See Branching
conditional statements, 316–317
constants, See Constants, Immediates
function calls, See Functions
in C, See C programming
in MIPS, 310–333
instructions, 619–622
logical instructions, 311–312
loops, See Loops
multiplication and division, 314
shift instructions, 312–313, 312
Propagate signal, 241
Propagation delay, 88–92. See also Critical path
Pseudo-direct addressing, 334–335
Pseudo instructions, 342–343
Pseudo-nMOS logic, 33–34, 33
NOR gate, 33
ROMs and PLAs, 279–280
Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM), 536–537
analog output with, 537
duty cycle, 536
signal, 536


Quiescent supply current, 34


Race conditions, 119–120, 120
rand, 662–663
Random access memory (RAM), 265–267, 271
Read after write (RAW) hazards, 415, 451. See also Hazards
Read only memory (ROM), 265, 268–269, 268–270
transistor-level implementation, 279–280
ReadData, 378
Read/write head, 496
Receiver gate, 22
Recursive function calls, 330–332
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), 298
Reduction operators, 180–181
RegDst, 381, 384, 397
Register file (RF)
HDL for, 435
in pipelined MIPS processor (write on falling edge), 412
MIPS register descriptions, 299–300
schematic, 267–268
use in MIPS processor, 373
Register renaming, 452–454
Register set, 299–300. See also Register file
Register-only addressing, 333
Regularity, 6
RegWrite, 378, 384, 397, 413, 414
Replacement policies, 504
Reserved segment, 337
Resettable flip-flops, 116
Resettable registers, 194–196
Resolution time, 151–152
derivation of, 154–157. See also Metastability
Ring oscillator, 119, 119
Ripple-carry adder, 240, 240–241, 243
Rising edge, 88
Rotations per minute (RPM), 549
Rotators, 250–252
Rounding modes, 258
RS-232, 523–524
R-type instructions, 305–306


Sampling, 141
Sampling rate, 531
Sampling time, 532
SATA, See Serial ATA
sb, store byte, See Stores
Scalar processor, 447
Scan chains, 261–263
scanf, 660
Scannable flip-flop, 262–263
Schematics, rules of drawing, 31, 67
SCK, See Serial Clock
Segment descriptor, 353
Segmentation, 354
Selected signal assignment statements, 182
Semiconductors, 27
industry, sales, 3
Sequencing overhead, 143–144, 149, 160, 428
Sequential building blocks, See Sequential logic
Sequential logic, 109–161, 260–263
counters, 260
finite state machines, See Finite state machine
flip-flops, 114–118. Also see Registers
latches, 111–113
D, 113
registers, See Registers
shift registers, 261–263
timing of, See Timing Analysis
Serial ATA (SATA), 562
Serial Clock (SCK), 516
Serial communication, with PC, 525–527
Serial Data In (SDI), 516
Serial Data Out (SDO), 516
Serial I/O, 515–527
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), 515–521
connection between PIC32 and FPGA, 519
Serial Clock (SCK), 516
Serial Data In (SDI), 516
Serial Data Out (SDO), 516
register fields in, 517
slave circuitry and timing, 520
waveforms, 516
Servo motor, 549, 552–554
Set bits, 483
set if less than immediate (slti), 345
set if less than immediate unsigned (sltiu), 345
set if less than (slt)
circuit, 250
in MIPS assembly, 319–320
set if less than unsigned (sltu), 345
Setup time constraint, 142, 145–147
with clock skew, 148–150
Seven-segment display decoder, 79–82
HDL for, 201–202
with don’t cares, 82–83
sh, store half, See Stores
Shaft encoder, 552, 552
Shift instructions, 312–313, 312
Shift registers, 261–263
Shifters, 250–252
Short path, 89–92
Sign bit, 16
Sign extension, 18, 308
HDL for, 436
Signed and unsigned instructions, 344–345
Signed binary numbers, 15–19
Signed multiplier, 217
Sign/magnitude numbers, 15–16, 255
Silicon dioxide (SiO2), 28
Silicon lattice, 27
Simple programmable logic devices (SPLDs), 274
Simulation waveforms, 176
with delays, 189
Single-cycle MIPS processor, 376–389
control, 382–385
datapath, 376–382
example operation, 384–385
HDL of, 429–440
performance, 389
Single instruction multiple data (SIMD), 447, 454, 463
Single-precision formats, 257–258. See also Floating-point numbers
Skew, See Clock skew
Slash notation, 56
Slave latch, 114. See also D flip-flop
sll, 312
sllv, 313
slt, set if less than, 319–320
slti, 345
sltiu, 345
sltu, 345
Small-scale integration (SSI) chips, 584
Solid state drive (SSD), 478–479. See also Flash memory and Hard drive
Spatial locality, 476, 488–490
Spatial parallelism, 157–158
Special function registers (SFRs), 509
SPECINT2000, 406
Spinstepper function, 557
SPIxCON, 516
Squashing, 452
SR latches, 111–113, 112
srand, 662–663
srl, 312
srlv, 313
Stack, 327–323. See also Function calls
during recursive function call, 331
preserved registers, 329–330
stack frame, 328, 332
stack pointer ($sp), 327
storing additional arguments on, 332–333
storing local variables on, 332–333
Stalls, 418–421. See also Hazards
Standard libraries, 657–665
math, 664–665
stdio, 657–662
file manipulation, 660–662
printf, 657–659
scanf, 660
stdlib, 662–664
exit, 663
format conversion (atoi, atol, atof), 663–664
rand, srand, 662–663
string, 665
State machine circuit, See Finite state machines
State variables, 109
Static branch prediction, 446
Static discipline, 24–26
Static power, 34
Static random access memory (SRAM), 266, 267
Status flags, 350
stdio.h, C library, 657–662. See also Standard libraries
stdlib.h, C library, 662–664. See also Standard libraries
Stepper motors, 549, 554–556
bipolar stepper motor, 554–555
half-step drive, 554
two-phase-on drive, 554
wave drive, 554
Stored program, 309–310
store byte (sb or sbu), 302–304, 323–324
store half (sh or shu), 345
store word (sw), 302–304
string.h, C library, 665
Strings, 324, 650–651. See also Characters (char)
Structural modeling, 173–174, 190–193
Structures (struct), 651–653
sub, 297
Substrate, 28–29
Subtraction, 17, 246, 297
signed and unsigned instructions, 344–345
Subtractor, 246–247
subu, 345
Sum-of-products (SOP) form, 58–60
Superscalar processor, 447–449
Supply voltage, 22. See also VDD
sw, store word, 302–304. See also Stores
Swap space, 504
Switch/case statements
in C, 639–640
in HDL. see Case statement
in MIPS assembly, 317
Symbol table, 339
Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP), See Homogeneous multiprocessors
Synchronizers, 152–154, 152–153
Synchronous circuits, 122–123
Synchronous dynamic random access memory (SDRAM), 267
DDR, 267
Synchronous logic, design, 119–123
Synchronous resettable flip-flops, 116
Synchronous sequential circuits, 120–123, 122. See also Finite state machines
timing specification, See Timing analysis
Synergistic processor elements (SPEs), 457
Synergistic Processor Unit (SPU) ISA, 458
SystemVerilog, 173–225. See also Hardware description languages
accessing parts of busses, 188, 192
bad synchronizer with blocking assignments, 209
bit swizzling, 188
blocking and nonblocking assignment, 199–200, 205–208
case statements, 201–202, 205
combinational logic using, 177–193, 198–208, 217–220
comments, 180
conditional assignment, 181–182
data types, 213–217
decoders, 202–203, 219
delays (in simulation), 189
divide-by-3 FSM, 210–211
finite state machines (FSMs), 209–213
Mealy FSM, 213
Moore FSM, 210, 212
full adder, 184
using always/process, 200
using nonblocking assignments, 208
history of, 175
if statements, 202–205
internal signals, 182–184
inverters, 178, 199
latches, 198
logic gates, 177–179
multiplexers, 181–183, 190–193, 218–219
multiplier, 217
numbers, 185–186
operators, 185
parameterized modules, 217–220
N:2N decoder, 219
N-bit multiplexers, 218–219
N-input AND gate, 220
priority circuit, 204
using don’t cares, 205
reduction operators, 180–181
registers, 193–197
enabled, 196
resettable, 194–196
sequential logic using, 193–198, 209–213
seven-segment display decoder, 201
simulation and synthesis, 175–177
structural models, 190–193
synchronizer, 197
testbench, 220–224, 437–438
self-checking, 222
simple, 221
with test vector file, 223–224
tristate buffer, 187
truth tables with undefined and floating inputs, 187, 188
z’s and x’s, 186–188, 205


Tag, 483
Taking the two’s complement, 16–17
Temporal locality, 476, 481–482, 485, 490
Temporal parallelism, 158–159
Temporary registers, 299, 329–330
Ternary operators, 181, 635
Testbenches, HDLs, 220–224
for MIPS processor, 437–438
simple, 220–221
self-checking, 221–222
with testvectors, 222–224
Text segment, 336, 340
Thin Quad Flat Pack (TQFP), 510
Thin small outline package (TSOP), 599
Thread level parallelism (TLP), 455
Threshold voltage, 29
Timers, 527–529
delay generation using, 528–529
of combinational logic, 88–95
glitches, See Glitches
of sequential logic, 141–157
analysis, See Timing analysis
clock skew, See Clock skew
dynamic discipline, 141–142
metastability, See Metastability
resolution time, See Resolution time
system timing, See Timing analysis
Timing analysis, 141–151
calculating cycle time, See Setup time constraint
hold time constraint, See Hold time constraint
max-delay constraint, See Setup time constraint
min-delay constraint, See Hold time constraint
multi-cycle processor, 407–408
pipelined processor, 428
setup time constraint, See Setup time constraint
single-cycle processor, 388–389
with clock skew. See clock skew
Trace cache, 463
Transistors, 26–34
bipolar, 26
CMOS, 26–33
gates made from, 31–34
latches and flip-flops, 116–117
pseudo-nMOS, 33–34
ROMs and PLAs, 279–280
transmission gate, 33
Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL), 25–26, 597–598
Translating and starting a program, 337–342, 338
Translation lookaside buffer (TLB), 502–503
Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), 561
Transmission gates, 33
Transmission lines, 602–615
characteristic impedance (Z0), 612–613
derivation of, 612–613
matched termination, 604–606
mismatched termination, 607–610
open termination, 606–607
reflection coefficient (kr), 613–614
derivation of, 613–614
series and parallel terminations, 610–612
short termination, 607
when to use, 610
Transparent latch, See D latch
Traps, 343
Tristate buffer, 74–75, 187
HDL for, 186–187
multiplexer built using, 84–85, 91–93
Truth tables, 20
ALU decoder, 383, 384
multiplexer, 83
seven-segment display decoder, 79
SR latch, 111, 112
with don’t cares, 69, 81–83, 205
with undefined and floating inputs, 187–188
Two-bit dynamic branch predictor, 447
Two-cycle latency of lw, 418
Two-level logic, 69
Two’s complement numbers, 16–18
typedef, 653–654


Unconditional branches, 315–316
Undefined instruction exception, 343–344, 440–443
Unicode, 322
Unit under test (UUT), 220
Unity gain points, 24
Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART), 521–527
hardware handshaking, 523
STA register, 524
Universal Serial Bus (USB), 270, 523, 559–560
USB 1.0, 560
USB 2.0, 560
USB 3.0, 560
Unsigned multiplier, 217
Unsigned numbers, 18
USB links, 563–564
FTDI, 563
UM232H module, 564
Use bit (U), 490


Valid bit (V), 484
Vanity Fair (Carroll), 76
Variables in C, 629–633
global and local, 631–632
initializing, 633
primitive data types, 630–631
Variable-shift instruction, 313
VCC, 23. See also Supply voltage, VDD
VDD, 22, 23. See also Supply voltage
Vector processor, 447
Verilog, See SystemVerilog
Very High Speed Integrated Circuits (VHSIC), 175. See also VHDL
VGA, See VGA monitor
VGA (Video Graphics Array) monitor, 541–547
connector pinout, 543
driver for, 544–547
VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL), 173–175
accessing parts of busses, 188, 192
bad synchronizer with blocking assignments, 209
bit swizzling, 188
blocking and nonblocking assignment, 199–200, 205–208
case statements, 201–202, 205
combinational logic using, 177–193, 198–208, 217–220
comments, 180
conditional assignment, 181–182
data types, 213–217
decoders, 202–203, 219
delays (in simulation), 189
divide-by-3 FSM, 210–211
finite state machines (FSMs), 209–213
Mealy FSM, 213
Moore FSM, 210, 212
full adder, 184
using always/process, 200
using nonblocking assignments, 208
history of, 175
if statements, 202
internal signals, 182–184
inverters, 178, 199
latches, 198
logic gates, 177–179
multiplier, 217
numbers, 185–186
operators, 185
parameterized modules, 217–220
N:2N decoder, 219
N-bit multiplexers, 218, 219
N-input AND gate, 220, 220
priority circuit, 204
reduction operators, 180–181
using don’t cares, 205
reduction operators, 180–181
registers, 193–197
enabled, 196
resettable, 194–196
sequential logic using, 193–198, 209–213
seven-segment display decoder, 201
simulation and synthesis, 175–177
structural models, 190–193
synchronizer, 197
testbench, 220–224, 437–438
self-checking, 222
simple, 221
with test vector file, 223–224
tristate buffer, 187
truth tables with undefined and floating inputs, 187, 188
z’s and x’s, 186–188, 205
Video Graphics Array (VGA), See VGA monitor
Virtual address, 497
space, 503
Virtual memory, 478, 496–506
address translation, 497–500
cache terms comparison, 497
memory protection, 503
multilevel page tables, 504–506
page fault, 497
page number, 498
page offset, 498
page table, 500–501
pages, 497
replacement policies, 504
translation lookaside buffer (TLB), 502–503
write policy, 494–495
x86, 567. See also x86
Virtual page number (VPN), 499
Virtual pages, 497
VSS, 23


Wafers, 28
Wait states, 564
Wall, Larry, 20
Weak pull-up, 33
Weird number, 18
While loops, 318–319, 641
White space, 180
Whitmore, Georgiana, 7
Wi-Fi, 561
Wire, 67
Wireless communication, Bluetooth, 547–548
Word-addressable memory, 301, 302
Wordline, 264
Write after read (WAR) hazard, 451–453. See also Hazards
Write after write (WAW) hazard, 451
Write policy, 494–495
write-back, 494–495
write-through, 494–495


architecture, 347–355
branch conditions, 352
instruction encoding, 352–354, 353
instructions, 350–352, 351
memory addressing modes, 349
operands, 348–350
registers, 348
status flags, 350
vs. MIPS, 348
cache systems, 564–567
memory system, evolution of, 565
microarchitecture, 458–465
evolution of, 458–459
programmed I/O, 567–568
registers, 348
virtual memory, 567
protected mode, 567
real mode, 567
Xilinx FPGA, 274–276
XNOR gate, 21–22
XOR gate, 21
xor, 311
xori, 311–312


Z, See Floating
Zero extension, 250, 308, 311–312, 345
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